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Cn y fe foie as 1] 11 12 15 15 17 19 2] 21 21 21 27 27 28 37 37 39 41 4] Hap Ahh '/) (Arabic Grammer, Morphology & Syntax) Al ggh og (Arabic alphabets) s' (Eiihin7) yA enkite (GE) sali g ea (The consonants) We Sale nee Ih ayp ae (Arabic letters and their pronunciation) oF (The Vowels) 4 (The definite and the indefinite article) Sally apy * (The Moon letters and the Sun letters) : & “y sean gsi (Nouns) steed! (The Kinds of Arabic word) (Verbs) Juin (Particles + Functional Words) 33 20" (The Pronouns) ‘jaf: (Separate Pronouns) iais padre (Attached Pronouns) thais 3t5 He acig ivy acti fay (The Demonstrative and Relative Nouns) (The Demonstrative Nouhs) Seta! (The Relative Nouns) 3-5 (The Singular, Dual and the Plural) Qo4iry S25 Si (The Dual & ‘The Sound Plural) (EH Ail gt 146 156 158 138 (he Broken Plural) ) Sh sali (The Possessive Compound) ooh; References trom the Holy Quran for 422 (The Kinds of Verb) wah ¢ eh wen (The Past Tense) (The Present & The Future Tense) (The hnperative and Prohibitive Verb) (The Five Nouns) is hard (The Numbers) 229) ; ERS Cee Numbers from 1 to 10 in Arabic * Examples of Numbers from 3 to 10 from the Holy Quran % (The Functional Words) <3 (The Interrogative Particles) »! E (Prepositions, 162 piu 167 References from the Noble Quran for Sy 456 te 170 (The Kinds of Arabic Sentence) Lah ergi il: 171 Sentence) ee yh alas zp 184 | Sentence) 12 (Y) Listening & Speaking Skills) 191 25h jn iC i RR (Selected Text from the religious literature) no, be gat Syed ye SAT ya EO OULU (Parts of Human Body) aes abl (The Colors) Ht # (Days of the Week) ee pelt (The Dialogues) St5)put: (Greeting and Introduction) Shy 232 : ( = (Food and Drink) wi han oll ™ 2 . ne dt = (Shopping) Be (Travel) 3a5fi zr (At the Airport) &th 33 ex (Hobbies) Strait ¢ (Healthy 4538 ¢ (Atthe Bank) (Spat ath a “ (In a Taxi Car) ipl ve Eee end Par (Folk Tales) Et S08. (The Wretched Theif) 422s 2 (Trick of Crow) oi i. te (Bee and Dove) ual; ala ey Fee Tas See rete Qokes and Humor) Enki Lei em oe) (Biorgraphy of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.) gly ale i lo piss xy adios aad Fi fotos (The Arabic Poetry) al pe (Selected Songs) #tath Lod (Selected Poetic Verses) S644 Sea ¥ (Reference Books) u gave 25 (Arabic Letters and Their Pronunciation) ; Aree :(Arabic Alphabets) sag)! Gy > a (4 je 4 te my) ington sini Sphe xO AM) GELS AS lng teal sds Apt sutuy WSO t 57 iS (Noun) lef Eby TRA Lire rh LPS sie SOE hig til age yo etn LU ee be UY PUG opr? ne ot a. Obie Sil Sry Su (ii) (Origins of Sounds of Alphabets) (@ L497) yh on PLS A Bait urir Ur bibic LIAS Be usin S 574 re MIL otal GM bb Lt £( LSE F657 Sle GULL ott UU Groups) ye 15 (he Labial Leters) (7 véscble vn) gin 5h () —) Mo) BLS i ph oy adi i) (The Labial Dental Letters) (H7LbL sthle UF bal Fat ney ig sy Lencty 28) 20 LI (the Gingival Letters) (G7 bL sble wbalu rh) set ln es Gy ai (b) (4) (3) -l -2 3 (The Interdental Letters) (S:7L bo} isl yrar7 (y) J) CE) KP) Gy a) do) (The Letter Daad) sal 37( Sr 7L bei yrdy) uch Eaynayai 5 ide of the tongue touches the () edge of the upper left molars. (irises) eee! feayal + Qs) p) iy ad \epdlsye 7 The lower portion of the twisted left si (The Orificial Letters (The Velar Letters) (S2L V2 HE) ohh dh fone (The Gutteral Letters) (SrLbisle PD) gelsie 4 (5) Ca) AE) KE) © de) & sibpingan ed irl ovinit GLE Ab AEE H/o wer tobiahtin ined bor%s fic Wybu Teoh U4S ke Ens (oh): Be Fi Sik Lad iL Leeman hip tore Lui Seger Fe 70 : a Sip fens fie ja? gab octh os Heri SibuLurifasuivon (6) Go Ze Fe Noune nt jesthy 2VBF (Vocal Cords) ut dr ras) ae ee Ana Fubsete oso (2) SNe ASE Fe (4) ABEL ref maladie, Le Se Plates ete sa! Se OH prt EL tte GSE EIS le dp (sunte) 3 1 FEC dog Pel Ao ph Date spe Sip taelite wre uaiiase ; ore a UK Soh obetagd Is banana OF bel binge ebb Ube Ee! feeniid Ss i (Gut : en ot eh tee BE Pe ale ttalobie “ede Efe He FEY NFL FEO) sik eg sg sefgimids (fie Seo cbt iS Dohrde3 Gbe Beha Set SLIM) LILY as : ene fl) LS ASB leh feeb Lb Seng EGS) antntSity CEP LHL Pt Hee nr JE nher, Lb fete vii Sola) etn Ane Eile tre bJL (Ulett 7 we tb bsinbia POOLS 8 (We uize- He Lo SwiS(U) GE Lal phage (The Consonants) e+) ~o Ey 2h(i) ge debs eb snc tet (Consonants) 517 C/E 517 (HL Ait) Ebb leneh yt i En LE Si bie ABLES Le 007 AL ZG GLa Ai? (Sch) a St) Schon Sire air di fay tee(Vowel)e 57 L she ex(Consonant) 376 LIA ie S5BE lB A Qeela-iila) 14 (Ruuh-Rooh) ci (kee ray Fee (The Vowels) aah Be (ii) Stet Ee! alayle © 2% short Vowels) #22 LEC teed tp sb fain ore Zt 19(Shont Vowe's) if? ~(Qadima) 948 (Di) 2. buLy, $ = Pela i, WS card - _(Ku ti ba) CS (Ku) 4: a. tA iG 0S ce : TTR Y Kha, ps e Gp Seve dStore duh AGL Bee ! UH HSM (Short Vowels ah cml Sones eal ley MISE opr aoe U-AL bUactVonet we nif PALM ITS Ne Ata vy 2 b : fe fe tC Dore AEB he teas eth oe Lup Ale cline iy ge 3 oy cate ; e-gl—3! al ec Godt Ake kel ny, ‘ le BAF yl ty Sd she tn fal. 7 Mien cyt : a Vowels) ag fe : Pari (Protongaton Letters) is 7UZ (seh y)sutet tl sf - f 7 bai ee, BubeatoP pve valu MacLaine = etd £ (Long Vowelssb7) dh he thet ite drigenticil we ha - Ld jos ue — dal — Ju — Jot ancip sie Juinbba in) 1 OC te oy ike and D/ UO) SF 8) - 8 iid ee yuan CL) 3 Coney. : i) Pe 34) LISS (Alphabets) 5 7L 1G OWE = eel ee oF sv aos a9 oof at ~Ui (Lor j j ng Vowels)xb_is 7 (3),s1(Short Vowels) 7 (3)- (Double Consonants) (2) Seopa 5 Phare, LMG MODEL isebne ll wee sar we tpi oe ire nm ° “SHB gruntanut Boe soe eee eg lioneoene yy! Neg as eo PUN inl = Dagipdge SLM eT ie 17 Lada epsilon ec pey Aol 9 reed af yb J Bead 5 (Dipthongs Letters) #33 4) > vita (S DoeeCODaonder ep Lota Madeid sista tet3 (The definite and the Indefinite Articles) -S=\y Hy!) Sy > (iii) Tee Bereta EOD und rie) F (Definite article) HwIG > O {8¢They 2 £ Lb (Proper Nouns), /6/ (Common Nouns ripe sez AL AZ ee be DAA LL YALL Laie Are ey ro viet (The Pen) eli! (The Book) 3) (Indefinite Article) S14 +O Garb netic ig ni MO tA Lit AL drLnain iad daiay (ied ee G Flsnng beg vesarl Bangimai del FTL thar Dev shtby tor aUtelUtetwe sf (Noun) Fr a i DE nots il (ASP) sti A) tac Oa ie ; cele pager OIL Ore SU ALi tuniine oes) Lee tbn Araki rupl ile 2 Lig Loasp -e SEV Mere GIL Li Shionundosiute lente . 50 : Sue tn Sr d7rne tie el pymal Se Sale epi! pte SME LEE GE Die ALG ini Ss nelnnbude Lotta “we > ooo? OX jr pt Ae MTSE IGA MIL TM SL Ms do Lin (QLEL Levins SE bl sate) ~pue eine et et, tn 19 GAN obi < FOI Pe $e 98,86 08 (The Moon Letters and The Sun Letters) ety poll By pul ery uturs ere 3g 902 Kaas? (The Moon Letters) pil BY psi -] whe mgd [Srye they QMserne tO Ms Ae 7s) ; wiper tb farses nai tdi adh aii o i eli Sst ri os AY aah i agli bute esi ai ‘Bh sai oye i _. (The Sun Letters) 40) By psi =o) (ke as (in By ye tinea Syne pb Pane ibiowre Yo S Qa nae yee aif ei jai jas cui ei nd noi Sui ssi oi asi oui uel Soi ranted ALL UQWo Ley AL LAL Lei L( ML M7, O13 ial 1S aca (pi fewig/) _ (The Kinds of Arabic Words) (The Nouns) (#7) stow‘ he Gace UO CoE (Axi CH) ¢5 Gass . was | (wh Lk whi (ii Cys) She (SM) Silos (Up ae (bz) gle ani Gabe (Luge 3B (Stasis (args ae) (The Verbs) (tes ) Jud! WiLwdes Weudds s+ Functional Words) ps7 dsr (pm (Ode what, 4 (Ose (Oe (Hs uly Srl bib S E021 oS, oh a BP et pt Ebest ia ee LK fei) Ib et Werte ne (oe ie ett Je «Ai ibe AL ae pats . oi iu Gab (4)y -Ut (Nouns) F158 wgtiy oe ce whine OSGI LU pinkie! pb eb fEBose LLL (po * t La jpiag ris JLB ECeNE eubig (e uy) : ge Fr al ob ib Lap fit Loh ene? ypecNegative et Mp paSiaPostiviede'® dr spe jangle pLaeencuiatie’s i fev if) tos tb JB: uxt ne CD) i AB - ed ii iginbs7e (What) Udir i2(Seeilue Beige Sipe Ci hneBG ae 6 HEE Yt ee Hey) we tis (See) HOE: eetid UEagh Parts of the Speech lish re language there are 8 Parts of speech namely: _ Pronoun Verb Adjective Aral bed . Preposition Conjunction Interjection any : eae there are 3 Parts of speech . he Nowa Su = Verb Sip = Particle ch of the English laneusee- three Pi arts encompass all eight pats of spect Preposition = oy Verb (same as in English) Conjunction = yiaé 355 2, Adjective = We) 25 Adverb = 31S 21 (nouny may be indetininte (SD oF detinite (44), There are no defininte or indefinite articles in Arabic language equivalent to English a, aan, the. Indefiniteness of gis indicated by 4y+4 (nunation at the end of the gown) which means the vowel sign in doubled at the end of the word is indicated by Ji prefixed to the noun, AS a book 25 apen 1 the book qi the pen Since ¢! cannot at the same time be definite and indefinite, g2 9 and J! do not (coe es and ¢iai will be incorrect alsé used with proper nouns ic. JoA4 ANE 5, Even though there is a jun, these proper nouns are definite. OO edad levis is (eJFLL) U5 ain (ens) ped (erthaP oe Ns ti (ete Op) Sok Nb aii (e #6) 53 has (ee SUP) $855 oh gid (eS) Seb as (ee SA uf) SEEN gat (egy) 66 Oh (CL -Up) Egg (abut) i ode J lined PRE slee pS winkdee YW) Met Le Sot rela i brit He Io hs Ce Yih i te 1 btu cesey) iB? - a vga ews wet eel ugiad eels Bré gale a conti toluene Le Ir Bijats bs Moe 7 ON he FR Le eS LL ir Rie the se ll ut oe Ss -e Chwt se Chl ele ceva bt JAY ut - gd os yl ooo0oo 0 Oo 0 Ss 900 0 8 809 Oo oO oO Oo Oo | Lt LE nazar ele) o eg pr} ok Be pfern/LG Ie 6600 4 Oo © Oo G GO 3° ore, Orpen we ped and yy 4 Form > e Pronouns ere eter sean Pronouns of Nasb and Jarr ! The pitched form pedis ou the pttgchec form lor attached eased! hem pe Nasb Ci The separate pronouns, also called! ee cea nae 200 6 means they are O24 Ie, &94 Form means they areg y's But they do have one fixed form when they are ese and another ore, fixed form when they are G pa or oso, 23. 