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Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

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Cloud computing in manufacturing: The next industrial revolution in

Keng-Boon Ooi a,∗, Voon-Hsien Lee b, Garry Wei-Han Tan b, Teck-Soon Hew c, Jun-Jie Hew b
Faculty of Business & Information Science, UCSI University, Malaysia
Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study explores how performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), firm size (FS), top manage-
Received 28 June 2017 ment support (MS) and absorptive capacity (AC) of cloud computing technology can lead to innovative-
Revised 1 October 2017
ness (IN) and firm performance (FP) among the manufacturing firms. Data gathered from 188 managerial
Accepted 3 October 2017
positions were analysed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis,
Available online 6 October 2017
together with the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) analysis. Findings revealed that PE, FS, AC have a pos-
Keywords: itive significant influence on IN; while IN positively influences FP. This study offers valuable perspective
Cloud computing on the applicability of cloud computing technology to improve IN and FP, and subsequently be aligned
Industry 4.0 with Industry 4.0, the next industrial revolution.
Innovativeness © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Firm performance
Manufacturing firms

1. Introduction Ali, & Wasimi, 2012), providing firms the opportunity to innovate
and maintain their position in the global market (Mourtzis & Vla-
Enterprises worldwide are currently being reshaped by key chou, 2016).
business technology trends such as Semantic Web, embedded sys- With the use of cloud computing technology, enterprise sys-
tems, Internet of things (IoT), virtualisation technologies, and cloud tems are transformed, providing firms with more agility in the
computing (Bughin, Chui & Manyika, 2010). Son, Narasimhan, and employment of services, expanding flexibility, and improving pro-
Riggins (2005) claimed that the cloud concept not only has a pro- ductivity (Kunio, 2010). Lu, Xu, and Xu (2014) further elaborated
pitious future for the IT industry, but changing business in other that cloud computing helps to transform traditional manufactur-
industries. They further asserted that the usage of cloud comput- ing business model, encourages effective collaboration, and enables
ing has become increasingly popular for both public and private the management process of a complete product lifecycle to be pro-
sectors. Many successful business cases related to cloud computing vided and the alignment of product innovation with business strat-
(Amazon, 2012; Apple, 2012; Google, 2012; Microsoft, 2012; Oracle, egy. Due to its surmountable advantages, manufacturers are urged
2012) were reported world-wide over the last few years. to embrace cloud computing, which may in turn give rise to “cloud
Cloud computing services adoption is appealing. Cloud comput- manufacturing”. It is logical to have such mind-set as the manufac-
ing enables network access that is convenient and universal to turing businesses are becoming more distributed, increasingly re-
a shared pool of computing resources such as networks, servers, liant on IT, more agile-demanding and globalised in the new mil-
storage, services and applications which are configurable, and can lennium.
be provisioned to release swiftly with little effort from the man- Driven by the digital revolution and the IoT, it is inevitable
agement or interactions from the service provider (Mell & Grance, that the Malaysian manufacturing industry is being transformed
2009, 2011). Thus this helps to minimise investment costs and by yet another monumental area. The fourth industrial revo-
reduce maintenance work related to IT infrastructure (Khorshed, lution, also known as Industry 4.0, integrates computers and
robotics in manufacturing, giving birth to digitisation and au-
tomation of manufacturing processes (Ruban, 2017). These cyber-

Corresponding author. physical platforms help monitor factory processes, resulting in
E-mail addresses: (K.-B. Ooi), smart manufacturing or intelligent factories. Ultimately, there is
(V.-H. Lee), (G.W.-H. Tan), (T.-S. Hew), less storage and wastage, better operational efficiency, leading (J.-J. Hew).
0957-4174/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 377

to lower costs and accelerated growth in productivity (Thames turing process, management and monitoring to the cloud, hence
& Schaefer, 2016). More countries are moving towards Industry the birth of cloud manufacturing. The cloud application service
4.0. In South-East Asia, countries such as Vietnam, Myanmar, and are generally divided in three (3) categories, namely Infrastructure-
Thailand are already making its transition to Industry 4.0 as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-
(Ganapathy-Wallace, 2017). Sadly, Malaysia has been rather slow Service (SaaS) (Xu, 2012). SaaS provides users with the underlying
on the uptake of Industry 4.0 as many of them are still holding on physical resources to software setup and configuration, to enable
to their 2.0 and 2.5 systems, and would rather keep their foreign and use a software application such as Computer-Aided-Design
workers than investing in automation and IT (Pandiyan, 2017). In (CAD) software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software,
terms of manufacturing technology, Malaysia is still at the infancy leaving user a worry-free experience as well as lower total cost of
stage of automating. ownership (TCO). PaaS on the other hand provides users with re-
Given the benefits of investing into smart manufacturing will sources from physical infrastructure to software platform, enable
be seen in the long run, it is imperative to carry out this empir- users to build application on their preferred platform such as web-
ical research to ascertain the benefits of cloud computing adop- server, database and operating system, without concern on the re-
tion on firm’s innovativeness (IN) and overall performance, so source availability and maintenance. IaaS provides users with phys-
that the local firms can be groomed to increase its competi- ical resource, allowing users to deploy their own preferred configu-
tiveness and share technical know-how. This research undertakes ration of platform and software. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS enable users with
a modified “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technol- Internet-based resource and service access over the cloud. The flex-
ogy” (UTAUT) and “Technology-Organization-Environmental” (TOE) ibility and the rich resource provided by cloud technology for the
framework. Specifically, the study explores how performance ex- processing and management of manufacturing information encour-
pectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) from UTAUT; and firm ages the manufacturer to migrate their manufacturing technology
size (FS), top management support (MS) and absorptive capacity into the cloud, creating the phenomenon of cloud manufacturing
(AC) from the organisation context of TOE, will lead to IN and (Li et al., 2010; Wang & Xu, 2013).
firm performance (FP). As compared to the past studies (Adamson, With the support of cloud computing and IoT, cloud manufac-
Wang, Holm, & Moore, 2017; Lin, Xia, Wang, & Gao, 2013; Wu, turing (CM) has emerged as the next innovative manufacturing
Greer, Rosen, & Schaefer, 2013), our study differs and contributes paradigm. Termed as the manufacturing version of cloud comput-
in a different light as this paper (1) presents a specially selected ing (Hao & Helo, 2017; Putnik, 2012; Xu, 2012). CM is defined as
adoption factors that drives the innovative ability and performance a smart networked model for manufacturing that embraces cloud
of firms, (2) presents statistical evidence summarizing the research computing, which aims to meet the increasing demands for higher
areas and publications related to cloud computing, and (3) iden- product individualisation, wider global cooperation, knowledge-
tifies outstanding research issues related to cloud computing and intensive innovation, and rising market-response agility (Xu, 2012).
points out future trends and directions. Considered as an emerging service-oriented business model, its
The remaining of the paper is outline as follows: The back- purpose is to share and collaborate large-scale manufacturing re-
ground of cloud computing and the essential keywords related to sources (Liu, Xu, Zhang, Wang, & Zhong, 2017). Its objective is re-
this paper will be described in the next section. A set of testable alised via establishing a common cloud manufacturing platform,
hypotheses, accompanied by a theoretical framework is then de- which integrates distributed manufacturing resources, transform-
veloped. Following that, the methodology component of this paper ing them into manufacturing services, and manages them centrally
explaining the cross-sectional data gathered from the Malaysian (Adamson et al., 2017; Xu, 2012). CM permits multiple users to re-
manufacturers is outlined before presenting the results. Finally, the quest services at the same time by submitting their required tasks
conclusions, outstanding research issue and future directions are through a cloud manufacturing platform. Through a centralised
identified and discussed. management and operation of manufacturing services, cloud man-
ufacturing is able to deal with multiple manufacturing tasks in par-
2. Literature review allel. By handling a large number of distributed and idle manufac-
turing resources in order to meet the various manufacturing re-
2.1. Application of cloud computing in manufacturing context quirements, CM is able to provide a sustainable mean to achieve a
cleaner production (Zhang, Zhang, Qu, Liu, & Zhong, 2017).
Fernando et al. (2013) described cloud computing as the “aggre- Nevertheless, there is no single standard for implementation of
gation of computing as a utility and software as a service where CM. There are several different CM architecture as stated in the
the applications are delivered as services over the Internet and the studies carried out by researchers (Li et al., 2010; Liu, Shahriar,
hardware and systems software in data centres provide those ser- Al Sunny, Leu, & Hu, 2017; Tao, Zhang, Venkatesh, Luo, & Cheng,
vices” (p.84). It is a model that renders network-access and on- 2011; Wang, Gao, & Ragai, 2014; Wu, Rosen, Wang, & Schaefer,
demand ability to a common pool of computing resources which 2015). Whether it is termed as Cloud-based Design Manufactur-
includes software and hardware (Lu et al., 2014). Cloud computing ing (CBDM), Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud (CPMC), or sim-
has received much attention from researchers, as it was found to ply cloud manufacturing (CMfg), the manufacturing service is man-
(1) promote inter-organisational relationships (Demirkan & Delen, aged and accessed through the cloud platform. The implemen-
2013; Grant & Tan, 2013), (2) encourage collaboration with cus- tation architecture can generally be divided into four (4) differ-
tomer (Sultan, 2011), (3) create agility in responding to environ- ent approaches namely public, private, community or hybrid CM.
mental changes (Iyer & Henderson, 2010), and (4) creating value Each of the architecture have their own implementation complex-
for firms (Liu, Yang, Qu, & Liu , 2016). ity, performance advantages and limitations. CM is as much as an
Cloud technology enables on-demand service and resource ac- advancement in manufacturing approach, however there is still gap
cess, which revolutionised the computing service market. The flex- to be studied and innovation for improvement.
ibility and borderless resource provided by cloud technology mo-
tivated manufacturers to take advantage of the cloud application 2.2. Innovativeness
service in an effort to improve and innovate their manufacturing
process. The cloud application service provided manufacturers with According to Damanpour (1991), innovation is defined as gen-
cloud-based software application, web-based management dash- erating, accepting and implementing new ideas, services, products
board and cloud-based collaboration, which bring the manufac- or processes, which brings enhancement to customers and firms
378 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

