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PLTS Deli Serdang

Desktop review in purposed to describe prospect of photovoltaic power plant project

in Deli Serdang Regency in area of 378 hectares
Site Information
Project Deli Serdang
Georaphical Coordinates Easting Northing
  477326.6785 398476.4174
Elevation 13 meters
Total Area 378 hectares
Land Forestry Status Another Utilization Area (APL)
Distance to Substation 300 - 3000 meters
Photovoltaic System Configuration
Provided Inputs
PV Technology Crystalline sillicon
PV Installed 1 kWp
Simulation Output
Sope Angle 35 °
Azimuth angle 0 °
Yearly PV Energy Production 1218.92 kWh
Yearly in-plane irradiation 1642.34 kWh/m²

Access and Regional Access

The location of the PLTS development plan administratively includes the Sena Village area of Batang Kuis District
of Deli Serdang Regency of North Sumatra. The area is divided into two blocks with an area of 53 ha and 123 ha,
respectively. To arrive at the location of the PLTS development plan with the starting point of Kuala Namu
International Airport can be reached by land with a travel time of ± 17 minutes and a distance of ± 12.4 km with
access point conditions, namely the main road Deli Serdang Regency.
Status and Land Cover

The location of the PLTS development plan is included in the private ownership area. Refer to regulation SK.7875 /
MENLHK-PHPL / KPHP / HPL.0 / 12/2020 from the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, status of the area is
Another Utilization Area (APL). The condition of the location land cover is plantations and agriculture.

Protected Forest

Another Utilization Area

Production Forest

In relation to aspects of infrastructure availability, there are several public facilities that can support PLTS
development in the study area, among others.

1. Belawan Port which is ± 32.5 km from the study site and can be reached by land vehicle for 45 minutes.
2. Sei Rotan Substation (150/20 KV) which is between 0.3 - 3 km (nearest and furthest border) from the

Substation Sei Rotan

Investment Prospects

1. Capacity
By referring to the general picture of PLTS capacity of 1 MW per ha, the initial estimate of the capacity
obtained can be >150 MW.
2. Land
The status of land ownership that is owned by a single person can be a profit value if it can be managed
with the community's private land rental system in accordance with the provisions of applicable
regulations. In addition, relatively flat land conditions become a plus in the ease of the construction process
in the future.
3. Network Interconnection Capacity Supplement Plan
The planned capacity interconnection review can refer to the 2021-2030 AGM of 50.1 MW. The location
of the PLTS plan is included in the Sumatra network interconnection system.

Develop 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 203
er 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Total
IPP 50.
(MW)         1           50.1
4. The potential of PLTS that have been registered totals 164.4 MW.

Region Project Name Capacity (MW)

Photovoltaic Simeulue 2
Aceh Hybrid (Biomass + Photovoltaic) Deudap 0.25
Hybrid (Biomass + Photovoltaic) Seurapung 0.25
North Sumatera Photovoltaic Sumut Tersebar 2
Photovoltaic Terapung Singkarak 48
West Sumatera Photovoltaic Sumbar Tersebar 0.5
Komunal Tersebar Komunal Tersebar 0.2
Lampung Tersebar 1.2
Bakahuni 100
Lampung Photovoltaic
Puau Legundi 5
Sebesi 5
Total 164.4

5. The Cost of Providing Generation PT. PLN in 2020 for North Sumatra region which is IDR 1,247.24 / kwh
or cent US$ 8.56 / kwh.

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