08 SI oss, 4 For 2 and yy px there is only lone form for attached pronouns which we will study here. detached pronouns, qervgees Jarr are independent and are not means they are }. attached to any other word. a ae % feo - = The attached pronouns je -.> 4 on fare not independent, but are always} oF oF a pe attached to other words. - 2s, & w The pronouns are (4 (fixed), i.c., a 7 : fas ‘ they are not declinable. They - e e remain stationary in one FORM. ae Y Aida aati yf ed jays | | gees pe ge Ber Sb | rer el] sll | pepe in Muhammad's | Muhammad's book : book (plural) tvingwtan} | Pronouns +— —— t c ; , - we Be ee #l/ al Ala] se mS | yee | EA on in to from in his book hisbook | 94 | inthe Tin the i } feeeeccee accusative |nominetivel and ysmive| coe | | soe | | " = Wr io ahh | a wt A as fe} TT ; | ’ r a a rar f AN a. % 4 aoc os 35 = set t%| Ores | or 4 cH] pee m~ ammad's| Muhammad’ | in Mekered tabames | ovary singe] Pronouns 5 me Dy, 9999, | 9485, we | x 4 sid fp) Ce with | | ate | by for] inbishouse ) his house | nay the time faway from, at, on : when [concerning] inthe in the accusative |nominative and genitive] case cases Fee ” , ” aaa a aj : 2 wee 2 ot oy aise ice | Ge ive ive ee rr ” ” we oH | ot oe ye & | J Oa a 2 oe o o age Ge | ag las tas fee < oo oe | , ot wh z eS Be ws 4 wis wu | aE is wh | oi of | et ike Ke ¢ [ay ze vig a ts a] a é je Sain gig Ee SG ob | We AL Gre tiritionwe — -! pl od pil AKG Bs GY SF aS A) po ARS AGES Ny Ey NS er RL UIA NIL Me dirdt Sei fine of RSG ef A lh dha is ati i ogi Les Vib Js Jt twee 2B ods og i SS 1 +5153 —----- +_li-------- + §------- adds + ------—— = 4yg----- VJs +» -----— s+ 6 =------ \Bs + J------ as ©0000 37 ea oal Oy Ove Se9 992 9 Wows guy ne (Sere) (The Demonstrative and Relative Nouns) eet Ft (The Demonstrative Nouns) 840! 541 (j) Sb is ghd gs ar is (Alber) (cue (Hette) Eau S16 nb ys xb 25 (evo) oven.) (28,) Zand aay oti SiS Sky OS Aoteen) (Febon) (Apes) Joby ay on BG - nbn Sls (bbe) (evbam) (bes) * ew 2 Plt Gre tulure Ura turede! AEE LUA Saab 0) Chevette trite i WEL tc yr SesAen * Sutin tah, Hanser Ee npr! “7 tet DAE EEL wtowtipiin Stes bere inte ule' (Serousi neuf Stein GI Jeb viee (2) bs fai Ss Sian 1) hed Sab gs fyi ab Ise sppiadutich Sin FA Sp ES Deeasle File ef bdl4 so fior s ee LL ter Se heer liie Pia E dy GAS = waAteoen he Al Fa) PLE (siz) oe ae Z Ate Pa $M a Ei Gf HED) ot 39 Abc Si $4992 9 9 OF (The Relative Nouns) Woy slaw! (ii) 58 ah CAs 3 yiith yen 58 ah Las Lesko Leak soos 358 jth Ses ESS ye gen Pk Pb xevonrs rr Pelic th sl enLiwrd PebLamke Be te o tl (ihe) KL tavittL (Relative Noun) (pti ved LinaA-) (Se tw prLciv) Ce Dastig 2A tee) Ureb irene) ; (Ug renie) (Seve ses) (Skzuiee) Ave dein) (Loker otis) (Prikgzetibuns) lu Dttedied Efi bole cay) (Ln Abeavens) oy es ie icles Sf yi 40 Uys) shee (oe DRG ae 53 2S 7 Uy Ais) he Ase Nec 5G Lt gS te sb br Sebs Gr Vb GLA * pSbG ee ain eared yo Seg 48 Le Mle sig Be AUS A (The Kinds of Verb) (The Past Tense) evs jaa (i) ei] ss Lives Ue od od yeut is ‘3 bss te whut Liges Eu isi & ot 5 oul vi plu Yee! a eh x3 of . - Cus ; UeL , “he as ju Uses vyiureu! wie! 11 : ealgcti 5 lish, ui Wi ures dale Eo URAL uidedlu get Bre tol ue Moe (Hidden Pronoun 772) /Aude (Mt te Z FCT UN bor 6O) we FEM IL ph iP tewnsltarBL Pitta toll Au bace Wl ee Tol ph P et ett ner Sra All E pF Fe th itr Outeie 0K Utseh vl Ue Pde GWU USE ete Heb tine PAS pte bee ee Cone dy t PUP ite (Gee) Sh aad WED Bin css (inte) RebngF PIL ONA Si By, eka ah pI 11 C85.6258 uel ehh QB IL Hi Sinoudeg! 5 el eg uslelolee rl lee ire Pua eB oP RIC wrote Tey (2 men) wrote *Alif of Dual chey (more than 2 men) wrote Se wrote ‘Ta’ is the Wa of Plural feminine | sign of | ane eee | They (2 women) wrote api} 4d | ua [Nooof |e 94] - Ae Ga Th 2 womel Tell é é or é (more than 2 women) wrote |r| Syed |G 5 & kind 2 ‘You (man) wrote | é & | os |- , a ee You (2 men) wrote | 5 = Yov(more than 2 men) wrote | ef |e | | 7 5 2 | of | ol You (woman) wrote Y os = z la T , i a You(2 women) wrote | Mes_| tere ~ } , gee ont erage |e ea ¥ j | ee | oe | Spl "(more than 2 women) wrote ¢ ie | _—__—— se 5 Vm | | 2 Oy || es | m2le oF female) wrote | | — Me cna |—_—} c " 2S | fod (male or female) wrote Ce hidden, implied, understood, tacit