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Pet. Sci.

(2015) 12:54–66
DOI 10.1007/s12182-014-0013-6


Reservoir characteristics, formation mechanisms and petroleum

exploration potential of volcanic rocks in China
Zhi-Guo Mao • Ru-Kai Zhu • Jing-Lan Luo •

Jing-Hong Wang • Zhan-Hai Du • Ling Su •

Shao-Min Zhang

Received: 28 February 2014 / Published online: 22 January 2015

Ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Characterized by complex lithology and strong volcanic rocks developed in the Songliao Basin and Bohai
heterogeneity, volcanic reservoirs in China developed three Bay Basin in the east and Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks
reservoir space types: primary pores, secondary pores and developed in the Junggar Basin, Santanghu Basin and Ta-
fractures. The formation of reservoir space went through rim Basin in the west. There are primary volcanic reser-
the cooling and solidification stage (including blast frag- voirs and secondary volcanic reservoirs in these volcanic
mentation, crystallization differentiation and solidification) rocks, which have good accumulation conditions and great
and the epidiagenesis stage (including metasomatism, fill- exploration potential.
ing, weathering and leaching, formation fluid dissolution
and tectonism). Primary pores were formed at the solidi- Keywords Volcanic reservoirs  Diagenesis  Formation
fication stage, which laid the foundation for the develop- mechanism  Hydrocarbon exploration
ment and transformation of effective reservoirs. Secondary
pores were formed at the epidiagenesis stage, with key
factors as weathering and leaching, formation fluid disso- 1 Introduction
lution and tectonism. In China, Mesozoic–Cenozoic
As sites for hydrocarbon accumulation, reservoirs are very
important for research on petroliferous basins. In recent
Z.-G. Mao (&)  R.-K. Zhu  J.-H. Wang  L. Su  S.-M. Zhang
years, AAPG conferences have chosen reservoir studies as
Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,
PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China a topic and one of the major trends in studies of petrolif-
e-mail: erous basins. For a long time, research on reservoirs mostly
focused on rocks related to sedimentary processes. Volca-
Z.-G. Mao  R.-K. Zhu  J.-H. Wang  L. Su  S.-M. Zhang
nic rocks, seldom regarded as reservoirs, have not been
State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery,
Beijing 100083, China looked into sufficiently (Rohrman 2007; Lenhardt and Götz
J.-L. Luo Extensively distributed in a number of petroliferous
Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, Shaanxi, China
basins around the world, volcanic rocks are one type of
J.-L. Luo hydrocarbon-bearing rocks, and they may form hydrocar-
State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, bon reservoirs (Bashari 2000; Chen et al. 2014). Since the
Xi’an 710069, Shaanxi, China first discovery of hydrocarbon reservoirs in volcanic rocks
Z.-H. Du
in the San Juan Basin, California in 1887, exploration
International Iraq FZE, PetroChina, Beijing 100034, China history has extended for 120 years. Up to now, over 300
hydrocarbon reservoirs or oil/gas shows related to volcanic
S.-M. Zhang rocks have been identified around the world. Among them,
China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, Shandong,
169 hydrocarbon reservoirs have proved reserves (Zou
et al. 2008). These volcanic reservoirs have the following
Edited by Jie Hao characteristics: (1) formed mainly in the Mesozoic–

Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66 55

Cenozoic continental margin settings; (2) lithological, 2012; Zhao et al. 2009; Xie et al. 2010) have a variety of
dominated by basalt reservoirs (accounting for 32 %) and reservoir volcanic rocks (Mao et al. 2010). Among them,
andesite reservoirs (accounting for 17 %); (3) reservoir lava rocks mainly include basalt, andesite, dacite, rhyolite,
spaces are mainly primary or secondary pores, and the trachyte, etc.; pyroclastic rocks mainly include agglomer-
common-developed fractures improve reservoir properties; ate, volcanic breccia, tuff and welded pyroclastic rocks.
and (4) generally small-scale reservoirs, but can also be Mesozoic volcanic reservoirs in eastern China mostly
high-production wells. generated in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, with
With progress in hydrocarbon exploration around the world basic to acidic rocks, but mostly are acidic (Fig. 1);
and more and more discoveries of volcanic reservoirs, vol- Cenozoic volcanic reservoirs in eastern China mainly
canic rocks have attracted the interest of scholars and the include those in the Jiangling Sag of the Jianghan Basin,
petroleum industry as a new domain for hydrocarbon explo- Jiyang Sag and the eastern part of the Liaohe Sag, and
ration (Zhao et al. 2008; Zou et al. 2008). In the late 1990s, lithologically, there are acidic to basic rocks, but mostly
volcanic rock reservoir geology emerged as an important are meso-basic rocks (Zhao et al. 2008). Volcanic rocks in
marginal discipline (Zhu et al. 2010a, b), which studies the western China are dominated by meso-basic rocks, such as
macro distribution, internal structures, reservoir parameter the Permian Formation in the Tarim Basin, Carboniferous
distribution and pore structures in volcanic rocks, together Batamayineishan Formation in the Junggar Basin and
with dynamic changes of reservoir parameters during devel- Permian Jiamuhe Formation in the Tuha Basin and the
opment of fields in volcanic rocks, for the purpose of guiding Carboniferous-Permian system in the Santanghu Basin
exploration and development of oil and gas fields. (Fig. 1) (Zhou et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2013a, b).
At the same time, petroleum geology theories and tech-
niques related to volcanic rocks also have experienced rapid 2.2 Types and features of reservoir space in volcanic
development (Sruoga and Rubinstein, 2007; Farooqui et al. rocks in China
2009; Zhang et al. 2011; Zou et al. 2012a, b; Dong et al. 2013;
Du et al. 2013). In the south Nagaoka gas field in Niigata, Compared with sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks are
Japan, gamma ray, compensated formation density and much more complicated in reservoir space types and fea-
compensated neutron logs were used together to successfully tures. According to observations and research on large
identify reservoirs in Miocene ‘‘Green tuff’’—rhyolite vol- quantities of cores and thin sections, volcanic reservoir
canic rocks in the Qigu Formation (Yagi et al. 2009). Gen- spaces can be classified into three major categories: pri-
erally speaking, research on volcanic reservoirs is more mary pores, secondary pores and fractures (Table 1). Pri-
difficult than clastic and carbonate reservoirs. Consequently, mary pores are predominantly composed of pores formed
it emphasizes the comprehensive application of multiple during the eruption of volcanic material, residual pores
disciplines, as petroleum geology, volcanology, petrology incompletely filled by amygdaloidal bodies, intercrystalline
and reservoir physics theories, together with technologies as micro-pores and pores among volcanic breccia (Fig. 2a, b).
gravity-magnetic survey, electric prospecting, seismic, log- Secondary pores mainly include volcanic glass devitrifi-
ging, mathematic geology and computer technology (Pan cation pores, together with various mineral and particle
et al. 2008; Zhu et al. 2010a, b; Chen et al. 2014). dissolution pores and cavities (Fig. 2c, d). Fractures can be
formed by the following three reasons: bursting fractures
and contraction fractures formed due to volcanism and
2 Volcanic reservoir characteristics in China cooling (Fig. 2a); structural fractures formed by volcanic
rocks deformation and slippage induced by tectonic stres-
Volcanic rocks, the product of a series of volcanic activi- ses (Fig. 2e); and dissolution fractures formed by the dis-
ties after cooling, solidification and consolidation, are solution of formation fluids during weathering, leaching
significantly different from sedimentary rocks in formation and burial processes (Fig. 2f).
conditions, development environment and distribution Typical samples of volcanic reservoir rocks from the
pattern. Consequently, characteristics of hydrocarbon res- Yingcheng Formation in the Songliao Basin (110 samples
ervoirs in volcanic rocks are quite different from those in from 49 wells) and the northern Xinjiang Carboniferous
sedimentary rocks. (53 samples from 15 wells) were observed by optical
microscopy, combined with quantitative analyses. The
2.1 Lithological features of volcanic reservoirs results show that reservoir spaces in both areas are domi-
in China nated by air pores, dissolution pores and micro-fractures.
At the same time, they have significant differences in
Sedimentary basins in China developed under various percentages. Volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in
regional tectonic backgrounds (Lü et al. 2004; Luo et al. the Songliao Basin are dominated by air pores (38 %) and

56 Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66

Fig. 1 Lithology of volcanic Strata Junggar Santanghu Tarim Basin Sichuan Basin Erlian Basin Hailar Basin Songliao Bohai Bay
Basin Basin Basin Basin
rocks and evolution of Basin
petroliferous basins of China Time System evolu Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology Basin Lithology
(Ma) evolu evolu evolu evolu evolu evolu evolu
-tion -tion -tion -tion -tion -tion -tion -tion


Neogene Paleogene

Foreland stage

Depression stage

Depression stage

Depression stage

Rifting stage

Depression stage

Foreland stage

Depression stage

Rifting stage

Rifting stage

Rifting stage
Depression stage


Foreland stage

Foreland stage

Foreland stage


Rifting stage
Rifting stage


Craton stage

Craton stage




Basalt Basaltic Andesite Rhyolite Trachyte Volcanic Basaltic Tuff Diabase Tuffaceous Tuffaceous
andesite breccia breccia sandy conglomerate sandstone

