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The Gauss Theorem

We know that there is always a static electric field around a positive or negative
electrical charge and in that static electric field there is a flow of energy tube or
flux. Actually this flux is radiated/emanated from the electric charge. Now amount
of this flow of flux depends upon the quantity of charge it is emanating from. To
find out this relation, the Gauss’s theorem was introduced. This theorem can be
considered as one of the most powerful and most useful theorem in the field of
electrical science. We can find out the amount of flux radiated through the surface
area surrounding the charge from this theorem.
This theorem states that the total electric flux through any closed surface
surrounding a charge, is equal to the net positive charge enclosed by that surface.
Suppose the charges Q1, Q2_ _ _ _Qi, _ _ _ Qn are enclosed by a surface, then the
theorem may be expressed mathematically by surface integral as

Where, D is the flux density in coulombs/m2 and dS is the outwardly directed


The net flux through a closed surface is directly proportional to the net charge in
the volume enclosed by the closed surface.
Φ = → E.d → A = qnet/ε0
In simple words, the Gauss theorem relates the ‘flow’ of electric field lines (flux)
to the charges within the enclosed surface. If there are no charges enclosed by a
surface, then the net electric flux remains zero.This means that the number of
electric field lines entering the surface is equal to the field lines leaving the surface.
The Gauss theorem statement also gives an important corollary:
The electric flux from any closed surface is only due to the sources (positive
charges) and sinks (negative charges) of electric fields enclosed by the surface.
Any charges outside the surface do not contribute to the electric flux. Also, only
electric charges can act as sources or sinks of electric fields. Changing magnetic
fields, for example, cannot act as sources or sinks of electric fields.
The net flux for the surface on the left is non-zero as it encloses a net charge.
The net flux for the surface on the right is zero since it does not enclose any
⇒ Note: The Gauss law is only a restatement of the Coulombs law. If you apply
the Gauss theorem to a point charge enclosed by a sphere, you will get back
Coulomb’s law easily.

Value of φ depends on:

(1) Amount of charges enclosed by closed surface.

(2) Nature of charges enclosed by closed surface.

(3) Medium in which closed surface is considered.

φ= ∑q/ε0 for Air

φ= ∑q/ε for any other medium

Value of φ does not depend on:

(1) On the distribution of charge in closed surface.

(2) On the shape size & area enclosed by closed surface.

(3) Charge present out side the closed surface.

Points about the Gauss Theorem: -

(1) Value of flux related to one coulomb is 1/ε0

(2) The flux going out side surface is taken positive & the flux coming inwards to
surface is taken negative.

(3) If net charge in the closed surface is zero, say ∑q is zero then φ = 0. For
example if any closed surface is having one or more dipole in it then φ = 0 .

(4) If net charge is positive flux will be going outwards say positive. If net charge
is negative flux will be inwards & will be taken negative
(5) If φ=0 then: (a) Σq=0 or E = 0 and (b) E & dA are perpendicular

(6) If 'q' charge is kept at the centre of cube then total flux from cube φ= ∑q/ε0

and flux from each face φ’= ∑q/6ε0

(7) If 'q' charge is kept at one corner of the cube then the flux from each face will
be φ’= ∑q/24ε0

Note: -Gauss theorem is used to find the intensity of electric field when charge is
not point charge it is scattered on complete body whereas coulomb's law is
applicable when charges are point charges.

Explanation of Gauss’s Theorem

For explaining the Gauss’s theorem, it is better to go through an example for
proper understanding.
Let Q be the charge at the center of a sphere and the flux emanated from the charge
is normal to the surface. Now, this theorem states that the total flux emanated from
the charge will be equal to Q coulombs and this can be proved mathematically
also. But what about when the charge is not placed at the center but at any point
other than the center (as shown in the figure).

At that time, the flux lines are not normal to the surface surrounding the charge,
then this flux is resolved into two components which are perpendicular to each
other, the horizontal one is the sinθ component and the vertical one is the cosθ
component. Now when the sum of these components is taken for all the charges,
then the net result is equal to the total charge of the system which proves Gauss’s

Differential Form of Gauss theorem

The differential form of Gauss law relates the electric field to the charge
distribution at a particular point in space. To elaborate, as per the law, the
divergence of the electric field (E) will be equal to the volume charge density (p) at
a particular point. It is represented as:
ΔE = ρ/εo
εo = permittivity of free space.

Proof of Gauss’s Theorem

Let us consider a point charge Q located in a homogeneous isotropic medium of
permittivity ε.

The electric field intensity at any point at a distance r from the charge is

The flux density is given as,

Now from the figure the flux through area dS

Where, θ is the angle between D and the normal to dS.

Now, dScosθ is the projection of dS is normal to the radius vector. By definition of
a solid angle

Where, dΩ is the solid angle subtended at Q by the elementary surface are dS. So
the total displacement of flux through the entire surface area is

Now, we know that the solid angle subtended by any closed surface is 4π
steradians, so the total electric flux through the entire surface is

This is the integral form of Gauss’s theorem. And hence this theorem is proved.

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