he doer of the action, 79 The Cal of the third form om) is not pronoun ou yi a} (the alif of protection). It ‘protects’ ver! meaning ced, though it must be written, fp is af ot bs like 11+ (they took) where Calleg Fi the sig not joined to the body of the verb and therefore may be mistaken for the conjuntig Out of the fourteen forms, in 12 forms the doer is attached ch ao xe ; ae cao fuams, eS and — it can be hidden or it comes after the yerh in & sentence. & Corte) Nd (ile) al as we esills Shi uewey Sew, Seles ety ian os biG Bil Jess UGS shteuy eal gi teulph v Atte 335 PRAL GS JS) Sept Le int stent BY brine aie Neca W) Sieg Bbuttigere io ten PiLnet vy amr ePnaada as 8 Lortus atte Set Pat AN ARE) otin tie of L pnsperl Ae” we — 80 bE? sub 35h o8 (ih) (ueVE43) cts 25 44] Weis So, Gece we B23 FIL ie tee bn ne vite! tr fihe-etutudPulidnlg Fdbiocran te Panis ~ -eCheuie — eri SE SES T (Sigs) [ays SH (si gel) ey amas £4 jeoswe wy WL geup gad EE GS (SLM oii Ba oS ali 22h séi pulses se het Saiehes 3 gaa 3,4) Kei Scales nek PEF BE, * SBE) .f er Fob 6re8 igre ee (A betula + “ere Jat yp fp ZEB 81 “eal itheg! Chain Sys [ouh ed SS gab 34 PED ths, | Ss sabe va | Cas fo 3 cose (IES Labi K Ma irsde cies vi Fol Prat et wie wikinidt rr ri reons CA PERL Hi Fide” Vogt we) py 9 oes (oAL sen 5224 gia x Spal I3HI5E iad 3, Lasting (LAS Ee) Bad Ho fbi O55 (ALi) dpa erie roeae 996 aot ge Ser IS iste 5 CF he pial gh Sue (abn S 5 bu ek oe se es 8 of, asl esi 535 alin See¥ilu 82 : rs tscl en Oba i Le tenbe Lusty go v5ich J ER . ea geht is * ett Tees PAGAN S85 Bs go ia cecaril Ready CWRLY) sash ies Yerid as Sables 2 igs woe | ae oF rae sey ote 2 SOS Ib 2 Qo eee 5553 1b ali Cie) 5535 tat Get ce tn(l 2) yu! ~ aoe didrsl der foe i ae pie WED FE * #4 + + F - 83 gah Jaa Gi) (The Present & The Future Tense) ets thins bout br a per, 2 tury ber te es eths ay KA te ele alate a we eH etn oS is ctnAy athe Exar bl 84 Js) J : Gs C tht Ce: é FEL SNe Tet Se ts Meh oy SL tne te bb shi WWF LISA pe Greif WEL PL (Future 263 L7G eh sal (Present 4 ens) hist Phe tried, 2 “ft Ase AL LSet bi lenny Vetere iN LE erates, elt Jem Sai fb iF) COLLIE chines Ae heat e ett pL Es bi OP i hil bE erin Stine pis Lia Pee fhe Lihe tine hth wise Fae hs Mee En furs ited (hui ted Ft ita hae 24 x Sains Fs LF bn Bie Ae (fyb Bed Poors . 2H, WZ mer PL KIS LUE abate BESS rup7- : = Pobigee NBR Abad Pip Lh Fite F2 3 2 feb ti na tt wd Mate en) Bt -20e8 x rod 85 ae The Conjugation of the Present Tense — e ytaah oat are 7 Pi wie] e* ste Pe > Fiat ean alo “9 - He writes be present in °224| NIL] & Dammab | the sentence [They (2 men) write galt of Dust a ah cay 3 & ft 2 "Waw' of vat > - aes Ce é Plural RUAN §'y-G'I! Gy |g 7 Burean alo | ores he writes pepreseatin| Hidden- 2 | NIL | & Dammah | the sentence trey (2 women) write] | “Ali of Dual : wee) o | & if ee i ee - ‘They (more than 2 oS So ei| wet é S women) write is em dns OT caer ae ] ‘Always. oo 7 7 >, F amma | HA Wire || & | ae | ot - Frou 2 men write [aur ot ual} 25 i-(eaiys slela a Q wwaw' of beeen? 2 2 | te | Os ‘ou (more than 2 o t eualy-Gldd 64 | S |S 25 | gal |nen) write ne - catwoman) write | (ig ne) FYou (2 women) write & [ABI of Dual ws 1 all cally 3 ou(morethan2 | 2% | 'Noow ofthe eA : eee | ge fommun| SPE | |S NOT change 1 (male or female) 7 ‘Always . oy tte 4 farite Damman| iden | Hidden=e | nL | | [We (male or female) . ince oe ied! Dammah | Wdern Hidden="2 | NIL | & (*) Sign of = bale Cg jah 52) which comes in the form of Prefixes i.e. & \ & w To negate ¢ 24h 4 negate (124) 23), the panicle 4, called 7s'22.¢ Geni, is brows y 86 for example: The girl does not read: LEE 4, ? at fi . ‘ The eget fast also contains the meaning of future in itself along with Present but a pee ape Fyre : geefixing it with } or 235 (JC =3!S5) makes it for future only. For example: The students will write G5 L225 of OS, RA forthe expression may write, the word 18 is placed before é U2 Lah for example: I A gitae Tea pes . may go to his house: si ycssi 48 or she may write to him: 5) 023545, zB ULE RE BYR o& Aiea [et] «0 HE et iLeing Alii ee fi Cs Hse hr hr ky ifn ch Bs HLF ce SiG oh poh ae lyfe Pep melee ee Lobses le Rt usetl awe tt Ste FL ay piace] Neth tink fh Bip LES] Gre de Pot yee pal Beg eG see VbLe FE Le + gd igh eas He FE AY % iy Ceca pv PvinE he UIeiLeu etl yf 9 sharpen scb Lieb he Uitte bs @ ~un A Unteeht (Sut w utc) ~Undrbuntad lt 87 Son | burro “Und b Unter iee at -ung |b unbet eet WB acsich Jy Eola gL teh sieht tbl Pe tele Lares Ease thin he Veo LE aye ere -ctrbite Dae, oh ai gd Jak eee abby Leu ren LaS scale tat spe DP Eset Me PInC ne Use EL eel) » eth etn Ae OF LG She Hebrgie tnt etme £ Seacjach Js 2 yore tS ot "5" Nob seh Lin PK pbb tone” ROA RL OOO tuiuine tity fe “itsean NES 22 99, Sa ekg ~Lun ip tora ZL ilys Poy, 2 Le iia Lis okey gg bis g gy () ‘yi bost-l [Seti aee] SHI Gibb bbs K Stu, WY DAL bits He LOD Cr Pin ee PLA Lf Sour ac sit Lu tutety tas Luis zy a ETE ‘eu Metall : Bras 2 aay GAs Cov Pe best tui ba PtP oe ° Cut tbe Lott diya PI Le pass; a age eevee, a Bas | WE e? a 90 ~ pasia's eA 3 moc 2 i net L 2 ah aan kta 190 asi wh tie Pe Sigel de Jeest ott aN shasba she, ee 125 34 ital adil . 