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2G2015 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Code Paper-3 Duration : 150 Minutes 1. Please check the Test Booklet immediately ‘on opening and ensure that it contains all the 150 multiple choice questions printed on it. Separate Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Answer ‘Sheet is supplied to you along with the Question Paper Booklet. The OMR Answer Sheet consists of two copies Le., the Original Copy (Top Sheet) and Duplicate Copy (Bottom Sheet). The OMR sheet contains Registered Number/Hall Ticket Number, Paper Code, Booklet Series, Booklet No., Venue Code, Signature of the Candidate and Invigilator etc. 2 3. If there is any defect in the Question Paper Booklet or OMR Answer Sheet, please ask the invigilator for replacement. 4. Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Scanner system, the candidates have to USE BALL POINT PEN {BLUE/BLACK) ONLY for filling the relevant blocks in the OMR Sheet including bubbling. ‘the answers. Bubbling with Pencil/ink Pen/ Gel Pen is not permitted in the examination. 5, The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz, AB or BC or CD or DA. The Series AB or BC or CD or DA is printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series on side 1 of the ‘OMR Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. AB || 3774857 Booklet No. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Example to fill up the Booklet Series : If your Test Booklet Series is AB and Booklet Code is 2000001, please fill as shown below : Test Booklet Series Booklet Code ae} oT @90000000/5 209000000/5 200000000/> leeaeeooece|= lseceeoocce|> lpeaeeo0cee g lo le lo If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series | at side 1 of the OMR Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one “correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question. if more than one circle is darkened, that answer will not be valued at all. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks. eg. : If the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows: 1 © @0®@ (Continued on back cover page.) ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT ‘According to Rangarajan Committee 2014, the | 4 poverty line is defined as per capita expenditure of (1) ©52 for rural and @ 67 for urban areas (2), £42 for rural and & 57 for urban areas (3) 2.32 for rural and @ 47 for urban areas (a), © 22 for rural and & 37 for urban areas SotioreS $s, 2014 jos-to $08 sree Dob 20 tgce gro meg dae |. DégDowdo BONE ? : (1) rhe Browee* ae. 52, dye rows 67 WB) (whe Growee! tm. 42, Spo rowee* &.s7 13) ets Browed! te. 32, 2g0 Drooree* &.47 (4) ere Broeed* G&. 22, Oye ore" 6.37 ‘The people with lower incomes when compared with higher incomes, even when their standard Of living is above subsistence level, are said to be in: (2) Absolute poverty (2) Relative poverty (3) Rural poverty (a) Mass poverty EDosarD$ Yonoded fee Hs Giireo So | 5 Prost Dod aiyiyh GS voraires fe Gees MOYSYS we) word fe ob B08 arse! 5 pe! aotres? BY ashgbsoso (2) Shy beioso 13) (whe bos (4) Dgy8 SSOKO ‘Which of the following programmes are covered under the ‘National Food Security Act, 2013' ? a. Mid-day Meal Scheme Integrated Child Development Scheme © Public Distribution System 4. Buffer Stock Management “erBaS eH Bier Syo 2013" Sots D hey srdgineslinbsres SobSabuderan ? 6 8 Sergiy Ses Sto. b. thi)s eree wfSyg S80 cer bot age 6. Bi PS SSS () abec 22) bc&d (@) od&a (4) aap « (1) Poverty tine a Consider the following statements relating to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act a. 100 days of mandatory employment should be provided to rural job seekers. ». Equal wage rates should be paid to male and female workers. One third of the beneficiaries should be women, 4. Employment should be provided only to the people below the poverty line Which of the above statements are correct as per the MGNREG Act ? witery mod endab (rie OO SD seas WouoGods #od srgugeds MDOSod : 2. 2 oSysoe! Kio 100 fare $85 29D SOy0T. b. 22th, {yfiks tress tsar as dents Sood. _ 6 OF BGS eBarhy* tardd bom Sb HF acne. 6. cr0g yh OK Oy Geek asd 4290 $0p000. Pangugee G1 wepd8 wowohod DD~BAD? fA) ab&e 2) bead (3) od&a (4) da&b When 3 country enters a recession, many jobs are lost. This situation i called : (2) Frictional unemployment (2) Cycical unemployment (3). Seasonal unemployment (4), Disguised unemployment 2S dio rods SOBRE (RODS orem O29 vere Seysod, sod waet wesbot HOys D8? JA) Soiayy Gog) nein (2), Sas Designs (3) SS dowos DwEtgns (a) syn Desagns ‘Among the following methods, which one measures relative poverty ? Lorene curve (3) Indifference curve (4) Giffen paradox 208 are? Shy LSOerdy B8,01) 248 987 (2) @oySg de (2) odor dy (3) acter dm (4) MS BLbergo Series-AB 7. Poverty line in rural india is defined as the mid- Point of monthly per capita expenditure class having a daly calorie intake of : (2), 2,400 calorie per person (2), 2,300 calorie per person (3) 2,200 calorie per person {4)_ 2,200 calorie per person (rds wsadi obey dete Dogdomeodt BOO SeHO Hyoh SBD edgy Dodie dk utes rodoe! 2 ofa 28 pS OD) ngede, DYS wbtdo w5o wiysod ? (2) 28 988 2,400 srgebes (2) 2s 588 2,300 srgebes (3) 285485 2,200 srgebeo (4) 289588 2,100 sgeb6eo 8. fa person is willing and searching for work but due to unavailability of work remained unemployed during the major part of the previous year, he's called unemployed as per: (1) Weekiystatus (2) Daily status (3) Usualstatus (4) Standard status SD cubes ahd, SDs grsbsyo dd Wobsytod* 6S seo ebm aod Bhd dbomrw ? {)) @ SOBRE ya Me DOeIgA 2) Berard YO rie Dash 2) Sorte YO fe DAE':A (4) Qrarets 92 Me DOESN 8. A person whose marginal productivity is zero or when more people are engaged in a job than actually required is called (2), Disguised unemployment (2). Frictional unemployment (8) Open unemployment (4) Seasonal unemployment 28 98 abs, aod aeyESS Hragorr God LOYOD Cor a8 LOL wELCiads (ribsse, Soih O8y 00 LOS 289 Disord? (0) Bigg Designs (2) okey aga) Desens 3) adrdo aeetgnes (8) Gots DEINE Series AB When workers have jobs, but they are not working to their full capacity or skill level, it is called as (one of the following) : (1), Under-employment (2) Open unemployment (2), Seasonal unemployment (4), Classical unemployment (ribet 29 Sesion oh ro Ag Sagrgeo ebeidaias bac obarnotndy, £00 artist wesbob PED Dtsoere 7 (2) eetyatgns 2) wirGors Deoigns (3) Gi douos axeatgns (a) Dogars adsstgns ‘A situation where in all the available labourers, who are willing and capable, find work at the ‘current wage rate is called (from among the following) : (2), Self employment (2) Re employment (3) Fullemployment (4) Non employment Sinead af B85 bos YS cD Hatred SOS Sea DOPE oy GeeS 49 where eso Sty (800 eet) Disoer? (1) Rgabo-aa9 (2) Bmessfgnes (3) Somgatgns — (4) wawst gna ‘Among the following, which state has the largest percentage of poor in india ? (1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Gujarat (3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Odissa 800 aE" D wrdd Or{Ho Ok Tdo Heute / ‘Bde son 0? (1) wogieds 2) Kao’ (3) Segeee ) ear Consider the following’pairs = Plan Period a. Second Five Year Plan - 1956-1961 . Third Five Year Plan — 1961-1966 © Fourth Five Year Plan 1966-1971 4d. First Five Year Plan ~ 1951-1956 \Which ofthe pais given above are correctly matched ? 