Geography Chapter-1 (India - Size and Location)

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Q1. The central location of India-------why? (Q4. NCERT)
i. It has made trade possible through land routes as India is location centrally between
East and West Asia.
ii. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close
contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe from the western coast and with south-
east and East Asia from the eastern coast.
iii. The Deccan Peninsula extends towards the Indian Ocean and divides it into two seas
i.e., Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Unlike other landlocked countries, India gets
locational advantage of easy access through sea.
iv. India’s long coastline on the East helps in establishing trade links with East Asia and
South East Asia.
v. Opening of Suez Canal reduced the sea route and the time taken to reach India from
Europe. This worked favourably for India making it a centre of trade.
vi. These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since
ancient times.
Q2. Why 82°30’E has been selected as the Standard Meridian of India?
i. Standard Meridian is required to avoid difference in time within the country.
ii. India has selected 82°30’East longitude as its Standard Meridian because it passes
centrally through India, hence equidistant from East and West.
iii. It is selected as Prime Meridian to avoid time lag of 2 hours from Arunachal Pradesh
to Gujarat. This is known as the Indian Standard Time.
Q3. What is the importance of Indian Standard Time?
i. It has enabled India to overcome the difference of 2 hours between its Eastern most
(Arunachal Pradesh) and Western most (Gujarat) regions.
ii. It had prevented confusion arising out of differences in local time at each longitude
in India.
iii. It had provided a uniform timing throughout the country.
Q4. Why is Indian Ocean named after our country?
i. No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India.
ii. It has an eminent position in the Indian Ocean.
iii. The Deccan Plateau of India protrudes into the Indian Ocean which makes it
significant to international trade done through the Indian Ocean.
Q5. “Both the Land and the Sea routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and
commodities since ancient times.” Justify this statement.
i. India’s contacts with the world have continued through ages but her relationships
through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts.
ii. The various passes across the mountains in the North have provided passages to the
ancient travellers.
iii. The ideas of Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian
numerals and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world.
iv. The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different
v. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of
Dome and Minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.

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