Handbook 2-2021 - Student Version

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Online Learning Programmes


(General Rules & Regulations)

Accredited By

Version – 12/2021/JK
Mission of the Institute

IIM Indore seeks to be a contextually-relevant

business school with world-class academic
standards that develops socially-conscious
managers, leaders and entrepreneurs. IIM
Indore is committed to:
• Excellence in management education,
research, and training
• Use of contemporary participant-centric
pedagogies and teaching methods
• A presence in emerging segments of
management education.


1. Introduction................................................................................................................4

2. Programme Overview................................................................................................ 5

3. Programme Design .................................................................................................... 5

4. Pedagogy................................................................................................................... 6

5. Programme Administration........................................................................................ 6

6. Attendance Norms… ................................................................................................. 6

7. Feedback from Students… ........................................................................................ 8

8. Evaluation Procedure ............................................................................................... 8

9. Academic Discipline ............................................................................................... 10

10. Conduct of Quizzes & Examination....................................................................... 11

11. General Conduct.................................................................................................... 11

12. Break and Re-joining Rules… ............................................................................... 13

13. Eligibility for the award of the Certificate… .......................................................... 14

14. Certificate….......................................................................................................... 14

15. Alumni Status… .................................................................................................... 14

16. Grievance Redressal .............................................................................................. 15

17. Change of Norms…............................................................................................... 15

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

1. Introduction

This handbook provides information about laid down norms governing design and
administration of Online Learning Programme for Executives offered by IIM Indore in
technical collaboration with different partners. All participants are required to be conversant of
these norms. The Institute reserves the right to change these norms any time without prior

1.1. About IIM Indore

The Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM-I) is an autonomous public business school
located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh in India. Instituted in 1996, IIM Indore is the sixth addition
to the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) family of management schools. IIM Indore is
recognized as one of the premier management institutions, comparable to the best in the world
for teaching, research and interaction with industries and is an institute of national importance
under the Indian Institutes of Management Act 2017.

Spread over a 194 acres, IIM Indore stands with pride, with the Triple Crown of triple
accreditation, first from the Association of MBAs, AMBA in 2016 (a UK-based accreditation
agency); and second from the AACSB in 2019, and third and latest from the EFMD Quality
Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation by EFMD, the globally recognized international
organization for management development in December, 2019. As of March 2019, the ‘Triple
Crown’ was received by only 90 business schools globally, out of the 13,000+ schools offering
business degree programmes.

IIM Indore is now the second IIM in the nation to receive triple accreditations. With a mission
to be a contextually-relevant business school with world-class academic standards that
develops socially-conscious managers, leaders and entrepreneurs, IIM Indore is one of the
fastest growing institutions in India today. The Institute has bagged a position in Top 100 in
FT Rankings 2019 and stands at Rank 5 in the NIRF Rankings 2019.

At IIM Indore we believe that Executive Education is an essential instrument for business to
nurture talent. In an interconnected challenging business environment, Executives will require
to look for knowledge to enhance skills and competencies so that they can contribute
meaningfully to their organization’s growth.

We help executives gain new perspectives in the increasingly complex business environment.
Our curriculum deliberates relevant real-word business challenges, and we keep on evolving it
with world trends. We impart learning which provides immediate value and impact on the

1.2. About Online Learning Department

The Online Learning Department offers an online, interactive platform in collaboration with
partners at studios located in various cities of the country. Faculty members of IIM Indore
generally deliver the courses from the classroom/studio at IIM Indore, however in certain cases,
the lectures will be delivered from remote locations. IIM Indore also invite experts, experienced

professionals to deliver lectures if require to add value to the programme.


Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

The Online Learning Office are intended to equip the participants with managerial skills and
competencies that are required for progression to managerial and supervisory positions in
organizations. The delivery of the programme across various cities gives flexibility to the
participant to perceive their study along with their jobs

2. Programme Overview

2.1 Course Outline and Pedagogy

Course outline and material/book references will be shared by the corresponding instructor
before the course begins. The pedagogy will be a judicious mix of lectures, case discussions,
project work, term papers, and assignments etc. as decided by the instructors. If software is
required for teaching any course, approved software will be used. Institutional license could be
used for in-class teaching with prior approval from the institute through the programme

