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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development and Validation of Instructional

Material in Basic Calculus
Alfred P. Pantaleon
College of Graduate Studies,
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines

Abstract:- Basic Calculus is one of the most significant Philippines. However, students in the subject had been
topics in pure mathematics, and students commonly fail having recurring issues. Students struggle to master new
to grasp its concepts. Thus, the development of teaching concepts, resulting in a high failure rate in the course.
materials in Basic Calculus is essential to enhance the
performance of the students to make learning more In the SHS STEM Curriculum, Calculus is subdivided
interactive. This study evaluated the learning skills of into two. The Pre- Calculus that focuses on the introduction
Grade 12 STEM students at Ilocos Sur Polytechnic of calculus and the Basic Calculus that tackles the various
State College in Basic Calculus particularly in concepts of calculus. Basic Calculus comprises three
Differentiation part, which led to the creation of a components in the STEM track: Functions, Limits and
Developed Instructional Material. It made use of the Continuity, Differentiation, and Integration. Each unit is
descriptive research design involving correlational and made up of lessons that bring together learning
developmental methods with a two-part questionnaire competencies that are related. Each lesson is further
as the data gathering tool. The 36 student-respondents subdivided into sub-lessons that focus on one or two
were chosen using the total enumeration technique. teaching and learning competencies. [2]
Weighted mean and Spearman correlation were utilized
The learning approach in basic calculus has always
to analyze the data. According to the findings, the
been based on a concept, theorem, and algorithm. But these
respondents' level of technology-assisted resources at
home is relatively low. In addition, in terms of content, concepts are difficult to understand without further
style, and instructions, the developed instructional discussions. For two pandemic years, Department of
material in Basic Calculus has a Very Acceptable Education and Commission on Higher Education are doing
degree of acceptability. Furthermore, the adequacy of its best to distinguish the effective modality to be
technology-assisted resources had no effect on the level implemented in every school. These include different
of acceptability of the developed instructional material learning delivery modalities that the department will look
in terms of content and style. Only the student- into such as Online Learning, Modular Distance Learning,
respondents' level of acceptability of instructions, on the Blended Learning, Radio-Based Instruction, and TV-Based
other hand, showed a positive correlation. Finally, the Instruction.
developed instructional material is deemed to be very Modular instructions are one of the learning resources
valid. The developed instructional material in basic produced at Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC).
Calculus may be used as an instructional material and It includes mathematics training for high school to college
that further studies can be conducted to continuously students in the hopes of supplementing other types of
explore possible pedagogical interventions. learning. However, there are some concepts or lessons that
Keywords:- Developed Instructional Material, Technology- students do not fully comprehend, particularly in
Assisted Resources, Acceptability of Instructional Material, mathematics.
Validated Material. According to an interview with teachers at the ISPSC-
I. INTRODUCTION Laboratory High School who taught Basic Calculus, this
subject is one of the most significant topics in pure
Mathematics is one of the subjects that plays a mathematics, and students commonly fail to grasp its
significant role in everyday life. Math is used in a variety of concepts. All of the teachers who taught the subject noticed
everyday tasks. Mathematics serves as a foundation for that the Differentiation unit, which includes five topics such
other disciplines such as natural science and social science. as implicit differentiation, derivatives of trigonometric and
Because of the importance of mathematics, it is usually exponential functions, derivatives of logarithmic and
taught in any educational institution and at each grade level inverse functions, and the application of derivatives, was
with a substantially larger share of the lesson hour than the most difficult for students.
other disciplines.
Some of these issues included students' failure to
Calculus is a field of mathematics that studies how learn, inability to apply knowledge obtained, low student
things change and provides a framework for modelling engagement, unwillingness to practice problem sets or
systems as well as a method for deducing the models' employ formula, and the subject's inherent complexity [3].
predictions [1]. It is one of the disciplines required for any Despite of these difficulties, the students were expected to
STEM program in the K to 12 Education Curriculum in the