9 hiagtl dened Je oh ot PY dati tous of Bee Pet 1 Oe ve Hoe Spy sl igs ceed eet p02 was? ahah 3h sibs é 1 Sos PD pe, wah had 38 ea eadih 3 Peder, Hingis Kiera 4 4 938 eae: wey Gil) (The Imperative and Prohibitive Verb) CF Cslbes) - x 1? (The Imperative Verb) (Pine) pi da ee (Fw) Minette PLES Gull inn nay dial 5 Jeti ~! (The Active participle, The passive participle and the Five Nouns) 99772 99 |, Jiechi £25 Jed eat () (The Active and the Passive Participle) og wel fmt | gmat | met | geet geet gmat feet feel | pel Asrtalt] Jel [J petal] oth j J getali] feta | J pedal! fetal |) sadati ew Oso, LP 292, < oon oho, oe 2h Ses] Be [OSk) ah [lea] cue | Os | cag | Ss | ast | | whee y WL weet id iv wey : Uy nA 5) 238 eal oe Bal Sg [Sz ae THE] - 72 Ea & rae] hele | Sa] Ca | & hae | a the. J Wise Wc We Wee x | Sys eye | oe, ars T73] of 2 Cl [etl ally [opies! Gore | Jyia! Le Wey bub : ; 7 Or Wee AG Wey | | ods : SP) ary | tb ad | ET ” a7 ay 8 3) ty [eel @ Pere a ay wae) nll | eta! St | ts) HY Wee Uyak 7 . Lvl Pee lms be _ whe ooo Uisd_v | 38 : a eA ote O15 re) oes | Syaa | LE | S25] Sus | Be 5 Be Be fama) te | Be) 6 [83285] tua | A) fev] fechas Io Wy WES Wy uw _ iy at — - (The Verbs) : Ji “ke “97 tf ee oe ron : ad iedrbes tno ina Inka KG, wee fs - 2 = Wer “Wl Tes edt by UeLyl ‘(The Nouns) slenFi wh] ES | sab | os ors ; we S i ie sh : ae eta | ad it ts cus ue in | |e a0 ab = : * Low ere ws t 3 oo ye > ods, & ee a ; > (The Particles) ys ot jy 131 7 oe A 2 a 139 galas 2 - Jeti ~! ee eterLdnd fire rn (Loe Fi) ses (Lod Je6s) 28 (hE AO) Je (< ke) (Wud fe) Suet (Wh AB) giles HLAe ies od Aa Bin Gp re vte dE elite hy ep tar) bps MLA Jeb es bel Lb yh sl FOIL A) Sb (a ph 55) bed SSSA) p28 ih (Sed La) p28 Ce 5288) MeL ADE 3 IG WE) BE (e CHE) tel SEEM C$ POWELL EMEA) Ge (Ste AL) Syed i Fi (LAW) ot (Ce Lei) EE (a SiS ae” Foe tte Jy Jes wtih ph Seu bi ste nL dee" “a tabife (Peale Dteguntdraysé Linke site : ASS ASP EME Le She ghia Ss qed AS TP YS sayz) eb dio) (Wile 7) dates ind Sila) dated (< Hisies ated od Pe i epimete mr . : AN Bheak D psbacs (eq aalaiiad PPE (ye pode) YEH ed lund Luc) jae (hea " ga oth Sati oy {pa ask: Stade! oy) ASS bn a eres 1 dali 5 yal piiline ole Oo 799 -ON atin ays Basa gab glaied e- pases 1) Je iutus ri ash Ul os 6 ; xa Nai [is Gali | ss ai eh Peat w 7 o coe cee | Ey eo WL ABT Seance Yar juin Ces Scar 2, esd bend jas pola to Ae il es os fas ” Sash Lost at gape si sh ymlaxstegs yes Gal eA ote J 141 aa PO hl Jee, spShin ay Kio He : BAe Lath E513 Ei ay Cast sei gi 2 15 Gig ds 4 Sy eis ad sch 5 Bh9 ot wu ogg push via CAG Ogi eed es posi ch ts Sues 99, a? cc 9 9b. A ! aly Jo OO ee Ne py 278 a eile ohgeret eal Nels (epDe we ibe oe, cae B : ol £59 Elia eth gf sscogicle b 9 se rete “ oth AE Ul ad gal al fs $6 ta OW EEC re tee eT: o APOE St lesa cay Wwe, 9 @ = a be Dei sty 2a. ce wt ooo @ ane 097% hall $6 jaa Le at cB bel idly, Gy op 9306 SP pith gs WEIS busi rite! S05 2a 2-0 bt MS Se) ts 3p Cl = 7 aig 235 er WAT Bi SAGE yy SE by CAs SNS ek eB Spe pst - oF pubis’ Ss Bons 2999 or Fw aN Cg Sh oe Si 429,, Ap 1.) \Ab UIE GI yd 4a IIe IIE Ve meer te ie Chis is ib Js Cts assy br BES IS Sy isd ee ELI 2094 sii gsi fy WIGMLUIEA 143 witht. S92 a, x Lies! slow! (ii) (The Five Nouns) of 99, 2% 22% 298 p-pe — 9 PI! Te 2 ef SIL UP W/E utc (thas, HH, * Bul we dst: Pre SySGnAL git x Ze sSAS PE tontedade wb DR agi sba irs ae (ut rL theta Hos iat usr Efi pe iI SL ESN): Punto ep 2L Stile esl js Lu SGA Pe Sele (eres bimbo MeSirr le et i(ieer eo I MED Eby Att Ehs de S55 Shah Sis Sti pectiga| : Urb lhe wi bn Peet sweaty PL SbaLe BSW Um OSS le poe tr II S| s-yerLiryl 0 ae SL o Seb Poy rnin . pi leeh aso. Oe Cont AES VE In se SAS OEE ibe te BL 0 tat, eb bie ebb ve ‘ jruvuoedudxut didi cod to bai ge Eo putes eesti sisi sis Att baead [anh ae Be LL)_ para ~ |S gt le a ! 