206 edets ADO : borne seo a. BotSbodSg eros - 1956-1961 b. StS oudg Heros - 1961-1966 © amyb bos eros - 1966-1971 4, Bude Doug Goes - 1951-1956 Pesect Dew adr (Oram) aaryoo? (1) aba (2) bc&d (2) edge (4) 4 14. 16. 27. 203 Consider the following pairs Five Year Plan ‘Major Objective ‘a. First Five Vear Plan ° —Agricultural sector bb. Second Five Year Plan Industrial sector . Eleventh Five Year Plan Inclusive growth d. Third Five Year Plan —Growth with stability Which of the pairs given above are correctly “matched ? 308 adem Madosod, . Soi Gerd ers ego a. BeSB LOSS Kens — - gbdrab Gorfo b. Both bowsy Gres — - HO—WDS orto €. SBE 0d DOSES eres - 2Z0S4B d. EBS Loshy Gir — - BSKoe SASSY paeded" 20% adr (G8MaxKD) aaron? BW abac 2) bc&d (3) gd&a (4) d2&b ‘The Fifth Five Year Plan proposed to achieve the "main objectives of (1) Growth and stability (2). Growth with social justice and equality (3) Inclusive growth and improving standard of tiving (4), Removal of poverty and attainment of self- reliance BS Soils GrPS SGordedd Kors adereo D0? (2) pSsgo, SB (2) Shred argabost Srdt by8, trdsgo 13) 22y08 9, dos gairore Waly (4) BSOS Danzer, gabe Hyg esd One of the following five year plans aimed at achieving human development as the thrust or fundamental of all developmental efforts : (1) Véive Year Plan (2) VI Five Year Plan (3) Vil Five Year Plan Sl Vill Five Year Plan 2, UBS;Q Gabeyee’ SS ehS)90 Setor god $08 SSE! D Geres ass wBEg emg PGowred Nfosodos ? (1) SBLOY ger OS (2) CdLodds Herds 43) TdWoSRG KerOS (4) Sd bods Garos ‘Among the following, in which plan period, the highest growth rate of above 8 percent per ‘annum on an average was achieved ? (1) Seventh Five Year Pian (2) Eighth Five Year Pian (3), Tenth Five Year Plan (4) Eleventh Five Year Plan Bod eet D GarOer eo Wits wilgoorr BORE pr ypSexts Srhoiktio wOhed? (1) 7Sbocky heros (2) SbtoieY ar Os (3) 10Stosky gam OS (4) 11S ocy Gros Who was the exofficio chairperson of the Planting Commission ? {) Finance Minister (2) Prime Minister (3) Speaker of Lok Sabha (4) RBI Governor Gordes Loimdt OE) - ophar FES (odgheo) ae 7 1) Zo agsHo@ (2) Roe (2) S*Bix5 Sy86 (4) Bendy exgot Mey ‘What is ‘NIT!’ in NITI Aayog ? (1), National information Technology institution (2) National institution for Transforming India {2) National institute of Technology, India (4). National innavation Technology of india “DB wah’ eis SxSoe" ba (NM) wot TE? (1) Hake aeyAS Boyed ayers (2), Bike aBergAS 95 or8yo-ozoF aod (2) Sod aspangs of Boyed, aodah Ua) Ried ashSES Boned wh aodair India, the target and actual rates of growth 11” Five Year Plan (2007-2012) were : PSSBI0S LEotd totks Gros SLO (2007-12) & w2o0d (eggorr Uppsin) HOad xihorr HHODS HQ diy 23? (1) 585.5% 42) 789% (G) 9% 85% (4) 9% 875% Among the following, which economist first advocated a rolling plan for developing countries ? (1) Amartya Sen (2) Gunnar Myrdal (3) F.C Mahalonchie (6) PR Wahmananda 808 egrindgect dbo vidyh tobsy dre Stio BSOrr DOSS Gr OH vedo? fH) emggts 2) Kons ope (2) DRwwesOS (4) Deb. wiityros Which of the following five year plans was approved when the country was going through @ Severe economic crisis caused by budget deficit, inflation, recession, debt burden etc. ? (2) Fourth Plan (2) Sixth Plan (3) Eighth Pian (4) Ninth Plan YS Ses, ESgeiyen, Brotige, the rd. MOBO Sy eyed Bess eps seg wbsite Wy, Bochos* D woiks Ger oes verter? (1) mys eres — (2) odd geros (3) RSS Gros (4) SDySS gerds Serles-AB ‘planning in which targets are set for a period of 15 to 20 or 25 years and which ensures continuity in planning is called as (2) Centralised planning (2) Democratic planning: (3) Authoritation planning (4) Perspective planning 18 00 20 dor 25 Loddyore sre LOD MOowSes esse Woods, garoset SSP Nowy (continuity) dodbip Sh Ler Os | Deore ? (2) Sojh8y8 Ger OS (2) Garang hs Ger OS (3) ©8838 hors (4) B50) her Os Economic planning was an essential characteristic of one ofthe following economies : (1) Closed economy (2) Mixed economy (3) Socialist economy (4) Capitalist economy $08 ade w0S er P8Sdm egoorr 9 vgs gig ehQodtexbebod ? (1), Doma ($485) wOs Bb J2) Dyli o98 Ssh (3) dtagos uO Ssh (4) Wpedor’ gd bsty According to 1/70 Act, which of the following is true with regard to Telangana Government ? (2), Urban land of over 5 acres as surplus (2), Rural agricultural land excess of 50 acres in + dry region as surplus 3) Land transfer from tribals to non-tribals as null and void (4) Unassigned land given to SCs cannot be transferred 4/70 yo Geo deormm GaengDe Howogod 808 asst DO 2980 7 (1) 5 Sores Dots Ope god Sie drtoer DORA. - (2) 50 déore (rts SgbPrab ghd Dives ght Loner. (3) Abwise food NORMS ein nderanc’y wage (Spego sre) (4) O82 a0ys Syagor axierasoddD 039 (unassigned and) wSercnosEEs. Wich of the folowing districts in Telangana region is ‘the poorest in 2013-14 (SRE) in terms of per capita income at 2011-12 prices as per ‘Socio-Economic ‘Outlook 2016' (Government of Telangana) ? (1) Medak (2) Mahabubnagar (3) Adilabad (4) Warangal Brome Ares aS Oo 216 (Bors ego) Giro 201112 Glee" Sex wcrcho wortorr 2013-14 (Godt ixaworines) oF Booms (Drodod Bod 8s! wa koe oe 207 (1) ass (2) SareeSOS GB) ederr& (4) S60%e Jurala Irrigation Scheme Stage-1 was meant for scarcity area in which taluks of Telangana.? (2), Gadwal, Alampur & Wanaparthy (2), Wanaparthy,Sircila & Gadwal (G)_Alampur, Sangareddy, Wanaparthy (4) Medak, Gadwal & Alampur $00 aio D deoma euseet dvds $6 BES erore AVEDA Laflo (SE) agtowts? a) Hangs, woot, 3800, (2) S809, DORE, Marge” (2) suoiyS, 2omeg, BY (A) 388, henge, vootyd Which of the following is NOT part of Six Point formula, according to a statement issued by the leaders of Andhca Pradesh in 1973 ? 