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
apply their skills in calculus to their future field of acceptability of the developed instructional material
specialization. in Basic Calculus?
d) What is the level of validity of the Developed
The development of teaching materials needs to be Instructional Material in Basic Calculus?
varied with other media to reduce the negative effects so
that learning Basic Calculus can be more interesting, and II. METHODOLOGY
the students’ understanding on the concepts can be more
powerful. One variation is to utilize information and This study used the descriptive research design
communication technology development, such as utilizing employing correlational and developmental approaches.
the video application. This technology allows developers to The descriptive research was chosen to determine the
do many things, including the development of teaching profile of the respondents in terms of adequacy of
materials using multimedia that are contextual, actual, technology- assisted resources, and their level of
factual, innovative, and attractive. [4]. acceptability on the developed instructional material. In
addition, the study used correlational research design to
Educational games are getting increasingly common determine the significant relationship of variables. In this
to use in education, both in schools and in homes of the study in particular, the researcher looked into the
learners [5]. At the same time, the amount of educational relationship between the technology-assisted resources of
games on the market is increasing tremendously. Many the students and their level of acceptability of the
students at this generation are hooked on certain types of developed instructional material in Basic Calculus. The
online games. study was conducted among the SHS- STEM Grade 12
students who were enrolled during the First Semester,
Ref. [6] stated that education, computer/ video games Academic Year 2021-2022 at the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic
can help develop problem solving skills and negotiation, State College, Santa Maria Campus. Thirty-six (36)
judgement, analysis and strategic thinking, communicating student- respondents were selected through total
skills and networking, narrative skills and transmedia enumeration technique. The study used the descriptive
navigation, non- linear thinking patterns, improved survey questionnaire in gathering the data needed. Modified
attention, vision and cognition. questionnaire from the study of [7] was used and had it
validated by experts. The data gathered were treated
The goal of this research is to develop a good learning statistically using the Weighted mean and Spearman
instructional material in Basic Calculus, which can be correlation.
easily accessed through mobile phones media by students
from anywhere and at any time. It is an alternative medium III. RESULTS/ FINDINGS
that eases students in the institution to study Basic Calculus
so that it can make students access the learning materials Table 1 displays the level of adequacy of technology-
anytime, anywhere easily, and they can learn calculus with assisted resources which the SHS- STEM students used in
more flexible time and place. their studies.

A. Objectives of the Study Items Mean DR

This study aimed to determine the level of acceptability Smartphone 4.67 Completely Adequate
and validity of the developed instructional material in Basic Personal Computer 2.78 Moderately Adequate
Calculus to SHS- STEM students in enhancing their Tablet 2.58 Partially Adequate
mathematics performance. Specifically, it aims to answer Laptop 3.47 Adequate
the following questions: Netbook 2.42 Partially Adequate
a) What is the level of adequacy of the technology- iPad 2.28 Partially Adequate
assisted resources of the students at home in terms Ordinary Mobile
of the following: 2.92 Moderately Adequate
 Smartphone Average Mean 3.02 Moderately Adequate
 Personal Computer Table 1 : Level of Adequacy of Technology-Assisted
 Tablet Resources
 Laptop
 Netbook Based on the table, it can be inferred that the level of
 iPad, and adequacy of technology-assisted resources of the students
 Ordinary Mobile Phone (Keypad, etc) for their studies is low described as Moderately Adequate.
This shows that the students have a very limited technology
b) What is the level of acceptability of the developed resources to aid their learning experience. By implication,
instructional material in terms: the result suggests that it would be difficult for the student
 Content, to acquire new knowledge and develop existing
 Style, and competencies with the limited resources to be used in their
 Terms of Instructions studies. Among the listed items, smartphone followed by
c) Is there a significant relationship between the Laptop is the most completely adequate technology-assisted
technology-assisted resources and the level of resources among the respondents. This is because of the
multiple features that smartphones can provide for the