who adopted them. Innovation has been well acknowledged as one ined the payback of IT investment at the firm position, from fi-
of the keys that unlocks organisational high performance and suc- nancial and non-financial position (Chan, 20 0 0; Gallivan, 20 01; Ia-
cess, regardless of its size and sector ensuring survivability of the covou, Benbasat, & Dexter, 1995; Tan, Kannan, & Handfield, 1998).
company. Several empirical studies from Li, Kehoe, and Drake Traditionally, the performance of IT was measured using financial
(2006), Mohezar and Nor (2014) have suggested that supply chain performance, causing the move to measure performance from the
technology positively influences innovation performance. Thus non-financial perspective. As such, our study is measuring FP from
firms can cultivate innovative capabilities in areas such as pro- a non-financial perspective, which consist of two attributes - flexi-
cess improvement, new product development, capacity planning, bility and quality (Wu & Chuang, 2010).
service delivery and market penetration. As for this study, the im- Flexibility has become increasingly vital when it comes to ac-
pact of cloud computing technology on a firm’s innovative capa- commodating for uncertainty in the ever volatile business envi-
bility was investigated in terms of process, product and relational ronment (Jin, Vonderembse, Ragu-Nathan, & Smith, 2014; Koste
innovation (Mohezar & Nor, 2014). & Malhotra, 1999; Narasimhan, Talluri, & Das, 2004). Flexibility
In accordance to researchers like Jusoh and Parnell (2008) and research, from the 80 s to the early years of 20 0 0, have high-
Prajogo et al. (2007), the introduction of process innovation is lighted and emphasised on the flexible manufacturing and prod-
able to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, increase a uct development abilities of a firm’s reaction to uncertainty in the
firm’s production and distribution activities’ flexibility, responsive- environment, which could improve a firm’s performance (Koste
ness and performance. Substantial empirical evidence (Hill & Scud- & Malhotra, 1999; Narasimhan et al., 2004; Stevenson & Spring,
der, 2002; Kelepouris, Pramatari, & Doukidis, 2007) has confirmed 2007). Given the supply chain management (SCM) arrival in the
the significance of technology in process innovation. An example late 1990 s, flexibility research has extended to incorporate a firm’s
would be the investment in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), supply chain elements. A manufacturing firm’s flexibility is essen-
a supply chain technology device that can assist in product track- tial in a dynamic supply chain, to withstand a firm’s competi-
ing, offering firms a greater efficiency of the process traceability in tive position and long-term profitability successfully (Stevenson &
the supply chain, from the production, through to the transporta- Spring, 2007). A manufacturing firm’s flexibility is a firm’s capa-
tion, storing, processing, distributing and sales, all at a significantly bility to alter its product development, production processes and
lower labour costs (Attaran, 2007; Opara, 2003). Basing upon these logistics effectively and efficiently, so that it can adjust to environ-
past literatures, supply chain technology has therefore established mental changes, in particular changes in the final consumer de-
to be pertinent to the process innovation performance of a firm. mand (Narasimhan et al., 2004).
Improving the quality of existing products and introducing new Another main essential performance criteria is qual-
goods and services into the marketplace is how Jusoh and Parnell ity (Choi & Hartley, 1996; Dempsey, 1978; Dickson, 1966;
(2008), Prajogo, Laosirihongthong, Sohal, and Boonitt (2007) de- Helper, 1991; Hillman-Willis & Huston, 1990; Weber, 1991).
fined product innovation. Studies such as Dobbs, Stone, and Abbott Dickson (1966) stressed that (1) the capacity to fulfil quality
(2002), Fearne and Hughes (1999) have demonstrated the positive standards; (2) the capability to deliver products on time; and
effect of IT adoption on a firm’s product innovation. By integrat- (3) the history of performance, are the main reasons to consider
ing the technology of bar-coding, electronic point of sales (EPOS) when selecting suppliers. According to Beamon (2007), there exists
and data warehousing, the innovation enables firms to collect and several output performance measures that are harder to express
exploit customers’ details to develop new knowledge in their pur- in numbers, one of which is product quality. The output of a
chasing behaviours. Such capability has eventually equipped firms supply chain is affected by resources, and the output of the supply
to involve in developing new products, which could satisfy the var- chain system (quantity, quality, and etc.) is vital determination
ious demands of the customers. Following this trait, it is well as- on the flexibility of the system. With product quality flexibility,
serted that the relation between adoption of supply chain technol- a company will be able to produce a high quality product which
ogy and product innovation is a positive one. is certain to meet customer future demands (Beamon, 2007).
Relational innovation as defined by Lefebvre, Cassivi, Lefebvre, Therefore, in this study, FP is measured using the dimensions of
and Leger (2003), refers to a firm’s ability to venture into new flexibility and quality.
markets, strengthening the networking among businesses, and im-
proving the relations between suppliers and customers. The sup- 2.4. UTAUT and TOE framework
ply chain technology acts as a new platform for communication,
creating opportunities for manufacturers to form an interactive re- Recognizing the limitations of past IT models (Teo, Tan,
lationship among supply chain partners via sharing of informa- Ooi Hew, & Yew, 2015), Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, and
tion. For example, the utilisation of an e-procurement system al- Davis (2003) proposed UTAUT to increase the explanatory power.
lows exchanging of operational data such as the placement of a The model comprises of eight prominent IT models which in-
new order, payment status, in-voice and transportations schedule, cludes “Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Reasoned
and inventory level between firms (Angeles & Nath, 2007). Other Action (TRA), Motivational Model (MM), Model of PC Utilization
forms of supply chain technologies in the electronic marketplace (MPCU), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Innovation Diffusion The-
enable firms to recognise business opportunities such as deter- ory (IDT), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Combined TAM
mining suppliers and meeting customer requirements, comparing and TPB (C-TAM-TPB)”. The variance of behaviour intention of
prices, terms and negotiations, and to be able to carry out basic technology explained by the unified model is up to 70% (Wong,
commercial transactions online (Teng, 2004; White, Daniel, Ward, Tan, Tan, & Ooi, 2015). UTAUT consists of four core constructs
& Wilson, 2007). With the use of such technology, companies are which determines the usage intention and behaviour. They are
able to venture into new markets and expand globally. Hence, it PE, EE, social influence and facilitating conditions. Additionally,
is obvious that IT in the form of cloud computing can serve as an Venkatesh et al. (2003) also introduced moderating constructs
enabler at a firm level for relational innovation to occur. (age, gender, experience and voluntariness) in better comprehend-
ing the acceptance of technology.
2.3. Firm performance TOE framework on the other hand was developed by Tornatzky,
Fleischer, and Chakrabarti (1990) to explain on the factors influ-
The adoption of IT innovation on the performance impact has encing technology adoption among firms level. The TOE frame-
stir up considerable interest among scholars. Scholars have exam- work explained that three factors namely technological context,
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 379

Table 1
Definition for the constructs.

Constructs Definition Source

Performance The degree in which an individual believes that using cloud computing will help Venkatesh et al. (2003,
expectancy him/her achieve gains in job performance. p.447).
Effort expectancy The degree of ease associated with the use of cloud computing tools. Venkatesh et al. (2003,
Firm size Larger firms having greater ability and more resources to invest in cloud computing Wang et al. (2010).
Top management The degree to which top management understands the importance of and is involved Lin (2014).
support in cloud computing tools.
Absorptive capacity The capability that enables firms to obtain and effectively harness the internal and Lin (2014).
external knowledge, so that opportunity for firms to gain profits can be created.
Innovativeness Consists of process, product, and relational innovation. Mohezar and
Nor (2014).
Firm performance Consists of two attributes - flexibility and quality. Wu and Chuang (2010).

