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ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021

Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

Intelligent Traffic Control System for

Congestion Control, Emergency Vehicle
Clearance and Stolen
Harsha.R b ,Veena.K.N a
Assistant Professor Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology,ECE.Ph.D Research scholar, School of ECE
,REVA UNIVERSITY, Bengaluru, India,
Associate Professor, School of ECE, REVA University, Bangalore, India,


Traffic congestion in our day to day life has become a major issue, especially those who
live in urban and semi-urban areas. Emergency vehicles such as rescue vans, fire units, and
squad cars face a whole host of challenges, which leads to a loss of human lives due to the
congested situations of the driving factors. We proposed a new idea called "Traffic Control
System for Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen Vehicle Detection" to mitigate this major
issue. This project aims to actively use RFID technology and elevated-speed
microcontroller in order to facilitate that emergency vehicles can comfortably arrive at their
destination in a quick and consistent flow. This is also carried out with the RFID reader
Arduino, NodeMCU ESP8266, to detect the RFID tag inside the emergency vehicle. The
traffic system utilizes RFID module for the detection of the emergency vehicle to control the
traffic signal automatically until the emergency vehicle passes through. The system also
identifies the stolen vehicle along it's direction in addition to the existing scheme. The details
is then sent to the control room and the owner of the stolen vehicle upon identification of the
stolen vehicle. Another objective of this project is when any vehicle gets detected on
pedestrian crossing whilst the traffic light is red then that specific signal adds delay using the
timer. This makes the rider more careful and responsible and parallelly makes a clear path for

Keywords: Arduino UNO, NodeMCU ESP8266, IR Sensor, Blynk Application, RFID Module,


India is second most populated county in the world next to China, which makes traffic congestion
and detection of the stolen vehicles difficult to manage and monitor. The circumstances becomes
even worse by migrant laborer from rural to cities and suburbs. This also drastically raises the
number of road accidents. Indian road traffic makes it extremely hard for emergency vehicles to
arrive at their destination on time. To prevent this unnecessary time usage, an advanced traffic

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

control system is used to transform the signal in the emergency vehicle's direction to green. The

same system can be used to track and monitor the stolen vehicle. The UID(Unique Identification)
number of the stolen vehicle RFID tag should be stored in the Central Database Processing System,
in order to provide information to the control room and the owner of the stolen vehicle when it is
identified through an RFID reader installed across signal junction. Another objective of this project
is when any vehicle gets detected on zebra crossing whilst the traffic signal is red then that
particular signal adds delay using the timer. This makes the rider more careful and responsible and

parallelly makes way to pedestrians. The RFID module uses radio frequency for wireless
transmission of information. An intelligent traffic management system uses Arduino and
NodeMCU. Arduino operates on wired contact to control the traffic light to make it affordable.
The RFID identifies and sends the information to the traffic controller for the emergency vehicle.
The Arduino UNO is a free and open-source platform to build and implement programs. The
coding language is explicit that it is easy for beginners to learn and even flexible to carry out
complex operations. NodeMCU ESP8266 is a free, open-source, low-cost IoT platform.
NodeMCU ESP8266 is equipped with an integrated Wi-Fi Chip (SoC), NodeMCU ESP8266 has
a built-in Wi-Fi chip (SoC) which makes developer more easy and comfortable to use. In our
system NodeMCU ESP8266 is used to send information regarding the stolen vehicle to the control
room and owner of stolen vehicles to keep track of stolen vehicles.


The project was carried out to satisfy three main objectives:

1. The first objective of this project is for an emergency vehicle to operate easily and clearly in
order to reach its destination.
2. The project's second objective is to identify and track the stolen vehicle. The details will be
sent to the control room for decisive action when the stolen vehicle is identified.
3. The third objective of this project is when any vehicle gets detected on zebra crossing whilst
the traffic signal is red then that particular signal adds delay using the timer. This makes the
rider more careful and responsible and parallelly makes way to pedestrians.

III Review Of Related Studies

[1] P. Priyanka, V. Sharmila , V.C. Sindhu, P. Sangeetha, “Intelligent Traffic Control

System for Ambulance Clearance and Stolen Vehicle Detection” Use wireless technology
features and a high-speed microcontroller to clear traffic congestion and ensure the emergency
vehicle passes smoothly as well as on-time to the arrival point. It uses the Arduino Uno and
RFID Platform to identify RFID tags mounted in an emergency vehicle. The information
on the vehicle detection is then forwarded to the traffic system to control the traffic. IR
Sensors are used to estimate the congestion near the junction, and this is provided by GSM
technology to the vehicle. Other objective of this system is to detect a stolen vehicle this

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

stolen vehicle are detected and tracked using RFID technology.

