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System Sortware is towards the total cost eff and shiftin the emphasis tow dire bacpeed tin pr rt mnulti-access computer systems, be argued that given nulti-a Provided statement identit SOMO NeC ROO Dini ic) a relatively new thing if you compare it to the hi mre Th nr year eomalingron-omptn a Seta earn re hine and purpose. Using the same code again Again awdereun, ter rea tion of the facts that some processors have a lot more oa ne “tha ee pies ost certainly want to use the same code in different machine would take a lot less time than compiling it ce machi used”. The basic idea of cross-compiling is to use some procesed ST) to Some other processor (TARGET) that uses different architecture. TI is means that the which you are compiling the software cannot natively run the software it a : }: Compiled for another processor. This is one of the fi st challenges of eros : build environments want to run some Programs during the compiling p seurse crash the build process. To avoid the challenges of cross-compilin, comping natively. Anyhow in many cases this is very slow and for that considered as an option, oT $.13.1 CRoss COMPILERS compiler is a cot ‘apable of creating executable code fora the one on which the cross compiler ig currenth, Tunning. Such a tool is handy qipPile code for a platform that you don't have neces to, or because it is ¢ is impossible to compile on that platform (as is the case with embedded ¢ sds of microcontrollers run with a minimal ‘amount of memory for their: The fundamental use ofa cross compiler is to separate the build em environment. This is useful in a number of situations; * Embedded computers, microwave ovey where a device has extremely limite © an extremely small computet mi compe toa digital display and speak, Cooking food, This computer will not be powerful ‘enough to | development environment, Compiling for multiple machines: different versions of an using a cross compiler, Of these targets, For example, a ¢ Operating system or to supp @ single build environn Platform setting is irrelevant, For example, HOH & Droameast. The machine where the yam is the target platfor ised by embedded Linux d £9 is to use GEC comp OX2. These tools create a “chrooted! without having to set extra paths, It alwo has facilities for HS On (for example) an ARM CPU so things like configu Rchbox is that itis slower and most of your tools that are on to funetion consider crows: ‘compile andbox where you ean bury, New Jersey, produced C compilers beginning in the for a variety of platforms up to and including PCs and je was available for a variety of platforms including MS modore 64, Macintosh O8XXX and Amig: throughout the 1990s until Manx Software Systems C was offered both as a native mode compiler or as th different processors including the Commodore 64 and “Aztec C including their MS DOS based cross compilers. 18086 MS DOS compiler, was also a cross compiler it processor like their Aztec C65 6502 cross compilers Binary executables for then-legacy operating systems At was available with a choice of operating systems, €86 was provided with link libraries for generating lout the 1980s later versions of Aztec C86 (3.x, sitory” versions 1 and 2 and which were less robust Which Aztec C86 targeted until its demise. developers with the ability to produce ROM-able sd using a ROM Burner directly to an 8086 based jon today but the practice of creating low-level those years when device driver development was dual applications, and new devices amounted to plication programmers to interface directly with er. This practice was similar to Embedded $ ystems eee” ann v System Software * The gcc native compiler for machine A (2) is used to build the gee cross Ato machine BQ) # The gee eross compiler from machine A to machine B (3) is used to build from machine B to machine C (4) ‘The end-result cross compiler (4) will not be able to run on your build m would use it on machine B to compile an application into executable code that to machine Cand executed on machine C: ? For instance, NetBSD provides a POSIX Unix shell script named build sh which its own toolchain with the host’s compiler; this, in turn, will be used to build the. Ath, Which will be used to build the whole system: The term Canadian Cross came about because at the time that these issues es discussion, Canada had three national political parties. MH, 5.13.4 TIME LINE OF EARLY CROSS COMPILERS ™ 1979 ~ ALGOL 68C generated ZCODE, this added on porting the compiler and other. Aly 68 applications to alternate platforms. To compile the ALGOL 68C compiler required about yt of memory. With Z80 its 64kB memory is too small to actually compile the compiler, Sofor then the compiler itself had to be cross compiled from the larger CAP capability computer or any 370 mainframe. 