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Methods of Monitoring The Fetal Heart Rate

1 . 2 . 3 .
1. Fetal Stethoscope
2. Hand-Held
v Doppler (Sonicaid)
3. Cardiotocogram
Introduction Fetal Stethoscope and Hand-Held Doppler

The baby’s heart rate using a fetal stethoscope (Pinard)

A handheld Doppler ultrasound device
By palpating the mother’s uterine contractions by hand
Intermittent monitoring can be
(intermittent auscultation) undertaken either by listening to

1. There are difficulties in predicting fetal status by FHR in these two devices
2. Which Machine Learning Tool gives more accuracy to predict Fetal Status?
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a
technical means of recording
(graphy) the fetal heartbeat
(cardio) and the uterine
contractions (toco) during
pregnancy, typically in the third
The machine used to perform the
monitoring is called a
Cardiotocograph, more commonly
known as an Electronic Fetal
Monitor (EFM).
Fetal Condition

CTGs classified by three expert obstetricians
and consensus classification label as

1: Normal
2: Suspect
3: Pathological
• Predicting Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) & Urine Concentration Features using
To predict Fetal Status by Fetal Heart
Cardiotocograph Rate (FHR) and uterine contractions
using Cardiotocograph

Predict Fetal Status by
Cardiotocograph using ANN and
NORMAL Random Forest gives higher
fetal heart rate (FHR)
120 to 160 (bpm) accuracy of the fetal condition
Literature 01 'Sisporto 2.0: A Program For Automated Analysis of
Ayres-de Campos D, et al., 2001,

J Matern Fetal Med. Vol. 9(5), pp. 311-8.

To describe the latest version of SisPorto, a program for automated

analysis of cardiotocograms that closely follows the FIGO
guidelines, analyses ante- and intrapartum tracings, performs no
signal reduction, and has the possibility of simultaneously recording

02 ‘Classification of Cardiotocogram Data using Neural

Network based Machine Learning Technique'
Sundar C, et al. 2012,
International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 47(14)

Implementing a model based CTG data classification system using a

supervised artificial neural network(ANN) which can classify the CTG
data based on its training data.

03 ‘Fetal State Assessment from Cardiotocogram Data Using

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)'
Yilmaz, Ersen, 2011,
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 36(6), pp 820–832

A comparative study of fetal state assessment is presented by using

three artificial neural network models, namely the multilayer
perceptron neural network, probabilistic neural network, and
generalized regression neural network. The performances of the
models are evaluated using publicly available cardiotocogram data
by running a tenfold cross-validation procedure.
Predicting Fetal Status based on
Cardiotocographic (CTG) data using Methodology
Artificial Intelligence (ANN & WEKA)
Output Random Forest Process in Weka

Collecting Fetal Data from UCI Machine Learning Normal Neural Network Process in VGD
Suspicious Workflow
Distribution Graph Contents

Divide into Training Data and Test Data Normalization [-1 - 1]

Run Random Forest for Training Data Make VGD ready

Import normalized data to Neural

Network Program

Run Neural Network for Training

Validation Test Data

Is The Result Good

Enough? Error Rate
Yes Random Forest vs
Neural Network
Finalize The Result
Data Collection
Dependent and Independent Variables


Data Collection
Data Collection
Distribution of Fetal Data
Data Size Requirements
Rule of Thumb
Number of Instances = 2126
• The number of training examples should be at least five to ten times the
number of weights of the network.
Number of weights [W = 22]
The number of training examples = 22 x (5 ~ 10) = 110 ~ 220

Other Rule • N = No of instances

• W= number of weights N = 2126
• a = expected accuracy on test set
W = 22
## a = 0.98
N= = 1100
2126 > 1100 OK
Data Analysis
is the average of many
decision trees, each of which
is trained with a random
sample of the data. Each
single tree in the forest is
weaker than a full decision
tree, but by putting them all
together, we get better
overall performance thanks
to diversity.
Data Organization


WEKA: Histograms
WEKA: Data Relative Importance
WEKA: Distribution graph for top important variables
WEKA: Training Dataset Evaluation
WEKA: Training Dataset & Test Dataset
WEKA: Test Dataset Evaluation
WEKA: Decision Tree
Artificial neural networks
or connectionist systems
are computing systems
vaguely inspired by the
biological neural
networks and astrocytes
that constitute animal
Neural Network: Normalization
Neural Network: Basic Inputs
Neural Network: Transfer Function Comparison
Neural Network: # Hidden Layer comparison
Neural Network: Error Rate
Neural Network: Error Rate

& Conclusion
• Neural network provides exceptionally
• Random Forest provides great accuracy and consistent greater accuracy
decision tree.
• It also provides tremendous efficiency
• Takes faster execution time (execute huge tasks seconds)
• It gives estimates of what variables are important in • It doesn't show important variables during
the classification. prediction
• It has an effective method for estimating missing data • Requires data pre processing (normalization)
• Ability to handle data without preprocessing • Hyperbolic tangent provides higher accuracy
(normalization) as compared to others
• It can handle many input variables • Two nodes provides higher accuracy
• Accuracy observed was 90,5% • Required learning time is higher
• Prolonged decelerations (DP) is the most important • As the number of training cycles increases, its
determinant variable. accuracy drastically increases
• Accuracy observed was 99%

Prediction accuracy of NN (99%) is greater than Weka (90,5%)
Random Forest using R-Studio
Data Input
Random Forest
Training Data
Training data
Test Data
Error Rate
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