[2] Khalid A. S. Al-Khateeb, Jaiz A.Y. Johari, Wajdi F. Al-Khateeb “Dynamic Traffic Light
Sequence Algorithm Using RFID” In metropolitan cities, the key challenges were traffic
congestion and flow control, making time and man-hours losses difficult to tackle. We have
established an intelligent traffic control system for the resolution of the above-mentioned
problem. The problems generally with image processing and the techniques of beam
interference were minimized by RFID. In order to provide an efficient time management system,
RFID technology was developed with an appropriate algorithm and database in a
multisectoral, lane and road junction area. In the simulation, we found that even in some extreme
scenarios the dynamic sequence algorithm would intelligently adapt. Real-time implementation
was illustrated by the decision of a traffic police officer assessing the number of vehicles on
a road. RFID will create a breakthrough for traffic and control systems with IoT and GSM

[3] Priyanka Nalawade, Prajakta Waghere, Nisha Vanare, Prajakta Kalbhor, A. J. Jadhav
“Dynamic Traffic Control System using RFID Technology: A Systematic Review” Internet
of Things (IoT) serves as a link between real-world objects to the virtual world and can be managed
anytime and everywhere. It is a world in which people and physical objects communicate,
with virtual data and environments. Traffic in urban areas is increasing day after day, leading to
the most critical traffic management problems. Congestion of traffic also leads to time loss, delays,
missed opportunities, etc. To address these issues, our model uses the RFID module where
each vehicle has its RFID tag and the RFID reader reads the RFID tag UID when it enters the
traffic junction. The green signal will be dynamically dependent on the density according to the
amount of RFID tags, and the proposed system will provide greater priority for emergency
vehicles such as the police, ambulance, VIP vehicles, etc.

[4] Javed Alam and Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Pande “An Integrated Traffic light Control System Using
RFID Technology and Fuzzy logic ” In large urban areas, traffic congestion and tidal flow
management have become a problem because of the increase in the total number of fleets.
Most of the traffic concerns are accidents and congestion which has caused noise pollution,
excess fuel usage, environmental damages due to pollution. In the proposed work traffic
signal controller plays an effective role to increase the efficiency of vehicles, traffic congestion,
and hence the noise pollution, fuel usage, and environmental pollution. Traditional traffic control
systems lack the ability to manage dynamic.


Our idea is implemented in a prototype where we have made use of Mifare RC522 Module RFID
Reader, RFID Tag Mifare 1K, NodeMCU ESP8266, Arduino UNO, IR Sensor and LED.

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

Fig 1.a. Block Diagram of Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen
Vehicle Detection

Fig 4.b. Flow Chart


light-emitting diode (LED): The light emitting diode (led) is a p-n junction diode. It is a
specifically doped diode and made up of a special type of semiconductor. It is called a light
emitting diode when light emits in a forward biased.

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

Mifare RC522 RFID Module: MF RC522 is a highly integrated chip that is applied to
a contactless communication of 13.56MHz. which was launched by the NXP Company, it is
a small-sized, low cost, low-voltage non-contacted card chip. MF RC522 is the best choice for
intelligent instruments and portable handled devices. Application of RFID tag is almost the same
as barcodes but RFID tag is more advanced compared to barcodes. For reading data from an
RFID tag, a line of sight is not required and is able to be done over a few meters away. Multiple
readers may be served on a single tag, while the bar code serves only one reader at a time.

Arduino Uno R3 ATmega328P: The ATmega328P is a low-power CMOS 8-bit

microcontroller RISC architecture. It consists of 14 digital I/O pins in which 6 can be used as
PWM I/O pins. It is easy to execute powerful instructions in a single clock cycle. The controller
needs 1.8v - 5.5v to operate. Arduino UNO ATmega328p consists of 32kb of flash memory,
2KB of SRAM, and 1KB of EEPROM. Arduino UNO ATmega328P has a clock speed of
16MHz. To turn on the controller simply connect with USB to a PC or connect it with an AC-to-
DC adapter or connect it with a 5v battery. The user does not need to worry about Arduino
while using it because the worst scenario is you can replace the chip for a few dollars.

NodeMCU ESP8266: NodeMCU ESP8266 is a free and open-source chipset that offers open-
source prototyping board designs. The term "NodeMCU" contains the "node" and "MCU." The
term 'NodeMCU' refers strictly to firmware, not the development kits associated with it. Both
the architecture and software of the prototyping board are free and open source. NodeMCU
ESP8266 comprises an independently-contained SOC serial wireless transceiver module with
a built-in TCP / IP protocol stack that permits any microcontroller to access a WIFI network.
NodeMCU ESP8266 can host and run Wi-Fi networking features from a separate application
processor. The ESP8266 is built to cover a minimum PCB region, its high degree of on-chip
integration. The ESP8266 enables APSD for VoIP applications and provides a coexistence
interface with Bluetooth. Node MCU ESP8266 comprises an RF that is self-calibrated and
operates in all operating environments.

Infrared Sensor: The IR Infrared Sensor Module comprises a pair of tubes to receive and to
transmit infrared. As light waves transmitted are reflected by some obstruction, they are
received by the receiver tube. The specifications of the module include three wire connectors
with VCC, GND and an OUTPUT PIN at the back. It works well with levels from 3.3 to 5V.
The output pin generates a low-level digital signal when reflected. The system onboard consists
of a precisely tuned operating range from 2 cm to 80 cm.