5.13.5 GCC AND CROSS COMPILATION GCC, a free software collection of compilers, can be set up to cross compile. It supports man platforms and languages. GCC requires that a compiled copy of binutils be available for each targeted platform. Especially important is the GNU Assembler. Therefore, binutils first has to be compiled core, ‘with the switch -target~some-target sent to the configure script. GCC also has to be with the same ~-target option. GCC can then be run normally provided that the tools, which binutils ereates, are available in the path, which can be done using the following (on UNDilike operating systems with bash): ; PATH-=/path/to/binutils /bin:${PATH} make Cross compiling GCC requires that a portion of the target platform’ e 0 host platform. At least the crto, ... components of the library ile the full C library, but that can be too large for a h is a small C library containing only the most e . To configure GCC with newlib, use the swi Is packages (i.e, autoconf, automake, and m, and a target platform. The build ca ild should be left ;, build athe Compilers in , jprodce; otherwise the target Platform setting Iv irrelevant, For exo ‘a-vieleo game that will Hun On & Dreamcast, The machine where the ¢ while the Droameast (a the target platform ynethod that is popularly used by mbedded Linux developers is to use GCC compiler ‘or the newer scratchboxa, These tools create a “chrooted” sandbox wher : tools, libo, and libraries without having to set extra paths, It also has facilities for the runtime into thinking it is on (for example) an ARM CPU so things like configure ‘will run, The downside to Seratehbox is that it is slower and most of your tools that are on ‘must be moved into Scratchbox to function. MANX AZTEC C CROSS COMPILERS 7 ‘Software Systems, of Shrewsbury, New Jersey, produced C compilers beginning in the is targeted at professional developers for a variety of platforms up to and including PCs and Aztec C programming language was available for a variety of platforms including MS 11 DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, Commodore 64, Macintosh 68XXX and Amiga. the 1980s and continuing throughout the 1990s until Manx Software Systems d, the MS DOS version of Aztec C was offered both as a native mode compiler or as ss compiler for other platforms with different processors including the Commodore 64 and Internet distributions still exist for Aztec C including their MS DOS based cross compilers. still in use today. ix’s Aztec C86, their native mode 8086 MS DOS compiler, was also a cross compiler. itdid not oe = fora different processor like their Aztec C65 6502 cross compilers odore 64 and Apple Il, it created binary executables for then-legacy operating systems bit 8086 family of processors, oe n the IBM PC was first introduced it was available with a choice of operating systems, and PC DOS being two of them, Aztec C86 was provided with link Hbraries for generating oth IBM PC operating systems. Throughout the 1980s later versions of Aztec C86 (3.x, '§.xx) added support for MS DOS “transitory” versions 1 and 2 and which were less robust baselin MS DOS version 3 and later which Aztec C86 targeted until its demise, Aztec C86 provided C language developers with the ability to produce ROM-able a ROM. which could then be transferred using a ROM Burner directly to an 8086 based Paravirtualization may be more common today but the practice of creating low-level ‘was more common per-capita during those years when device driver by application programmers for individual applications, and new devices amounted industry. It was not uncommon for i - application programmers to interface directly with. Support from the manufacturer. This practice was similar to Embedded Systems a and James Goodnow II were the two principal aac steamer a eran Wel developers NK CNew called, CE Kernel or ao Incomputer prose” machine designed to exe applied both generically t precompiled code), and to speckie 7 Pascal-P system, particularly in Hs as the Java Virtual Machine ang famous being the M, vementations) the most jamous being the p-Mach, c impleme 1 1p Pascal incarnation. vented cirea 1966 (a8 O-code for BEPL) nos (such apt was first implen z the dnhough the ae ; ; es acros Two eatly ¢¢ piers generat Fae Pas mh p-code first appeares "ammann, Jense? Hageli, and Jacobi, an ascal-§ compiler : compiler in 1973; by Nor! a : by Niklaus Wirth Programs that have been translated (0 F cod atical CPU. If ther emulates the behavior of the hypothetica ee scal Mi : implementation of the CPU specification may be built (¢., the Pascal Microkingine) interpreted by a software pry is sufficient commercial interest, aha, thay ee 5.14.1 WHY P-CODE? Compared to direct translation into native machine code, a two-stage approach invoin, translation into p-code and execution by an interpreter or just-in-time compiler Offers ser advantages. ity « Portability: It is much easier to write a small p-code interpreter for a new m modify .¢ code for the same machine. a compiler to generate nativ ‘Simple implementation: Generating machine code 1s one of the more comp! ‘a compiler. By comparison, generating p-code is much easier. This Makes compiler up and running quickly 4 Compact size: Since p-code is based on an ideal virtual machine, @ p-code’p smaller than the same program translated to machine code, Debugging: When the p-code is interpreted, the interpreter can apply ad are difficult to implement with native code 5.14.2 WHY NOT P-CODE? One of the significant disadvantages of p-code is executi Z ion s remedied through the use of a JIT compiler. machine language for a hypot process of using such a P-code @

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