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What is your dream job?

Assuming you landed your dream job, how can you apply each of the service
management guiding principles?

My ideal job would be as a computer system analyst. Applying Service management guiding principles in
my ideal work requires me to first outline and examine all of the components that I will employ to
achieve. I should concentrate on my clients' performance and satisfaction. I should concentrate on the
value of my system to determine if it is good or poor, and when performing and executing, I should give
more fresh and inventive input to make it better for the clients. All of the procedures that I will present
should be analyzed to produce more efficient and high-quality performance.

Select three (3) value chain activities that are primarily involved in performing the role of your dream
job. Elaborate on your answer.

To become a computer system analyst, all activities must be prepared before performing or executing
anything to address issues in a step-by-step manner. Improve in computer system analysis I should
consider improving a system or an existing system to innovate it into something new that has different
functionality and process than an existing system but in line with this, I should ensure that the system
itself is working and that I have an advantage while using an improved system. Design and Transition as
a System Analyst, I must evaluate all of my customers' demands, requirements, and expectations to
guarantee that I am creating a system based on their instructions and expectations. In accordance with
this, I should give them a system that produces high-quality results while staying within their budget and
cost expectations, so they do not perceive a deficit.

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