1), Development of backward areas (2) Preference to local candidates in educational institutions (3) Preference to local candidates in + secretariate appointments: (@)_ Development of irrigation 1973 € wo Gd arches bus 6 Paso PmwOS towofoD Sod are" D Bide sv? (1) Sa8uad Groee ohSyQ. (2), Borg Boyedt POS walgtout rorkgs. (7) WBsocdS Dabs POE wdgbew morass. (4) SroRes doce SO5)0. The chairman of the Krishaa Water Disputes Tribunal-ll is (2) RS.Bachavat (2) _Brijesh Kumar (2) Jagdish Bhagawathi (4) SP. Srivastava Sop As deere Geng (Goss) SHS 205? (1) 6.05. vo§ (2) a Kio (@ eféhenss (2) Sa Bays 4m Telangana, the Krishna river basin passes | 35. through the following districts (2) Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda & Hyderabad (2) Khammam, Aciiabad & Nalgonda (3) Karimnagar, Nalgonda & Hyderabad (3) Warangal, Mahabubnagar & Hyderabad Beomad' $68 WED Bere Kom SF Sh WBarir8 DroS0.3e908 ? A) SirurdoAb, AFod, wore 36. (2) igo, eberarG, eros” (3) S608H6, Sgt, gréoerS (@) B60KE, sumer 4K, pron ‘Which one of the following districts in Telangana state has the highest cropping intensity ? (1) Mahabubnagar (2) Nalgonda (3)_ Nizamabad Karimnagar 208 wdet deormmc’d D eee! tobe dros o8g68orr 408 ? (1) Gerdes — 2) BETO 37. (3) DersmerS 4) SoS In india over the last few decades a. The Birth Rate is increasing b. The Death Rate is increasing The Birth Rate is decreasing 4. The Death Rate is decreasing Which of the following statements is/are correct 2 (2) and 2) bande (3) cand (4) aandd POsdtod! 15 8D) Greg a. WSS dio Beibson. b. fade di tHbrbebos. «BS deo Sipsi00, 4. Stes Sto Sia00. 61 800 ar8E* D/DD Deo? (1) agsoatob 2) bisects 3) cdo (4) atoaied The percentage share of tube wells asa source of irrigation in Telangana region has increased from 2er0 in 1956-57 to % in 2011-12. aeore Brite Bde! my eriye a8" 1956-57 EF dovdgo sv 2011-12 &F | 39. PD wer Dos merds LOND ? (a) 43 (2) 493) 334) 26 The percentage share OT tanks as/a source of Trgocion i elongate vegion i 2000-18 or pot ‘Socio-Economic Outlook 2016° (Government of Telangana) is Boor (roves! SHAS Sikes Bde over ‘Brome Mes v9S Oso 2016" (serra GebBg0) sro 2014-15 S Dos 008? (Q) 15.76% (2) 12.67% G) 10.05% (4) 5.62% The total budget expenditure of Telangana state for the year 2015-16 (B.€) is: 2015-16 obs ]TDE Svorre Typ Kebago So Soo WBS Scho 208 aotwodsd wouter (ugS woumen) 00 7 (2) 1.10,689crores/s'¢p 2) & 105/689 crores/step (3) € 1.25,686crores/S'e> (4) & 1.155089 cores/S'ea The Vashishta Bhargava Committee was ‘appointed in 1969 to examine the budgetary surpluses utilzation for Telangana development during the period between : 1969 €* dasosnds 7g argh Kb D sreity Beorme efSy8 SUH wgbb Siieo data 80860208? (1) 1-11-1955 to 31-3-1969 (2) 1-11-1956 to 31-3-1968 (3) 1-11-1954 to 31-3-1969 £4) 1-11-1956 to 31-3-1969 Which of the following is not the main aspect of land reforms in india ? (1) Abolition of intermediaries (2) Tenancy reforms (8). Ceifing on land hotdings (e Becmereen otras D eriotyieet wouohod fod par DO KerSBS wore sre? (1) AdigSdhe Senos (2) Feamd Hoty seca B) SrSoerew Loh is) debe wos: According to the AP (Tefdngana Area) Tenancy & Agricultural Lands Act, 1950, all rights of a protected tenant are: (2) hertabie 2) notheritable (3) subject toreview (a) reserved (Beome rose) Tesb, Hsras drive Syo, 1950 Gis-So Bho Pods Beh ed) rtiye0 0608 S83-a0 7 (A) Sgberg wotse Bod 2) Spberg wSae8 Sosy (3) Bixdohess egeuso Ya) Otis Saiaasd In G.0. Ms. No. 971, Revenue Department, dt 07-10-1969, the Government of AP. had ‘originally prohibited assignment of government land to non-tribats in (2) reserved forests (2) scheduled areas (8) nor-scheduled areas (4) hilly areas 24.00.09, do, 971, daarg S-Ga0d, Ih 7-10-1969 of woes grzSdgo D Droog! Emig Sem NOMILY Eraser, wad dabard 490008 7 WA) OeigS wdiyen (2) ange Drowren 2) Boge ed Gower (a) Logs Goer Series-AB 40, The two categories of tenants that existed in Telangana region as per the Land Committee Report 2006 of A.P. were = (1) Oral & protected tenants (2) inamdari & protected tenants (2). Share croppers and ordinary tenants (4) Ordinary & protected tenants woes THIS Yowoged cvd owas, 2006 @5*o Beora rosoe* D dow Ere Fucbeaye? (2) SBS, 685 Peach (2) amon, 885 eect (3) Sobe*D arhosne wate Sood Fact, rote Turk (4) Sede, 08S Fears 41. Unregistered plain paper documents of leases taken by non-tribals from tribals is referred as : (1) Sada Bainamas (2) Stamp Paper (3) Sale Deed (4) Sada Binami Abate S00 NOadStes OHS 9 By LSD Dep Syereits bySD! wad Doers? Q) dor womires (2) od Lom 13) BaySQBo (@) do dob 42, A feudal title bestowed upon a person who received as gift the lands for extra-ordinary service to the kingdom is referred to as: (1) Zamindar (2) Inamdar (3) Feudal lord (a) Patwari Odom Lies mis oragolorsOSoldto Hod @Pd wirsOr Biase o489 (809 sree") Dwoere 7 (Q) m2voarcs 2) amore G) Bere G — (a) Bergh 43. The first committee set up after Independence in India to suggest land reforms was : (a) P.C Joshi Committee (2), 4.€. Kumarappa Committee (3), Bandopadhyaya Committee (4), Morarji Desai Committee PES TydowGosso GHidtyierD Ure is BSB EMD Seo, os SED Doors? (1) Bb. eysad © 2) By. Sbrdty dd a wolfdregab Sod (a) dood drron sod (AB ‘As per the recommendation of the Koneru Ranga Rao Land Committee, 2006, the maximum land- which may be allotted to single individual shall be limited to: (2) acre of wet land & 2 acres of dry land (2), acres of wet land & 2 acres of dryland (2) 2acres of wet land & 3 acres of dry land (4), 4acres of wet land & 6 acres of dryland S'S Cormorty dirk Sot, 2006 SOS sro US BBS Sercnowaets wspO4 eo Ios 85% LODSD doar ? (1) 28 2800 80,2 Bore Sty SD (2) 2.d8o% $0, 2.280% sy ein B) 2d8ore 8, 3 Sore Sty oD (4) 4 dor 40,6 d8ore ty, ind As per the Hyderabad Tenancy & Agricultural Land Act, 1950, the maximum rent of a tenant in Telangana on dry fand of chalka soil was fixed at : (1) 2 times the land revenue (2), 3 times the land revenue (3) 4times the land revenue (4). S times the land revenue “pio Suc, Sguras tine Spo, 1950° Grbo tery Sete ty, ghd dearrad! Sear BRocey ogo ape espace? (1) drecahD8 dodoseo 2) grecratDs srcoses 8) erucrah2s wQodes (4) grecramDs ododeo AP. (Telangana Area) Abolition of Jagirs Regulation Act came into existence in : wo edt (Boome Sodo) whbe HH, (Gong tbe Spo Bye were*t BOy00 7 {1) 1458 Fasal/S% (2) 1258 Fasalifity (3) 1358 Fasai/oh (4) 1258 FasaliShy ‘The Tribal Areas Regulation Act Fasali 1356 was enacted in 1945 by the’ Hyderabad State entrusting all tribal land disputes to = (1) Tribal committees (2) Tribal communities (3) Tribal panchayats (4) Tribal Commission 1946 & yrdoer& ood Hobass Ades (Drowe Sehsdo Hf 1356 Sgo ogo" wD Needs giriwe Saved HOS wEyoD0S ? (1) noes sodeo (2) NOK Siar gDehew (3) Rows Sacranties (4) now SOS 48, AS per the Tenancy Act in Telangana region, a person who cultivated the land continuously for six years before 1948 is called as: (2) Share cropper (2). Oral tenant (3) Protected tenant (4) Ordinary tenant Fees Syo Kiso Teorre Prosoe* 1948 S08 tmot Stir wh Hobdow ard debs oggn Devoere ? (2) george aQowse Q) Srps Sars (3) S§e P0GS Ferd (4) Sorte Sescrt Answer 3 questions from 49 to Si on the basis of the data given in the following table : Table: Operational Land Holdings (in %) in Telangana Districts. District | Marginal]Small] Semi- [Medium] Large ‘Medium| faditabaa | 498 |277| a75 | 46 | 04 _| ia os [238| 73 | 13 | o1 Medak 679 |217) 78 | 23 | 03 lwarangat | 67.1 21.4] a7 | 25 | 03 Ugee* dys Sqrote uErdorr 49 Hood $1 Suh Me 3 Gy eorwDinp. UYS | SD, Boome ayrg"s gerSoere Boorse (reve) lege fae os, ee [ane [og lee |g large |e [gros jeserer5 | aoe [277] 175 | a6 | oa Darter | 67.5 [238] 7.3 13 | 0.2 aes 67.9 |217| 78 23 103 leoone e7a |214| a7 | 25 | 03 203 si. 52. Which of the following statements is correct as, pper the data given in the above table ? (2) Share of medium holdings is the lowest in the holding structure Share of large holdings is the lowest {3)_ Share of marginal holdings is the lowest {(4)_ Share of the semi-medium holdingsis the lowest SD, seo eect essere dso (meres!) pigee* abgdo 20n0d. 6 deroto GorrSo 808 to8eee 5a aE Beto. (1) gree dhyost ey Joo Soe Be wage yore 400, DY Pron Sows orem wdgeyorm 08. arbi sy (marginal) see er edgeyorr 400, 28 SMY (semi-medium) Sere ser sdgenom 60d. Which ofthe districts has the nighest share of medium holdings and lowest share of marginal holdings as per the data provided in the above table ? 2) a) a (a) (1) Warangal (2) Medak 3) Ni (4) Adilabad : yee! mae Sqroto Uso 3 egret Sg Pro dnSneres Bdge ered SON dayon? eord wei Sy Shoe wdse) were SON wees? (1) done (2) ass (2) Derren (Ah eBerand From the above table, hich district has the lowest semi-medium, mediurt and large farm holdings ? (2) Adilabad (2) Medak (2) Nizamabad (4), Warangal — BDYS Geoto GsWo D ect es BYE, Log gran, US par drvoeren vse rents SON Aay0D? hy eberns 2) 305 PB) derive (4) Sbote “Which of the following reasons causing suicides ‘of farmers in Telangana are correct ? a. failure of borewells bbe fluctuations of yields in cotton crop ©. _ Rise in cost of production 4. Rise of rice as a major food crop Beormest wdzirdse% 808 Set DD ABH srOeren? a Mb aren Mico wbtlo b. BQ tob edyBe* ws) SMheo Ddysdo © 6dy8 Sgcbo VOrKso 4. Got wiHS Sobre $0 Wie (1) ab&e 2) bc&d edhe 1) dag ‘Series-AB 53. Which of the following non-food crops that have grown faster in the past two decades in Telangana ? a. Turmeric b. Cotton © Sugar Cane 4. Maize 18 Gob Grye svott Buoiract 800 ate! D wS86 Sobte wbsor/dtboson Lodosagras? a teaty b 3g 38% A BRT () a&c, 2) b&d (3) a&b (4) cad Telangana state ranks among the states in india that witnessed farmers suicides in the year 2014, as per National Crime Records Bureau. (2) First (2) Second (3), Third (4). Fourth wxbch AS SAS ang6" eo 2014 €t ressted’s ope! igsetory wins teomodod deorra ogo D wrt, Goda? (1) asd Po (2) Bode FAO (3) Sree geo (4) Ea HSO Which of the following districts has the highest ‘area covered under micro irrigation in Telangana region from 2003-04 to 2013-14 ? (a) Nizamabad (2), Mahabubnagar (3)_Nalgonda (4) Medak 2003-08 #203 2013-14 5: Beorma rosoe*d $00 weet D egret ink tego SO ager eago8 Dhgost Srodaiedon ? f) Samia (2) Sete d85 (3) Sgos (a) ass The ratio of gross irigated area to net irrigated areas referred to as’ (2) Irrigation efficiency (2) irrigation ratio (3) Irrigation intensity (4) _Cropping intensity Groom teigiy bo wocsessy Bag bio wotbitt Shera He, Rqwd IS0Ers? (1) -Seigiy Des aeaggas (2) Eaigty De XQ (2) Bagg D8 MOBS (4) Dobe Does Which of the following districts has highest out- tum of total cereals & millets in Telangana region 7. in 2013-14? (2) Nizamabad (2) Mahabubnager (3) Karimnagar (4) Warangal 2013-14 * Beome (Hodoe'D 808 D eere* Byrowrge 489 DEE 4 easDsorr 40D? (1) Devtrend (2) datrerdSN5 (3) $608H5 GB) S8ore Series AB "28, D880 10 59. ‘The ratio of gross cropped area to net cropped area is referred to as : (1) Agricuttureintensity (2) Irrigation ratio. (3) Cropping intensity (4) Crop ratio Sigh pe Ege, Sei, ks DoS Beg he Tigo Diroere 7 (Gobee BS gre Bhd, Dobe ds D8 Ohyost rng beyo.987) (1) Spd DoS (2) avo SgEOraS Tyg (3) Sobe dos — (8) Lobe BéyB Which of the following districts has the, largest forest area in Telangena State as per ‘Socio- Economic Outiook 2016' (Government of Telangana) in 2035-36 ? (2) Adilabad (2) Khammam (3) Mahabubnagar (4) _Karimnagar Bore Fre - vB Oso 2016 (Beare thio) (sro 2015-16 O* Beorrrs o%4y0e* Bod OCD Bre wags bd ros Tho 40d? () eberer5 2) iyo (3) trerdane — (a) Sb08K5 Bt cotton seed is widely adopted by farmers in Telangana and elsewhere because farmers believe that : (2) Itincreases the biodiversity. (2). Itimproves the soll fruity. {@) tisvery cheap. (4) Itreduces the cost of production. Beomactin, 25S Drowestor Sgsrab cries Dd 23 Dgmew® Dom ward. DoshSoe a0 BYE" HY HB dégareo - Y) SB Bergh Dorberan (2) Set dehos0 dros (3) Shyd gored (4) 0858 dgairets Spgran Which of the following districts has the lowest consumption of fertilizers per hectare in Telangana state? (1) Karimnagar (2) Medak (3). Warangal (4) Nizamabaa Beorre oped 808 seed D eect os TPES odbets dtiye Ddarvio wagejor" 200? (1) Sb0a45 (3) Sorte: (2) Bas (4) Darina Which of the following districts contributes the lowest percentage of service sector to the GSDP ‘of Telangana region in 2013-2014 at current prices (FRE) ? (2) Nalgonda (2) Khammam (3) Nizamabad (4) Adilabad EXpS Gdes* 2013-14 S BLore eodoc* oy we Pobarsyget be sory oer wedge rorr 808 weed Bere 008? (1) gros 2) Bio G) dedrer’ (4) edernd In which of the following districts of Telangana state, National Investment & Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ) as approved by Govt. of India is set up ? (1) Mahabubnagar (2) Rangereddy (3) Nalgonda (4) Medak $08 wUS'D 2 Boome aye! ‘en Beb Upes, Sabb (dokogdrs%y00) ES" (NIMZ) > ards GebSgo Doryen did0d 7 (1) Seaman (2) Soma (a) Sgro (a) Be Which of the following districts has the highest number of biogas plants installed in Telangana region in 2013-14 ? (1) Karimnagar (2) Adilabad (3) Khammam (4) Nizamabad 2013-14 Et Boome Prodoe! wSgo8 Howse BarmgS Sogmoreis (obew) JOD ee (808 arase*) 387 (1) S60855 (2) wderar5 (3) yo (4) Derdrard Which of the following districts in Telangana state has the highest number of industries ? (2), Hyderabad (2) Rangareddy (3) Medak (4) Nalgonda Buome gos 808 D eget oss optics hey ? 