2.2 Evaluation Methodology

In case of programmes with evaluation component (mainly those programmes in which

successful completion certificate is awarded), performance of participants will be monitored
on a continuous evaluation basis through quizzes, assignments, tests and examinations. The
participant is required to score minimum marks/grades as decided by the Institute from time to
time to complete the course. The candidates may apply for re-evaluation of any component to
the corresponding instructor within seven days of publication of the results. Instructor’s
decision will be final in that case. In case of non-appearance in any component the instructor
may decide on make-up examination. Make-up examination could be any of
1) extra assignment, 2) extrapolation from other components, 3) a make-up exam

2.3 How the Courses will be delivered:

Courses will be delivered through on-line mode using an appropriate technology Synchronized
and Asynchronized platforms. Lectures will be delivered through broadband based technology
involving two-way audio and video communication for synchronized programmes. Sessions
will be generally held on weekends. Participants can attend sessions directly from their
desktop/laptop (Direct-2-device). Participants will be provided reading materials etc. where
necessary. They may also interact with the concerned faculty through e-mails/ chat mode.

The time gap between two consecutive sessions is to give the participants a break. On some
days, the classes may extend beyond the mentioned time. In addition to attending interactive
sessions, participants have to undertake online quizzes, assignments, and examinations.

3. Programme Design

This Programme consists of specific number of hours (including on campus module) of courses
delivery using information technology platform. In order to supplement, the learning through
the technology platform, there will also be an on-campus modules. However, considering the
COVID-19 situation the conduct of on-campus module will depend on the government and

local administration guidelines. If the on-campus module is not conducted due to pandemic

situation, the same will be included in the total number of sessions.

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
Verification of Documents

In view of pandemic, we are commencing the programme without physical verification of the
desired eligibility documents. However, at any later date, if it is found that the information
provided by the participant was false/misleading/forged, he/she will not only be expelled from
the programme but will also have to forego their deposit/fee made.

4. Pedagogy

IIMI uses a combination of various teaching methods such as cases, projects, independent
studies, computer-aided instructions, lectures, assignments and presentations by participants.
This holistic approach sharpens analytical skills of participants and helps analyze problems
from a multi-functional perspective.

However, the individual instructor would adopt a teaching pedagogy that is consistent with
the nature of the course, needs of the participants and the instructor’s preference.

The course instructor will provide a course outline detailing the course objectives, contents,
evaluation pattern and the appropriate references. Reading material may also be provided to
the participants.

5. Programme Administration

5.1. Programme Coordinator

The Programme Coordinator governs all activities of the Online Learning Programme under
the guidance of Chair, Executive Education and Executive Education Committee.

5.2. Online Learning Programme Office

Online Learning Programme office ensures smooth administration and conduct of programme
under the guidance of Online Learning Programme Coordinator and Chairperson Executive
Education. The office is located at IIM Indore Campus on the Ground floor, Administrative
Building, Near SBI Digital Counter.

For communication with Online Learning Programme Office, participants may write to the
email id shared with you and call on Tele: (0731) 2439 745/742/693.

In administrative matters, the Online Learning Programme Office functions under the guidance
of Officer (Executive Education). The contact details are mentioned below:

Mr. Premji Kumar, Officer (Executive Education)

Email: officerexecutiveducation@iimidr.ac.in
Tele: 731) 2439753

6. Attendance Norms

6.1 The Institute insists on sincerity and regular attendance in sessions. It is mandatory for

the participants to be regular and punctual in all the classes without exception
Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
6.2 Online Learning Programme Office will keep attendance record of all courses received
from Technology Partner. Since the Programme is technology-driven, at Institute level,
attendance will be recorded based on participants Login and Logoff time registered on
Technology Partner’s Attendance-Management System. It is the duty of the participants
to regularly keep track of their attendance record with the Technology Partner.
6.3 Marking proxy attendance for others or having attendance marked by others will invite
disciplinary action.
6.4 The Online Learning Programme Coordinator may grant prior permission for leave in the
following circumstances: (i) hospitalization of the participant and (ii) on account of
emergencies. If a participant is found absent without leave approval (post / pre) and not
meeting attendance requirement than she/he will also be awarded “Fail” grade in that
course. It is recommended the participant informs well in advance.
6.5 Participants should ensure that the attendance requirements are met.
6.6 In the event of absence due to sickness, the application for leave should be supported by
a medical certificate.
6.7 Participants are expected to attend all sessions of the programme. The attendance
requirement mentioned hereunder would be considered for the final grading.
6.8 The faculty member may on his/her discretion, administer make-up End term exam
provided that it is approved by the concerned Programme Coordinator.
6.9 The Online Learning Programme Office will apply CGPA drop for low attendance in the
programme. Overall attendance on the programme will be considered for this. The CGPA
drop would, however, not be greater than the following:

Attendance CGPA reduction
75 to 100% No CGPA reduction
60 to < 75% 0.25 CGPA reduction
45 to < 60% 0.50 CGPA reduction
Participant will not be eligible
0 to < 45%
for award of certificate.