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
users. This is in consonance to the findings of [8] which Indicators Mean DR
revealed that ninety-four percent of students owned smart 1. The grammatical structure 4.67 Very
phones, and majority of them used like mobile by using as is correct and appropriate. Acceptable
a computer connected to internet and a digital camera. 2. Visuals are relevant to the 4.58 Very
Furthermore, tablet, Netbook, and iPad are partially topic. Acceptable
adequate from the respondents. The result shows that the 3. The materials considered 4.53 Very
respondents have a limited knowledge on the functions of are of high quality. Acceptable
these technological resources, especially the iPad. 4. Material is free of 4.61 Very
ideological, cultural, religious, Acceptable
Table 2 shows the level of acceptability of the radical and gender biases and
developed instructional material in terms of content among prejudices.
the SHS- STEM students of ISPSC, Sta. Maria Campus. 5. Resources conform to the 4.72 Very
learner’s privacy and respect Acceptable
Indicators Mean DR learner’s cultural beliefs etc.
1. Content reinforces, enriches, and 4.42 Very 6. The typographic layout is 4.53 Very
leads to the mastery of certain Acceptable well-organized, attractive, and Acceptable
competencies for the level and supports the printed modules.
subject it was intended. 7. Size of the letters is 4.53 Very
2. Facts are accurate and there is 4.47 Very appropriate for the target Acceptable
clear and meaningful connection Acceptable audience.
between all concepts. Average Mean 4.60 Very
3. Language is appropriate for the 4.67 Very Acceptable
level of the target user specified. Acceptable Table 3: Level of Acceptability of the Developed
4. Visuals are clear in content and 4.44 Very Instructional Material in terms of Style
detail. Acceptable
5. Assessment complexity matches 4.33 Very The table revealed that all of the indicators received a
learning content supplied. Acceptable "Very Acceptable" rating. “Resources conform to the
6. Assessment answers are accurate 4.47 Very learner’s privacy and respect learner’s cultural beliefs etc.”
and comprehensive. Acceptable received the greatest mean rating, while items “The
7. Learning activities are user 4.42 Very materials considered are of high quality”, “The typographic
friendly. Acceptable layout is well-organized, attractive, and supports the printed
Average Mean 4.46 Very modules”, and “Size of the letters is appropriate for the
Acceptable target audience” received the lowest mean rating, all of
Table 2 : Level of Acceptability of the Developed which were rated as "Very Acceptable." This meant that the
Instructional Material in terms of Content layout of the information, as well as the size of the letters,
should be improved to accommodate diverse types of
It can be gleaned from the table that “Language is learners. Overall, the developed instructional material was
appropriate for the level of the target user specified” rated "Very Acceptable" in terms of style acceptability.
recorded the greatest mean rating, while “Assessment This implies that the developed instructional material met
complexity matches learning content supplied” received the or exceeded the material's quality and applicability criteria.
lowest mean rating, both labelled as "Very Acceptable."
The overall mean score in terms of the acceptability of the The results confirmed the findings of [7] that students
material along content was “Very Acceptable”. As a result, can more effectively respond to a book when they have
the developed instructional material is widely approved for critical thinking skills. Students can deduce the primary
use as an extra instructional tool in improving and idea and supporting facts, as well as the sequence of events
developing students' performance. and the overall structure of the text, as they read. In
addition, students will be able to recognize literary devices
The outcomes of this study corroborate with the and their impact on the text. Critical thinking abilities aid a
conclusions of [7], who found that the content of student's comprehension of a material, resulting in a more
instructional materials in his study is extremely enjoyable reading experience.
satisfactory. Furthermore, this finding indicates that the
instructional material was successfully used in the Table 4 shows the level of acceptability of the
teaching–learning process by the respondents. Students developed instructional material in terms of instructions
may have been able to easily fulfill the lesson's goal among the SHS- STEM students of ISPSC, Sta. Maria
without compromising their performance or the lesson's Campus.
goal. Because passages and photos are localized, they were
most likely able to make connections to the instructional Indicators Mean DR
content. 1. The purpose, process and 4.58 Very
possible outcome have been clearly Acceptable
Table 3 shows the level of acceptability of the stated.
developed instructional material in terms of style among the 2. The learning objectives have 4.58 Very
SHS- STEM students of ISPSC, Sta. Maria Campus. been made clear to the learners. Acceptable

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
3. The material has accompanying 4.50 Very information may be used simply and independently without
feedback and evaluation form. Acceptable the developer or teacher's direct involvement using the
4. The material can be easily and 4.44 Very available technology- assisted resources they have at home.
independently use. Acceptable
5. The material can be used without 4.53 Very This is in line with the findings of Ref. [10] that
direct involvement of the Acceptable students have claimed that when multimedia presentations
developer. are used, they learn better, understand more complex
6. The learning activities support 4.56 Very concepts more easily, and retain the subject matter.
the goals and objectives. Acceptable Furthermore, multimedia allows students to engage in
7. The instructions and prompts are 4.64 Very "practical" learning, improve concentration, receive
helpful. Acceptable personalized feedback, and gain a deeper comprehension of
Average Mean 4.55 Very concepts. Privacy, collaborative and communication skills,
Acceptable organization, support for learning styles, and multisensory
Table 4: Level of Acceptability of the Developed learning are all essential properties of ICT that make them
Instructional Material in terms of Instructions suited for enabling individualized education.