the organisational context and the environment context influ- of cloud based e-invoicing services. In this research, it is posited
ence the decision to adopt technological innovations (Lin, 2014). that PE can indeed improve the innovative capability of a firm. It
Tornatzky et al. (1990) further added that the factors present is therefore hypothesised in this research that:
“both constraints and opportunities for technological innovation”
H1. Performance expectancy has a positive influence on innova-
(p.154). Wang, Wang, and Yang (2010) in the study on RFID
adoption in manufacturing firms referred technological context as
the existing and emerging technologies relevant to the organisa-
tion. Lin (2014) in the study of e-SCM adoption characterised or- 3.2. Effort expectancy
ganisation context to include common organisation characteris-
tics/resources such as FS, MS and AC. The environment context Another hallmark of UTAUT is the EE construct, which is similar
refers to the macroeconomic context where the organisation op- with the dimensions of (e.g. perceived ease of use, complexity, ease
erates. This includes the interaction with firm’s competitors, regu- of use) past models (e.g. TAM, TAM2) by Venkatesh et al. (2003).
latory and trading partners (Wang et al., 2010). It has been proven that EE plays a major role on the new tech-
Past researchers have mainly explored the significance of tech- nology adoption in the beginning stages (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998;
nological factors in influencing the adoption of cloud computing Venkatesh et al., 2003). However, once the users are familiar with
(Kouatli, 2014; Okai, Uddin, Arshad, Alsaqour, & Shah, 2014; Ross & the technology in the later stages, it will eventually decline. As
Blumenstein, 2013; Willcocks, Venters, & Whitley, 2013). However, for this research, we also believe likewise, in that EE will have a
the influence of organisation context has mainly been overlooked. greater effect during early stages of cloud computing diffusion, as
Therefore, the organisation context of TOE framework was specifi- users are faced with unfamiliarity issues. However, when users fa-
cally adopted in view of the appropriateness in analysing the adop- miliarise themselves with the technology, they will be more con-
tion of technology at the firm level. Noting that the constructs of cerned with other issues such as the performance of cloud com-
technological contexts from TOE are similar or in tandem with PE puting tool. While EE was found to positively influence a user’s
and EE, the study therefore decided to adopt the modified UTAUT. intention to use cloud based e-invoicing in Lian (2015)’s study; EE
Specifically, the study will extend PE and EE from UTAUT with FS, was also considered as a strong predictor in realizing the antici-
MS and AC from the organisation context of TOE to better com- pated benefits of an adopted innovation during the post-adoption
prehend on cloud computing adoption among manufacturing firms stages (Hazen et al., 2012). Hence, we hypothesised that:
in Malaysia. As the technology is still a new approach in the man- H2. Effort expectancy has a positive influence on firm perfor-
ufacturing environment, it is decided to exclude the environment mance.
context from this study. To sum it all up, the definitions for the
major constructs of this study are summarised in the Table 1: Many empirical studies also discovered that EE have a sig-
nificant influencing power over PE, such as in the area of mo-
3. Hypotheses development bile advertising (Wong, Tan, Tan, et al., 2015); mobile social net-
working sites for learning (Wong, Tan, Loke, & Ooi, 2015), mobile
3.1. Performance expectancy banking (Zhou, Lu, & Wang, 2010) and mobile shopping services
(Yang, 2010). When less effort is needed in learning to use cloud
A significant literature gap that is yet to be filled by the computing, this will subsequently lead to a higher expectation on
past empirical studies is the focus on the users’ characteristics in the usefulness of cloud computing. It is therefore hypothesised in
the implementation of cloud-computing tools. This is because the this research that:
users (e.g. employees, managers, supervisors, and etc.) are the ones
who adopt cloud-computing tools. However, little effort has been H3. Effort expectancy has a positive influence on performance ex-
devoted to investigate such relationship. One of the hallmarks of pectancy.
UTAUT model is the dimension of PE. PE is perceived to be simi-
lar to the usefulness variable founded by Davis (1989) in the TAM 3.3. Top management support
model. Cloud-computing tools can be accessed anywhere and any-
time and PE is a strong predictor of an individual’s willingness Top management, according to Hart (1992), is responsible in
to adopt/use a technology to help improve his/her performance. charting a vision for the company and nurtures organisational val-
Past research such as that of Hazenk, Overstreet, and Cegielski ues, steering the firm and giving the firm a sense of identity.
(2012) have considered the influence of PE on the acceptance of a Therefore, MS’s role cannot be underrated, as managers are the
supply chain innovation in the post-adoption stages; while PE was ones that spearhead the company, driving institutional systems and
investigated in the study of Lian (2015) to understand the adoption organisational culture that promotes desirable behaviour (Daily &
380 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Huang, 2001). Past empirical research has proven MS to be an 1990) though there are some studies that have proven the insignif-
important driver in many of the management practices and or- icant effect of company size on perceived strategic importance of
ganisational outcomes, be it in information systems (Thong, Yap, RFID experience (Leimeister, Leimeister, Knebel, & Krcmar, 2009).
& Raman, 1996), customer relations (King & Burgees, 2008), the As established by the past research (Dholakia & Kshetri, 2004;
successfulness of a project (Young & Jordan, 2008) and product de- Lin, 2014; Low, Chen, & Wu, 2011; Teo, Lin, & Lai, 2009), FS has
velopment (Wren, Souder, & Berkowitz, 20 0 0). MS has also been been proven to be a key determinant of IT innovation adoption.
proven by Grover (1993), Premkumar and Roberts (1999) to be a It was empirically tested in Wang et al. (2010)’s study that RFID
vital determinant of new technologies adoption and the result have technology is mainly driven by organisational factors in the TOE
been shown to be positively correlated. This is because top man- framework, one of which is FS. In an earlier research, Brown and
agement is able to provide the vision, to lend the necessary sup- Russell (2007) in their exploratory findings also approved of the
port, and also to commit in creating a healthy working environ- applicability of TOE on the RFID adoption intention, in which
ment. Additionally, top management has been argued to be deci- the organisational factors encompass organisation size. There are
sion makers with respect to “innovative” investments that shape some researchers, Patterson, Grimm, and Corsi (2003) being one
the supply chain, as they are known as the signallers to the dif- of them, proposed that smaller firms have a higher propensity
ferent departments of the firm regarding the importance of inno- to innovate due to its flexibility attributed by its smaller size
vation (McGowan & Madey, 1998). However, centralisation in the and fewer level of bureaucracy. Iskandar, Kurokawa, and LeBlanc
study of Russell and Hoag (2004), in which the decision-making (2001) shared the same viewpoint in that smaller firms, when
authority lies with the top levels of management and less em- compared to their larger counterparts, can more readily adjust to
phasis on employee empowerment, shows the propensity to in- changes in the market forces, technology and manufacturing pro-
novate is lesser, regardless how creative and innovation oriented cesses. Though they often lack of financial resources, smaller firms
the decision-makers are. Nevertheless, in a recent research carried tend to be more flexible, responsive, innovative and less bureau-
out by Wang et al. (2010) in Taiwan, the TOE framework, which cratic, hence having a higher incentive to adopt and integrate EDI,
includes MS, was proposed to be one of the determinants for RFID added Iskandar et al. (2001). Alternatively, it was mentioned in
adoption - a promising technological invention to improve the sup- James (1999), Sharma and Rai (2003), more resources to experi-
ply chain visibility and enhance process efficiency. In a related re- ment with new inventions can be usually found in larger firms,
search, Hoejmose, Brammer, and Millington (2012) found a strong and that they have a greater capacity to absorb the costs and risks
positive support between top management and green SCM in the of implementing such innovations. As the cost to ensure the suc-
B2B sector in the United Kingdom. As such, it can be concluded cessful implementation of cloud computing systems is still an es-
that MS is vital in the SCM (Min & Galle, 2001; Walton, Handfield, sential issue, only large companies are found to have the finan-
& Melnyk, 1998). As suggested in past literature, top management cial capability to invest in prototype cloud computing installations
is vital in the adoption of SCM (Badenhorst, 1994; Drumwright, at this point in time (Frambach & Schillewaert, 1999; Wang et al.,
1994; Lee, 2008; Walker, Sisto, & McBain, 2008; Zhu, Sarkis, & Lai, 2006) to support and enhance their performance. FS has thus been
2008). Top management total commitment can ensure the success emphasised its importance by several researchers as a construct
of SCM performance (Zhu, Sarkis, & Geng, 2005). Accordingly, the that can affect firms’ performance (González-Benito & González-
next hypothesis was suggested: Benito, 2006). These considerations thus led to the proposition of
the following hypotheses:
H4. Top management support has a positive influence on firm per-
formance. H6. Firm size has a positive influence on innovativeness.

In general, support from the top management acts as a direct H7. Firm size has a positive influence on firm performance.
facilitator for the adoption of a technology to be successful. Being
In general, larger firms possess more financial and technologi-
at the forefront of the company, the decision makers, key drivers
cal resources, risk capacity (Pan & Jang, 2008; Zhu, Kraemer, Xu, &
of their own company culture and institutional systems (Daily &
Dedrick, 2004) and the necessary skills to assimilate the technol-
Huang, 2001), the role of MS is undeniable. In other words, their
ogy effectively, in which small firms are lacking. Researchers like
support is necessary. In improving the integration of technology
Murillo-Luna, Garcés-Ayerbe, and Rivera-Torres (2011) have found
into business process, past studies have proven MS as vital, which
likewise that smaller firms encounter a higher level of difficulty
assists IS adoption and usage (Pijpers, Bemelmans, Heemstra, &
when adopting more advanced practices for environmental protec-
Van Montfort, 2001; Ragunathan, & Tu, 2004; Tarofder, 2010; Weill,
tion. Concerning the ease of use of cloud computing technology,
Subramani, & Broadbent, 2002). When top management envision
size also appears relevant. It is posited that large firms have the
to project and promote the use of cloud computing tools in their
upper hand in terms of capital, revenue and number of employees
company, they must take the lead in supporting and conceiving
it possesses; and with a larger pool of resources, they are able to
strategies that directs the company to successful cloud comput-
conduct more trainings for its people to learn the skills of operat-
ing adoption. However, by committing the necessary resources and
ing a cloud computing system within their firms, making the tech-
sanctioning investment into developing cloud computing technol-
nology clearly understandable and easy to use. Such a relation does
ogy is not enough; they need to also be involved in educating their
not come as a surprise as larger firms have been proven to take on
staff to become more skilful at using cloud computing tools. When
a technology more easily as compared to smaller firms (Lin, 2014).
such technology becomes effortless to use, the barriers and resis-
Hence, we hypothesised that:
tance to change will be overcome. Hence, it is posited that:
H8. Firm size has a positive influence on effort expectancy.
H5. Top management support has a positive influence on effort ex-
pectancy. 3.5. Absorptive capacity

