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Chapter : 1.Real Numbers

Euclid's division algorithm based on Euclid's

L1 Lesson 1.1 division lemma

Lesson 1.2 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Revisiting irrational numbers: proof of results:

Lesson 1.3 irrationality of √2, √3, √5 and their representation
on number line

Revisiting Rational Numbers (in terms of

Lesson 1.4 terminating/non terminating recurring decimals)
and other Decimal Expressions

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 1.5 concepts

Chapter : 2.Polynomials

L2 Lesson 2.1 The degrees of Linear polynomials

Lesson 2.2 The degrees of Quadratic polynomials

Lesson 2.3 The degrees of Cubic polynomials

Lesson 2.4 Zeroes of a quadratic polynomial

Lesson 2.5 Zeroes of a cubic polynomial

Geometrical meaning of the zeroes of a

Lesson 2.6 polynomial

Relationship between zeroes and coefficients of a

Lesson 2.7 polynomial

Statement and simple problems on division

Lesson 2.8 algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 2.9 concepts

Chapter : 3.Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Pair of Linear Equations in two variables (Each
solution (x, y) of a Linear Equation in two variables
Lesson 3.1 ax + by + c = 0 corresponds to a point on the line
L3 representing the equation and vice versa)
Graphical Method of solution of a pair of Linear
Equations (Consistent and inconsistent solutions
Lesson 3.2 depending on whether the lines are intersecting,
coincident or parallel)

Geometric representation of different possibilities

Lesson 3.3 of solutions/inconsistencies

Algebraic Method of solving a pair of Linear

Lesson 3.4 Equations with Substitution Method

Algebraic Method of solving a pair of Linear

Lesson 3.5 Equations with Cross – Multiplication Method

Algebraic Method of solving a pair of Linear

Lesson 3.6 Equations with Verification for all the above three

Equations reducible to a pair of Linear Equations

Lesson 3.7 in two variables

Equations reducible to a pair of Linear Equations

Lesson 3.8 in two variables

Lesson 3.9 Word problems on all the above

Chapter : 4.Quadratic Equations

Standard form of a quadratic equation

L4 Lesson 4.1 ax2 +bx+c=0, (a ≠ 0)

Solution of the quadratic equation (only real

Lesson 4.2 roots) by: Factorization

Solution of the quadratic equation (only real

Lesson 4.3 roots) by: Completing the squares

Solution of the quadratic equation (only real

Lesson 4.4 roots) by: Using quadratic formula

Discriminant and nature of roots - Two distinct

Lesson 4.5 real roots

Discriminant and nature of roots - Two equal

Lesson 4.6 real roots

Lesson 4.7 Discriminant and nature of roots - No real roots

Situational problems based on quadratic

Lesson 4.8 equations related to day-to-day activities to be

Chapter : 5.Arithmetic Progression

Patterns seen in nature like the petals in a

L5 Lesson 5.1 sunflower

Lesson 5.2 Look and understand patterns in day to day life

Lesson 5.3 Arithmetic Progression (general form)

Lesson 5.4 Derivation of the nth term of A.P.

Lesson 5.5 Common difference: d

Lesson 5.6 Last term: l

Lesson 5.7 Sum of the first n terms of A.P.

Application (example: sum of the first n positive

Lesson 5.8 integers)

Application of A.P. and nth term and their sum in

Lesson 5.9 solving daily life problems (example: Simple

Chapter : 6.Triangles
Demonstrate an understanding of: Similar figures
L6 Lesson 6.1 -Two figures having the same shape but not
necessarily the same size are called similar figure

Demonstrate an understanding of: Similar figures

Lesson 6.2 - All the congruent figures are similar but the
converse is not true

Demonstrate an understanding of: Similar figures

- Two polygons of the same number of sides are
Lesson 6.3 similar, if (i) their corresponding angles are equal
and (ii) their corresponding sides are in the same
ratio(i.e., proportion).