Note: For the above, the approved leave cases will be considered separately by Online
Learning Programme Office.

6.10 Participants are also required to have a minimum attendance of 50% for individual
courses. In the event that a participant does not meet the minimum attendance norm of
50% for a particular course, the course instructor/programme coordinator may choose to
award a Fail grade to the participant based on the duration of the said course. In
circumstances where the course duration is low, programme coordinators can allow
participants to attend the End-term exam.
6.11 The attendance for the sessions attended from remote locations will be considered. For
attending sessions from remote location, the participant has to coordinate directly with the
Technology Partner.
6.12 In case of any discrepancy in the attendance, participants need to write to the concerned
technical partner with a copy to Programme office email id.

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

7. Feedback from Students

7.1 At IIM Indore, it is our constant endeavour to impart relevant and world-class education.
The student feedback is an important tool to evaluate the effectiveness of our learning
7.2 Feedback should be submitted within a week from the day of the last lecture or before the
end-term, whichever is earlier or as decided by the office.
7.3 Filling the feedback form isan an important process, and the final results will be
announced only after receiving the feedback by at least 80% of the participants by the
stipulated date.
7.4 Please note that we do not share the feedback with the instructor/faculty unless we
receive the grades. The feedback is shared with the instructor/faculty in an
anonymous manner to maintain confidentiality.

8. Evaluation Procedure

8.1 Grading of Individual Courses

i. Courses will have at least one individual component of evaluation which should be the End
Term/final module Exam at the end of the course/module. The exam will be coordinated
by the office and it can be a Quiz/MCQ/Short answer based evaluation.
ii. Course instructors may also use different components of evaluation in addition to the End
Term (if necessary) like:
• Class participation
• Quiz (announced or unannounced)
• Assignments
• Projects
However, in the event of choosing multiple components, course instructors will have a
minimum of 50% weightage for end of module exam. Online Learning Programme office
may conduct exam at technology partner’s test centres at pre- announced timings.
Participants need to check with the technology partner about their nearby centre for
attending quizzes and exams. However, considering the COVID-19 situation, the exam may
be conducted by other modes as well.

iii. A five-point scale will be used for evaluating participants in individual courses.

Grade A B C D F I
Descript Exc G Satisfact Lo F Incomplete
ion ellen o ory w a (Final Grade
t o Pa il Pending)
d ss

iv. Component wise weightage (if applicable) will be specified in the course outline.
v. For each component of evaluation, generally marks are first awarded which are next
converted into letter grades with the instructor deciding the range of marks for each letter
grade. The component-wise letter grades are then converted into numerical values (up to
four decimal points).

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

Grade 3.55 to 2.55 to 1.55 to 0.55 to 0.00 to
Point 4.33 3.54 2.54 1.54 0.54
Grade A B C D F

A recommended normalization pattern of grading is suggested, as per the table given


Grade Permissible range for evaluation

A 0% (min) to 40% (Max)
B 20% (min) to 60% (Max)
C 10% (min) to 50% (Max)
D&F 0% (Min) to 10% (Max)

Note: The sub grades (like A+, A and A-) within a grade will be clubbed together for
determining the above ranges.
vi. If a participant has not fulfilled the academic requirements of a course, he/she may be
assigned “I” (Incomplete) grade temporarily. If, for any reason, the participant fails to
complete the course within the time stipulated by the course instructor and/or the Online
Learning Programme Office, then the “I” grade would be automatically converted into an
“F” grade.
vii. Participants are required to strictly adhere to the deadlines prescribed for the submission of
assignments, projects etc. Late submission may result in - a) reduction in grade, as decided
by the faculty; b) assignments/projects may not be evaluated and the participant will be
awarded “F” grade in the course as decided by the faculty.
viii. If a participant misses one or more components of evaluation, instructor of the respective
course may decide to award any make-up examination with prior approval of the
Programme Coordinator.
ix. If a participant has missed an end-term exam on account of his/her absence, the participant
may be allowed to take the re-exam for the particular end term based on the approval of
the course instructor/programme coordinator. However, no participant is allowed to take
the re-exam of more than two courses listed in a term and more than four courses listed in
the entire programme. A participant will be awarded “F” grade if she/he fails to appear in
the re-exam.
x. Re-examinations should not be considered for the Grade Improvement.
Advice: We do not encourage re-exams, unless the request is due to medical or health
or any other emergency or technical issue and the matter was informed to the office
within reasonable time duration.
xi. The grades given by an instructor are final. The instructor will not be called upon to justify
the grades as long as they conform to the norms. A participant, who desires clarification on
the grade(s) awarded, may discuss the matter with the concerned instructor(s) within seven
days on receipt of the grades. If any grievance regarding grading is not resolved through
discussion with the instructor or if the instructor is not available at the station, the concerned
participant may refer the matter to the Online Learning Programme Office in writing within
two days thereafter, who will then discuss the matter with the instructor, if required. The