Tuffaceous Conglomerate Sandy Sandstone Silty Mudstone Limestone Dolomite Reservoir Source Unconformity
mudstone conglomerate mudstone rock

Table 1 Classification and features of reservoir space of volcanic rocks in China
Classification Origin Features Corresponding Oiliness
lithological features

Primary Primary air pores Formed due to expansion of gas during diagenetic process Mostly distributed at bottom and top Volcanic breccia, lava Good in those
pores of lava-flow layers in different connected with
sizes and shapes pores and fractures
Residual air pores Pores formed due to incomplete filling of pores by secondary Also known as semi-filling pores Basalt, volcanic breccia Good in those
Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66

minerals connected with

pores and fractures
Intergranular Residual pores formed after diagenetic compaction between clastic Mostly in pyroclastic rocks Volcanic breccia, Good
pores particles agglomerate, volcanic
sedimentary rocks
Intercrystal, Pores in framework of rock-forming minerals, augite, plagioclase Mostly distributed in central parts of Lava, pyroclastic rocks Good
inner-crystal and phenocryst minerals, mostly with cleavage. They are inner- lava-flow layers with minor pores
pores crystal pores themselves
Secondary Devitrification Formed by vitric matter after devitrification Micro-pores, but with favorable Spherulitic rhyolite, Fairly good reservoir
pores pores connectivity ignimbrite space
Phenocryst Phenocryst may generate pores due to dissolution of fluids. Such Irregular in pore shape, mostly in Andesite One of the most
dissolution dissolutions may develop along cleavage faces bay shape and dominated by inner- important reservoir
pores crystal pores space
Dissolution pores Dissolution pores generated due to alternation and dissolution of Irregular in pore shape with poor Lava Favorable
in amygdaloidal filling materials in air pores connectivity hydrocarbon-
bodies bearing features
Dissolution pores Devitrification of vitric matter in matrix or dissolution of Fine pores, mostly dissolution pores Various lava and melted Favorable reservoir
in matrix microcrystal feldspar with certain connectivity tuff formations
Dissolution pores Formed due to weathering, leaching, dissolution and other Developed along fractures, cracked Basalt, andesite, breccia Good hydrocarbon-
among breccia epigenetic actions clastics and structural highs bearing features
Fractures Solidification Micro contraction fractures formed during solidification and Columnar jointing and split in open Volcanic breccia, Generally good
contraction crystallization of lava or facial configuration with minor andesite, trachyte
fractures dislocations
Explosion Self-cracking or concealed eruption Restorable Self-cracking breccia, Good
fractures lava and secondary
volcanic rocks
Structural Micro-fractures generated under tectonic stress Developed near faults, flat and Basalt, andesite Related to timing of
fractures straight, mostly high angle tectonic activities
Weathering Usually connected with dissolution pores, fractures and structural Connected with dissolution pores, Pyroclastic rocks, Good
fractures fractures to cut rocks into debris of various sizes fractures and structural fractures volcanic breccia
Dissolution Weathering and leaching, dissolution by formation fluid Dissolution and extension of original Amygdaloidal andesite, Fairly good
fractures fractures volcanic breccia hydrocarbon-
bearing features
Modified after Du et al. (2013) and Zou et al. (2012a, b)

58 Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66

250μm 500μm

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 2 Types and microscope photos of reservoir spaces in volcanic porphyry, matrix dissolution pores, well Mana-1, 5166.0 m, 910 (-).
rocks. a Rhyolitic ignimbrite, air pores and contraction fractures, well e Tuff, structural micro-fractures, well Niudong-9-8, 1524.75 m, 910
Madong-1, 4266.85 m, 92.5. b Volcanic breccia, intergranular pores, (-). f Tuff, weathering and leaching dissolution pores and fractures,
well Dixi-5, 3649.19 m, 94 (?). c Lava, feldspar phenocryst, well Di-403, 3818.55 m, 94
dissolved pores, well Huang-95, 2908.00 m, 95 (-). d Quartz

Fig. 3 Pore types and average Ratio,

contents in typical volcanic %
Songliao Basin
reservoirs of China 40 38.2 Northern Xinjiang

