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Pest Management Science Pest Manag Sci 64:417–421 (2008)

Managing the risk of glyphosate

resistance in Australian glyphosate-
resistant cotton production systems
Jeff A Werth,1,2,3∗ Christopher Preston,2 Ian N Taylor,4 Graham W Charles,3
Grant N Roberts5 and Jeanine Baker2
1 LeslieResearch Centre, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Toowoomba, Australia
2 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide, and Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management,
Adelaide, Australia
3 NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative Research Centre, Narrabri, Australia
4 Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri, Australia
5 CSIRO Plant Industries, Cotton Catchment Communities Cooperative Research Centre, Narrabri, Australia


BACKGROUND: Glyphosate-resistant cotton varieties are an important tool for weed control in Australian cotton
production systems. To increase the sustainability of this technology and to minimise the likelihood of resistance
evolving through its use, weed scientists, together with herbicide regulators, industry representatives and the
technology owners, have developed a framework that guides the use of the technology. Central to this framework
is a crop management plan (CMP) and grower accreditation course. A simulation model that takes into account
the characteristics of the weed species, initial gene frequencies and any associated fitness penalties was developed
to ensure that the CMP was sufficiently robust to minimise resistance risks.

RESULTS: The simulations showed that, when a combination of weed control options was employed in addition
to glyphosate, resistance did not evolve over the 30 year period of the simulation.

CONCLUSION: These simulations underline the importance of maintaining an integrated system for weed
management to prevent the evolution of glyphosate resistance, prolonging the use of glyphosate-resistant cotton.
 2007 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: transgenic glyphosate-resistant cotton; integrated weed management; resistance model; simulation

1 INTRODUCTION Ready and 11.5% to Roundup Ready Flex

Traditional weed management in Australian cotton (enhanced glyphosate-resistant cotton, with adequate
systems prior to the introduction of glyphosate- gene expression in reproductive and vegetative parts
resistant (Roundup Ready ) cotton was based on of the plant3 ). This rapid adoption was due to
sound integrated weed management principles.1 This the combination of (a) improved control of some
system, which evolved over time, consisted of the difficult-to-control weeds with glyphosate, which is
widespread use of a diversity of herbicide inputs effective on a broad spectrum of weed species, and
and other alternative control methods including crop (b) the ability to substitute glyphosate, a relatively
rotations, cultivation and hand-hoeing of weeds.2 inexpensive and environmentally benign herbicide,
The adoption of an integrated approach to weed for some conventional inputs such as pre-emergence
management in the Australian production system residual herbicides which have often been associated
prevented the evolution of herbicide resistance in with early-season damage and poor growth of cotton
weeds of cotton, including resistance to glyphosate. seedlings.4 In addition, the shift towards conservation
Glyphosate-resistant cotton was introduced in the tillage practices and the decline in the use of
Australian cotton industry in the 2000–2001 cotton hand-hoeing has resulted in a greater reliance on
season. Since then it has been widely adopted, herbicides, particularly glyphosate, for the majority
with 75.5% of cotton planted being glyphosate of weed control in cotton.5 The increased use of
resistant in 2006–2007, 64% planted to Roundup glyphosate associated with glyphosate-resistant cotton

Correspondence to: Jeff A Werth, Leslie Research Centre, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, PO Box 2282, Toowoomba, Qld
4350, Australia
(Received 7 March 2007; revised version received 20 May 2007; accepted 7 June 2007)
Published online 13 December 2007; DOI: 10.1002/ps.1508

 2007 Society of Chemical Industry. Pest Manag Sci 1526–498X/2007/$30.00

Jeff A Werth et al.

