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Quiz 1
Total monthly - 34GB
Basis and reference - Solid analytics consumption
Hotline - #33733
Deped Officials and Personnel- True
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
on-Going deped programs - CHECK ALL
Changes when we talk - ALL OF THE ABOVE
21st Century - True
anticipate the future and plan for it? - be forward thinking
blended Learning - True

Quiz 2
Advantages of Using Open Educational Resources (OERs)
Answer Key
1. Which non-profit organization supports Kolibri software to enable every person in the world to
realize their right to quality education, by supporting the creation, adaptation and distribution of
open educational resources, and creating supportive tools for innovative pedagogy? - Foundation
of Learning Equality
2. Which of the following types of files can be uploaded on Kolibri? - all types can be uploaded
3. Kolibri can be a tool used to create an ________ and __________ e-library and material can be
shared even without internet connection. - online and offline
4. A software use to create an offline e-library - kolibri
5. An online site that is created by learning equality that provides free contents and resources that
can be downloaded and shared to all thru offline networks. - Kolibri Studio

Quiz 3
Inset Afternoon session
Proper Etiquette in Sending E-mail and understanding guidelines for copy right
1. Use capital letters to emphasize an important note.- False
2. Under Philippine law, copyright infringement is punishable by imprisonment of 6 years and 1
day to 9 years plus a fine ranging 500k to 1,500,000 for the third and subsequent offenses. - True
3. Is a copyright registration necessary to protect artistic or literary works?
B. No. Copyrightable works are protected the moment they were created.
4. What part of an email is used in stating the concise phrase that summarizes the main idea of
your message? - Subject
5. What are the 4 types of email?
c. Open- ended
e. Actional e-mail
f. Inquiry
h. No reply
Quiz 4
The Wisdom Behind Grammarly
Answer Key
1. Grammarly provides all the possible basic writing tools in its free account.- True
2. When installed, Grammarly only works on Gmail. - False
3. Modifying the writing genre is available in the free account.- False
4. Plagiarism can only be checked using the premium account. - True
5. Errors are underlined in blue and are clickable to see corrections and suggestions. - True
6. For a full writing coaching experience, one can copy a content of a document and paste it on
the Grammarly application. - True
7.IN the free account, you may only set your writing’s audience and formality. - False
8. On the right side of the application, you are only notified by your document’s level of
correctness. - False
9.Grammarly does not store previous documents that you corrected. - False
10. Grammarly allows a document to be printed right on its application. - True

Quiz 5
The Creative Utilization of Canva for Students
Answer Key
1. Canva for Education ____ Canva Pro. -has more features than
2. How much is Canva for Education? -Free for K-12 educators
3. How much storage space do you need to use Canva? -None because it is all online
4. What can you find in Canva for Education? -all of the above
5. What is an example of education templates you can find in Canva? -all of the above
6. What is NOT a way to ensure text is readable -Put text in the busiest area of a photo
7. What is something you CANNOT do in Canva? -none of the above
8. Where can Canva be used? -all of the above
9. Which is NOT a way to add students to a classroom in Canva? -Input phone numbers
10. Who is eligible for Canva for Education? -all k to 12 educators

Radio Based Instruction – Reaching Far-flung Areas
2. 20-50
TV Based Instruction – Effective Utilization and Plotting to Weekly Lesson Delivery
1. Planning, Script Writing, TV School Production, TV School Broadcast, Monitoring and
2. 60 mins
3. educate,inform,inspire,entertain
4. rubric
5. wayne coy
Applying Creativity and Innovating Teaching Through Adobe Spark
1. ....don't do anything
2. post, video page
3. post
4. F
5. Tiktok
Day 3
Interactive PowerPoint Plugins & Microsoft Windows Plugin for
21st Century Teachers
1. __________ toggle keys for Draw in ZoomIt. Ctrl+2

2. __________runs in a system tray and activate using hot keys . Zoom It

3. How many students can the Inknoe's Classpoint Free account can accomodate in one class? 25
4. Which among the following type of questions can we use the competition mode in Inknoe's
Classpoint? Multiple Choice
5. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group? Quiz Maker

Microsoft Office 365 for Productivity – Mail Merge

1. The following document types can be a mail merge out except for? picture
2. What DepEd Order number covers the “The Department of Education Service Marks and Visual
Identity Manual?” DO 31, s. 2019
3. Which Mail Merge element is also called “merge field?” It tells the Word where in the document
to include information from the data source. Tags
4. Which Mail Merge element is similar to a list, a spreadsheet, or database that is associated with
the document? Data source
5. Which MS Office capability lets you create a batch of documents that are personalized for each
recipient? Mail merge

Professional Development Program with Microsoft Education -

Certificate of Attendance and Participation
( no test)
Game-Based Learning Using Minecraft Education Edition
1. A principle of game-based learning that brings players together to achieve a common goal.