The table displays that “The instructions and prompts A. Validity of the Developed Instructional Material
are helpful” had the highest mean rating, followed by “The The table shows the result of the evaluation of the
purpose, process and possible outcome have been clearly validation of the developed instructional material in basic
stated” and “The learning objectives have been made clear calculus as the output of this study.
to the learners”, both of which were classified as "Very
Acceptable." While “The material can be easily and Indicators Mean DR
independently use” received the lowest mean rating, it was 1.The learning objectives are 5.00 Very Valid
nevertheless deemed "Very Acceptable." The overall mean simple, measurable, attainable,
rating in terms of instructions was "Very Acceptable." This realistic and time- bound.
means that the developed instructional material provides a 2. The activities are organized 4.80 Very Valid
well-defined set of instructions to help clients improve their based on the sequence of the
performance. These figures are relevant to [9], as stipulated focus skills.
in the study of [7], instructional materials are both 3. The activities assess students 4.80 Very Valid
enjoyable and educational, and they can appeal to a variety understanding of what they have
of senses. learned and correct errors when
Table 5 exhibits the correlation of the adequacy of 4. Critical thinking abilities are 4.80 Very Valid
technology- assisted resources of the respondents and their developed and promoted through
level of acceptability of the developed instructional the exercises.
material along content, style, and instructions. 5. Monitor their learning and 5.00 Very Valid
uses feedback about their
Level of Acceptability of the progress.
Developed Instructional 6. Provides opportunities for 4.80 Very Valid
Material students to work independently
Content Style Instructions or in groups to explore answers
Adequacy of to their own.
Technology- 0.228 0.308 0.403* 7. The strategies and activities 4.60 Very Valid
Assisted Resources sustain the attention and interest
Table 5: Relationship between the adequacy of technology- of the students.
assisted resources and the level of acceptability of the Average Mean 4.83 Very Valid
developed instructional material Table 6: Level of Validity of the Developed Instructional
* Correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed)
The table revealed that “The learning objectives are
It is reflected on the table that instructions is simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and time- bound”
significantly correlated to the adequacy of technology- and “Monitor their learning and uses feedback about their
assisted resources of the respondents at 0.05 level of progress” received the highest mean rating of "Very Valid,"
significance. However, the adequacy of technology-assisted followed by “The activities are organized based on the
resources is determined to be insignificantly associated to sequence of the focus skills”, “The activities assess students
content and style, which showed little correlation. understanding of what they have learned and correct errors
when appropriate”, “Critical thinking abilities are
The findings showed that the adequacy of technology- developed and promoted through the exercises”, and
assisted resources has a significant impact on the “Provides opportunities for students to work independently
acceptability of developed instructional material in terms of or in groups to explore answers to their own”, all of which
instructions. This implies that the developed educational were still considered “Very Valid." However, as shown in
material aids students' grasp of ideas because the the table, “The strategies and activities sustain the attention

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and interest of the students” had the lowest mean rating, [5.] Navarro, M. et. al. (2018). Android Based: Scimath
which still interprets to "Very Valid." This implies that Figure puzzle game (for Grade IV to VI Pupils).
before using the developed instructional material, it should Unpublished undergraduate thesis, Ilocos Sur
be enhanced and improved by incorporating the expert – Polytechnic State College, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur.
evaluators' comments and recommendations. The overall [6.] Kharback, M. (2012). Reconceptualizing Reading in
mean score of "Very Valid" indicates that the developed the digital age. [Online]. Available:
Basic Calculus instructional material is a viable instrument
for assisting students in improving their Basic Calculus [7.] Estremera, M. (2016). Acceptability and Quality
performance. Level of the Developed Reading Module Entitled
“Read to Learn, Save the World”: An Instructional
IV. CONCLUSION Material Used for S.Y. 2014-2015 to S.Y. 2015-2016.
[Online]. Available:
Based from the data gathered and interpreted, the
developed instructional material is evaluated as very valid File/40068/41213
and reliable that can help the students develop proficiency [8.] Alfawareh, H. and Jusoh, S. (2014). Smartphones
in the different learning competencies. Furthermore, the usage among university students: Najran university
developed instructional material addresses the needs of the case. [Online]. Available:
students in helping them improve their Basic Calculus [9.] Sunday, A., & Joshua, A., (2010). Assessment of
performance. A further study along this line should be resources and instructional materials status in the
conducted not only to validate and strengthen the results teaching of mathematics in South Western Nigeria.
and findings of this study but also to consider the [Online]. Available:
interactive aspect of the material that they will produce. At [10.] Karatza, Z. (2019). Information and Communication
the same time, they must include video presentations in the Technology (ICT) as a Tool of Differentiated
discussion part of the material. Instruction: An Informative Intervention and a
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Comparative Study on Educators’ Views and Extent
of ICT Use. [Online]. Available:
The researcher expresses his gratitude to Dr. Gilbert
R. Arce, SUC president of Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State
College, Engr. Ma. Theresa P. Dela Rosa, Dr. Maria
Teressa T. Garcia, Dr. Jocelyn L. Absolor, Dr. Cherie B.
Orpia, Mr. Leonard Manuel, Mr. Jessie James M.
Sangalanga, Mr. Jusof A. Cariaga, Mr. Henry Jefferson H.
Oandasan, and Mr. Henry C. Reyes.


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[2.] DepEd: Senior High School Curriculum Guides
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Problems in Learning the Calculus and Geometry 1.
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