faculty members will respond as deemed necessary.


xii. Faculty members may consider attendance as a component of Class Participation as per their
Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
8.2 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
CGPA, as at the end of programme, is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in
all the courses registered for by a participant, the weights being the respective course

8.3 Communication of Grades

The Online Learning Programme office will communicate to the participant their final letter
grades in various courses. At the end of the last term, the Coordinator would issue to him/her
an official grade sheet. Extra copies of the transcript will be available by paying the
applicable charges decided by the Institute. The grade of a participant and any other
information about him/her available to the Institute will not be communicated to any other
person or organization without the consent of the participant concerned.

9. Academic Discipline

The Institute attaches utmost importance to integrity and honesty in academic work by the
participants. The participants must maintain strict discipline in classrooms, examinations,
tests, quizzes, take-home assignments, and all other components of academic work.

9.1 Resorting to copying or helping to copy in any shape or form in examinations or quizzes
or home assignments or other elements of evaluation and/or reproducing passages from
written work of others, without necessary acknowledgment and/or passing or receiving
papers in connection with any academic work to be evaluated and/or canvassing for grades
is strictly prohibited.
9.2 Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, the participants must not collaborate in any
way in their home assignments. The answers as presented to the instructor should be the
independent work of each participant. The participants are advised that they should not,
in their interest, communicate their written reports or answers in home assignments to any
other participant.
9.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules, no discussion of any sort will be
permitted during the examination. The instructors, if they think fit, may disallow or restrict
discussion or consultation about the home assignments and take-home examinations or
may adopt any other measure to prevent the use of unfair means in any segment of
9.4 Instructors will be free to adopt any measure to penalize participants for breach of
academic discipline. Any such violations and measures taken by the instructors will be
reported to the Online Learning Programme Coordinator
9.5 The instructor may also choose to report the incident to the Online Learning Programme
Coordinator recommending disciplinary action against the involved participant. In such
cases, following steps would be adopted:
• The Online Learning Programme Coordinator seeking an explanation for the breach of
discipline will issue a letter to the involved participant.
• On obtaining the response from the involved participant, the matter will be discussed
between Online Learning Programme Coordinator and concerned instructor. The
Online Learning Programme Coordinator may call others also for facilitating the

9.6 If found guilty, the Online Learning Programme Coordinator may take any one or an

appropriate combination of the following disciplinary actions against him/her:

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
• Scaling down of grades obtained in the specific course
• Awarding a permanent ‘F’ grade in the course concerned
• Expulsion from the programme

Notwithstanding the academic regulations mentioned above, the Online Learning

Programme Coordinator is empowered to refer to the Executive Committee any deserving
case for review. The Executive Committee will review such cases and take appropriate

10. Conduct of Quizzes & Examination

10.1 Examinations are conducted through the online mode.

10.2 Participants will adhere to the rules, regulations and instructions communicated by IIM
Indore / Technology partner during the conduct of the examination.
10.3 The participant is not permitted to communicate in any form with anyone else during the
examination except for essential communication with the invigilator.
10.4 Participants shall not refer to any book, paper, or other notes unless it is an open book
10.5 In case of any doubt regarding the quiz/examination that has not been clarified by the
instructor or the invigilator, participants have to proceed by making a suitable assumption.
10.6 Any violation of the norms of the examination will be considered a serious offense and
an act of misconduct.
10.7 Invigilators will report to the Online Learning Programme Office any violation of rules or
instructions by the participants.
10.8 Any violation of the above rules would attract ‘F’ grade, and/or the matter would be
referred to the Executive Committee.
10.9 If the participant is not in a position to take the examination, he/she should inform the
Online Learning Programme Coordinator well in advance and obtain a clearance, failing
which he/she will be awarded ‘F’ grade in the examination.
10.10 In case of online examination, the participants will be required to submit the answer papers
by stipulated time and date. Therefore, it is advisable that the participants arrange desired
equipment and bandwidth to avoid any uncertainty.