3.4. Firm size Cohen and Levinthal (1990), together with Rostow (1963), de-
scribed AC as the capability that enables firms to obtain and ef-
Many studies in the past have proven that the size of a firm fectively harness the internal and external knowledge, so that op-
can facilitate innovation (Damanpour, 1992; Grover, 1993; Moon & portunity for firms to gain profits can be created (Lin, 2014). Ab-
Bretschneider, 1997; Premkumar & Roberts, 1999; Tornatzky et al., sorptive capacity was further specified as a set of organisational
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 381

routines and processes, where firms obtain, integrate, transform, cloud computing in their respective firms. The setting of our data
and utilise knowledge to generate various capacities that eventu- collection supplies us with a rich context to test our cloud com-
ally encourage change to the organisation (Zahra & George, 2002). puting effectiveness model. The manufacturing industry is suitable
Despite the technical composition in e-SCM adoption, it is vital to test our research hypotheses in view that the industry provides
to address the management issues with regards to the changes an environment rich with extensive training and career develop-
in organisational processes and communication within and among ment. Self-administered questionnaire was used as a tool to gather
firms first (Tummala, Phillips, & Johnson, 2006). This is due to data. A professional data collector was engaged to assist the re-
the fact that firms might be plague with significant barriers when searchers to collect data, in which 500 surveys were given out and
adopting a new IT innovation, an example would be the short- 200 responses were returned (response rate = 40%). 12 were dis-
age of AC among knowledge workers (Harrington & Guimaraes, carded due to incomplete data, resulting in 188 usable question-
2005; Park, Suh, & Yang, 2007). Schilling (1998) recommended naires. It was then the early and late respondents are compared
that firms have the capability to advance their skill and knowl- on main variables and no indication of non-response bias were
edge base via AC, thus facilitating their ability in future IS develop- found.
ment. It was also suggested in Tu, Vonderembse, Ragu-Nathan, and
Sharkey (2006)’s study that firms with a higher AC exert more ef- 4.2. Constructs and their operationalisation
fort in inter-organisational collaboration relationships. It was also
later proven in Lin (2014)’s research on IS managers working in Research instrument was developed according to the scales or
large Taiwanese firms that firms with AC have a higher likelihood validated measures that have been used in the previous studies.
to take on e-SCM. From the perspective of e-SCM adoption (such The variables of the scale development was adapted from Chan,
as cloud computing), a firm may acquire knowledge from their Chong, and Zhou (2012) for PE and EE; Wang et al. (2010) for FS;
supply chain partners as to the adoption of e-SCM initiatives be- Lin (2014) for MS and AC; Mohezar and Nor (2014) for IN and
tween organisations. A firm’s AC can ascertain a firm’s adaptability Wu and Chuang (2010) for FP. The respondents are required to
(Daghfous, 2004). As such, it is anticipated to enhance the likeli- evaluate their perception of cloud computing effectiveness on the
hood and degree of firm’s innovative capability and FP. Based on manufacturing environment using the “seven-point Likert scale”
the above discussion, it can be hypothesised that: (from strongly disagree to strongly agree). The survey was kept
short with the avoidance of unnecessary items that are similar and
H9. Absorptive capacity has a positive influence on innovativeness.
making sure that the wordings are clear. A questionnaire draft was
H10. Absorptive capacity has a positive influence on firm perfor- developed and pilot tested with three professors and four industry
mance. experts who specialize in this field. Appendix A shows the items
and scales used in our measurement instrument.
3.6. The relationship between innovativeness and firm performance
4.3. Demographic of the respondents
One of the key drivers to enhance corporate performance is in-
novation. In the study of Chiou, Chan, Lettice, and Chung (2011), The demographic profile of our samples is shown in Table 2.
green innovation (i.e. product, process and managerial innovation)
has been found to improve the environmental performance of 124 5. Statistical analyses
organisations in Taiwan from eight industry sectors using the anal-
ysis of SEM. In line with this, Chen, Lai, and Wen (2012) have also 5.1. Assessment of multivariate assumptions
explored the effects of green process innovation on corporate rel-
ative advantage among Taiwanese firms and found it to be a posi- Most of the times we need to evaluate the dataset in order to
tive one. In an earlier study, Chen (2008) has also considered how ensure that certain multivariate assumptions are satisfied (Wong,
green innovation can affect the green image of firms and the study Tan, Hew, & Ooi, 2016). Among the multivariate assumptions, we
has also proved that FS can affect the level of green innovation first examined the normality of the dataset by using Kolmogorov–
performance as well as green images among the information and Smirnov’s test. Table 3 indicated that all p-values are less than 0.05
electronics industry in Taiwan. Although past studies have explic- and thus we conclude that the dataset is not normally distributed.
itly considered the links between innovation and FP, our study is Next, we tested the linearity of relationships among the con-
exploring whether IN in cloud computing can improve the FP of structs. At the beginning, we examined the p-value of the deviation
Malaysian manufacturers in terms of quality and flexibility. Hence, from linearity with ANOVA. We found a mixture of linear and non-
the following hypothesis is therefore proposed. linear relationships between the constructs. Hence, we decided to
further investigate these non-linear relationships using Ordinary
H11. Innovativeness has a positive influence on firm performance. Least Squares (OLS) and the p-values showed that there are indeed
linear relationships. Tables 4 and 5 showed these results.
3.7. The conceptual model To verify the existence of multicollinearity problem among de-
pendent variables, we examined the correlation coefficients and
Based on the discussion in the hypotheses development section, the values of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). Based on the results
Fig. 1 was presented, in which our research posited five predictors in Table 6, the highest correlation coefficient is 0.823 between PE
from UTAUT and TOE framework that can influence a firm’s inno- and EE. This is lower than the threshold of 0.90 (Hair, Black, Babin,
vativeness and performance. & Anderson, 2010) and hence multicollinearity is not a problem
(Leong, Hew, Lee, & Ooi, 2015). Besides that the largest VIF is 3.495
4. Methodology in MS which is less than the standard threshold of 10 (Hair et al.,
2010). Therefore, the problem of multicollinearity is statistically
4.1. Research design ruled out (Tan, Siah, Ooi, Hew, & Chong, 2015).
Finally, we examined the homoscedasticity of distribution by
Using data gathered from the manufacturing firms in Malaysia, using scatter plots (Teo et al., 2015). Based on the distribution of
we tested our model. The sample for this research was taken from the regression standardised residuals, we found that all residuals
individuals who are in the managerial positions in charge of the are evenly scattered along a straight line and conclude that the
382 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Table 2
Respondents’ profile.

Frequency Percentage

Gender Female 98 52.1

Male 90 47.9
Age Below 21 years old 14 7.4
21–29 years old 76 40.4
30–39 years old 44 23.4
40–49 years old 33 17.6
50–59 years old 20 10.6
Above 60 years old 1 0.5
Highest education completed No college degree 27 14.4
Diploma/Advanced diploma 60 31.9
Bachelor degree/Professional qualification 70 37.2
Postgraduate degree 19 10.1
Others 12 6.4
Length of time with your organisation Less than 1 year 26 13.8
1–2 years 33 17.6
3–5 years 51 27.1
6–10 years 42 22.3
11–20 years 31 16.5
Above 20 years 5 2.7
Your job position Junior management (e.g. Assistant manager, System analyst, Engineer etc.) 60 31.9
Middle manager/Head of department 51 27.1
Senior manager/CEO/Director 33 17.6
Others 44 23.4
Your primary job scope Research & Development 26 13.8
Production 47 25.0
Marketing 15 8.0
Administration 28 14.9
Human Resource 27 14.4
Information Technology 15 8.0
Procurement 13 6.9
Others 17 9.0
Age of the firm < 10 years old 70 37.2
> 10 years old 118 62.8
Category of your organisation’s product Electrical & electronics products 44 23.4
Food products 42 22.3
Chemical & chemical products 25 13.3
Rubber & plastic products 16 8.5
Textiles & textile products 19 10.1
Machinery & hardware 26 13.8
Others 16 8.5
Number of employees in your organisation Less than 200 108 57.4
Above 200 80 42.6
Status of your organisation ISO 90 0 0 certified 97 51.6
Planning to obtain ISO certification 50 26.6
Non-ISO certified 41 21.8

Table 3
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for normal distribution.