1959 yalyciy 2 NN 5 ges es wee nds > “fens 2 styl tf So (ae jah O99 oe Spe BENS yo OG 25 cb Jb 28 oe Lyeiuntorlli ~&b C83. ge OE - pt 1 -J3- je 8 — nied ramen tie LMI AE aa gant, ELE ds ELUM ILA BILE PUI Fe rei tiene Bis Spi SEs Ss fp G8 a5 55g 145 M4 0982, F599, Poa, ange wd we pls) tt og as ELH 6 rr Lo ktgh 1s gaol jis | Ul IDI 9% 3 ul (The Functional Words) (The Interrogative Particles) agen) oy (i) (Ce UID sid E3 Js W} js I (2) gsc) vba} & + (ewe) SK 2s] Chow] 3 + (ee Gee G (When )] ” (te yey) © thesis gi] vbere ga | _ Geter) sah as (How tf) as 1 Couto) is 9's gl ww] gi aa Sake uw) eed go Ob of & é A Mb uteP)) — ey ycelsus wD Sa | A Ata cOtS ibs Et Ca . | + a ee ae ssl ele aly eid a 159 te ede | ee See “ie ad 9209 dae Josr ae! S pend sod ids ee ayy lids 23-2 et vest bSian gthied a ne Bese (ainda ee i) “ ‘) ely, bReuryl, re) o seebE ied) ty, PLO) eH a Fasg bs Pee tk (Deo 4 Pri ace 7 WSU y) Sika Sas 2 (0 GEE dain gs - bee 7 Fe een sie tS lft PLT ty ig Urs SAI oh BOF Ww) vag, EOS E(t nL ty r es mH 78S 160 eed eget 3 Bee Siff ASE PIL AE GAIEL TPreposition) gisin arte rE ED pate aes Roe thE P - : (eye us Pog -Ebugita, SILA) apis BIG 3 yoru Gh . eet oa 2 ot & aa Zo s,7 ee aprnyates EK eat 8 Sib 5a8 6 F assis SS oS va bios De eS” King Noone SI Ab 6 Sqyl esis cai so jiedes JS 5G op) 352 $099 51508 AS (abe) eit oe Sods G for oo 3 van ESI Sy Reps Oy vad oF ol Ce whe Mute wt (esto) -Utiwl a sews 5 side EG! 2 wihog Seta i ar acre el Se wr s6oT Segal ib pb SI -eIGT 161 sheeple ste SB een ete ' rows, = ba Burs a S188 9's Gi oe oSyiesits ad ob SSE gsi Sos SNe Bae i £420 30 Et | Sees Ne OWN ap ab WE TAL (Due tay 6 Wd tL (Due GA MASCD 10; | sede Sie Ssh Ani InBh seis yo a “pH & Sher etiophe IS USGS PKL EL IM DIL ire (Gh Y' aoe IG eH A oe a8 wie as, ed Fy Ctl aT eis Satie bh oO Ft C56 tn eh 58s hatin 3 20098 Siok af Col a) I i 299 Basse SCs db laget - ses P Ia, | Nat aka bs FUL GAL sie belt (The Prepositions) NR Se al A Sahin the AB) ans Sie tesfhriaye des zzz te a ah Si wlio fhe ty 5uT py Sh) Aig ou eed 163 raat sy - | Beg nena , we Viele As tuo Humbe agi oe ts i oh ' 03h a §if Joly’ ried sesh toy teal gg fy 30 aot culo agai gti gs siassich 3 Sigh gs sells. cig ig sft sel rash 2th tise ed (esie ash fS) 5 ot ig sacs cosh 3g elytra 23 Z woth eal 30 ‘Sing rea git OIE Ss a5 ras an sah isscha avs SOMAAL (22) ay Wyden neve Pe ey AE A syd Bv£ sat PC iy wpe A tl Ja 5 Mara ome eS Bike GS wer ute a ie 2? Do S Wadiis fs oO. Baus ngagh |. ; 2 foo eae te Tes y debe yall a i lgal Ob Dyas oe a oa aia 8 ye Aol Ge e. ophas Das ietjo ce bp es Hf . Sd Sil dace deals cal jou dremel Sab poss de pall BBL gos Sal FLL ; aya ptted PaaS yp mae fry sue satel fe She : sella ge Pdtew Yl Ae 1s SS Sew ws eeddteal ae Sods oye Abb at Sigel “Shs ys ue S5koI ath sitet ode Jah ae glee oats typhean Ses AH dy pas! or pier Spr cos Wy jell ole vail bye ae eS Wei srl Mey Ff 2 ben's a FPUPL oy A lr iiv 165 2 =) fas| Neos Bigs cos oie 7 Scenes Sot) Ex N gle S55 . as ct cas se dy E255 4 gy thy 8 a2 2 aoe 1 O95 * Soy OL a 5 Keaadisjoo g MAN pat u RS La hal BSCS Gd Woe abo . aaa a Meee als [pie SBSH 79, FIP a Losi au Boob Bis WO fs 9 a 2 ga cet 2, bee om piaby 1825 LE pa iS foe Bo, du 2k ak ee jan of i (GeLah pS rele tr iLatyrl pier oie Gites, * auf ae ok gt 4d we tfe oSE hile brie ti RIL Le tl L255? MeL ( » : > 9. day ¥ Prepositions) 4) 3/2 Sire puis! eines fren? eS UE As ett he BN EB Se ie ES Ss I Gy doy pot cee Uy (HE tL) DD anes (CEN) ay oo Gare (FE) bes Ae (ASan ay = 3 CASA she = ws CLdnLouid Lin Westy = why (ent jE = (oy Be (ieed) 5S = (eens, ROU spare lE/a or SE CIB (Lr) UE de SE (Lt reipue) A ei = We (adits) ath = (és (PE gil Ga) 58 PLEAD (A) pa one (DAS Gc) pis = Oot A hg = POF belongs to, by, at, in for UAC TROLL Noble Qur: Cr oa PV Cae Besos lcs 7:8 And there are people (from men are) who say, "We believe in God and (in) the Last Day’. 17:1 From the Inviolable House of Wroship [at Makkah] to the far distant Place of Worship (at Jerusalem] 24:58 before the prayer of daybreak 24:58 anceafter the prayer of night 2:10 In their hearts is a disease 2:17 and leaves them in utter darkness 2:27 and spread corruption-in the earth 2:256 There shall be no coercion in matters of faith 2:284 Unto God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. 