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HISTORY 10- The Life and Works of Rizal

Final Exam
2nd Semester; S.Y 2021-2022


General Instructions:

a. Answer the following questions briefly but concisely (read the rubric attached in google classroom).
b. All answer must be passed in Google classroom or Messenger.
c. You only have 2 hours to finish the exam.
d. In case of emergency such as loss of internet connection or power interruption and the like, please
contact the teacher as soon as possible.




3. __________________________________________

Course and Section: BSES 2

1. What evidence were used by the Spanish authority to charge Rizal with the crime of
rebellion through illegal association? Was the evidence sufficient to warrant the
commission of the aforementioned crime? Support your answer. 20 points
Jose Rizal was charged with Crime of Rebellion and Formation of illegal
organization and the evidence that the Spanish authority more particularly Colonel
Francisco Olive presented to charged Rizal with these two cases are, Documentary and
Testimonial. Written in the documents are allegations that shows that Rizal belongs in
the propaganda movement, Rizal was the leader of the katipunan since his name was
used as secret code inside the organization, and his poems being nationalistic. On the
other hand in the testimonials, there are few people or acquaintances of Rizal whom
betrayed him and even though he wants to face them, the court didn’t approve his
request. I can say that this evidence were not sufficient enough because the trial was
bias since the beginning. The Spanish authority didn’t even take time to investigate
further and accept Rizal’s testimony, thus because of these charges Rizal died.

2. Is the fictional Padre Damaso an accurate representation of the friars who dominated
Philippine life during the Spanish era? if yes, explain. if no, do the same. 10 points
In Rizal’s novel, Padre Damaso is presented as cruel and corrupt Spanish friars. But I
believe not all of the friars during those time are bad or cruel. Its just that the central idea of
Rizal’s novel is to expose the ills of the Spanish colonization. But if we look at the brighter
side, the friars were the ones that blessed us during the founding of our country, especially
when it came to urbanization. They taught us how to speak, chat, and eat properly. The friars
were the ones who propagated many useful plants from Mexico during the Manila-Acapulco
Galleon Trade which provided us with food that we still eat today. They also taught us about
culture and moral urbanization (gracious manners). In other words, they were the ones who
formed the Filipino by spreading the Christian faith throughout the country that would not be
possible if all friars are cruel. Therefore, Padre Damaso is only a representation of bad and
abusive friars during the Spanish Colonization era.

3. How do you explain "Rizal is 100 years ahead of his time"? Give me at least 3
manifestations or proof about your answer and explain each. 10 points
Rizal was considered to be a futurist since some of his predictions happened, thus
Rizal is 100 years ahead of his time because he didn’t only think about what is happening in
the present but instead focus his minds on what might happened next. There are some proof
which support the theory of Rizal being a futurist; (1) Even though modern world is still not
happening before, he already teach his pupils formal education as well as taught them about
other activities that’s popular today, such as swimming, fencing, and boxing since he believed
that later on intelligence is important in every aspect of life. (2) He also wrote Filipinas Dentro
de Gen Anos (1889) that the Philippines and Spain will become equal in the future, thus he
predicted that the Philippines will become a new colonial power in Asia. (3) He also wrote in
El Filibustersmo through Padre Florentino words that the Philippines will never attain a
successful state until its nation is not successful, and I think this is true because as we all
know Philippines belongs to the poorest country in the world since the whole nation lacks

4. What is/are Rizal's edge over other heroes? Explain each. 10 points
The things that differs Jose Rizal from other heroes is Rizal’s experience and wisdom.
Base on his life, he grew up in a very supported and well mannered environment. His
education even started from his family through his mother. Rizal is a very intellectual person,
his grit and wit has opened his mind to the reality that Filipino are negatively influenced by
the friars in a way that the abuses and discrimination was witnessed by him. Most FIlipinos
during those times are even afraid to come out from their shell. That fact made him conclude
that Filipinos are not ready for an armed revolution due to this influences aside from Filipinos
being uneducated. His way of preaching through his novels and works is his greatest edge. His
decision of waking the FIlipinos in the reality that they are the one who should rule the
motherland and should fight for their freedom is the greatest decision he made, even though
he knew the consequences of the act he made.

5. Describe briefly Rizal’s new edition of Morga’s Sucesos in terms of the following:
Contents; Categories of notes included; Main propositions. (10 points)
Rizal agreed to some of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, but he corrects
some of it. Rizal contradicted Morga’s point of view about Philippines being
inhabitable before, he insisted that Philippines is not deserted thus it already has 3
islands as stated in Ptolemy geography and that Philippines was exactly at 25 degrees
and 40 minutes latitude north until 12 degrees latitude south. In climate, rizal stated
that by December to February the temperature goes down more than it does during
august to September and in regard with the season, Spain and Philippines are similar
as well as to the rest of northern hemisphere. In Plant Species, Rizal corrected Morga
that Betel is kasubha in tagalog. In Body Tattoo, he agreed that the native first draw a
pattern before putting black powder where blood oozes out, according to him it is the
same as Japanese methods. In Indigenous people, he stated that the locals will choose
violence as answer to the inhumane violence brought against them. In women, he
agreed that both and women are money loving. In government, he agreed that there
are no kings or lords. In belief on crocodiles, he said that the locals building of border
on the river in fear of crocodiles is the same as the other country. In custom of Dead,
he stated that venerating the remains is more natural and pious. In cotton, he agreed
that cottons are also harvested not just rice. In artifacts, he agreed that natives of the
island sells artifact to the Japanese, unfortunately it would be much better if being studied
well. In Gold, I think he agreed that the indios leave mining and be contented
of what they have. He also agreed that Igorots felt more secure about keeping it in the
ground rather than in their homes or settlement.

6. Based on the novel El Fili, identify the following: Rizal's message in the novel: Theme
of the novel: views of Rizal in freedom. 10 points
For me, Rizal message in his novel El Filibusterismo is all about justice and freedom in
the social and political image of the country. We all know how the death of Gomburza was one
of Rizal’s first taste of injustices. He saw how the three priests have been initiated. This makes
the theme of the novel, that is to to expose the ills of Philippine society during the Spanish
colonial era. When it comes to freedom, he believe that it should not be achieved by merely
armed revolution as he thinks it not worth it to kill people. Far from that, fighting can turn the
table from us being the victim to becoming the criminals. He believed in a silent but worth it
revolution, that through reforms from the above governing body.
7. What was Rizal’s diagnosis of Philippine society in the Noli? Was his diagnosis correct?
Why or why not? (10 points) Cite your own do not copy on the internet.
Rizal wrote on Noli me tangere on all the happenings in the Philippines during the
Spanish authority, such as corruption and abuse. In the novel it can be said that Rizal aims
to make a reform in the government, though his diagnosis about how the Spanish authority
slaves the Filipino people, of how Spanish fiars influenced them. And it is true because the
other Filipinos won't even start a revolution if the Spanish authorities were fair to everyone,
and were not awaken from the truth that Filipinos bacame their puppet or slaves.

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