41) peorerS () ass 2) Gomag (4) agro n Twotthird coal mines in Singareni Collieries in 2014 were operated by (2) Open cast mining (2) Underground mining, (3) Deep shaft mining {4) Tracking process 2016 6 horde Tip tog" EnBow Bots Soe, Shh toca Jer Dbgirotergran ? (1) wardor (open cast) Mike, dgso (2) wodorys (underground) rise igo (8) SBSESortty Mtoe (SEgBo (4) erBoh Beas “The Annual Survey of Industries’, the principal source of statistics in India and in the states as well, related to : (2) ‘Organised manufacturing (2) Unorganised man ring, {G) Informal manufacturing (2), Organised industrial sector BSATDE, oooh HowoheD LerAbS Heroses apoB “oQs DOprids 03g" $00 BOS! dE Low0GoNs LarcrorD aod ? (2) SgSQ%)8 Sal-6 Sorfo (2) @8§598)8 Sair6 dorto (2) RByo SD Sairb Soro (8) Aghbysys Doprdds Sorte ‘T-Hub is setup in Telangana state in Gachibowii, Hyderabad at: (Q) Indian School of Business (2) Madhapur (3) Hitex city (lt campus Poor Berd hayw'e" D odoe* Bors Gorbago -sss Deryeo dt08 7 fA) nodasStmd wh Bess 2) Songs (3) wag od (4) sg085 Which of the following is not part of industrial Corridor's Development Phase- in Telangana state ? (1) Hyderabad Nalgonda Industrial Corridor (2) Hyderabad - Warangal industrial Corridor (3) Hyderabad - Nagpur Industrial Corridor (4) Hyderabad =~ Bengaluru industrial Corridor Brome ojos HOrdS slay vdSyE Bad PEL" on mOE'DD OE who SxS? (1) PoourS - Sos RO~PaS roa 2) YSownS - Sone aoprds wows B) Poo’ - whens doped oda (4) PonS - Bones mods oad Series-AB 70. The largest category of consumers that consume ~ highest share of electrical power in Telanganastate is: (2). Agriculture (2) Industry (3) (HT <) Commercial (8) Domestic category Beomm oped" edghe Dog $o D0amnos (8 BY Dam xo DB? (1) Sg82 12) cd only/inseh (3) ab&cony/irSt (4) b,c&doniyfiysch In terms of urban population, which of the following states have occupied the top three positions ? a. Maharashtra b. Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh d. Tamil Nadu Dgaly ear bonged £00 Ped" ade tart Jove M0089 997 a Siody baggy 6 eo giess 4. Set (a) abad k) aced (3) bead (4) abae Which of the following states exhibited low performance in female literacy rates in 2011, according to Planning Commission ? a. Bihar b. Maharashtra & Rajasthan 4. Uttarakhand BOs Loise Gedo fod oped! keer wgotge dt» Deaboe* 2011 of skye ered Doss oyyeo 327 a 885 +b. Boog comps Md. adowod (2), b&donlysims 92) a &conly/iech (3) €&donly/iorSzb (4) a & b only/tose Fey According to 2011 Census, growth in population in the mega cities has (1) slowed down (2) picked up (3) remained unchanged (4) boomed 2011 WS Gerd ambdee? eau SB D om Srtiy Bobos 7 (a) 800 (2) Bence 1B) Regd acd — (4) Lote epO aonod India is regarded as a country with ‘demographic dividend" because of its high proportion of (2) Population in the age group below 15 years (2) Population in the age group of 15-64 years (2) Population in the age group above 65 years (4) Female population in total population wedded, ‘waar Wou0s BDG05' dom MHOC. Doses 7 (1) 15 Dye Sebiay he ener Os wdost acto, 15-64 Dy Sagg Sosiny Me ear was wéos* boddo. , 65 Dg Beas Sohn) fe aor os éoe* sotdo (8) S30 eareret by sotto, In india, 60% of the migration that takes place in (2) inter-state migration (2), inter-district migration (3) inter-city migration (4). inter-regional migration OSEHOE" 60 io Sees D peat! eOmmas? (1) 2085 orf Sees (2) e085 age Seiten (3) 2086 sr6 Sexes (4) 086 roBeb Seco Census data from 1901 to 1991 show that : (a) There has been a steady rise in female-male ratio (2) There have been fluctuations in female- (3) @ @) ao ebS dost male ratio There has been a steady decline in the female-male ratio (4). There is no particular trend 1901 4200 1991 48% 2335 Seroto Bod wet Da twoyoa ? 1) -98iea DNB Shor woNeD. (2) $y - 2G DHBE* Ire Broeen, (3), by -%a d4y—8 [Sor BOD. (4) 8 gy Sed wouw es, 85. As time progresses, the demand for water from non-irrigation sectors like domestic sector, energy sector, industrial sector (2) is likely to decrease substantially (2) istikely to increase substantially (3) istkely to increase marginally (4) istikely to decrease marginally so ABD EH Ayr Sotto, JS Sotfo, DO~PDE Sotto Soe begss ore od DH Badr 3 dgor 408 ? (1) ore Sif eso 805. Q) oe LOM wésr¥o 400. 43) 28 Srytier Wort wsrFo 200, (4) 28 Sytem 34 o&sr%o 408. 86. Data shows that in 1951 the people living in urban areas in india roughly was: (1) One out of every three persons (2), One out of every four persons (3) One out of every five persons (4), One out of every six persons 1981 €f grbddioet tye Growec! dshod eee d w&rrvos* sarge? (1) ©3 Sopp SgHee* ase (2) GB Rearbts Sgsoe* ase 3) G8 wcories Sppeet axes (4) 62 wri Sgboe* ase 87. According to the approach paper to the Twelfth Pian, the towns that are backward and have not been able to participate in inclusive growth are 50, mainly because of : . (2) lack of population (2) lack of infrastructure facitty (8). lack of motivation (4) lack of people in the working age BRYOSS GerOsr SySyF Ho GsSo SHSvds pares, UYOS BACT ertlo set, Joss? (1) marge BB%do (2) wdgriac arsorgeo Evattio (3) Grenyiro Hears0 (8) SOS Sakkay fe Gees Ayer BserEO Serigs-AB The recent audit report of the Comptroller and ‘Auditor General (CAG) of India has pointed out various irregularities (38 per LAAR). Which of the following are correct ? a. Allotment of land b. Utilisation of land © Resettlement of affected people after ‘acquisition of land -d. Compensation as well as rehabilitation of the affected people rbd SEP! Howogod WSS SodyLS & WG5 BSE (CAG) ator, wBS DSOKE* 808 ar8ot S08 honcho eds wires nakbIgy 7 a. ghrdiranotyes b. grODartio CG grbdim by kardsas Gee WEDS d. GerDS Gare RELOEWS, Xboraro (1) a&bonlyAamwsb (2) a,b & conly/ismsib (3) 2, €& d only/tsyscb (4) a,b, c&d Consider the following pairs : — Major Objective 2 XI i, Development of Large Scale Industries b. Vill ii. Poverty eradication © Vi inclusive growth 4. il iv. Human Resource Development Match the above coreectly : 800 ede Mido’ : Bossy , cee Gor ego aX rb SOs ebiyy b. Vn i, Sele Déres eV ti, SDB 6 iv, So Bebe BEND PO BOI HD HOT eddobos, Ql) aii, cid (2) aii, bv, ci, d+ (8) av, Di, cli, d-1 (4) 24, bs, cay, a ‘An institutional arrangement between a firm and. farmer to produce and transact agricultural ‘commodities is known as (2) Commercial farming(2) Contract farming (3) Small farming (4) Cooperative farming Spoddh yews 48,9 dd, Sra, Set wigerdt Spbrrciensns, «8 Loy fag eo iisSeuecer " (1) artery gbdcho WB) axiodo agbOmcho (8) Synth SgPraho (4), Keres ogborabo In terms of land area, India’s rank in the world is: arm dbo Spry Kiowos" woud Qo 208? (a) fourth/a& (3) sixth/6 (2) ft/s (a) seventh/7 ‘Acquisition and requisition of property falls in the: (a) Central List (2) State tist (2) Concurrent List (a) Private List we bed, adi pig era 0 Sete S08 SUED ere 8088 Spon? (2) 80g nde 2) oyerbe 3) etyeerde 4) WESede The mam rationale behind laws ike land acquisition is that: (1) Government is supreme and can take any decision that it feels important. (2) Community good is paramount to the right ofan individual. (2) An individual does not have a right to property. (4). An individual has a right to property but the government can solely decide to acquire it PLS od Sere Gigts HESS oo DDS? (1) Gego HO whEws0 Hod srwY wivorD gD towgbe dyahQe Ses ep. 2) S38 Sod stingod areca GoASEO. (3) Spies wy Sry aos. @) Spies wh thy aeinOs