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1. SYNTEX – the rules for how each instruction is written

2. SEMANTICS – the effect the instruction have
3. SCRIPT – A program that’s short, simple, and can be written very quickly
4. AUTOMATIONN – the process of replacing a manual step with one that happens
5. PYTHON INTERPRETER – the program that reads the recipe and translate it into instructions
for your computer to follow

6. Python interpreters or codepads - An interpreter is more interactive than a

codepad, but they both let you execute code and see the results. Below, you’ll find
links to some of the most popular online interpreters and codepads. Give them a
go to find your favorite.


7. Additional Python resources

While this course will give you information about how Python works and how to write
scripts in Python, you’ll likely want to find out more about specific parts of the language.
Here are some great ways to help you find additional info: 

 Read the official Python documentation.

 Search for answers or ask a question on Stack Overflow. 
 Subscribe to the Python tutor mailing list, where you can ask questions and
collaborate with other Python learners.
 Subscribe to the Python-announce mailing list to read about the latest updates in
the language.
8. Functions :
Pieces of code that perform a unit of work eg- if, while, for

9. Arithmetic operators
Python can operate with numbers using the usual mathematical operators, and some
special operators, too. These are all of them (we'll explore the last two in later videos).
 a + b = Adds a and b
 a - b = Subtracts b from a
 a * b = Multiplies a and b
 a / b = Divides a by b
 a ** b = Elevates a to the power of b. For non integer values of b, this becomes a
root (i.e. a**(1/2) is the square root of a)
 a // b = The integer part of the integer division of a by b
 a % b = The remainder part of the integer division of a by b


a. String – string is a data type, str() converts a number to a string
b. Type – type tells what type data is that particular – print(type(“a”))
c. In Python, text in between quotes -- either single or double quotes -- is a
string data type. An integer is a whole number, without a fraction, while a
float is a real number that can contain a fractional part. For example, 1, 7,
342 are all integers, while 5.3, 3.14159 and 6.0 are all floats. When
attempting to mix incompatible data types, you may encounter a
TypeError. You can always check the data type of something using the
type() function.
containers of data
Don’t use keywords, spces, must start with a letter or underscore, use only letter
number and underscore.

12. Assisgnemnt – process of storing a value inside a variable

13. Expression – combination of numbers, symbolsother varibales
14. IMPLICIT CONVERSION – The interpreter automatically converts one data type to
15. EXPLICIT CONVERSION - xplicit conversion is where we manually convert from one
data type to another by calling the relevant function for the data type we want to
convert to. We used this in our video example when we wanted to print a number
alongside some text. Before we could do that, we needed to call the str() function
to convert the number into a string. Once the number was explicitly converted to a
string, we could join it with the rest of our textual string and print the result.
16. Defining function –
To define a function , def keyword is used


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