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Phone Script for New Leads

Before calling a lead, open a new BFF application in a web browser using your affiliate
link. You will also need to reference the lead notification email, so make sure to keep
that open as well. Finally, you should have the lead record open in MCA Suite in another
browser tab or window so you can quickly enter notes about your call attempt.

Use the green column on the left to guide you through the pre-qualification interview. The
red column on the right contains follow up questions and/or responses in the event the
merchant responds negatively to a corresponding question on the left.

The terms in bold, blue font surrounded by brackets should be filled in with the applicable
value. Refer to the lead notification email and/or the lead record in MCA Suite for this

Question Follow-up / Response if “No”

Hi, is this [Merchant First Name]? Is [Merchant First Name] available?
Note: If the gatekeeper asks who’s calling, just give your first
name. If they ask what the call is regarding, tell them you are
just getting back to [Merchant First Name]. If they press for
more details, say it’s personal. If they won’t connect you, tell
them you’ll try back later.

Hi, I’m [Your Name] with Biz Funding Sure, no problem, I can call you back
Finder. You inquired online about funding when it’s more convenient. When is a
for your business, [Business Name]. Do good time for you later today?
you have a few minutes right now to
discuss your pre-approval? Note: Always try to schedule a firm appointment with the
merchant to complete the application. If they can’t do it same
day, try to book for next day or ASAP. Make sure to confirm
the day, time, and best phone number. Tell the merchant you
will email them a confirmation, and make sure to confirm their
email address as well.

Great! I see here that you are looking for OK, how much funding are you seeking?
[Funding Amount], is that still the case?
Note: Whatever the amount, make sure to enter it into the

Alright, and it also says here that you have OK, when did you start your business?
been in business for [Time in Business],
is that correct? Note: Whatever the start date, make sure to enter it into the
application. If the business is less than six months old or does
not have at least three full months of business checking
statements, then it will not be able to qualify for any funding
programs, and you should advise the merchant accordingly
and schedule yourself a task to follow up at such time that the
business will be able to reapply.

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Question Follow-up / Response if “No”
Fantastic! Now is your business still OK, about how much are you grossing
grossing around [Monthly Deposits] per monthly, on average?
Note: Whatever the amount, make sure to enter it into the
application. If the business grosses less than $100K annually
($8K/month), then it will not be able to qualify for any funding
programs, and you should advise the merchant accordingly
and schedule yourself a task to follow up again in 1-3 months
to see if the revenue has increased sufficiently for the business
to reapply.

Great! And all of your revenue is being Just to confirm, do you have a business
deposited into a business checking checking account?
account, right?
Note: If the merchant does not have a business checking
account, they are not going to be able to qualify for funding
anywhere. It’s important they understand this limitation, and
you should encourage them to open a business checking
account ASAP and start depositing all of their business
revenue into it. If they otherwise meet the time in business and
revenue requirements, then they will be eligible to reapply as
soon as they have a full monthly statement from a business
checking account. Make sure to keep in touch with the
merchant and schedule yourself a task to follow up at such
time that the business should have a qualifying business bank

Note: Make sure to enter a detailed use of funds statement into

Perfect! May I ask, what are you planning the application.
to use the funds for?
Sounds good! And how soon do you need I understand that you don’t need the
the funds in your account? funds for a while, but if I’m able to get you
the amount you’re seeking at acceptable,
would you able to pull the trigger today?
If not, then we should probably wait until
you’re ready before completing your
application, otherwise any offers I get for
you will expire.
Note: If the merchant doesn’t need the funds immediately
(within 1-2 weeks or sooner), ask them what prompted them to
apply so far in advance. Tell them that our funding platform is
optimized to get merchants approved and funded within 24-48
hours, and that most of the approvals we secure are only valid
for a few days. If they aren’t willing to take funding now, try to
schedule an appointment to complete the application process
a few days to a week before they need to be funded.

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Question Follow-up / Response if “No”
Well, you’ve come to the right place! We Sure, no problem, I can call you back
already show you as being pre-approved when it’s more convenient. When is a
based on the information in our database. good time for you later today?
I just need to update a few items to
complete your application and get you final Note: Always try to schedule a firm appointment with the
merchant to complete the application. If they can’t do it same
approvals. Do you have a few more day, try to book for next day or ASAP. Make sure to confirm
minutes to wrap this up? the day, time, and best phone number. Tell the merchant you
will email them a confirmation, and make sure to confirm their
email address as well.

Great! Now before we proceed, has your How much were you funded?
business been funded recently, like in the Who funded you?
past week? What are the terms?
Do you still need additional funds, or
would you like to look at options for
refinancing this debt?
Note: The goal here is to find out what they took (so we can
confirm if they still qualify for funding) and also whether they
still have a need.

OK, and have you recently applied for May I ask who you are working with?
business funding elsewhere or are you
working with anyone else here at Biz
Funding Finder?

Proceed with the application. Once you start, it’s very important that you make it through
to the end, as there is no way to save a partially completed application. If you don’t finish
and submit the form, you’ll lose your progress and have to start over from the beginning
the next time you get the merchant on the phone.

When you submit the completed application, choose the “Finish Later” option.
DO NOT choose “Sign Now.”

Once submitted, ask the merchant if they can access their email while you have them on
the phone, and tell them that they should have an email at the top of their inbox that
contains a link to review and sign their merchant funding application. If it’s not there, they
should check their spam/junk folders. They just need to open that email, click the button,
and follow the instructions to sign the application.

After they sign the application, they will be taken to a document upload portal where they
can submit their last three months business checking account statements. This is all we
need in order to get their file submitted to our funding network and get them multiple
approvals. Ask them if they have access to those statements, or if they can log into their
online banking and get them. They just need to upload them to the website, or they can

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email them to you while you have them on the phone. Once we have the bank statements
you can get them approvals ASAP, possibly within 15-30 minutes.

If they don’t have access to their bank statements and can’t get them to you while on the
phone, ask them when they will be able to do so, and schedule a call to follow up and
remind them.

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