Gebers08 PrLMSeL Loygeore aoyon, Reservoirs and tanks suffer from siltation and this effects: (1) Land in hilly areas (2) Uncultivable waste lands (3) Afforestation of catchment area of rivers (4) The oceans wemiaines, Bthiyes Gras Legs! DoBMSaVo0. Anke, gapdiso wabgo DDE Q) S06 Prowewitige sr (2) Sntiboso/Eeigosrd, SDKOnD gind> 12) Sfecosrd 8 mowed udiye Syt0 (4) eaereo 97. ‘Afforestation is essential for : (1) Moderating ill effects of floods and avoidance of erosion of land (2) Industral progress (3), Improvement of fallow land D) S80 Bh Garret ShoSto, grow wixio (2) dograas Gia (3), Srtbebab9 eirmod aeorsEeuSb0 (4) moat girtve, yo Oe very sss dale of te in oti tor rehabilitation is that it covers only : 2). Displacement of landless labour 2) Indirect displacement (3) Direct displacement (4) Displacement of people who are from tribal region WOT Lowodods erbub dpbovt GOSBS S40 DBE 7 $06 arte wd dad (3) Gig prs Seo (4) Now Dome, ee JS eo ‘According to Census 2011 data, what percentage of Indian families do not have more than two children ? 2011 WHS Seroto Werte, ag Bye Sol 2&8 Doero ED er6S Himoeren dod wo aayoo? (a) 46% 2) 54% (3) 35% yA) 60% In India, té’ prevent further soil erosion one of the important measures we may resort to is : (1) Allow free and uninterrupted use of water. (2) Afforestation and pasture development programmes in hilly areas. (3) Encourage larger doses of fertilizers in agriculture. le) Discourage use of round water. wosdtos = grrdo | Dartbo Bodotess Bzss Sets Gow wos Dds? (2) BED aDSorr, Dossorr DDG-NosaDS do. 2) Sod omg! eod doe, LY Bowe oO; tise wie, 2) ee 008 Die ion P'S Proisdo. (4) ‘Goes DS dis DderyrOddo. Series-AB Any land acquisition law must essentially ensure : (2) The commercial interest of the investors and the government Development of industries, whatever may be the consequences That local bodies have nothing to do with the formulation of the law and its implementation Welfare of farmers and other stake holders fon one hand and strategic development ‘needs of the country on the other hand 3 Grh80e Spar $08 srIS* BOD Sy Hor sa? (2) Qehty Sarewedts, oped ro oteg Sabared woo. 2) Soerivets Sgosthbos Lojite wbhygd rood. @) 6 Sere Sab bet ond, wtoesdt md gOS Boge dys Dt acted, Spbrrciortie, 258 chetime Woxrd oy; drODQ vors SBD Sas, The ‘National Water Policy’ adopted in April 2002 provides a framework for taking care of some of the following : a. The quantity & quality aspects of water Water outsourcing and development of tube wells . Water development and management 4. Environmental aspects of water 2002 DRCE warGod ees ‘arBab De Digvho' £00 aree* Sey dyp DG0D05 7 a. DEB Honodons Setrme, wags wore, b. BA eSB, MEY orBe wbSyp. Bi obiyg, degen. 4. RUB houobodd bersite vores, A) a,b&e (2) bead 8) cd&a (@) dab ‘The New industrial Licensing Policy adopted by India in 1991 suggested one of the following : (1) Abolition of industrial licensing (2) Increasing the role of public sector (3) Compulsory technology transfer (4) Strengthening small scale industries 1991 €* westOOS rss SO—WDE THK Dove thts Rosee DO? (1) d0erans TOF Sep Hr. (2), Cexbiss, Sor Dye» Wood (3) ModE Dogrady Sy Som wOb dao. A) Cy SRL atte, Boor. 2 8) (a) p 102. The concept of multi-dimensional poverty Index was introduced as a new measure of poverty in the year: ‘ainste SOs woe w tos Tod of 84 Egkor D dobsysos* BSUS? (1) 2008, 42) 2009 (3) 2010 (4) 2014 103. if people of one country invest heavily in another country and earn massive profits: (1) This can be considered as economic development in the home country This has nothing to do with economic the home country This cannot be taken as economic development in the home country (4) Outcome cannot be assessed 28 dt fimen 2088 SHOE" wor DypOS UY ROS rere BOQ 11) Badigeitoet ugsnoygrr Loreosssity, 2) Boa edt wgsrbsyes" Dados Souodo 088, 2) a) (3) Aan iydtoet wgs-paygrr Dondosorcs, (4) 38D worser datelo. The forces of liberalization and globalization in ‘our country have strengthened investment in : (2) forward states much more than in backward states (2), backward states much more than in forward states (3) rural areas much more than in urban areas (4)_ an even manner all over the country 26bS6e, Godin tga wdadioc Dpadud D ope Sdyher wetbso tran? 2) Bisuss oe Sod wbdyy Sond epyed tapades BOran. BQ BoB Tye Sod Sosuss opyed tpatbes BOnten, bpm rose Soh urbe Dooce! pases Derren. Bios wy Booed! af stor Dpaibe Loren. (2) (3) (4) 105. Social assistance schemes seek to provide assistance to the poor and needy. They are: {Q) linked to the contributions made by the persons {2} financed from the general revenue of the government (3) financed through contribution by employee, employer and the state (4) financed through contribution by employee and employer edits) TOs Sores tials DGs'eo Baybee. 8D: (1) Spies adys Dove HowoGoDSD. (2), Goebel Srcretes aatang food adysd. (2) adlgties, aSigmansie, oye ay Doww-et houoGo0HD, (4) aciyioes, adlgyrodiies ail) Sores wou0geDAd. ‘The liberalization phase in our country indicates that: (1) We are not able to take advantage of the young population bulge (2) We are able to take advantage of the young population bulge (3), Well worked strategies exist to ensure that wwe benefit from the young population bulge (4) Government has been ignorant that there is a young population bulge that exists. sb doe" USS0e 64 tm DoDodant? (1) eared fe wos chiSHgD So Sem wastes, 2) ware! He WS deib4gd Sibo Som SEE. B) cbse arto of Protaras vissreDS ye doyo. (4) dtoe* atitt§ wotor ayes Exbégo 9Q08eS. Higher the share of workers to non-workers in the population of a country implies that: (Q) The smaller will be the surplus available for investment (2) The larger will be the surplus available for investment (2), Surplus available for investment may drop drastically (4) Surplus available for investment may be constant 18 di amore’ (Padsees BOQ ose str wOSor 408 wo TBd go? (2) Dyes dabards wD Drees weyorr 408 w2 go. (2) Ded obards Dies wor Bod wD Yo. (3) DppEds wade Darbeo BiSom SiSxHy, (a) Des GARR Dice Desir 605 off, 203 v7 108. 110. a1, if the growth of working age population is {eater than the growth rate of child population ima country, it will lead to: (1) Higher dependency ratio (2) Intermediate dependency ratio (3) Low dependency ratio (4) Non-dependency ratio 28 Shoe! 9 ear £9 dt Sob tod Sakay he marge 999 do wOSor Bod 0d D8 0 Big08 2 A) 688 eqrOd B42 (2) detigy wrod diNQ (3) ey BH OS Ring (4) eTOS MyB One of the most challenging issue that India is facing at present from among the following : (2) How to compete with the most efficent countries in the world ? (2) How to provide food security and basic amenities toa large section of society ? (3) How to increase employment in agriculture sector ? (4) How to strengthen the public sector ? 