Done By: - BEHAILU ASMARE (A/ur14018/10) : Entrepreneurship For Engineers (Sosc412) Individual Assignment

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Done by: -

BEHAILU ASMARE(a/ur14018/10) Submitted to Dr. Bekele

Submission date 03, sep,2021

Concept of statement: - Performing photograph studio with different backgrounds

Idea: -Performing a photograph studio that has different rooms with abstracted background.
The studio has at least more than ten rooms (the number of rooms can be more within
conditions) each have different backgrounds specially within local abstracts. The backgrounds
are designed by considering customers feeling and by analyzing for what purpose they will use
those backgrounds. Some other instruments also found there like cultural dresses, capes,
shields, swords and so on. Certainly, this project will be succussed and add a value to
Uniqueness: -Most of the studios around the village where the project will be performed has
only one background and some of them try to change backgrounds by editing but this leads the
imperfection of the image and also it has less sense. By those reasons customers who wants to
have photograph memories could not get a comfort environment what they want. This project
is unique by answering those questions. The studio only has an entry fee, once join to the
studio, they can take number of photos by their cameras within limited time and if they want a
professional cameraman, they will pay another money.
Market: -For customers who want to have a photograph for different moments and ceremonies
can go to the studio and can have photos. For example, someone who wants to record a photo
for his/her wedding ceremony, select the background what he/she like and take the photos
either by their own phone(camera) or by a professional cameraman who assigned there. They
can also use for other purposes like profile picture of their Instagram, telegram, Facebook, Imo,
etc. The studio will have its own addresses like phone number, email address, Facebook page,
telegram channel and so on. anyone who wants to engaged can register by telling the time they
prefer via any of the addresses. There may be some difficulties, when more clients may be
there, the rooms will be insufficient.
Expected costs & Profit: -A big investment should be needed for different purposes like wage of
the cameraman, house rent, and for different maintenance issues. A plan to pay for the
cameraman 8000 birr per a month, for house rent 10,000 birrs, for maintenance, background
change and other unexpected expenditure 15,000 birr. Totally 33,000 birr will be wasted. When
there is festivals and ceremony’s 100_130 peoples will visit and for normal days 50_80 peoples
visit. Averagely 90 peoples will visit the studio in one day. The entry fee will 25 birr per
individuals, and get 2,250 birr per a day. and that is 67,500 birr per a month. So, could get
414,000 birr per a year. 15% tax will be subtracted and net get 351,900 birrs.
Table 1: the general expected cost and profit in one year.

Year Total revenue Expenditure(birr) Profit(birr)

1 810,000 458,100 351,900

Actions: -At the start-up of the project many things have to be performed like finding the house
for studio purpose, designing backgrounds and other decorating materials, buying camera and
so on. There is a computer for some purposes and enough knowledge about camera (I served
for one year as a cameraman during my preparatory school time).

Capital: - For the start-up of this project 180,000 birr will be invested for different instruments
and resources needed to perform. Like camera, initial house rent, and decoration.50,000 birr is
by now available and my brother will cover the remaining. The table below shows the detail of
the initial capital.

Table 2: Initial capital of the project

Instruments Cost(birr)
Three Cameras 100,000
House rent 60,000
For 6 months
For studio decoration 20,000
Total 180,000

Team: -My brother is my key partner. He has a degree in Economics and has a good quality in
managing businesses. This will help the company for managing in financial aspects.

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