11. General Conduct

The Institute attaches utmost importance to integrity, honesty, discipline and general
conduct of the participants. A sense of responsibility and a high degree of maturity is
expected from all the participants.

Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding, the following commissions and/or
omissions on the part of participants will constitute breach of discipline, or say, acts of

11.1 The case method of instruction depends upon the confidence of the business from which
cases are collected. Case names and data are frequently disguised. Participants should
ensure that the confidentiality of the data obtained for educational purposes is not violated

in any way.
11.2 The cell phones should be kept in switch off mode during the classroom sessions and other

academic activities such as examinations, quizzes, guest lecture, etc.

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
11.3 Cases of indiscipline or misconduct in classes, irresponsible behaviour inside and outside
the classes will be severely dealt with.
11.4 Damage to the property of the centre/Institute (while you are on campus) riotous or violent
or disorderly behavior.
11.5 Reporting fictitious data for empirical study or in the dissertation or assignments;
11.6 Theft or fraud or dishonesty;
11.7 Copying in any form in the assignments, dissertation or examinations & allowing others
to copy.
11.8 Permitting, whether willingly or otherwise, a co-participant to copy from one’s own
answer book or document or material;
11.9 Smoking, use of alcohol and other prohibited intoxicants in the classrooms or the campus;
11.10 Unsolicited communication by group e-mail/chat during the class;
11.11 Impersonation or proxy submission or assignments, reports and other documents to the
11.12 Leveling false and baseless allegations against any faculty member or officer or
employee of the Institute or representatives/staff of Technical Partner;
11.13 Doing or causing to do, any act, which is likely to adversely affect the relations of the
Institute with its partners;
11.14 Participants staying inside the campus during the on-campus module will abide by the
campus rules applicable to participants.
11.15 Indulging in any act subversive of general discipline (the word “discipline” being used
here in its generic sense and it’s the widest amplitude), inside or outside the campus,
and/or is detrimental to the reputation, image and/or standing of the Institute.


(i) Reporting fictitious data for empirical study or in the dissertation or assignments;

➢ “F” grade for the component

(ii) Plagiarism in any form in the assignments/projects/ dissertation;

➢ “F” grade for the component

(iii) Permitting, whether willingly or otherwise, a co-participant to copy from one’s own
assignment or project;

➢ Both should be given “F” grade for the component

(iv) The punishment mentioned above in point (i), (ii) and (iii) is minimum, and which
may go up to the award of “F” grade for the course.

(v) Participants are required to strictly adhere to the deadlines prescribed for the submission
of all assignments, projects and reports.

11.16 Examination
• Copying in any form in any examination;

• “F” grade for the course

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
11.17 A participant, who is alleged to have committed an act of misconduct as aforesaid will
be directed to show cause against disciplinary action and will be allowed to present his
case. The Online Learning Programme Coordinator may, after providing a hearing to
the participant and after investigating as is deemed fit and proper in the circumstances,
punish as is considered appropriate.

11.18 Punishments include a warning or down-gradation up to grade "F" or withholding of

Certificate or expulsion from the programme. While imposing punishment, the
Executive Committee will take into account the surrounding circumstances, and the
impact of the misconduct on the general discipline, image and standing of the Institute.

11.19 In cases where the Online Learning Programme Coordinator has imposed the
punishment of (i) down gradation to "F", or (ii) withholding of Certificate or (iii)
expulsion from the program, the aggrieved participant may appeal to the Director. The
decision of the Director thereon shall be final.

12. Break and Re-joining Rules

Due to various reasons, participants often request for a break in the programme and rejoins in
subsequent batches (if any) to complete the programme. The requests for a break and rejoining
will be processed abiding the rules as under:

12.1 Break Rules:

• A participant has to take prior approval to take a break from the programme by paying
the remaining fees/penalty (if any) due for the entire programme as per schedule.
• The participant will be responsible for completing the formalities and keeping track of the
courses during the break period.
• If the “break‟ is approved, the participant will be allowed to complete the missed courses
with the subsequent batch or any other batch as assigned by the Institute, within the
duration as per the Rule “v‟ below.
• Participants will be required to complete courses if proceeds on break midway between
the courses.
• The maximum duration allowed for completion of the programme is 36 months from the
date of admission.
• During the break period, such participant shall not be entitled to the privileges given to
the current participants.
• ONLY one break is permissible to complete the programme.