has reduced the frequency of use of some alternative inform the TIMS Herbicide Tolerant Crop Technical
weed control methods such as residual herbicides and Panel.6
hand-hoeing, increasing the risk of weeds evolving Monsanto, manufacturer of glyphosate and gly-
resistance to glyphosate. phosate-resistant cotton, also conducts random audits
of growers of glyphosate-resistant cotton to ensure
compliance with the conditions of the CMP. Those
who do not comply can be charged a compliance levy,
2 MANAGING THE RISK be denied access to seed and be referred to the relevant
In order to manage the risk of glyphosate resistance regulatory authorities.6
evolving, the Transgenic and Insecticide Management A review of the CMP is conducted each year,
Strategy Committee (TIMS) Herbicide Tolerant Crop and results of the weed surveys are examined by
Technical Panel, consisting of a small group of the TIMS Herbicide Tolerant Crop Technical Panel.
weed scientists and growers, in conjunction with Grower concerns are also discussed, and changes to
Monsanto, the Office of the Gene Technology the CMP are discussed and implemented as necessary.
Regulator (OGTR) and the Australian Pesticides and This ensures that the CMP is constantly monitored
Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), developed and flexible. A new CMP for enhanced glyphosate-
a framework to guide the use of glyphosate-resistant resistant cotton has been developed. This has been
cotton. modified to match the glyphosate-resistant cotton
system with the different glyphosate use patterns, and
2.1 Crop management plan to take into account lessons learnt from the initial
Central to this framework was the development of glyphosate-resistant cotton CMP.
a crop management plan (CMP) specific to the
particular technology as it was introduced into the 2.2 Accreditation course
Australian production system. The APVMA required An important part of the CMP is a requirement that
that a CMP be developed prior to the commercial an accreditation course be completed and passed
release of any herbicide-resistant cotton variety. by those who sell the seed, provide advice on the
Owing to the different glyphosate use patterns in growth and management of the crop or grow and
glyphosate-resistant cotton and enhanced glyphosate- make weed management decisions on glyphosate-
resistant cotton, a different CMP was developed resistant cotton.6 The course educates participants
to accompany each of the technologies. The use on how the glyphosate-resistant technology works,
pattern of glyphosate-resistant cotton is restricted how a glyphosate-resistant variety is developed, weed
to two over-the-top 1.035 kg AE ha−1 applications management strategies in glyphosate-resistant cotton,
before the four-leaf stage of the crop and a management of glyphosate-resistant cotton volunteers
directed/shielded 1.035 kg AE ha−1 prior to canopy and glyphosate application. The course also highlights
closure.6 Enhanced glyphosate-resistant cotton allows weed resistance management strategies for glyphosate-
three 1.035 kg AE ha−1 glyphosate applications up to resistant cotton, along with informing users of the legal
the 16-leaf stage and a 0.69 kg AE ha−1 application requirements.6
between the 16- and 22-leaf stages. The CMP
encourages the use of integrated weed management 2.3 Simulation modelling
(IWM) practices in glyphosate-resistant cotton, with In order to determine whether the requirements of
the goal of minimising the likely risk of the evolution the CMP are sufficient to prevent the evolution of
of glyphosate-resistant weeds while protecting the glyphosate-resistant weeds, a simulation model was
sustainability of the technology and herbicide. constructed to determine the potential for glyphosate
Critical to the CMP is the requirement that any resistance evolution in glyphosate-resistant cotton.
weed that survives a glyphosate application must be The model was based on a weed management
controlled by an alternative weed control tool before system experiment that collected data over 3 years.
it sets seed. With this in mind, the OGTR and Two grass weeds, barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli
APVMA require detailed annual reports confirming (L.) Beauv.] and liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides
the successful management of glyphosate-resistant Beauv.) were chosen for the experiment as examples of
cotton. This information is gathered from two weed common weeds of Australian cotton. The emergence
surveys conducted in glyphosate-resistant fields during characteristics of the two species under a range of
the cotton growing season. The results of these treatments (Table 1) and the survival of the species
surveys are compiled by Monsanto and form the basis after weed control actions were recorded. Additional
of the reports that are submitted to the regulatory data on seed production and dose–mortality under
bodies. The surveys involve a detailed assessment of glyphosate were collected (default values are listed
surviving weeds present 10–14 days after a glyphosate in Table 2). These data formed the basis of the
application, and reporting on the remedial action taken population dynamics model which incorporated
to control these survivors. In the case of an adverse resistance characteristics.
event, such as a weed with suspected resistance, the Resistance characteristics used in this model
matter is referred to Monsanto, who investigate and were adopted from ‘example’ glyphosate-resistant

418 Pest Manag Sci 64:417–421 (2008)

DOI: 10.1002/ps
Managing the risk of glyphosate resistance in glyphosate-resistant cotton

Table 1. Treatments used in systems experiment that formed the basis of the resistance model


Action Glyphosate only Glyphosate + grass Glyphosate + residual Glyphosate + IWM

Post-plant pre-emergence herbicide Yes Yes Yes Yes

Pre-plant residual herbicide Yes
At-plant residual herbicide Yes Yes
3 × 1.5 kg Roundup Ready herbicide Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mid-season residual herbicide Yes Yes
Post-emergent herbicide Yes Yes
Interrow cultivation Yes

Residual herbicides used Herbicide Rate (g AE/AI ha−1 )

Post-plant pre-emergence herbicide Glyphosate 450

Pre-plant residual herbicides Trifluralin 1104
Diuron 1530
At plant residual herbicides Fluometuron 748
Prometryn 748
Pendimethalin 990
Mid-season residual herbicide Prometryn 1080