N Normal Parametersa , b Most extreme differences Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Std. deviation Absolute Positive Negative

RI1 188 4.3883 1.33776 0.200 0.141 −0.200 2.737 0.0 0 0

RI2 188 4.4521 1.30930 0.163 0.151 −0.163 2.232 0.0 0 0
RI3 188 4.5213 1.24298 0.157 0.157 −0.155 2.156 0.0 0 0
RI4 188 4.50 0 0 1.22584 0.171 0.169 −0.171 2.351 0.0 0 0
PS1 188 4.5957 1.18655 0.192 0.134 −0.192 2.630 0.0 0 0
PS2 188 4.5691 1.19737 0.178 0.145 −0.178 2.437 0.0 0 0
PS3 188 4.6064 1.16746 0.182 0.182 −0.158 2.500 0.0 0 0
PD1 188 4.5798 1.13242 0.182 0.158 −0.182 2.495 0.0 0 0
PD2 188 4.6862 1.24635 0.161 0.161 −0.153 2.210 0.0 0 0
FX1 188 4.6702 1.28245 0.168 0.152 −0.168 2.299 0.0 0 0
FX2 188 4.6915 1.18391 0.167 0.167 −0.156 2.293 0.0 0 0
FX3 188 4.6277 1.18803 0.180 0.180 −0.166 2.469 0.0 0 0
QL1 188 4.6223 1.17956 0.211 0.151 −0.211 2.889 0.0 0 0
QL2 188 4.5691 1.24553 0.181 0.181 −0.159 2.488 0.0 0 0
QL3 188 4.6489 1.17648 0.192 0.135 −0.192 2.629 0.0 0 0
QL4 188 4.7021 1.20 0 09 0.172 0.146 −0.172 2.365 0.0 0 0
Test distribution is Normal.
Calculated from data.
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 383

Performance Product
Expectancy H1

Effort Expectancy Process
H8 H2

Top Management Relational
Support H4 H11 Innovation

H6 Firm Performance
Firm Size Flexibility

Absorptive Capacity Quality

First-order constructs

Second-order constructs

Fig. 1. The conceptual model.

Table 4
Deviation from linearity test.

Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Linear

FP ∗ AC Deviation from linearity 44.754 71 0.630 1.538 0.020 No

FP ∗ MS Deviation from linearity 51.334 78 0.658 1.767 0.003 No
FP ∗ EE Deviation from linearity 47.202 73 0.647 1.415 0.048 No
FP ∗ FS Deviation from linearity 32.376 47 0.689 1.275 0.141 Yes
FP ∗ IN Deviation from linearity 63.486 141 0.450 5.840 0.0 0 0 No
IN ∗ AC Deviation from linearity 30.229 71 0.426 0.982 0.528 Yes
IN ∗ FS Deviation from linearity 28.390 47 0.604 1.092 0.340 Yes
IN ∗ PE Deviation from linearity 32.667 67 0.488 1.281 0.120 Yes
PE ∗ EE Deviation from linearity 34.554 73 0.473 2.377 0.0 0 0 No
EE ∗ FS Deviation from linearity 29.330 47 0.624 1.062 0.385 Yes
EE ∗ MS Deviation from linearity 36.384 78 0.466 0.984 0.527 Yes

Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FP = Firm Performance, FS = Firm Size,

IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Support, PE = Performance Expectancy.

homoscedasticity of the distribution is supported. Hence, we con- endogenous variable or the most complex variable. Five, the non-
cluded that all multivariate assumptions have been rigorously val- normality of the data distribution has violated the multivariate as-
idated. sumption and parametric test of CBSEM is unsuitable to be used.
For further multivariate analysis, we have chosen variance- Finally, the objective of the study is to maximise the variance ex-
based Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling plain which is data driven rather than estimation of model fit.
(SEM) instead of the covariance-based SEM (CBSEM) for several Nevertheless, as noted by Ooi and Tan (2016), PLS-SEM is in-
reasons. First, the nature of the study is more on theory building or capable of capturing the non-linear relationships among the con-
exploration rather than theory confirmation as the research model structs. This might cause the actual complicated decision making
is relatively new and less established. Secondly, the existences of process be answered in a simplified manner (Sim, Tan, Wong, Ooi,
reflective and formative constructs have rendered CBSEM inappli- & Hew, 2014). From Tables 4 and 5, as there are non-linear re-
cable. Third, the complexity of the model and the large number lationships among the constructs in this study, an Artificial Neu-
of indicators may be problematic for CBSEM analysis. Fourth, the ral Network (ANN) analysis is needed to complement the PLS-
sample size has met the minimum rule of thumb for PLS analy- SEM analysis (Hew, Badaruddin, & Moorthy, 2017). We named this
sis which is 10 times the largest number of arrows pointing to an dual-staged analysis as the PLS-SEM-ANN approach. PLS-SEM is
384 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Table 5 5.4. Measurement model

Ordinary Least Square test.

ANOVAa The quality of the measurement model is judged based on the

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. reliability and validity of the constructs in the measuring instru-
1 Regression 98.103 1 98.103 198.585 0.0 0 0b ment. These may include construct reliability and validity.
Residual 91.886 186 0.494
a. Dependent Variable: FP
5.5. Reliability and validity
b. Predictors: (Constant), AC
1 Regression 98.429 1 98.429 199.955 0.0 0 0
Residual 91.560 186 0.492 In order to assess the reliability of the constructs in the mea-
a. Dependent Variable: FP surement instrument, two indices were used. First, we examined
b. Predictors: (Constant), MS the Cronbach’s alpha of the constructs and the results (Table 7)
1 Regression 91.159 1 91.159 171.562 0.0 0 0b
showed that all alpha values are greater than the standard thresh-
Residual 98.831 186 0.531
a. Dependent Variable: FP old of 0.70 which implies that the constructs are indeed highly re-
b. Predictors: (Constant), EE liable (Hair et al., 2010). The construct reliability is further con-
1 Regression 123.034 1 123.034 341.786 0..0 0 0b firmed based on the Composite Reliability (CR) values that are
Residual 66.955 186 .360
greater than their respective Average Variance Extracted (AVE) as
a. Dependent Variable: FP
b. Predictors: (Constant), IN
shown in Table 6. Second, we assessed the CRs and found that all
1 Regression 119.106 1 119.106 388.302 0.0 0 0b CRs are also above the threshold of 0.70, leading to a conclusion
Residual 57.053 186 .307 that the constructs are substantially reliable (Leong, Hew, Ooi, &
Dependent Variable: PE. Lin, 2012). To evaluate convergent validity, three conditions must
Predictors: (Constant), EE. be fulfilled. First, all factor loadings should be significant and ex-
ceed 0.50 (Leong et al., 2011). Second, the AVE must exceed the
threshold of 0.50 (Sim et al., 2014) and third, the CR must exceed
conducted first to discover the statistically significant exogenous 0.70 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). This is demonstrated in Table 7.
variables, whereas ANN analysis is performed secondly to rank the Besides that, we also checked the discriminant validity of the con-
importance of these variables towards their endogenous variable structs based on Fornell-Larcker’s criterion. Using this approach,
(Ooi & Tan, 2016). we found that all square roots of the AVEs (Table 5) are greater
than their respective correlation coefficients which are supported
5.2. Non-response bias by the Fornell–Larcker’s ratio of less than one. Table 6 shows fur-
ther confirmation of the discriminant validity, as the values of
Similar to Meng and Agarwal (2007), we tested the differences AVEs are greater than their respective MSV and ASV (Tan, Tan,
between all key constructs in the study using independent t-test Ooi, Chong, & Hew, 2014). Thus, the constructs are significantly dif-
and the result showed that except for FX, QL and FP, there are ferent from each other. Discriminant validity is further confirmed
no significant differences detected. To further verify these differ- based on the cross-loadings of the constructs as the relevant indi-
ences, we also performed chi-squared test for independence on cators loadings significantly strong to its construct but weakly to
FX, QL and FP and the result showed that except for the marginal unrelated constructs.
small difference in FX, there are no significant differences. Hence, To assess the quality of the second-order formative constructs,
we conclude that there is no substantial non-response bias in the we followed the recommendations by Petter, Straub, and Rai
dataset. (2007). First, multicollinearity was evaluated based on VIF of the
formative indicators of IN and FP. Table 8 indicates that all VIFs
5.3. Common method variance (CMV) are below 10 and thus there is no multicollinearity problem.
Next, we continued to assess the significance of the indicators’
To reduce the concern of CMV, we have engaged both proce- weights. Table 7 shows that all indicators weights for PS, RI, PD, FX
dural and statistical approaches. Procedurally, we ensured respon- and QL were highly significant. Finally, we checked the significance
dents about the anonymity of their identities and responses. We of the first-order constructs which serve as the indicators of the
also encouraged them to respond candidly. Finally, all items have second-order constructs and Table 9 shows that all criteria are met.
been worded to minimise ambiguity (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, &
Podsakoff, 2003). Finally, following Bagozzi, Yi, and Phillips (1991), 5.6. Structural model
we examined the correlation matrix of the constructs (Table 6) in
the measurement instrument and found that there is no correla- Bootstrap using 50 0 0 samples was performed using SmartPLS
tion greater than 0.90. Therefore, we concluded that there is no 2.0 M3 with no sign change. The model is able to explain 71.7%
issue of CMV in the dataset. variance in IN, 70.2% in FP, 67.6% in PE and 51.7% in EE. Based on

Table 6
Pearson’s correlation and discriminant validity.


AC 0.924 0.959 0.855 0.612 0.536 0.715

EE 0.709 0.933 0.964 0.870 0.677 0.519 0.778
FS 0.758 0.612 0.940 0.958 0.884 0.584 0.456 0.660
IN 0.759 0.733 0.665 0.881 0.969 0.776 0.588 0.529 0.758
MS 0.782 0.711 0.764 0.708 0.910 0.951 0.828 0.612 0.521 0.738
PE 0.644 0.823 0.550 0.767 0.635 0.932 0.964 0.869 0.677 0.477 0.779

Note: Diagonal cells show the square roots of the AVE, CR = Composite Reliability, AVE = Average Vari-
ance Extracted, MSV = Maximum Shared Variance, Average Shared Variance, FLR = Fornell-Larcker’s Ratio,
AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Sup-
port, PE = Performance Expectancy.
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 385

Table 7
Construct reliability and convergent validity.