808 ardet Edo prdsdio AdTZomm, 88 g08 Ara Hare's DU? (1) GRodoeD vd MmysosRS drest oe Bd iwd? 12) Hrz0d'd OS dgew oS FSsum, RES RTOS BrSorgets Oo SOND ? 2) Bgbardb Fotfos* AOD D dom Vor? (8) ahs Somty de we*bdo dab ? ian economy open to international trade, rational product may be greater or lesser Br0ss domestic product depending upon : (1) The growth of the industrial sector (2) The growth of the agricultural sector (3) The net inflow or outfiow of foreign income (4)_ The depreciation rate wodgidd SgS08' Souoso SENS agget gre Shaas ey ie SRS Y wy or Skyb aodiryy, wots fe seo L287 G) So—rds Sor Syp (2) Sghdrah Sos ayQ 13) 285 24% crben (8) Storie dé» Economic development implies : (2) Quantitative changes only (2) Qualitative changes only (3) Technological changes only (4) Quantitative and qualitative changes UQS whdyg0 trDowls Sas? (1) Soarerays Sncoyes Sys (2) theardgd rthyen os (3) Poss erGyeo SSS U) Seine dy8, MerdyS Seen the Series-AB 112. For underdeveloped countries, economic growth may | 115. Which of the following are the major objectives 13. ana, bbe defined as a rate of expansion that moves an ‘underdeveloped country from a near subsistence toa: (2) substantially higher level of living inthe long run (2) substantially higher level of living in the shortest period : substantially higher level of living without reference to time (4). substantially higher level of living compared to our neighbouring countries Seteds dre dying OSH vod MWe twirice Wo of Bosods Sr, od 5 Pronk Bus gooc! aexyticd. v pa 507 Q) dgscoet aoystsy wes ds giow = Basguo. Sgey sreodt Boystey was dss Eire pros Baegao. Set Meytoo suystsd wos fue Giro Post BuEydo. BS Pits des Moy Byes eos aS aire Joss BUEYEo. ‘Which of the following are the main areas of National Forest Policy, 1988 ? a. Protection of forests only b. Exploitation of forests only Development of forests only 4. Conservation of forests only wbab wed ovo, 1988 oD gird vores (00 we) 337 a. wdige botise trseb b. wdigeds abamnosistado tr seb C wd¥e hj SSS edge Spices tama M1) ab&conly (2) be &donly () dB&eony — (4) d,a&bonly Which two of the following are the main effects of the destruction of forests ? a. Increasing the intensity of flood effects . Increasing the humidity of air ©. Increasing temperature 4. Decreasing soil erosion 200 wae! Eerbor 2! dots Garses wtiye Bertie by Déygera>?- 266 fem ro [Ss TSIOEOD, mde di Diiibeood. Ags weoreeos, 4 Grad Lod Sod. (1) a & bonly/emsed (2) (3) a&conly/imss (4) ) @) @) @ 8 d onlyfiryese b& d only 116. a7. of sustainable development ? @ Going for highly mechanised methods of production . Protecting bio-diversity and balancing ecology for long-term development © Offering large amounts of subsidies for industrial development 4. Enhancing standard of living of BPL families ‘and achieving inclusive growth 800 areiot t095 wg fogs essen D2? 8. ORE dra Bites bhthe ager ade cgto. b. gow whd3g Sie db Bengt) Kosdo, wSin Lodedh MOoszo. 6 DOs VPEE So wos meet Tiyletamiga, 4. 205g Sue Soc at Stwowre sis shew Pras Word, Enos HD dGortdo. (2) a& bony sib (2) c&d onbfinecs (3) a&conlyfarecd (4) v8 d onlyfiamsd As per UNDP Repgrt-2015, in India the highest ranking state in Human Development Index is (2) Maharashtra (2) Punjab (3) Kerala (4) arnataka UNDP 238% 2015 Wosrdo wrdddios* wbgns ErBrhSYQ gOS ai or{p0 D0? (a) Seo Q) tore (3) doe (4) Sges Sustainable development refers to one of the following : (2) Long lasting development without impacting ‘environment negatively Economic decisions are taken focusing the growth (3) Economic decisions are taken based on the demand and supply forces (4) GOP increases owing to increase in general price level. 200 are" IS wOS)Q0 Bobs Da8? (1) Songbird Beybabd Ogor dysros ohy9 wide. (2) 8y9 dy3rs OS Dgaires BuSTEAO. (3) Gir06, GUoF the wertorm vps dgares bestdo. (4) Sere Ste Pronst Vite Sy re Sharsye wes. 2) 203 us. 119, 120. Often afforestation programmes were not so sucessful because of mainly one ofthe following : (1), Poor quality of soi! (2), Poor quality of air (3) Poor quality of water (6) Poor qual of seeds wD Dod Hise Wises voiin oe; ceyterarss Bob wrSe* D8 Cerri too? (1) B8S08 de SSEMIO (2) bet args erode (3) Ddet arengs oDosdo 14) Dijared sregé efbosso In order to restore ecological balance, one of the rriost important solutions from among the following is (1), Reforesting and extension of forest area (2), Extensive use of available water (3). Bring barren land under agricultural use (4) Bring barren land under industrial use ede DomearDy Yrty BAS dads way: GorRB HONS Ergo (HOB sree!) D8 7 (1) cS BePossso, vbd oer myporsdo. (2) wotiartad ay Se 2xySorm Sabhotito, (2) womts Grimes Sybdvab — Lorghs wisreom ted yho. (4) Dont sriets SOMOS abana sUico, os Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Vill Five Year Plan document ? (2) It appreciates the implementation of the afforestation schemes. (2) it identifies some deficiencies of the afforestation schemes. (3) Itignores aspects related to afforestation. (4) It states that the afforestation is not a very important concern for india SRDSS Lossy Gers wowodod S00 argugeet 98 80? (1) 6b Bod By8o Store sou gS ExPOS Griow0D08. wed Pos Nye disrvcto TR Het 8 erOS 98 Srbod, wed Bod Byte vorem sb heros agodos. 6ddiod* wb. dod M50 ude wos GOSBS voto HAD BS Har O¥ BODOD. 2 2) a aaa. In india, intensity of land erosion has : (a) reduced (2) increased (3) has remained at alow level (4) has remained constant POSSHOE rds DIM FOES: A) Shon (2) BERS (8) weygrone aoa (4) Dest aod Material resources like minerals, timber, fish, water belong to one of the following: (2) Provisioning category (2) Regulation category (3) Cultural category (4) Amenity category pierce, $e, Seo, beh Soe! Sad/aP Bs Seo $08 Sas D S588 BOdSD 7 (2) duosie Bo (2) Dabo\see Ho 2) Drotgyaego (4) asXss azo ‘Trends in existing level of food grain productivity in India indicates that they are : (2) Just enough to take care of future demand for food More than enough to take care of future needs (3) Not enough to take care of the future needs (4) Cannot be assessed WOSEE OSS Gage AerESS Dkchod* Exp HOHB Do Beskyeboo ? (1) Sg WSs Bimobs LODcbode 6492 aoteos. 