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 2.2
Air Intergranular Inter-crystal/ Dissolution Devitrification Contraction Micro-
pore pore intracrystal pore pore pore fracture fracture

dissolution pores (36 %) (Fig. 3), whereas Carboniferous volcanic rock samples (112) from the Junggar, Santanghu,
volcanic rocks in the Northern Xinjiang have mainly dis- Songliao and other basins show that pyroclastic rocks, lava
solution pores (33 %) and micro-fractures (31 %) (Fig. 3). rocks and hypabyssal intrusive rocks can serve as effective
reservoirs, mostly with medium to high porosity, low to
2.3 Physical properties of volcanic rocks in China medium permeability, high heterogeneity, and poor corre-
lation between porosity and permeability. Porosity may be
There are a variety of reservoir spaces in volcanic reservoirs. over 30 %, with 10 % on average, whereas permeability may
Different reservoir spaces may combine with each other to display intense heterogeneity with the maximum over
form pore-fracture dual-media reservoirs which have com- 1,000 9 10-3 lm2. But on the whole, the permeability is
plicated pore structures, leading to widely variable physical quite low, mostly less than 1 9 10-3 lm2 and a large portion
properties and severe heterogeneity. Physical properties of may be less than 0.01 9 10-3 lm2 (Fig. 4).

Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66 59

Fig. 4 Correlation between 10000

porosity and permeability of
volcanic rocks (978 core
samples, reservoir classification 1000 Dacite

Permeability, ×10 -3 μm 2
according to SY/T 6285-2011) Andesite




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Porosity, %

3 Origin and controlling factors of volcanic reservoirs thermal evolution history, so volcanic rocks in different
in China basins would experience quite different diageneses at dif-
ferent stages. Therefore, different volcanic reservoir types
Compared with clastic reservoirs, volcanic reservoirs are have their unique diagenesis sequence and diagenetic stage.
more complex in pore types. Intercrystal pores, contraction Research on volcanic reservoir diagenesis of different
pores and other primary pores formed after cooling of periods and types in different basins shows that there are
igneous rocks are not much affected by compaction, but two major diagenesis sequences in volcanic rocks in China:
complicated raw minerals and their combination may eruption—burial diagenesis sequence and eruption—
experience dramatic changes due to hydrothermal fluids weathering—burial diagenesis sequence.
during tectonic evolution and diagenetic burial. These
(1) Eruption—burial diagenesis sequence of volcanic
changes may affect diagenesis routes of volcanic rocks and
rocks in the Yingcheng Formation, Songliao Basin.
diagenetic products, resulting in different pores and throats
Eruption—burial diagenesis sequence includes vol-
occurrence and storage properties. In the end, such differ-
canic eruption, cooling, solidification and consoli-
ences may directly affect the formation and evolution of
dation, and subsidence and burial by sediments.
high-quality reservoirs in volcanic rocks (Surour and
Reservoir spaces are dominated by primary pores
Moufti 2013; Borgia et al. 2014; Caricchi et al. 2014).
generated during eruption, cooling, solidification and
Therefore, it can be seen that volcanic reservoirs are the
consolidation of volcanic rocks, and these are
combined product of volcanism, tectonization, diagenesis,
primary volcanic reservoirs. The Cretaceous Yingch-
fluids, epidiagenesis, burial transformation and many other
eng volcanic reservoir in the Songliao Basin is a
typical reservoir of this type (Jin et al. 2010; Cai
et al. 2012).
3.1 Diagenesis evolution of volcanic reservoirs
After eruption in the Early Cretaceous, the
in China
Yingcheng Formation volcanic rocks in the Songliao
Basin were formed after experiencing dissolution,
Due to their special features, volcanic reservoirs have
cooling, crystallization and some other consolidation
obvious stages and periods in diagenesis and evolution
(approximately 156–125 Ma) (Sun et al. 2008; Meng
(Sruoga and Rubinstein 2007). Diagenesis is distinctive in
et al. 2010; Shao et al. 2013; Xiang et al. 2013;
different stages and periods. Consequently, it is possible to
Zhang et al. 2013a, b). Then the formation was
divide the diagenesis processes of volcanic rocks into
covered directly by overlying sedimentary strata
several stages and further into different periods (Table 2).
after short periods of hydrothermal fluids and
Since different diageneses may evolve constantly with
weathering and leaching between eruption intermis-
changes in diagenetic environments, some diagenesis may
sions. During these periods, the formation experi-
happen during different diagenetic stages. In addition,
enced no less than two stages of large-scale
different sedimentary basins have various burial–tectonic–


Table 2 Diagenetic stages of volcanic rocks

Diagenetic stage Diagenesis Mechanisms of diagenesis Diagenesis markers Pore types