Table 2. Default parameter settings use in resistance model

Rfreq = 1 x 10-8
simulations 100
Description Default
Percent resistant alleles

Field size 50 ha 70
Initial seed bank density per metre 750 60
Initial resistant gene frequency9 1 × 10−8 or 10−6 50
Probability of resistant alleles surviving 1 40
glyphosate application
Probability of heterozygous alleles 0.8
surviving glyphosate application7,8
Probability of weeds surviving haloxyfop 0.5–0.15
application11 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Probability of weeds surviving tillage 0.3
(assuming 70% area covered by
interrow cultivator) Rfreq = 1 x 10-6
Maximum seed production 100
Barnyardgrass11 13 000 seeds m−2 90
Liverseed grass11 1950 seeds m−2 80
Percent resistant alleles

Fitness penalty of homozygous resistant 0.3 70

alleles9,12 60
Fitness penalty of heterozygous alleles11 0.15 50
Percent self-fertilising 40
Barnyard grass13 0.85
Liverseed grass11 0.6
weeds Lolium rigidum (Gaud.) and Conyza canaden- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
sis (L.) Cronq. References indicate that glyphosate Season
resistance is inherited as an incompletely dominant Figure 1. Cumulative probabilities for predicted rates of glyphosate
nuclear trait.7,8 The model applied initial resistance resistance evolution for barnyardgrass for treatments in Table 1: 
gene frequencies similar to those for L. rigidum.9
The model simulated resistance evolution with
glyphosate only; ♦ glyphosate + grass;
 glyphosate + IWM.
glyphosate + residual;
respect to the treatments over 30 years. The
simulations used initial resistance gene frequencies which the proportion of resistant alleles reached 50%)
of 1 × 10−8 and 1 × 10−6 (Figs 1 and 2). only when glyphosate was used alone. This point was
The weed management strategy chosen had a reached after 12 years. The simulation showed that, at
major influence on the rate of glyphosate resistance this initial gene frequency, resistance would not occur
evolution. At the lower initial resistant gene frequency, within 30 years if alternative weed control methods
resistance evolved (determined as the frequency at were used in addition to glyphosate.

Pest Manag Sci 64:417–421 (2008) 419

DOI: 10.1002/ps
Jeff A Werth et al.

Rfreq = 1 x 10-8 herbicides and hand-hoeing, is likely to be required to

100 minimise the potential for resistance evolution. This is
90 illustrated by the simulations with the full integrated
Percent resistant alleles

80 weed management strategy that included the use

70 of glyphosate. The simulation model demonstrated
60 that, in populations where the initial frequency for
50 resistance was relatively high, that is, 1 × 10−6 ,
resistance to glyphosate did not evolve within 30 years
if a fully integrated weed management strategy was
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
These simulations gave an approximate timeframe
Rfreq = 1 x 10-6
100 of resistance evolution on the basis of mea-
90 sured population dynamics characteristics, with
unknown resistance characteristics being estimated by
Percent resistant alleles

70 extrapolation.11 The simulations showed that employ-
60 ing an integrated strategy for weed control is the
50 best way to prevent resistance evolution. Weed con-
40 trol strategies must complement each other so that
30 plants surviving a herbicide treatment are controlled
20 by another treatment, be it mechanical or via a different
10 herbicide mode of action.11
0 The findings from the simulations support the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
resistance management strategies in the CMP.
Preventing seed set from survivors of glyphosate
Figure 2. Cumulative probabilities for predicted rates of glyphosate applications by using alternative weed control options
resistance evolution for liverseed grass for treatments in Table 1:  minimises the chances of resistance evolution. One of
glyphosate only; ♦ glyphosate + grass;
 glyphosate + IWM. °
glyphosate + residual;
the important benefits of the CMP is the accreditation
course. Through this, growers are educated on
the principles of resistance management and the
When the initial gene frequency for resistance importance of implementing an integrated weed
was altered to 1 × 10−6 , the timeframe estimated management strategy. The combined aspects of this
for resistance evolution decreased to 8 years when course, along with penalties for non-compliance with
glyphosate was used alone. Under this higher the CMP, should lead to sustainable use of glyphosate-
initial gene frequency, differences between the weed resistant cotton in the Australian cotton industry. It
management treatments imposed were observed. is also essential that the industry continues to practise
The addition of a post-emergent grass herbicide proactive resistance management, and that these issues
option delayed the onset of resistance by 1 year. are revisited as other new herbicide resistance traits
Similarly, the use of a soil-applied residual herbicide at become available.
planting and mid-season delayed resistance evolution
by 2 years. Although these treatments had additional
weed management options, there was still a heavy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reliance on glyphosate to provide the bulk of the weed This work was funded by the Cotton Catchment
control. The addition of soil-applied herbicides had a Communities Cooperative Research Centre (CRC),
greater effect on liverseed grass than on barnyardgrass the CRC for Australian Weed Management and
at the higher initial gene frequency as a result of Monsanto Australia Ltd.
differing emergence patterns. Liverseed grass emerged
in one major cohort, while barnyardgrass emergence
was more prolonged, with the soil-applied residual REFERENCES
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