When the RFID tag is detected in any one of the red connection RFID Readers (Reader 1,
Reader 2, Reader 3, Reader 4) as shown in fig 4.a. then the UID of the RFID Tag is sent to the
Central Database Processing System, then that UID number gets compared with the stored
database. If it matches any of the Emergency Vehicle UID numbers such as Ambulance, Police

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

Van, Fire Brigade, VIP Vehicles, etc which UID numbers were already stored in the database
then control transfers to the traffic signal making that particular lane signal green and other lane
signals to red. To verify if the Emergency Vehicle has passed from that lane additional blue
connection RFID Readers (Reader 5, Reader 6, Reader 7, Reader 8) are placed across the other
lanes. If that reader detects the RFID tag with the same UID then the traffic signal execution gets
back to normal flow where it stopped as shown in fig 4.a.

In our prototype the Infrared Sensor (IR Sensor) is placed beside the Zebra Crossing as shown
in fig 4.a. When the signal is red and any vehicle gets onto the Zebra Crossing the controller adds
a delay of 10 secs and switches the buzzer on until the vehicle is moved back from it. Thus,
reducing the problem that is faced by the pedestrians and parallelly making the riders more
careful. This can be improved and implemented by making use of image processing.

When the RFID tag is detected in any one of the red connection RFID Reader (Reader 1,
Reader 2, Reader 3, Reader 4) then the UID of the RFID Tag is sent to the Central Database
Processing System, then that UID number gets compared with the stored database which includes
the vehicle registration number, vehicle owner's credentials, etc. If it matches any of the Stolen
Vehicle's UID numbers from the stored database then the information is sent to the traffic control
room and vehicle owner via mail services using Blynk Mobile Application as shown in fig
6.a and fig 6.b alerting them to take action. The System also tracks where the vehicle is headed
by constantly monitoring and updating.


We have developed a simple road traffic management system. Our system is based
predominantly on the concept of RFID, RFID readers scan RFID tags for vehicles and either
control traffic or track stolen vehicles by making the determinations acquired. In addition to the
above-mentioned objectives our system can be used in zebra crossing to provide a clear path
for the pedestrian crossing and make a vehicle driver more careful and responsible while stopping

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

a vehicle upon zebra crossing when the signal is red. Although number of existing
traffic management approaches and many more prototype are in the process, it will still be a
very good area for the future, as vehicles in urban and rural areas, causing heavy traffic, are
increasing rapidly. Our proposed model is a basic protocol of RFID technology for traffic
congestion control for emergency vehicles and further development can be made to make a
system more suitable and viable.

When used as an intelligent system with an adequate algorithm, RFID technology will
revolutionary in traffic management. With efficient management, our system can be developed
further using GSM, the Internet, and other leading technologies which boost the country's
transport system. In the event of traffic problems, the efficiency of the system can save time.
Other critical issues, such as accidents, can also be avoided and life and property can be
saved. Vehicles such as ambulance, police cars, VIP vehicles, or any other emergency
vehicle can use emergency RFID tags. Stolen vehicles can be easily tracked using our system
and can be improved further by adding other technologies such as real-time database
management on servers and many more leading technologies.


1. P. Priyanka, V. Sharmila, V.C. Sindhu and P. Sangeetha, “Intelligent Traffic Control System
for Ambulance Clearance and Stolen Vehicle Detection” GKM College of Engineering and
Technology, GKM Nagar, Perungalathur, Chennai-600 063.
2. Traffic Congestion in Bangalore—A Rising Concern.
congestion-in-bangalore-arising-concern-27238.html, accessed 2013
3. G. Varaprasad and R. S. D. Wahidabanu, ― Flexible routing algorithm for vehicular
area networks,‖ in Proc. IEEE Conf. Intell. Transp. Syst. Telecommun., Osaka, Japan, 2010,
pp. 30–38.
4. B. P. Gokulan and D. Srinivasan, ― Distributed geometric fuzzy multiagent urban traffic
signal control, ‖ IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 714–727, Sep. 2010.
5. A‗GreenWave‘Reprieve, BlaiseKellyB.engMSc, Available at
download=6%3Ablaisekelly-a-green-wave-reprieve Traffic Solution. [Online]. Available: –05physics-green-city- traffic-smoothly.html accessed 2013.
6. Veera Venkatesh, Nazneen Syed, ―Smart Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicle
Clearance ‖ in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 8, August 2015
7. Healthy Dietary Habits Awareness Scale was developed and validated by Maria Saroja .M
and Michael Jeya Priya. E (2018). Mean, Standard deviation, ‘t’ test and ꭓ2 were used
to analyze the data.

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 6 | Pages: 5230-5237

saved. Vehicles such as ambulance, police cars, VIP vehicles, or any other emergency
vehicle can use emergency RFID tags. Stolen vehicles can be easily tracked using our system
and can be improved further by adding other technologies such as real-time database
management on servers and many more leading technologies.


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