Construct/Indicators Scale Type Loadings/Weightsa AVEb CRc Cronbach’s Alpha T value

First-order constructs
Absorptive Capacity (AC) Reflective 0.8547 0.9592 0.9433
AC1 0.9095 56.2784∗∗∗
AC2 0.9390 96.8287∗∗∗
AC3 0.9345 61.4919∗∗∗
AC4 0.9147 47.1410∗∗∗
Management Support (MS) Reflective 0.8284 0.9507 0.9307
MS1 0.9073 62.0353∗∗∗
MS2 0.9329 50.4578∗∗∗
MS3 0.9256 72.5279∗∗∗
MS4 0.8737 49.4985∗∗∗
Performance Expectancy (PE) Reflective 0.8690 0.9637 0.9497
PE1 0.9165 55.0558∗∗∗
PE2 0.9587 122.2983∗∗∗
PE3 0.9322 64.7041∗∗∗
PE4 0.9209 57.1458∗∗∗
Effort Expectancy (EE) Reflective 0.8704 0.9641 0.9502
EE1 0.9042 57.3666∗∗∗
EE2 0.9413 95.2901∗∗∗
EE3 0.9461 100.7178∗∗∗
EE4 0.9395 83.5124∗∗∗
Firm Size (FS) Reflective 0.8841 0.9581 0.0.9344
FS1 0.9304 62.4991∗∗∗
FS2 0.9491 113.4648∗∗∗
FS3 0.9412 70.2462∗∗∗
Second-order constructs
Process (PS) Formative N/A N/A N/A
PS1 0.1284 40.8214∗∗∗
PS2 0.3637 53.3903∗∗∗
PS3 0.1253 34.2157∗∗∗
Relational Innovation (RI) Formative N/A N/A N/A
RI1 0.1261 42.2325∗∗∗
RI2 0.2679 41.1619∗∗∗
RI3 0.1271 28.1485∗∗∗
RI4 0.2674 58.8731∗∗∗
Product (PD) Formative N/A N/A N/A
PD1 0.1233 31.7179∗∗∗
PD2 0.5261 84.1398∗∗∗
Flexibility (FX) Formative N/A N/A N/A
FX1 0.1495 41.9530∗∗∗
FX2 0.3396 62.6460∗∗∗
FX3 0.1601 52.7956∗∗∗
Quality (QL) Formative N/A N/A N/A
QL1 0.1585 46.2601∗∗∗
QL2 0.2640 61.3936∗∗∗
QL3 0.1620 48.4523∗∗∗
QL4 0.2698 66.3646∗∗∗

significant at p < .001, N/A = Not Applicable;
Loadings are for reflective items, Weights are for formative items;
AVE = Average variance extracted; c CR = Composite reliability.

Table 8
Multicollinearity test.

Model Unstandardised coefficients Standardised coefficients t Sig. Collinearity statistics

B Std. error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) −1.404E-005 0.0 0 0 −0.138 0.890

PD 0.239 0.0 0 0 0.240 1300.310 0.0 0 0 0.302 3.308
PS 0.350 0.0 0 0 0.351 1748.660 0.0 0 0 0.255 3.918
RI 0.475 0.0 0 0 0.474 2340.169 0.0 0 0 0.250 3.993
a. Dependent Variable: IN
Model Unstandardised coefficients Standardised coefficients t Sig. Collinearity statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 8.642E−006 0.0 0 0 3.369 0.001
FX 0.442 0.0 0 0 0.437 92,092.577 0.0 0 0 0.288 3.468
QL 0.603 0.0 0 0 0.603 126,924.182 0.0 0 0 0.288 3.468
Dependent Variable: FP
386 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Fig. 2. PLS structural path analysis.

Table 9 foundation for future studies while advancing the current literature
Weights of first-order constructs towards second-order
of FP.

Second-order construct / path Weight T value

5.7. Predictive relevance
Innovativeness (IN)
PD -> IN 0.2365 36.5920
PS -> IN 0.3507 44.4891∗∗∗ To measure predictive relevance of the endogenous variables,
RI -> IN 0.4768 50.3618∗∗∗ Stone–Geisser’s Q2 was engaged. Cohen (2013) recommended that
Firm Performance (FP) a Q2 of 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35 as small, medium and large amount
FX -> FP 0.4402 59.5176∗∗∗ of predictive relevance. As shown in Table 11, the Q2 for EE, PE,
QL -> FP 0.6003 70.7445∗∗∗
FP and IN are all positive and well above 0.35. Hence, we con-
Note: cluded that all endogenous variables possess large predictive rele-
p < .001; FP = Firm Performance, FX = Flexibility, IN = vance. Besides that, the predictive power of these endogenous vari-
Innovativeness, PD = Product, PS = Process, QL = Quality,
RI = Relational Innovation.
ables were also measured based on their R2 values. As indicated in
Table 11, the R2 ranges from 0.517 to 0.717 which is greater than
the minimum threshold of 0.100. Hence, we concluded that these
variables have substantially large predictive power.
the path analysis (Table 10), H1 (PE→IN, β = 0.4592), H3 (EE→PE,
β = 0.8223), H5 (MS→EE, β = 0.5862), H6 (FS→IN, β = 0.1450), H8 5.8. Effect size
(FS→EE, β = 0.1637), H9 (AC→IN, β = 0.3537) and H11 (IN→FP,
β = 0.4985) were empirically supported. However, four hypothe- The effect size which determines an exogenous variable’s pre-
ses were found to be empirically insignificant. These include dictive power was assessed based on the f2 . A rule of thumb is
H2 (EE→FP, β = 0.1037), H4 (MS→FP, β = 0.1847), H7 (FS→FP, that a value of 0.02, 0.15 or 0.35 is taken as small, moderate and
β = 0.0712) and H10 (AC→FP, β = 0.0683). Fig. 2 shows the T- large effect size (Cohen, 2013). Similarly, the q2 was used to mea-
values of the paths in the structural model. In terms of predict- sure the predictive relevance of an exogenous variable. Both f2 and
ing power, PE is the most influential predictor for IN followed by q2 are tabled in Table 12. Again, the rule of thumb of 0.02, 0.15 or
AC and FS. Besides that, the most important predictor for EE is MS 0.35 is used as a criterion for small, medium and large effect size.
seconded by FS. However, there is only one predictor for PE (i.e. In terms of f2 , MS and FS were found to have large and small ef-
EE) and FP (i.e. IN). Surprisingly, we found no significant influence fect of EE. IN has a medium effect on FP and consistent with the
of EE, MS, FS and AC on FP. These findings will surely enrich our results from the structural PLS path analysis, EE, FS, AC and MS
understanding on the determinants of FP and may provide better were found to have insignificant small effect on FP. Finally, PE, AC
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 387

Table 10
PLS-SEM path analysis.

Original sample (O) Sample mean (M) Standard deviation (STDEV) Standard error (STERR) T statistics (|O/STERR|) Remark

PE → IN 0.4592 0.4592 0.0606 0.0606 7.5771∗∗∗ H1:Supported

EE → FP 0.1037 0.1020 0.0674 0.0674 1.5384 H2: Not supported
EE → PE 0.8223 0.8217 0.0276 0.0276 29.7429∗∗∗ H3: Supported
MS → FP 0.1847 0.1781 0.0992 0.0992 1.8613 H4: Not supported
MS → EE 0.5862 0.5894 0.0741 0.0741 7.9153∗∗∗ H5: Supported
FS → IN 0.1450 0.1449 0.0618 0.0618 2.3439∗ H6: Supported
FS → FP 0.0712 0.0737 0.0725 0.0725 0.9821 H7: Not supported
FS → EE 0.1637 0.1601 0.0768 0.0768 2.1315∗ H8: Supported
AC → IN 0.3537 0.3535 0.0714 0.0714 4.9568∗∗ H9: Supported
AC → FP 0.0683 0.0689 0.0728 0.0728 0.9380 H10: Not supported
IN → FP 0.4985 0.5046 0.0925 0.0925 5.3904∗∗ H11: Supported


p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001; AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FP = Firm Performance, FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Support,
PE = Performance Expectancy.