12.2 Rejoining Rules:

• While rejoining the subsequent batch after the break, a participant has to deposit a
rejoining fee as decided mutually by IIM Indore and the technology partner. The
rejoining fees may vary from batch to batch. In case of any further course fee revision,
the participant has to pay the difference amount to undergo the programme while

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

• All the programme rules will be applicable as per the rejoined current batch.

• Total time taken to complete the programme will be mentioned in the transcript.

13. Eligibility for the award of the Certificate (Applicable to such programme where
successful completion certificate is awarded )

A participant will be eligible for the award of the certificate, only if he/she has not obtained ‘F’
grades in more than 50% courses. Participants obtaining more than 50% ‘F’ grades will not
qualify for the award of the Certificate.

The Online Learning Programme Coordinator will review the case of a participant who has
failed to meet any of the conditions for the award of the Certificate before a final decision is
taken. However, such a participant may be given a chance to clear these courses by paying an
additional fee as decided mutually by the Institute and technology partner, if permitted by the
Online Learning Programme Coordinator.
The Online Learning Programme Coordinator may ask a participant to withdraw from the
Programme at any time if the academic progress of the participant is extremely poor or his/her
conduct is detrimental to the educational process of the Institute.

If the participant has discontinued the Programme without prior permission, he/she may not be
allowed to rejoin the Programme. Such discontinuation will be deemed unauthorized, and the
participant automatically forfeits his/her right to request for rejoining.

A participant has to take prior approval to drop out from the Programme by paying the
remaining fees/penalty (if any) due for the entire Programme. If the course fee has been revised
upward, he/she may have to pay the difference amount to undergo the Programme while

A participant who is expelled from or is required to leave the Programme on any ground may
file an appeal to the Director, IIMI for reconsideration of his/her case. The decision of the
Director, IIMI on such appeals will be final.

14. Certificate

The successful completion certificate will be awarded to the participants, applicable to such
programme where successful completion certificate is awarded.
If the participant is unable to meet the evaluation criteria mentioned in Point No. 9 but desirous
of attending the programme will be given “Certificate of Participation” in place of “Certificate
of Completion”, if he/she meets other attendance/academic criteria and pays all the dues.

15. Alumni Status

The participants who will complete the programme successfully will be eligible for the
Executive Education Alumni status of IIM Indore. They will require to apply separately along
with the necessary fee to register their name.

Current alumni membership plans are as follows:

• 2 year membership – Rs 1000/-

• Lifetime membership – Rs. 10,000/-

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)
Benefits available to Executive Education Alumni:
1) Communication of brochures and newsletters from IIM Indore,
2) Access to the IIM Indore Campus Library (onsite access only),
3) Official email ID of the institute.

16.Grievance Redressal

Any participant having a grievance may submit a written application to the Online Learning
Programme Coordinator stating all the circumstances and/or details therein clearly. The
participant concerned should sign the grievance application.
The representation should set out all the circumstances and grounds and should be accompanied
by all the relevant documents in support of the allegation.

17. Change of Norms

The Institute reserves the right to change admission procedures or eligibility for certification,
the content of courses, fees charged, awards and regulations affecting participants or make any
other suitable modification as deemed necessary in the interest of the participants, the Institute
or/and the Profession.

The Institute also reserves the right to discontinue the Programme at any time. In such events,
IIM, Indore assures and gives the undertaking that arrangements will be made for the
participants already enrolled in the programme to complete the course.

The Institute also reserves the right to change any or all the rules, regulations, policies or norms
related to Online Learning Programme without prior notice.

In case of any dispute or any situation which is not governed under the Handbook will be
decided by the Executive Education Committee. The decision of the Committee will be final
and binding to the participants.

* On campus module and valedictory ceremony on the campus will be held if the pandemic
situation normalizes. (Applicable only to such programmes in which on-campus module is a
part of the programme). The Institute will keep the students posted about the development on
the matter. In case it is not feasible to conduct the on-campus module the sessions to be
delivered through on-campus mode will be delivered through virtual mode. Normally the
certificates are distributed during an on-campus valedictory ceremony, in case it is not feasible
due to pandemic, the digital provisional certificate will be awarded to the participants and final
completion certificate will be awarded on campus when the pandemic situation normalizes. In
case of prolonged pandemic situation Institute may dispatch original Certificate/Gradesheet at
your registered address in India

Online Learning Programmes Handbook (General Rules & Regulations)

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