Stage Period

Cooling and solidification Volcanic active period Explosion and Eruption, cracking and Pyroclastic rocks of various Air pores, intergranular pores,
stage cracking explosion of volcano compositions and particle sizes explosion fractures, contraction
Solidification period Crystalline Differentiation, separation and Volcanic rocks with different fractures, intercrystalline pores
differentiation crystallization of lava crystals and mineral
Solidification Solidification and contraction Volcanic rocks contraction
Re-construction stage Hydrothermal period Alteration Changes in temperatures in Chlorite and zeolite Intercrystalline micro-pores in clay
uprising hot fluids in deep minerals, pores in amygdaloidal
layers bodies, residual pores,
Filling Crystallization and Chlorite, zeolite filling dissolution pores, dissolution
precipitation of minerals fractures
carried out by volcanic
hydrothermal solution
Dissolution Dissolution, alternation of Chlorite, zeolite solution pores
volcanic hydrothermal
Weathering & leaching Weathering, breaking Thermal expansion of rocks Weathering fractures Weathering fractures
period Leaching dissolution Leaching and dissolution of Intergranular, inner-granular Dissolution pores, dissolution
rocks solution holes, dissolution fractures
Burial period Compaction Compaction Intergranular, intercrystalline
contacts and modification of
Tectonization Tectonic stress High angle fractures, near Structural fractures
horizontal fractures, reticular
Dissolution Dissolution by formation water Huge amounts of secondary Matrix solution holes, phenocryst
and organic acid solution holes solution holes, intergranular
Alteration Increase of formation Zeolite, chlorite, clay and other dissolution pores, dissolution
temperatures and pressures, associated minerals fractures
together with activities of
formation fluids
Filling and Formation fluid dissolution, Filling and cementation of zeolite,
cementation mineral precipitation chlorite, clay and other minerals
Devitrification Increase of formation Felsitic texture, cryptocrystalline
temperatures and pressures texture after devitrification
Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66
Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66 61

Geological era J K E N Q
150 100 50 0

Solidification stage Re-construction stage

Diagenesis Volcanic active period Solidification period Hydrothermal period Weathering & leaching period Burial period

1000 60°C
Burial 2000
history 140°C
3000 160°C
generation phase Oil Gas
Burst fragmentation

Solidification shrinkage
Weathering fragmentation
Diagenesis sequence

Tectonic fragmentation

Metasomatic alteration
Filling and cementation
Primary air pore
Residual air pore
Pore developing level

Intergranular pore
Intercrystalline pore

Amygdaloidal dissolution pore

Phenocrystal dissolution pore
Matrix dissolution pore
Interbreccia dissolution pore
Devitrification pore
Solidification shrinkage fracture

Weathering fracture
Dissolution fracture
Tectonic fracture

Pore development stage Primary pore Secondary pore


Secondary pore
Pore evolution, %
Primary pore
Permeability evolution
×10 -3 μm 2

Fig. 5 Diagenesis and porosity evolution of typical volcanic reservoirs in China. a Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in the
Songliao Basin. b Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin

secondary dissolution, two stages of hydrocarbon other secondary minerals (Qin et al. 2010; Sun et al.
charge, three stages of fracture generation, 2–3 2012; Luo et al. 2013) (Fig. 5a).
stages of siliceous cementation, three stages of (2) Eruption—weathering—burial diagenesis sequence
carbonate cementation, 2–3 stages of chlorite cemen- of Carboniferous—Permian volcanic rocks in north-
tation and formation of zeolite, albite, fluorite and ern Xinjiang.

62 Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66

Geological era C P T J K E N Q
Age, Ma 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Solidification stage Re-construction stage
Diagenesis Volcanic active period Solidification period Hydrothermal period Weather & leaching period Burial period

R o =0.5
Carboniferous 3000
burial history 4000 R o =0.7
R o =1.3
(m) R o =2.0
generation phase Oil Gas
Burst fragmentation

Solidification shrinkage
Diagenesis sequence

Weathering fragmentation
Tectonic fragmentation

Metasomatic alteration
Filling and cementation
Primary air pore
Residual air pore
Pore developing level

Intergranular pore
Intercrystalline pore

Amygdaloidal dissolution pore

Phenocrystal dissolution pore
Matrix dissolution pore
Interbreccia dissolution pore
Devitrification pore
Solidification shrinkage fracture

Weathering fracture
Dissolution fracture
Tectonic fracture
Secondary pore Secondary pore
Pore development stage Primary pore
(weathering and leaching) (organic acid dissolution)