Table 11 1. The effect of independent variable (IV) on dependent variable

Predictive relevance of endogenous vari-
(DV) must be significant.
2. The effect of mediator variable (MV) on DV must be signifi-
Endogenous variable R2 Q2 cant.
EE 0.517 0.514 3. Partial mediation effect occurs if the path coefficient for the
FP 0.702 0.697 IV-DV path decreases in the mediated model and full medi-
IN 0.717 0.713 ation effect appears when the path coefficient for the IV-DV
PE 0.676 0.671
path becomes insignificant in the mediated model.
Note: EE = Effort Expectancy, FP = Firm Per-
formance, IN = Innovativeness, PE = Perfor- The result of the Baron–Kenny mediation test (Table 13) showed
mance Expectancy. that there are partial mediation effects of EE and IN on FP.
After assessing the size of the mediation effect, we proceed to
Table 12
evaluate the significance of these effects and based on Sobel’s test
Effect size.
(Table 14), we found that all mediation effects are significant at
IV DV Path coefficient f2 q2 0.0 0 01 significance levels.
MS EE 0.586 0.296 0.289
FS 0.164 0.023 0.023
5.10. Total, direct and indirect effects
EE FP 0.104 0.014 -0.015
FS 0.071 0.006 0.007
AC 0.068 0.004 -0.020 Besides evaluating the mediation effects, we also examine
MS 0.185 0.033 0.036 the direct, indirect and total effects of all the exogenous vari-
IN 0.499 0.279 0.277 ables. Table 15 shows that there were no indirect effects of AC
PE IN 0.459 0.430 0.428
and PE on IN; FS and MS on EE; IN on FP and EE on PE.
FS 0.145 0.031 0.031
AC 0.354 0.156 0.157 Other exogenous variables were found to have significant direct,
indirect and total effects on their respective endogenous vari-
Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Ex-
ables. In terms of indirect effects on FP, PE (0.2289) has the
pectancy, FP = Firm Performance, FS = Firm Size, IN =
Innovativeness, MS = Management Support, PE = greatest indirect effect followed by EE (0.1883), AC (0.1763), MS
Performance Expectancy. (0.1711) and FS (0.1200). On the other hand, EE (0.3776) con-
tributes the greatest indirect effect on IN and this is followed
by MS (0.2214) and FS (0.0618). Finally, for the indirect effect
and FS have large, medium and small size of effect on IN which is on PE, MS (0.4820) is the greatest contributor followed by FS
also consistent with the PLS path analysis. (0.1346).
In terms of q2 , MS and FS were found to have large and small
predictive relevance. IN has a medium predictive relevance on FP
5.11. Artificial neural network analysis
however EE, FS, AC and MS were found to have negative (i.e. neg-
ligible predictive relevance) or small predictive relevance on FP
ANN “is a huge processor consisting of simple processing units
(Fischer, 2012). This is in agreement with the results from the PLS
known as neurons that can store knowledge for future use” (Hew
path analysis. Last but not least, PE, AC and FS were found to have
& Kadir, 2016, p.1570). The knowledge is acquired through a learn-
large, medium and small predictive relevance on IN.
ing process and subsequently being stored in the interneuron con-
nection strengths, which are also known as the synaptic weights
5.9. Mediating effects (Leong et al., 2013). In this study, a feed forward-back propaga-
tion multi-layer perceptron ANN is utilised with sigmoid activation
The mediation effect of the mediator variables of EE and IN function being selected for both hidden and output layers (Tan,
were evaluated using Baron and Kenny (1986)’s approach. To assess Ooi, Leong, & Lin, 2014). The number of hidden layers is selected to
the significance of the mediation effect, Sobel’s test for mediation generate automatically (Teo et al., 2015). Moreover, for the purpose
significance was conducted. Based on the Baron-Kenny’s approach, of preventing over-fitting, a ten-fold cross-validation procedure is
mediation effect is applicable only if the following conditions are engaged with 90% of the data used in training, while the remain-
met: ing 10% used for testing (Lee, Leong, Hew, & Ooi, 2013). As IN and
388 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Table 13
Baron-Kenny’s mediation effect.

IV MV DV IV- > DV IV- > MV SE IV + MV -> DV Mediation

IV- > DV MV- > DV SE

FS EE FP 0.6590∗ 0.6114∗ 0.0482 0.3761∗ 0.4627∗ 0.0646 Partial

FS IN FP 0.6590∗ 0.6653∗ 0.0428 0.2218∗ 0.6572∗ 0.0660 Partial
MS EE FP 0.7198∗ 0.7112∗ 0.0447 0.4596∗ 0.3658∗ 0.0782 Partial
AC IN FP 0.7186∗ 0.7588∗ 0.0306 0.2544∗ 0.6116∗ 0.0871 Partial


p < .001, SE = Standard Error, AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FP = Firm Performance,
FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Support.

Table 14 positive predictors, in which all were found to explain 71.7% of the
Sobel’s test for significance of mediation effect.
variance in IN. Meanwhile, for FP, all predictors (EE, MS, FS, AC, IN)
IV M DV Sobel’s test were able to explain a 70.2% of the variance in FP. However, among
t-value p-value significance
all these predictors, only IN was found to be positive and signifi-
cant, supporting H11. In line with the studies of Chen (2008), Chen
FS EE FP 6.2369 0.0 0 0 0 Yes
et al. (2012), and Chiou et al. (2011), when a firm carries out in-
FS IN FP 8.3847 0.0 0 0 0 Yes
MS EE FP 4.4878 0.0 0 0 0 Yes novation (in this case relational, process and product innovation),
AC IN FP 6.7562 0.0 0 0 0 Yes this will improve the overall FP (i.e. flexibility and quality) of the
Malaysian manufacturers.
Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy,
FP = Firm Performance, FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness, As discussed, IN is positively predicted by PE (i.e. H1
MS = Management Support. is supported), which is in line with Davis (1989) and
Venkatesh et al. (2003) perspectives that cloud computing tools
Table 15
are perceived to be useful and can be accessed anywhere anytime,
Total, direct and indirect effect.
improving the innovative ability of a firm. Apart from that, FS
IV DV Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect T Statistics was also found to be a positive and significant determinant of
AC FP 0.0683 0.1763 0.2446 3.1191 innovation (i.e. H6 is supported) but not to FP (i.e. H7 is not
AC IN 0.3537 0.0 0 0 0 0.3537 4.9175 supported). Consistent with that of Dholakia and Kshetri (2004),
EE FP 0.1037 0.1883 0.2920 3.9359 Low et al. (2011), Teo et al. (2009) and Lin (2014), the size of a
EE IN 0.0 0 0 0 0.3776 0.3776 7.2336
EE PE 0.8223 0.0 0 0 0 0.8223 29.5175
firm (in terms of capital, revenue, and number of employees in
FS EE 0.1637 0.0 0 0 0 0.1637 2.1587 a firm) has been empirically proven to support and improve the
FS FP 0.0712 0.1200 0.1912 2.2573 IN of the manufacturing environment in this study. Furthermore,
FS IN 0.1450 0.0618 0.2068 3.1128 FS was also found to be a significant determinant for the EE of
FS PE 0.0 0 0 0 0.1346 0.1346 2.1502
cloud computing technology, supporting H8. This is in line with
IN FP 0.4985 0.0 0 0 0 0.4985 5.3684
MS EE 0.5862 0.0 0 0 0 0.5862 7.9665 Lin (2014), Murillo-Luna et al. (2011), Pan and Jang (2008), in
MS FP 0.1847 0.1711 0.3558 3.7224 that larger firms have a larger pool of financial and technolog-
MS IN 0.0 0 0 0 0.2214 0.2214 5.1782 ical resources as compared to smaller firms that enable them
MS PE 0.0 0 0 0 0.4820 0.4820 7.4614 to conduct more trainings for its staff to clearly understand the
PE FP 0.0 0 0 0 0.2289 0.2289 4.5125
PE IN 0.4592 0.0 0 0 0 0.4592 7.6683
usage of how a cloud computing system operates, making it easy
to use.
Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FP = Firm Perfor- Yet, another construct which was concluded to be significant
mance, FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Support,
PE = Performance Expectancy.
and positively affecting the manufacturing IN is AC, supporting H9.
Even so, AC was found not significantly related with FP, in that H10
is not supported. This result has been found to be consistent with
EE have multiple significant predictors, two ANN models are built the approaches adopted by a few studies in the past (Lin, 2014;
and shown in Fig. 3. Schilling, 1998; Tummala et al., 2006), in that firm with a higher
To measure the prediction accuracy of the ANN models, Root competency and having the necessary knowledge to implement
Mean Squared Error (RMSE) values are calculated in Table 16 cloud computing will increase the capacity to advance in their IN
(Lee, Foo, Leong, & Ooi, 2016). Owing to the negligible amount of in terms of relational process and product innovation.
RMSE values in both training and testing stages, the ANN mod- In terms of FP, EE was found to be an insignificant factor (i.e.
els are showing a great level of prediction accuracy. Besides, sim- H2 is not supported), which contradicts that of Agarwal and Prasad
ilar to Leong, Hew, Ooi, and Lin (2017), a sensitivity analysis, as (1998), Venkatesh et al. (2003). The prime reason may be due to
displayed in Table 17, is used to rank the predictors or exogenous the ongoing revolution of cloud computing, resulting in users suf-
(i.e. the input neurons) in terms of their normalised relative impor- fering from unfamiliar issues especially in the early stages of adop-
tance towards the endogenous variable (i.e. the output neuron). In tion. However, when the employees are given some time to famil-
ANN Model 1, AC is the most important (100% normalised relative iarise themselves with cloud computing technology, this will in-
importance) predictor of IN, while PE (91.8%) and FS (80.7%) are crease the usage and the overall performance of the manufacturing
ranked at the second and third position. Pertaining to ANN Model firm. H3 clearly supported this view, in that EE was found to pos-
2, MS (100%) is of great importance to EE, whereas FS (45.9%) is itively and significantly affecting PE. As proven in studies (Wong,
the second most important predictor of EE. Tan, Loke, et al., 2015; Wong, Tan, Tan, et al., 2015), when less
effort is required to learn how to use cloud computing, this will
6. Discussion eventually lead to a higher expectation on the usefulness of cloud
computing. Top management support in promoting the operation
The findings revealed that 7 out of 11 hypotheses were sup- of cloud computing tools, on the other hand, was found having
ported. For IN, PE, FS, and AC, were found to be significant and no effect on FP (i.e. H4 is not supported), which contradicts with
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 389

Fig. 3. The ANN models developed.

Table 16
RMSE values during training and testing.