22) GES wioreh mod ay ecrtiebosd. (G) gb osrres Loretos ada were, (a) soit Sabdo. (2 ‘The loss through water erosion cannot be under- estimated. The irrigation potential is decreasing mainly because of one of the following : (2) Sitation (2), Floods (3) Soil erosion (4) _ Soil conservation BY Deviio by 264 APD skyd voter Sebo, winery add eke teigy Rowags Sidr 408, wot he gerd s*Sm20 (808 atte") 387 () SQpEdsres warts Sasarch 5s, aniiteg (2) S8te0 8) rds dartd0 (8), Gnd Speco 125. Development goals may be defined in terms of progressive reduction and eventual elimination of some of the allowing : 2. Poverty, unemployment, inequality b. Population, human development, infrastructure €. Malnutrition, diseases, iliteracy 6. Agriculture, employment, literacy $00 awet $e Sisom Rip, woBsor Dimdowed wersor wpOhS gE vices Dossy? a. TO Eo, DEB ENS, etstneseo bb mangn, SiS SDOyQ, Dimas WSIS c. ardingithaS, Ofrres, ISOS 4. Rgbdrabo, aa'gns, wfortgs social ) d&e (2) a&b @) cea (4) bad 126. Consider the following statements : a. Capital output ratio indicates the number of Units of capital required to produce one unit of output b. Capital output ratio refers to productivity of capital of different sectors at a definite point of time. © Along with national savings ratio, capital ‘output ratio can determine the growth rate of national income. 4. The GNP growth ‘rate Is proportionately related to capital output ratio. Which of the above statements are correct ? $00 axgogeis Misdodod, a aS diodS deed ady3 Saieds wiieiudds regs ated Longis dares 4dgg Seg edasalzpon. b. 2S teaboe® O95 Sore rede aerysséi Begs - 0838 pg Beaxy&oo, (4) Sgomry woras agp de» ‘Tie unemployment to underdeveloped countries {is mostly one of the following: (2) Urban unemployment (2), Disguised unemployment (3) -Open unemployment (4), Educated unemployment Sesoas dros 266'gnd $00 dsest dor otn08 ? (1) Dye Déetyns — fa) fy Doetgns (3) BErSor RET_AS (4) Dorgan DHEA ‘Child sex ratio may be defined as (2) The number of boys aged 0-4 years for ‘every 1,000 girls in the same age group. (2) The number of boys aged 0-6 years for ‘every 1,000 girls in the same age group. (3) The number of girls aged 0-4 years for every 1,000 boys in the same age group. (4) The number of girls aged 0-6 years for every 41,000 boys in the same age group. R% Dork MyBd Bod mast AD sso Regirossossy (1) Srbgo Hod 4 Dey Sabian [rE He GO Bong food erbtes ed Saivay (Set 20d aneo6 tong (2) Srgo Hod 6 Dey Satay [HB he GB Boxy tod abet od Saltay irSet aod areas toms. (3) Srego Hod 4 Dep Sakiny OH Me GO Bong od wreath wd Bakisy yirbet God anbse Lows. We) rbgo Hod 6 Dey Bakley [iB He G2 Boxy f00d wreath wd atiiny yinbet 0d rbte Long. 1a, Consider the folowing pars: Calendar year ~ january to December b. Financial year ~ April to March . _ Kharif season ~ October to September 4. Academie year — june to May ‘Which of the above pairs are correctly matched ? $00 edeis Msdosed, a. STOGS HodsSyWo ~ WSO oD Svowk b. DS HOSS, S0- IVT BoD sro) © 965 s20- wffe6 0d Wpoes 4. Da" HodSyGo - aS hod S Pewed* Dik adore aaryan (ODaso) 7 () abe BR) bcad (3) cd&a (4) da&b ‘Which among the following are relevant to national income? a. Adding all transfer payment b Macamedponuiancapianel Adding all payments made to all factors of 4. Se Shone pone $08 amet exbaberah) Keiibets vores DD? 2. od) nSb Bdoyed Kedso. b. 6898 Sis wd dephibe Desde Seixho. ©. 02 a8 shore SS wd, DE Seid. 4. Sygosuds wy ucrdiret feido. 41) ab&e (2) bea&d G) Gd&a (4) deep ‘The National Income committee was constituted by the Government of india in 1949. Who of the following ae its members ? a. Professor P.C, Mahalanobis b. Professor B.R. Gadail © Dr. 8.8. Ambedkar d. Professor V.K.R.V. Rao 1989 €* BOS ExSSgod Ptowens ‘erbarcrad Sadho Bon sede Lehgen Tt? a eats bd totrestOS bd. wats d.08. mae c & B06. woQb oogeds 42) be&d (4) da&b ‘The national income in india is calculated mainly through which methods ? & Kommemetnod % Giapit methad & Expenditure method 3. Exhenge Oddtod esairox SO, Green gee argo By? a erage bv, adng nga c Sabaga 6. Dowab aK () a&b Q) bee (@) cad @) daa 142._The share of secondary sector in the GDP during the period 1999-2000 to 2013-2014 has shown : (2) “Higher increase (2) Marginal increase (3) Marginal decrease (4) Higher decrease 1999-2000 iso 2013-2014 86 te, 208" Zoe, BhawsyIae dgSch dor wrerd* Iesdoes Ertoy 2008 ? (1) 998 Bette (3) aid Sipe (4) 008 Site, INNP for the current year x (1) Per capita income (3) Reainet national product (4) Real disposable income dooe's (2) Gross national product aps D280 erBarsyVd word Wobsyey goa whet wood gps Bobs OY Soe tobe een Dd Sip0d ? (1) S280 eorase 2) He wdarsna (3) SHOE 266 arbarsya (4) 2GD8 Sgaing worato ‘Among the following statements on national income, which one is correct ? National income mainly includes (2), Rent, taxes, pensions and subsidies 2) Public sector diture, elections expenditure and judicial expenditure {3)_ Rent, wages, interest and profits (4) Double courting, transfer payments, debts id imports erbaborubop he 808 Ditroog" D0 SBS 7 (2) eBoberctodt wBes, tte, Lode, “Wdydes eriior aosran, (2) idly dort kgato, Sve kgcho, agus “Sg Sao ar Baimrakod! artim aotrea. 3) we, dre, Ge, wbdroratog* etiom dota. (A) Both De Bhorttto, aad Boye, viryea, Bxsivibes er eirovdbod" griiom aotrao, ‘According to Ragnor Nurkse, most of the underdeveloped countries have been caught inthe : (1). Vicious circle of poverty (2) Excessive demand (3) Productive investment (€)_ Export of secondary sector products orm 6) Gosrdo Besuss rer dees £00 SHOEt D Gerd Lg ITZ oENT\OD ? (1) “Boos Desectreo 0) eps asr0s G) dense bees (4) Qg809 don adnipe One ore 145. 2) tis Sy DK 346. 147. 150. ‘Among the following five year plans, the highest annual average rate of per capita income ‘at 1999-2000 prices was achieved during the : (2) Eleventh Plan (2) Eighth Plan B) Seventh Plan (@)_ Ninth Plan B08 LoSby er OSL" 1999-2000 woSsyoyy S0ud* Sei0 vorch desto trite by9 dod Gor Se" wSsH80rr 4007 () 1ogeres — (2) 8S Karos (3) 7oGe0s — 4) 9b ares Among the following’ organizations, which one ‘estimates the national income in independent india? (2) NITI Aayog (2) Planning Commission (2) Finance Commission (4) Central statistical Organisation SrySoerghoss erssdioe* enbairorced worsen Hipdy Holy (808 ose") 387 4) Bear 2) gar Ps totso (3) 28 4o%p0 (4) Seco Heros coy In which of the folowing kind of taxes, the tax rate increases as ifcome increases : 2. Proportional Tax b. Progressive Tax ©. Regressive Tax d. Highly Progressive Tax () aandb (2) bande (3) candd (4), bandd & 800 2 8S GLE" acrato VOMdiy tiy den WeorbE00 7 a Byes, beta ABs) d. | eOS HED Sty 41) atsoatb (2) bisoaive (8) cS00td (4) b0aid ‘By deducting growth rate of population from {growth rate of national income, we derive = (2) Growth rate of per capita income (2) Growth rate of real income (3) Growth rate of disposable income {4), Growth rate of NNP mndoirorad S16 dep Bod earer 46 dents nd Dd Srotitieo ? (1), 80 wardb 939 dé 2) SBOE woras 298 deo (3) Sgairg warat bye den (4), 286 endarsy3 999 deo personal income which is left with the individual Pcp spinels taint 8 "Disposable income (2) Per cai income 3) ae National income 8 warcho Hod eae aye brat Bnd dy ecraity Bisoert? {) Roky ucrcto Y) 5028 werato (3) aS emcto (4) hab vorcbo Series-AB

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