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(arev 7) PARTICULARS TO BE FURNISHED BY STUDENTS PROCEEDING TO PLACES ‘OUTSIDE PAKISTAN FOR STUDIES UNDER THEIR OWN ARRANGEMENTS PERSONAL DATA 1 FullName 2 Fathes/uiband’s Name 3.Date ad place of Birth 4. Fall Addess with Telephone Nunber,ifany ‘5. Pesport Numb, Place and Dae of Issue & Date of Expiry 6. Computerized National entity Cad Nusbex/Foma‘B*No 7. Addvess in foreign country . Academie and technical qualifiations FINANCES 9. The sauce ofventance in Pakistan (@)Nane, Nationality and Addvess of Financier in Pasta () Contact No, (Landline & Mobile) (©) Exact relationship with the Fimacier STUDIES ABROAD AND EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS 1OSubject of study abuoad (leer of admission fiom Educational etittion ‘haul be attached) 11. Conse for which elle, 12. Dumtionof the Couse (indicate the mnberof year) 13. Nanos and fill adds of the Univerityactition of study abroad 14 Foreign exchange requiements Please attach Educational Institutions letter showing the break-up ofthe expenditue). 15. Total ancun of foreign exchange remated for the above purpose during the cunent calendar year nchdig the amount zow applied for x USD) ‘We hereby declae that the information given above is comeet tothe best of ou Jnerledge and belief ae thatwe have nt aleady cbtainedrenated foreign exchange wor have we made any other applicahon for tas purpose to any oller brael/Autlonzed Dealer during the cunent calendar year We undertake that nce any information funt:hed bys is found tobe ionect we wall render unselves liable fo achon unter the Foreign Exchange Regulaton Act, 1947 Signature ofthe Fimneier Siguatae ofthe stuantfpaentiuandian Full mame ad addess Fallnaine and addzers Dated

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