2 aajorpt god 3:6 He is Who shapes you in the wombs 3:46 and he shall speak unto men in his cradle wok beet 42 wahes jiels 3:85 and in the life to come he shall be among (from) the lost 5:41 Theirs shall be (to them belongs) jenominy in this world, and (to them belongs) awesome suffering in the life to come 5:54 who strive hard in God's cause ea : gaischh Si Er Unde figure PEGE LIL nd LenB a08) SAGA Feed HAL duty debs eae 2 pra) oll ees! PV eas Sea Talyida ay Wy sae per hy QBS gat EL L A LBL LGD Ebel (xe EAL ei bioue ease 9S Bea ebl dey M pS Sede y i glk ct $235 pyle I Hare Uy I foW ela aS ann eM oe bieborUrs UL nites -ewbabt UE nLeveiy! BI “ut npieutue ee ety Gel seine pecs pint ab 6 EZ urkbs wget ws air qa sveseeoneee CPT cssscssscneenscett well pall By pe -9 Le tus bie We at at Cady aeLe —cbpalt UT slaw tly web Sas the 169 IE IDE whe ~ Hl Atl iy ate en aur ‘yytdt SE de OPS sre (ey Sw EU) «agg aL cya th yell) (Aus hel _0) NES Go Jor sates gv eh sbhge 9 PN a ed ae A 9188 pa Ie Sis C5 A Ir seb ibe Poe, So Su, i OIF SEU USI 9S” IA (4b 2 Ste -oin) (Cod i> yp GN) (Cod ~ 1 ps 5) Zr Louy APP, tech ois Dts Sur LK qyiol baz of i rites 6 A J 207 : : Soll war Un x pov sabi -(i) (Parts of Human Body) wl) Gale | Cee 21) ol 4 vs] oT] ost We) ote) ae] fT ara] te] wb aout and vw) | ] ce] Cee) Cs vie] e58f] el 4 i} us] wf] oat] Tai) x8) dw) cous] ccs : ie Ow] pela] pee] is] Geri) as yf lal at ya] et —] Moe wi steal Tw et oh} Ol! be» ‘uke yal i wich ds @IF Ut FL Fit. ot fail oie aed che, wie em i ay di UTLEY EOS Up eR Ll pt isr yb nek Coe Br) seni RE ; ort -(ii) “ (The Colors) ee Oop ecb) eee) e D Ke: Geter AF she ex peel g ost Cree Seeds) 209 aloha yiz islorY) Gh) yp | a) ope (4) 3 + GH foes (a (Wi | wh pl Oya ppd i ae Wy) 33 | (bry abs a eu (G6) iy e (WFP) (Geb) BnteZ] wre | Gap ter [ur di] gle ‘ (0437) 2 P(eilGa | abel | ces} | ee ( (Je) (73) ded Fawr) (08) Bate (#5) ues dbeLut Leteui ois Lut bei! Gulf Lut . ae Yow Ut & Just vue! . ce a a vee! Je ls oy 0 ; rs) igh al jp Glee! { Sieh ie CPS «ed peers Lusi fic Ut eal aia 3 aus ise aij or abit Aco ul ia, haat ead hh unl fF wtp ele laa CAS as sbi 9 ny badly SI cope is eo Sut boy FBG Se ott Wusl sash pool fine cotta Se Ub er SI SUS fy Hd dual Ansel UL Hue Luuy teald Cal oof Gail} Cds Ue eb Gaus ei 2 Ae dbs asi 25 (5s gine w le ee 2u1 : eh rt a’ ae ts _ aul is \ US ILIY spt oY os a et sbie aod a cli $1) CS Saecli 5) £590 Lal Kady ga ASM G) dio ae Cady pall ye IPN Syl ao et calls ig tba et , Oy JE Gyo -aalh (3 Pals 6 13 wy Np WEE” a Wut “UL nL Ke de) pS oa (yi ies Se ods oP Pete Fonsi uy Se ss osbealy syle a CUP e usr sure um ee a oe wedstyss tk sell i ab aes Cab 0 i MO es ati yi dia WE acl Lay “ol sli at ? cli J ci “6 os3it Vials oes as wi (Cheeinnatytigt ind £ anni fy gh gai etety itth gs iad stadt wt le Seti poi gi Unb, OES Ny ; NE Sy ene Ud Ub S UF Uncen Ut Oey ee bx gp whobug woisus Udy Ss acl ald Sp il Bi pe Cale Gl ath g Ke 6 xh forics , Sil a i ab Cale er “pe ‘p oes ue the . Serer ve ie : ene SIRE FOr Fier ie Hut 13 : 2 elo Ss gest gst CRS ito bo 0) dacee gs wet Cs us (bh cris) og a als 1 pa lap ie; = Gy eine Une ghisuaraea wf ab, gh wibns (gi allie eb gens sabs Pest ages tet lbs oth So in ma fy Lol tits eA os wel oY iihe Bike (fs , lel ise Lele sa iy Hi Joo Hayy Bb Mihi ied ay ‘ais gw wh osbiss Osh ald oth ab oad His 2518 atu hay Le Cbs Lived L6k/ , _ Sal Cod Se toad ail op Sl Wildl (p's BH Sal Bg 9h Bh Saale g Sol Ene Seah el gaan : ede Se : ee Oat (8 oie & he ot AE OES 8 Sry SMW a yas ¥ rage edz iy eS WES pay ge slp -—e&)) WI A Oe A ty i ties db —utbye de oh daar eo BH LOM wart Late BUM LMI WAS ne? e43 BS t3tomBn€ f ibdina NSD secesness cel Sead fb. slip CY Ui wee Bieri ah gee 4 — altel — ated — Gli = off ice - phi - st So By ob — 18) ~ ee Enpint yy Let dize- Talia mae ee SHES vey seb oS ‘sal ge FOI IR IAI LEGS voi pizur-s - 29 : : . slouin, co KF Ulett ei Gedi -(i) (The Dialogues) (Greeting and Introduction) OI B35 =i Osis) Sie ae ae ped Scie so yas Se te UU oe abe pel ob (SeJbyuy?) Ke AE we all why 2 eae 230 eMac Tid? asd veep ASS Sy tf SF UF tae (ani sy hens Sa: Aye - ee Soe A cee pled Soe ste edt oll ey fas fy UF sda Vi pas od cal ia: ‘fe sade Ui Aan if i od “Tagg bp Hye uf ee 231 ; vt, Dgewy Dal agus Se cr as eulst by, iy yi ra Ws df Signy Sat i in; wg ight Wd adi Ste Seat eu (bai) OOS as asl BOOS Ba 2 ile aust Ghd} eis Sues : odd tbe ele odd ssbb) Shey Se sus Nb os plying 2542} Sey Sut 24 TOSI As sly TOL Ah sess 232 Lt Alba pays (Food and Drink) (HEV Meal BE ct ys) ail gb jst #5 65 — eLtally celaly ght ole Oo STL (BL Nee e328: Ux tS Meals) LSet Ut) Barly SET he a 1 ig ie ‘Ls {ha tle Sela as 13Ua ead unt sssidse. drt hut) fh Bay 3 ent ob gst ofl SoH ISE isu, tut Rte, Hy asa, iit, Catal BT spel sat & dle edt Uy ey HS 60 ip wbS 100 sft A aia wd ane inde Len?) oe : | cgela e: Hapa! Savi wf, nA) spill cu wilt iy jigs sla a he 233 (Sut eve KT ALA) (Sut Lye (Suse edutit) (SPL a0) (Uxtheguty tae py Sl pl ye Sls Slog Hagall 2) uve ied sl GHGS ys Clad Nb ley vd wall Cid of po! 3 bd ig ‘Gell 9 a scaly SyQHNl sada ale ig fea 2B Ll oO 1X5 3 Su \ pAb Adal Sale pul cz yi PUL SLE ster y Bl Mer beg Ul re yi sos Je slaast dor g Sl NGS by Sly