Demonstrate an understanding of: Similarity of

Triangles - If a line is drawn parallel to one side of
Lesson 6.4 a triangle to intersect the other two sides in
distinct points, then the other two sides are
divided in the same ratio

Demonstrate an understanding of: Similarity of

Triangles - If a line divides any two sides of a
Lesson 6.5 triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel
to the third side

Criteria for Similarity of Triangles - If in two

triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then
Lesson 6.6 their corresponding sides are in the same ratio
and hence the two triangles are similar (AAA
similarity criterion)

Criteria for Similarity of Triangles - If in two

triangles, two angles of one triangle are
Lesson 6.7 respectively equal to the two angles of the other
triangle, then the two triangles are similar (AA
similarity criterion)

Criteria for Similarity of Triangles - If in two

triangles, corresponding sides are in the same
Lesson 6.8 ratio, then their corresponding angles are equal
and hence the triangles are similar (SSS similarity

Criteria for Similarity of Triangles - If one angle of

a triangle is equal to one angle of another triangle
Lesson 6.9 and the sides including these angles are in the
same ratio (proportional), then the triangles are
similar(SAS similarity criterion)

Understand the: Areas of Similar Triangles - The

ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal
Lesson 6.10 to the square of the ratio of their corresponding

Understand the: Areas of Similar Triangles - If a

perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the
Lesson 6.11 right angle of a right triangle to the hypotenuse,
then the triangles on both sides of the
perpendicular are similar to the whole triangle
and also to each other

Demonstrate an understanding of: Similarity of

Triangles - If a line is drawn parallel to one side of
Lesson 6.12 a triangle to intersect the other two sides in
distinct points, then the other two sides are
divided in the same ratio.

Pythagoras Theorem - In a right triangle, the

square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of
Lesson 6.13 the squares of the other two sides (Pythagoras

Pythagoras Theorem - If in a triangle, square of

one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the
Lesson 6.14 other two sides, then the angle opposite the first
side is a right angle

Lesson 6.15 Word problems on all the above

Chapter : 7.Coordinate Geometry

Demonstrate an understanding of: Concept of

L7 Lesson 7.1 Coordinate Geometry

Demonstrate an understanding of: Graphs of

Lesson 7.2 Linear Equations

Lesson 7.3 Understand the: Distance Formula

Lesson 7.4 Understand the: Section Formula

Lesson 7.5 Understand the: Area of a Triangle

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 7.6 concepts

Chapter : 8.Introduction to Trigonometry

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

L8 Lesson 8.1 Ratios

Understand: Trigonometric Ratios of some special

angles - If one of the trigonometric ratios of an
Lesson 8.2 acute angle is known, the remaining trigonometric
ratios of the angle can be easily determined
Understand: Trigonometric Ratios of some special
Lesson 8.3 angles - The values of trigonometric ratios for
angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°.

Lesson 8.4 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Identities - The value of sin A or cos A never
Lesson 8.5 exceeds 1, whereas the value of sec A or cosec A is
always greater than or equal to 1

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.6 Identities - sin(90° – A) = cos A, cos(90° – A)=sin A

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.7 Identities - tan(90° – A) = cot A, cot(90° – A)=tan A

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.8 Identities - sec (90° – A) = cosec A, cosec (90° – A)
= sec A

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.9 Identities - sin²A + cos²A = 1

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.10 Identities - sec²A – tan²A = 1 for 0° ≤ A ≤ 90°

Demonstrate an understanding of: Trigonometric

Lesson 8.11 Identities - cosec²A = 1 + cot²A for 0° ≤ A ≤ 90°

Lesson 8.12 Word problems for all the above

Chapter : 9.Some applications of Trigonometry

Demonstrate an understanding of: Simple
L9 Lesson 9.1 problems on heights and distances (Problems
should not involve more than two right triangles)

Demonstrate an understanding of: The height or

length of an object or the distance between two
Lesson 9.2 distant objects can be determined with the help
of trigonometric ratios

Demonstrate an understanding of: Angles of

Lesson 9.3 elevation / depression should be only 30°, 45°, 60°

Demonstrate an understanding of: The line of

Lesson 9.4 sight is the line drawn from the eye of an observer
to the point in the object viewed by the observer.