Pore evolution 20
10 Secondary pore
Primary pore
Permeability 10
×10 -3 μm 2 1

Fig. 5 continued

The eruption—weathering—burial diagenesis welding and some other consolidation (approximately

sequence involves the uplift and exposure of 359–320 Ma). After a short period of corrosion by hydro-
consolidated volcanic rocks at first, then prolonged thermal fluids and filling of pores, volcanic rocks in this
weathering and leaching and reformation next, and area had been uplifted and exposed till the Early Triassic
lastly burial by sediments. Reservoir spaces are (approximately 246 Ma), subject to prolonged weathering
mainly secondary pores and fractures from weath- and leaching in hypergene environments, which resulted in
ering, leaching and reformation, and these form fragmentation of rocks and secondary dissolution of min-
secondary volcanic reservoirs. The Carboniferous— erals, and large numbers of weathering fractures and sec-
Permian volcanic rock reservoirs in the Junggar ondary pores formed (Mo and Lian 2010). After that, these
Basin and Santanghu Basin are representatives of formations were covered and buried by sediments. In later
this type (Hou et al. 2012, 2013; Zou et al. 2012a, b). stages of burial, the entire region experienced several
major tectonic movements, which played constructive roles
After eruption in the Carboniferous, the Batamayinei-
in volcanic reservoir development. Generally speaking,
shan Formation volcanic reservoir in the Junggar Basin
Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Junggar Basin
formed through dissolution, cooling, crystallization,

Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66 63

experienced no less than two stages of large-scale sec- large amounts of secondary minerals, e.g. chlorite, zeolite,
ondary dissolution, 2–3 stages of hydrocarbon-filling calcite and quartz. Under suitable conditions, these min-
events, three stages of fracture formation, one stage of erals would crystallize, precipitate and fill up reservoir
siliceous cementation, two stages of carbonate cementa- spaces, reducing volcanic reservoir capacities significantly
tion, two stages of chlorite cementation and three stages of (Yu et al. 2014). At the same time, since these minerals are
anhydrite/gypsum cementation (Fig. 5b). mostly soluble minerals, they provide necessary materials
for the later dissolution.
3.2 Origin of volcanic reservoirs During weathering and leaching periods, weathering and
leaching facilitate the formation of large numbers of dis-
Reservoir spaces in volcanic rocks experienced extremely solution pores in the surface and upper sections of volcanic
complicated processes of formation, development, block- rocks, which may connect primary reservoir spaces and
ing and re-construction. Different evolution processes may enhance reservoir properties in volcanic rocks significantly.
involve different diagenesis types, which may play dual Core analysis data show that the Carboniferous basalts in
roles of destruction and improvement to reservoirs at the the Ludong area of the Junggar Basin without weathering
same time. By a number of means, research shows that have an average original porosity of 7.6 %, basalts with
volcanic reservoirs were the product of combined effect of weak weathering have an average porosity of 8.7 % and
long-term multiple diagenesis. Complicated in formation basalts with strong weathering have an average porosity of
and evolution processes, there are multiple stages of filling 15.3 %. Therefore, it can be seen that weathering and
and dissolution. At the same time, diagenesis processes in leaching are the major forces for the formation of sec-
different zones and different reservoirs also vary ondary pores in this area.
significantly. During burial stages, volcanic rocks were covered and
compacted by sedimentary rocks. Various pores and frac-
(1) Development of reservoir spaces during cooling and
tures generated by lava eruption, invasion, cooling, solid-
ification, and tectonic activities and dissolution in later
Primary pores mainly form at this stage. After
stages may connect pores that are originally isolated. At the
volcanic lava is ejected onto the surface, pores are
same time, they may communicate with formation water in
formed by the escape of a large amount of volatile
sedimentary formations to form more secondary dissolu-
gases. Crystallization of volcanic lava resulted in the
tion pores and fractures. Volcanic rocks formed during
forming of small intercrystalline pores between
early cooling, solidification and consolidation may expe-
phenocrysts, between microcrystallites, and between
rience prolonged dissolution by the formation of water and
phenocrysts and microcrystallites. Pores among
organic acids during their deep burial. These are the main
volcanic breccias were formed under volcanic erup-
causes for the formation of secondary reservoir spaces in
tion and explosion. Solidification of volcanic lava
volcanic rocks. Intermediate to basic basalt and andesite
produced contraction fractures and other primary
mainly experience re-dissolution of early fillings and
reservoir pores. These primary pores lay a solid
alternation products. For example, partial dissolution of
foundation for the development of reservoirs at later
chlorite and calcite can be often observed in Well Shinan-
stages. In vertical profile, lithological combinations
3, Well Shinan-4 and Well Madong-2, but dacite may
with large amounts of lava and tuff or volcanic
predominantly experience dissolution of amphiboles,
breccia, lava and pyroclastics can be observed,
feldspar phenocrysts and matrix. The Carboniferous dacite
which reflect volcanic activities.
in the Shixi-1 well block in the Shixi Oilfield experienced
(2) Development of reservoir spaces during the epige-
the dissolution of plagioclase phenocrysts, and dissolution
netic alteration stage.
pores or expansion dissolution fractures can be found in the
Tectonic movements, weathering, leaching and
matrix. As for alkaline or strongly alkaline trachyte and
fluid actions are the major geological actions affect-
phonolite, their alkalinity makes them even more sensitive
ing the development of reservoir spaces.
to acid environments. As soon as the media environment
During periods of hydrothermal activities, alteration changed from alkalinity to acidity, large amounts of alka-
may occur in many rock-forming minerals. For example, line feldspar phenocrysts and matrix may undergo disso-
augite and amphiboles may convert into chlorite; basic lution, e.g. large amounts of dissolution pores can be
plagioclase may convert into kaolinite, sericite and chlo- observed in tephritic phonolite and trachyte andesite cores
rite; iddingsitization of olivine; chlorite may convert into in Well Xiayan-2 and Well Shidong-8. In fact, acidic fluids
zeolite, carbonate or other minerals; as well as carbonation can be further classified as inorganic and organic acids.
and laumontitization of tuff matrix. During such alteration They may participate in reactions individually or jointly in
and conversion of minerals, hydrothermal fluids may carry different areas. Areas with volcano eruption and in vicinity