Zlrsy pods thse Sida le ‘eal he eS a deg uf satel ig yg 234 ; anita (AovUjewa) Gyro ial sty i I WB yoo WA oe yh BGs Gly see yj yall fle yi (UeSitting room 2) ht Bd sie g3h (Shopping) by} 5) Sigg SA tt (Dictionary) (Please) cCaf ly J Isley ia poe fas eld OF yy! ib VFesig Sock, Grammar Book) «el gD! DS 3 1 eS Wide salts seh lS May dB Y lh 189 ays “day aif ell ixaya se Unt were soft) opt Ue up ely 235 2 ALU pays Yu ope G lett su Wrledy Vib Kae yt sat slaii oes bly 2M polis CES adi std) endear day febleby Staly Ite fuyf ath Slall Sy wy 3 Idle pep lalay any 5 aa rel undyitacy OF) By Gly G&L dul satu SAT Ga Je Shy til SO ee as (eb Gte AS 2h) gk Ey «at ob ee ai we ig esl y el cub ia sgl iylys Ogle & git retul ylys Old ois Cais sat , Saas Gf ot stl S$ eladgd df ag ptt» ATE Cased Ns Leh Bi 05 ie ath [oad 2st fal Ming Sabb ing taj iday Gof nay | er. Bs soi nw : Sezai! & tee Ilys cpa ewe ie Sy Bana ccf sas oy Cael af eg pel oy peal! 2 Nia ial sig oS reg etl {ybap cdl ipl gat Cad Oi yt ag a Hs got Cll gt (ys 0 penait gi, « fads SUBST aah : ass (Travel) : « (f TUF analy: aah : rib) (ha ol ep ab sll poiast aly ie IB cal sibel (untipe Getty tat rte ne ANE! cifp yi bib! 1 gb pobt B ib Fup uusy Hest P bh eo ple ‘Curfew os ag gf: ib hl 237 st obll ny FS HE BS Bi (2 od : pdt gigs, oe Cutter) § edt EAS1 ge Gly abi i sae gp ob (Se-Ulfrz6Lb fb) ; Sea tt cil sab ht ; ert taal olay oc a th i: Bla A pad Bw BLS xb QS 777 (eb Ue Sh ab ht gible 5 sual gy hal TR pew Seats Sy sab sh | ey] Sle aed rid ai “ys ell Shae Sy Stat artsy Sle stat gall Hig GB WB: BLAlI (be Luly Ay Ske jolla CS fm sata pees uf oy: sll ‘Jaa aad caf Ys daa Taally Es ao th cy 23 all Sa ote wg oS sybal tas abel dio bt! — neni Bhan sa OAT seal So ah do ple lal at st Oy dio i ah teu ideal 1 ai Sie 1 plod (ani fs 7) ey Saf Ab hi enh) gb “sa : Blatt seb Cot Sif ee sab ll OASYS Bold uf: dL! GSI lly SGI ht Gail Ab ght ai ceo ald Cpl ph We 2 stl (ag Of | ab gl Seal gig 23 pL Soa oh fo sib sl wpe 9b gid loll GaGa VBle sab I (Sure vie Uf FL) 239 allo Nini (At the Airport) - peal Kes pale poe Ws il ig B ji he's gs BL as Sp ta Uy sh AS A Sue oF Uegh aS “padi bibl gph Je ped aah ool de 98 ite Les Sct eto Ptr ET) eS did) 2S Solas DEE lo ab ites payee jets LG uy 5 Bake ay AF jedi ay wh Ji 50s by adh ad dpe doy SLi) eal lus Baby 2 vi SELLS Stated ods ool 4 a ws Jest Ty) goa es sehy ots . oa ak ee ins a iby, tM ps ys , SC ph YE yp Le a aii, Si asi i is Bul inp SF elu ye le suit at Stay Ey Kou guia ss (Usb Be 2) Supe yf BL SL AS) ooGeally CSN iT a scl Fa by lal ortedlly eptey S01 ists wees eat te Sib (Se Uer! Wed CiXa hw) fo Lf ins i és et hy sein ge Fete oS 4 Wf oles cottt a af ul fs st ey! go gts doas Ul el al ae (Hobbies) 241 ve AOL yt | Ce ISKEL hy sour PR OY Yh slg By eS at SUN LA BB gs Ver By type’ cel an (eSbeL IG) gyi sl gis UG Nib lg Keb Eb Niny cote wb ua thee tule od et : gas bh Te Way lps dedi hoy eye aby gent J bey ¢ OUT od : Cont Boal CMe Wi oye (POMBE UIP es) OUD ache Ube odlay aad (SUS bal asl) FA pel Ce by lg sie Bub Lia, gre fab 1B sca (ewer wey) EAU CU Vik Sarihoiby,. Med) Loy ally detatl «east as: SAF ews Wiis fo U Sp nade Sef Seles U Gy soa Kao if raolall we > 7 eo as - ae ua ee Set huts Sots u ued piv ol f sdb ( PIS reel) 3 z Gere) pW Hee Bh ti ks SRY L Bd Keak Sof dala (Health) BS iy a tay SIE AL 22 pnt as; is Baby pC Kiley so pat EEL Nae rei steal yp oy linge (Fb 6 UF) Oe Cb GY) Oia sot (RS pe capa glad beh pit {pial so gat 6 pect J CS Uae Italy xl Sry SP NOL pa yas 3 15 OM, ar 2b 5 ij) Opa 13 gate SIRES et ope Sto uate bl esha pais Pig) ebb a tel Ul Yo coy SRW AEN oate'fe ctl 19 poate Loaf Sol HELI ose'ye 19 pat Le as SU ay Heath ON HEC > ya . aol ll res be See) Sal wl ye CEE Ital spall sits Sy ok Soe 4 " sel 5\ > i535 Caw yy « rd cbs chha Oia dt (She? ous gon, vue mapa el ety sch cd a sell bi Che, ley ea se CABS ead 1 SU (be } Pita Stet at Patt Ut) Kis Sb etal @ m3: saat! BE tay SGU Sy BEI goat sta (Ska ey 944 loll ay at (Lape) SOU Jess 4 US sw yal BS yy i aby RG pO ae yh beg wl tsy, pet oSiles sea se c 8 fo al > de yl RN iy IRI, Clady ah abd (a5 oe a (VER Az thal tbe WoL Sitch) Sige les rer y I Es, ital § [LUE why Bus wd Ab cree Claas ‘top Eat Be thy SOUS Les be ste y Zh Pov ESE ay! Ctl alte CIB. atey sey wad) AS ag Clb ea PT beh Ce Clb fay ste Nh aby aS NN Dyldy Kou! Haj led Gal gail hore eh Fina) wy i) Dud six y KS czas ALU ay (At The bank) hl Thee sole ease hy ole sab gi Sine) Obafemi Jus (Account Number) Chee 3 Ue aN'pi& ab lh 1754 glam (85s ble (Eh pitt § Bb lh bin) (Balance) Hag AN de oN sab ee Ay All dee sf. 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