Demonstrate an understanding of: The angle of

elevation of an object viewed, is the angle formed
Lesson 9.5 by the line of sight with the horizontal when it is
above the horizontal level, i.e., the case when we
raise our head to look at the object.

Demonstrate an understanding of: The angle of

depression of an object viewed, is the angle
Lesson 9.6 formed by the line of sight with the horizontal
when it is below the horizontal level, i.e., the case
when we lower our head to look at the object.

Lesson 9.7 Challenging Questions integrating the above


Chapter : 10.Circles
Demonstrate an understanding of: Tangents to a
L10 Lesson 10.1 circle - From chords drawn from points coming
closer and closer to the point

Demonstrate an understanding of: Number of

tangents from a point on a circle - Prove that
Lesson 10.2 tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular
to the radius through the point of contact
Demonstrate an understanding of: Number of
Lesson 10.3 tangents from a point on a circle - Prove the
lengths of tangents drawn from an external point
to circle are equal

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 10.4 concepts

Chapter : 11.Constructions
Demonstrate an understanding to construction
L11 Lesson 11.1 of: Division of a line segment in a given ratio

Demonstrate an understanding to construction

Lesson 11.2 of: Tangent to a circle from a point outside it

Demonstrate an understanding to construction

Lesson 11.3 of: Construction of a triangle similar to a given

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 11.4 concepts

Chapter : 12.Areas related to Circles

An understanding of the following: The area of a

L12 Lesson 12.1 circle – review

An understanding of the following:Areas of sectors

Lesson 12.2 and segments of a circle

An understanding of the following: Length of an

Lesson 12.3 arc of a sector of a circle with radius r and angle
with degree measure θ

Understanding of the following: Problems based

on areas and perimeter/ circumference of the
Lesson 12.4 above said plane figures (in calculating area of
segment of a circle, problems should be restricted 
to central angle of 60°, 90° and 120° only)

Understanding of the following: Plane figures

Lesson 12.5 involving triangles, simple quadrilaterals and
circle should also be taken

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 12.6 concepts

Chapter : 13.Surface Area and Volume

Develop an understanding of: Problems on finding
L13 Lesson 13.1 surface areas and volumes of combinations of
any two of the following: cubes, cuboids, spheres,
hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones

Lesson 13.2 Develop an understanding of: Frustum of a cone

Word problems on: Problems involving converting

one type of metallic solid into another and other
Lesson 13.3 mixed problems. (Problems with combination of
not more than two different solids be taken).

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 13.4 concepts

Chapter : 14.Statistics

Develop an understanding of: Mean, median,

L14 Lesson 14.1 mode of grouped data

Lesson 14.2 Cumulative frequency graph

Lesson 14.3 Word problems on above

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 14.4 concepts

Chapter : 15.Probability

Classical definition of probability (a theoretical

L15 Lesson 15.1 approach)

The difference between experimental probability

Lesson 15.2 and theoretical probability

The theoretical(classical)probability of an event E,

written as P(E), is defined as [P (E) = Number of
Lesson 15.3 outcomes favourable to E / Number of all possible
outcomes of the experiment] where we assume
that the outcomes of the experiment are equally

Probability of an event: The probability of a sure

Lesson 15.4 event (or certain event) is 1

Probability of an event: The probability of an

Lesson 15.5 impossible event is 0

Probability of an event:The probability of an event

Lesson 15.6 E is a number P(E) such that 0 ≤ P (E) ≤ 1

Probability of an event: An event having only one

outcome is called an elementary event. The sum
Lesson 15.7 of the probabilities of all the elementary events of
an experiment is 1.

Probability of an event: For any event E,

Lesson 15.8 P (E) + P (E') = 1, where E' stands for 'not E'. E and E'
are called complementary events

Simple problems on single events (not using set 

Lesson 15.9 notation)

Challenging Questions integrating the above

Lesson 15.10 concepts 8280723657

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