64 Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66

of major faults may be dominated by inorganic acids, volcanic rocks and serve as seepage channels for acidic
whereas dissolution induced by organic acids may be fluids in later stages. Later dissolution by acidic fluids can
stronger in areas near oil sources. In addition, occurrence enlarge primary pores, whereas weathering and leaching
of dissolution over a large area may be closely related to can facilitate the formation of secondary pores and frac-
the development of faults. As for various minerals, espe- tures. Favorable facies of volcanic rocks include intrusive
cially those most affected by dissolution, such as feldspar, facies, upper subfacies of effusive facies and air-fall
they may have significantly different dissolution mecha- subfacies of eruption facies, all of which develop primary
nisms for organic acid dissolution and for inorganic acid pores. In later stages of volcanic activity, acidic fluids may
dissolution. rise along fractures and enter pores through fractures,
Above research conclusions show that diagenesis is a stimulating the formation of dissolution pores, and even-
double-edged sword for volcanic reservoirs, the matching tually enlarging reservoir spaces. The upper subfacies of
of filling and dissolution in different diagenetic stages, effusive facies, air-fall subfacies of eruption facies and
together with intensities of diagenesis processes directly intrusive facies near craters below the weathering crust,
affect the quality of reservoir reformation at later stages. which have been reformed due to acidic fluid dissolution in
later stages of volcanic activities below the unconformity
3.3 Controlling factors for the development of volcanic surface (approximately 3,600–3,800 m), are favorable
reservoirs in China facies for the development of reservoir spaces.
The residual Carboniferous formations developed over
Formation, preservation and reformation of reservoir the Paleozoic folding base in the Junggar Basin. These
spaces in volcanic rocks during the evolution process are strata experienced uplifting and denudation over a period
highly complicated. Primary pores and fractures are mostly of 30–60 Ma from the late Carboniferous to the early and
controlled by original eruption states, namely lithology of middle Permian. Consequently, volcanic structures are
volcanic rocks. Under the same tectonic stress, the devel- generally incompletely preserved with weathering crusts
opment and preservation of structural fractures are also developed. Usually, effective reservoirs with a thickness of
controlled by the original eruption states. Volcanic rocks 300 m might develop under the weathering crust (Li et al.
formed after volcano eruption, cooling, solidification, 2007; Zhu et al. 2010a, b). The Lower Carboniferous for-
compaction and consolidation contain disconnected pri- mation is preserved in areas with severe denudation on
mary pores without permeability. Only after various geo- uplifting zones, such as Kelameilishan and Dixi Uplifts.
logical transformations in later stages, they can have The preserved strata in ancient sags are relatively young,
reservoir capacities. On the whole, volcanism, tectonic mostly the Upper Carboniferous formations, such as
movements, weathering, leaching and fluids are key factors Wucaiwan Sag and Mahu Sag. From the sag center to the
and geological actions for the formation and development surrounding areas or from the structural low parts to highs,
of reservoir spaces in volcanic rocks. the Carboniferous formations experienced more severe
Differences in diagenesis sequences of volcanic reser- denudation with newer covering formations and better
voirs in eastern and western China lead to the differences reservoir properties. High landform induced by prolonged
of reservoir types. Primary reservoir formations in volcanic volcanic activities facilitates weathering and denudation.
rocks are represented by the Yingcheng Formation in the Consequently, the intensities of weathering, leaching, dis-
Songliao Basin in eastern China. Secondary weathering solution and filling reformation during volcanic rock evo-
reservoir formations in volcanic rocks are represented by lution control the effectiveness of reservoirs. Palaeohighs
Carboniferous formations in northern Xinjiang in western subject to prolonged weathering and leaching commonly
China. Different factors control the development of these contain well-developed volcanic reservoirs where hydro-
two types of volcanic rocks. carbons can accumulate.
Volcanic rocks in the Songliao Basin experienced rela-
tively short weathering or no weathering at all. As a result,
volcanic structures are completely preserved. Volcanic 4 Hydrocarbon exploration in volcanic rocks
rocks have relatively complete facies with reservoirs pre- in sedimentary basins of China
dominantly developed in eruption facies. Major controlling
factors for the storage capacity of volcanic reservoirs Volcanic rocks are key components of filling series for
include lithological features, rock facies, structural frac- various sedimentary basins. During the early development
tures and dissolution by acidic fluids. To be more specific, stage of basins, volcanic rocks were not only large in
the developments of primary pores in volcanic rocks are volume, but also mostly associated with rapid subsiding
mainly determined by lithological features and rock facies; hydrocarbon source rocks. Therefore, they are important
structural fractures may enhance the permeability of targets in hydrocarbon exploration (Zeng et al. 2013;

