Grammar: Verb Be: We, You, They

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2A Grammar verb be: we, you, they

 a Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Use contractions
when possible.
1 2
We’re in Quebec. No, it   Japanese.
  it Korean?

3 4 I    Lisa. I   
  they in Spanish? Lisa, please answer
the question.

No, they   in

5 6
Are you No, you   in room
Chinese? 10. You’re in room 9.

   we in
room 10?
We   . Chinese.
We    American.

7 8
They   British.   they from

No, they   . They

   from Scotland.

 b Look at the pictures. Write + or − short answers. Correct the wrong answers.
1 Are they in the United States? No, they aren’t. They’re in Canada.
2 Is the car Japanese? Yes, it is.
3 Are the books in Spanish?                      
4 Is she Marisol?                      
5 Are the women Chinese?                      
6 Are they in room 9?                      
7 Are they on vacation?                      
8 Are they from England?                      

  c Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about the pictures.

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2B Grammar Wh- and How questions with be
 a Put the words in order to make questions.

1 Woman Hey Jeff. 1Where are you?

(you / where / are)
Man I’m at Bob’s Restaurant. 2        ?
(are / you / where)
Woman I’m at Tom’s Restaurant.
Man Oh, sorry. 3        ?
(address / the / what’s)
Woman It’s 52 Main Street.
Man OK. See you soon.

2 Woman 
(your / first / what’s / name)
Boy Henry.
Woman OK. 5        ?
(last / what’s / name / your)
Boy Schultz.
(spell / do / how / it / you)
Boy S-C-H-U-L-T-Z.
Woman Oh, yes. 7        ?
(you / old / are / how)
Boy I’m 18.
Woman OK. That’s fine.

3 Woman 1 
(your / address / what’s)
Woman 2 It’s 72 Center Street, Newton, New York.
Woman 1 
(zip / what’s / code / your)
Woman 2 It’s 12356.
Woman 1 Thank you.10        ?
(home / what’s / phone / your / number)
Woman 2 It’s 517-555-4368.
Woman 1 Good. 11        ?
(cell / your / number / what’s)
Woman 2 I don’t have a cell phone.

  b Practice the conversations with a partner.

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