Building Emphaty
2. Game-based learning is_________. Using games for learning
3. How do you talk to an NPC/Villager? Right Click
4. In Minecraft, Spacebar is used for ________. Jumping
5. Navigation Controls for Minecraft. ASDW

Mobile Apps Development for Teachers

1. It contains all the controls and components you can add to
your app? Palette
2. It defines the visual structure for a user interface. Layout
3. Nancy wants to remove a block. She needs to drag the block into the________to delete the block
from the Viewer. Trash/Garbage Bin
4. The name of the fake phone that appears on your computer if you don't have an Android device to
work. Emulator
5. What control will you insert in your screen to link/transfer to another window? Button
Day 4
Be Internet Awesome - Certificate of Attendance and
Participation (no test)
Google Educators Group and Professional Development Program
- Certificate of Attendance and Participation (no test)
Mental Health amidst Pandemic: Conditions and Coping
1. It a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression
2. It is a form of stress with negative implication. Distress
3. Everyone has mental health. True
4. The Republic Act No. 11036 is also known as: Mental Health Act of 2018
5. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), __________ is “a state of well-being in which
the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” Mental

Photo editing day 4 PM session

Photo Editing and digital banner design using GIMP for
instructional video development 
1_________ tool helps you to add a new layer to the image which is identical copy of the active layer.

Duplicate layer

2. One on the most useful tools in GIMP is the undo command. It undoes the last thing you did. This way, if
you made a mistake or something didn't turn out right, you can get your image back to its original form.
What is the keyboard shortcut for this very useful command?

Ctrl +Z

3. What are the default foreground/background colors when you open a blank file in GIMP?

Black foreground & amp: white background

4. What is the official name for a dog like mascot of GIMP? Wilber

5. What are the default foreground/background colors when you open a blank file in GIMP? Layers

Quiz#3 Digital Illustrations using Krita for book illustrations and for instructional video development 

1. If you need to recreate your design with ink or paint, this color mode will give you more accurate

2. These are warm or hot colors and often suggest warmth, cheerfulness, or and yellow
3. This illustration layout is an object that stands on its own, without a background

4. This is where you can choose your brushes, set parameters such as opacity and size and other

5. This refers to part of an illustration that runs off the page edges.full bleed

Day 5
The Use of DepEd Learning Management System (DLMS) -
Certificate of Attendance and Participation (no test)
Cyberbullying (Knowing Your Rights) - Exit Quiz
1. Who are the three types of people involved in (cyber)bullying? #Bully, bullied, bystanders
2. People, especially children, who get bullied usually # all of the above
3. Cyberbullying subjects the victim to a lengthier ordeal than in-person bullying. #True
4. Which of these is the reason that people cyberbully? #All of above
5. Which of these is NOT the correct way to end cyberbullying? #Don't do anything about it

Video Editing Applications 101 (prep write-up) - Exit Quiz

1. It is a short clip found in the last part of the video lesson where you put your credits. #CBB
2. It is a short clip usually 15-30 seconds found in the beginning of the video lesson. #OBB
3. It is a type of video editing where the video editor adds all the elements to create an organize video.
# master
4. It is a type of video editing where the video editor removes the director’s cue.#Offline
5. It is the type of camera shot where the subject’s smallest details are closely seen.#Extreme Close Up

My certificates Course certificates Virtual In-Service Training 2.0

 1. Mental Health Amidst Pandemic: Conditions and Coping Strategies - Certificate of Attendance and

 2. Google Educators Group and Professional Development Program - Certificate of Attendance and
 3. Be Internet Awesome - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

 4. Mobile Apps Development for Teachers - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

 5. Game-Based Learning Using Minecraft Education Edition - Certificate of Attendance and

 6. Professional Development Program with Microsoft Education - Certificate of Attendance and

 7. Microsoft Office 365 for Productivity – Mail Merge - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

 8. Interactive PowerPoint Plugins & Microsoft Windows Plugin for 21st Century Teachers - Certificate
of Attendance and Participation

9.  Reorientation for School Property Custodian and IT Coordinators Regarding the DepEd
Computerization Program Policies and Guidelines - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

 10. Troubleshooting Equipment and Digital Device Awareness - Certificate of Attendance and

11.  Applying Creativity and Innovating Teaching Through Adobe Spark - Certificate of Attendance and

12.  TV Based Instruction – Effective Utilization and Plotting to Weekly Lesson Delivery - Certificate of
Attendance and Participation

13.  Child-friendly Approaches in Empowering Para-teachers - Certificate of Attendance and


14.  Radio Based Instruction – Reaching Far-flung Areas - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

15.  Techniques and Learning Delivery Style in Conducting Effective Virtual Classes - Certificate of
Attendance and Participation

16.  The Creative Utilization of Canva for Students Performance Task - Certificate of Attendance and

17. The Wisdom Behind Grammarly - Certificate of Attendance and Participation

18. Proper Etiquette in Sending E-mail and Understanding Guidelines for Copyright - Certificate of
Attendance and Participation

19.  Advantages of Using Open Educational Resources (OERs) - Certificate of Attendance and

20.  Retooling of Teachers Capacity in Using ICT and Emerging Technologies - Certificate of
Attendance and Participation

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