Pet. Sci. (2015) 12:54–66 65

Batkhishig et al. 2014). In later burial stage, volcanic rocks, development of faulted basins (Yang et al. 2014). Gener-
less affected by burial depths than conventional sedimen- ally speaking, volcanic rocks in eastern China have iden-
tary rocks, in deep parts of basins, could be better reser- tical structural environment to hydrocarbon source rocks
voirs than conventional sedimentary rocks (Feng 2008). with their distribution ranges coinciding with each other. In
Accordingly, they are considered as key target layers for this way, a self-generation and self-preservation reservoir
exploration in deep basins. combination is formed. Due to different basin evolutions,
Volcanic rocks are distributed extensively in China. deep layers in the Songliao Basin are mostly dominated by
Three packages of favorable volcanic rocks in Carbonif- gas reservoirs in volcanic rocks, whereas the Bohai Bay,
erous—Permian, Jurassic—Cretaceous and Paleogene for- Erlian and Halar Basins are dominated by oil reservoirs. The
mations developed in existing petroliferous basins. distribution areas of volcanic rocks in northern Xinjiang
Volcanic rocks in eastern basins are predominantly inter- primarily include Carboniferous—Permian formations in
mediate to acidic, whereas those in western parts are the Junggar, Santanghu, Tuha and some other basins, which
intermediate to basic. These volcanic rocks cover a total were generated in the Xingmeng oceanic trench. Their res-
area of 39 9 104 km2, including 5.0 9 104 km2 in the ervoir combinations experienced significant changes due to
Songliao Basin in eastern China, 2.0 9 104 km2 in the intense basin reformation in later stages. There are not only
Bohai Bay Basin, 6.0 9 104 km2 in the Junggar Basin, near-source combinations, such as Ludong-Wucaiwan area
1.0 9 104 km2 in the Santanghu Basin, 2.0 9 104 km2 in in the Junggar Basin and Malang Sag in the Santanghu Basin,
the Tuha Basin, 13 9 104 km2 in the Tarim Basin and but also far-source reservoir combinations, such as the
7.0 9 104 km2 in the Sichuan-Tibet area. northwestern edges of the Junggar Basin. The distribution of
At present, volcanic reservoirs have been found in the hydrocarbons in these structures is predominantly controlled
Songliao, Bohai Bay, Junggar, Santanghu, Halar, Erlian by unconformities and faults.
and some other basins, and they are still under-explored on
the whole. Preliminary studies show that the total oil Acknowledgments This work was sponsored by the National Key
Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2014CB239000,
resources in volcanic rocks amount to (19–26) 9 108 t, and 2009CB219304) and National Science and Technology Major Project
natural gas resources are 4.2 9 1012 m3 with an oil dis- (2011ZX05001). We are grateful for the help and support given to this
covery rate of 19 %–25 % and a natural gas discovery rate study by Du Jinhu of PetroChina, Chen Shumin of Daqing Oilfield
of 2 %. The total equivalent hydrocarbon reserves reach Company, Kuang Lichun of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Liang Shijun
of Tuha Oilfield Company, Zou Caineng of Exploration and Devel-
(52–59) 9 108 t with a discovery rate of 6 %–7 %. With opment Research Institute of CNPC, journal editors and anonymous
abundant remaining resources and great potential for reviewers.
exploration, volcanic reservoirs are important replacement
domain for hydrocarbon exploration. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
Novel techniques should be fully utilized in future tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
exploration of volcanic rocks, aiming at dissolution type, author(s) and the source are credited.
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