Neural Network ANN Model 1 ANN Model 2

Input neurons: AC, FS, and PE. Input neurons: FS and MS.
Output neurons: IN Output neurons: EE

Training Testing Training Testing

ANN1 0.0765 0.0765 0.1025 0.0725

ANN2 0.0782 0.0707 0.0961 0.1172
ANN3 0.0728 0.0654 0.1002 0.1295
ANN4 0.0920 0.0604 0.1028 0.1245
ANN5 0.0784 0.0470 0.1148 0.0966
ANN6 0.0805 0.0699 0.1126 0.1217
ANN7 0.0851 0.0686 0.1032 0.0648
ANN8 0.0714 0.0684 0.0998 0.0949
ANN9 0.0699 0.0714 0.1206 0.1269
ANN10 0.0763 0.0714 0.0998 0.0843
Mean 0.0781 0.0670 0.1052 0.1033
Standard deviation 0.0066 0.0082 0.0079 0.0239

Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FS = Firm Size,

IN = Innovativeness, MS = Management Support, PE = Performance Expectancy.

the past studies of Q. Wang et al. (2010), Zhu et al. (2005), and 7. Conclusion and implication
Hoejmose et al. (2012). Despite the adequate funds allocated by the
top management to promote the usage of cloud computing, it has The emergence of cloud computing is one of the most promis-
not been found to directly affect the manufacturing overall perfor- ing technological innovations which has a potential to improve the
mance; however it was found to improve the integration of tech- process efficiency of manufacturing firms. While there are tremen-
nology into business processes, which facilitates the adoption and dous benefits adopting to this new innovation, as far as academia
usage of cloud computing tools, supporting H5 (Ragunathan et al., is concerned, the study has been a neglected area. Recognizing
2004; Tarofder, 2010; Weill et al., 2002). the limitations, the study draws on theories from UTAUT and TOE.
390 K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394

Table 17
The normalised relative importance of predictors.

ANN Models ANN Model 1 ANN Model 2

Output neuron IN EE

Input neurons AC FS PE FS MS

ANN1 0.364 0.291 0.345 0.295 0.705

ANN2 0.351 0.389 0.260 0.262 0.738
ANN3 0.422 0.119 0.459 0.461 0.539
ANN4 0.442 0.405 0.153 0.574 0.426
ANN5 0.265 0.342 0.393 0.427 0.573
ANN6 0.342 0.421 0.237 0.387 0.613
ANN7 0.498 0.404 0.099 0.181 0.819
ANN8 0.341 0.127 0.532 0.244 0.756
ANN9 0.398 0.148 0.454 0.084 0.916
ANN10 0.247 0.317 0.436 0.231 0.769
Mean Relative Importance 0.367 0.296 0.337 0.315 0.685
Normalised Relative Importance (%) 100.0 80.7 91.8 45.9 100.0

Note: AC = Absorptive Capacity, EE = Effort Expectancy, FS = Firm Size, IN = Innovativeness,

MS = Management Support, PE = Performance Expectancy.

Specifically, the study examines how PE, EE, FS, MS and AC will With larger financial and technological resources, organisations
lead to IN and FP. The modified framework has valuable insights could conduct more technical training for their employees which
for practitioners and academicians. will help to ease their understanding on the system and usage.
In terms of theoretical implication, our research model singles Last but not least, given that AC has the greatest importance
out two most relevant constructs (e.g., PE and EE) from UTAUT and towards the development of IN, it is vital that the organisation
integrates with three organisation contexts from TOE namely FS, has the adequate knowledge and competencies to implement cloud
MS and AC. Our research model explicitly fills the gap of cloud computing system. This could be done through the formation of
computing and IT/IS models from a critical insights of a developing team with the necessary skills and expertise not only in conven-
country. Hence the research adds value in providing an extended tional IT environments but also across cloud platform. With such
literature review for future scientific investigation. Another contri- effort, the Malaysian manufacturers will be positioning themselves
bution of the study is the engagement of rigorous statistical tech- closer to achieving Industry 4.0 and subsequently achieving the
nique of PLS-SEM-ANN approach. According to Leong et al. (2013), goal of TN50 (also known as Transformasi Nasional 2050), which
“the use of ANN in examining non-linear and non-compensatory is to realise the dream of becoming one of the top 20 countries in
relationships will provide more comprehensive findings since it is the world by the year 2050.
able to compliment the SEM linear model” (p.5618). The advanced
statistical approach serves as an important reference point and 8. Limitations and future research directions
possibility a new statistical paradigm for future studies regarding
statistical analysis and methodologies. Despite some intriguing findings, there are several limitations
The study also has insights for practitioners on how to apply presence in this study which warrants investigations and can be
cloud computing to improve IN and FP. Since PE is the second referenced by future studies. The findings of the research are fo-
most important predictor of IN, organisations should promote the cused on Malaysian manufacturing firms in general which implies
potential advantages of cloud computing such as how the system that the findings only reflect the unique situation in that nation.
can be adopted in everyday business situations in improving pro- However different industries and geographical locations may yield
ductivity. Apart from improving coordination with various stake- different results. Even the different sectors in the manufacturing
holders, quicker mobilisation and improvement in the speed of industry are using cloud resources in their production chain differ-
business communications, cloud computing for example can also ently, having varying impact of cloud computing adoption. There-
be adopted across all activities in the value chain. The increas- fore, we need to exercise caution when generalizing to the en-
ing awareness on the benefits of cloud computing will create a tire population of the manufacturing industry. Future investigation
favourable impression of usefulness among their employees which is suggested to replicate the proposed framework in other indus-
will result to improvement in IN. tries such as services, construction, chemical, agriculture and au-
Next, as EE predicts PE, the cloud computing system should be tomotive of different geographical regions, even to the different
designed with user friendly interface. The system should also come categories of the manufacturing sector, in order to determine if
with efficiency of data transfer and seamless integration of other there are significant differences. Additionally, the research model
specialised software with the cloud computing system. When em- was limited from the modified UTAUT and TOE perspective. There
ployees can navigate the system with minimum effort and time, might be other useful models principally focused on IT/IS studies
this will render the perception of usefulness of the system. that were not explicitly included such as the diffusion of innova-
Besides, MS resembles the most important predictor for EE. As tion model (Balachandran & Tan, 2015), UTAUT2 (Wong, Tan, Loke,
such, top management should build internal organisational readi- & Ooi, 2014) and etc. Hence future studies may consider combin-
ness through policy, procedure, training and support. The top man- ing or extending the research models in enriching the findings of
agement for example can play a role by supporting organisation this study. This would contribute greatly and provide a holistic
change through policy and training and cultivating positive envi- view of cloud computing. Lastly the dataset of the study is cross-
ronment climate by reinforcing values and visions related to the sectional and measured at a single point of time. As cloud com-
IT/IS innovation. puting technology is still maturing and relatively new, the impact
FS on the other hand also predicts IN and EE in this study. De- on IN and FP of manufacturing firms in Malaysia may change over
spite that this particular predictor has the least importance to- time. Therefore, longitudinal approach could be adopted in differ-
wards IN and EE, practitioners should not disregard this factor. ent time frames by future scholars.
K.-B. Ooi et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 93 (2018) 376–394 391

Appendix A. Items for survey questionnaire

Construct/Indicators Items Source

Performance Expectancy Chan et al. (2012).

PE1 I find cloud computing useful in my job.
PE2 Using cloud computing enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly.
PE3 Using cloud computing increase my productivity.
PE4 Using the cloud computing will increase the supply chain performance.
Effort Expectancy Chan et al. (2012).
EE1 My interaction with the cloud computing would be clear and understandable.
EE2 It would be easy for me to become skilful at using cloud computing.
EE3 I would find cloud computing easy to use.
EE4 Learning to operate cloud computing is easy for me.
Firm Size (FS) Wang et al. (2010).
FS1 The capital of my company is high compared to the industry.
FS2 The revenue of my company is high compared to the industry.
FS3 The number of employees at my company of my company is high compared to
the industry.
Top Management Support Lin (2014).
MS1 Top management is highly interested in using cloud computing.
MS2 Top management is aware of the benefits cloud computing for future success
of firm.
MS3 Top management has allocated adequate financial and other resources for the
development and operation of cloud computing.
MS4 Top management has a vision to project in your company as a leader in the
promotion of cloud computing.
Absorptive Capacity Lin (2014).
AC1 Your firm has rich information on the state-of-art of cloud computing.
AC2 Your firm has a clear division of roles and responsibilities to implement cloud
AC3 Your firm has the necessary knowledge to learn and implement cloud
AC4 Your firm has the competences to implement cloud computing.
Innovativeness Mohezar and Nor (2014).
Relational Innovation
RI1 Using cloud computing helps to improve supplier and customer relationships.
RI2 Using cloud computing helps to increase market share.
RI3 Using cloud computing helps to improve customer satisfaction.
RI4 Using cloud computing helps to improve the ability to retain partners,
customers and suppliers.
Process Innovation
PS1 Using cloud computing helps to improve traceability and monitoring.
PS2 Using cloud computing helps to improve distribution and production
PS3 Using cloud computing helps to improve storage and transport conditions that
are optimal for good quality product.
Product Innovation
PD1 Using cloud computing helps to improve the ability to produce variety of
PD2 Using cloud computing helps to improve the ability to produce good quality
Firm Performance Wu and Chuang (2010).
FX1 Using cloud computing helps my firm react to customer requirements.
FX2 Using cloud computing helps my firm react to market change.
FX3 Using cloud computing helps my firm react to new product development.
QL1 Using cloud computing helps my firm improves product performance.
QL2 Using cloud computing helps my firm improves product conformance to design
QL3 Using cloud computing helps my firm improves product delivery on time.
QL4 Using cloud computing helps my firm improves customer service for product

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