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It is our honor and privilege from the Division of Himamaylan City to conduct the Management of

Learning in today’s activity. Let me read to you a quote from Germany Kent, “Obstacles and setbacks are
inevitable. How you respond to them will determine if you have what it takes to meet challenges and
become a champion.” Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our Math Champs Technical Assistance
and Tutorial Service: Regional Conference Workshop Day 2.

Without further ado, let’s give an honor to our dear country by singing a nationalistic song entitled:
“Tagumpay Nating Lahat”.

In every endeavor we take let us put God as a center of it. At this time let us ask God’s heavenly
guidance as we finish this day 2 workshop with full of conviction. Let’s have a moment of silence and

Please stay tuned as we sing together our Regional Hymn.

Now, let us ponder with this short film: “Keepers of the Flame” for our food for thought.

I hope you have learned something about the video. For me, we, teachers, let’s keep the flame burning.
Let’s keep the magical feeling of connectedness to our dear learners. Be a keeper of the flame.

Now, let us know if all the participants are already here in our virtual room. May I give you the virtual
floor to the very untiring Department Head of Mathematics of Himamaylan National High School,
Master Teacher I, Ma’am Gemma M. Salidio. Ma’am Gemma please do the checking of attendance.

Thank you Maam Gemma and thank you dear participants. It seems that we are already here in our
virtual room.

To give a short recap of what had happened yesterday. May I call in our very calm and with a big heart,
our very own EPS in Mathematics at Himamaylan City Division, Ma’am Maehope P. Acta. Ma’am Hope,
please do the honor.

Thank you so much ma’am hope for giving us a brief information of what had happened yesterday.
Thank you also participants for your active participation yesterday. We do hope to get the same energy
today. Kudos speakers for your engaging discussion. The only thing that hinders others to participate is
the erratic internet connection. Hopefully in a very soonest time internet connection in our country will
be as fast as the horse. Kidding aside.

And now, before we begin with the next session. Let’s first energize ourselves. This is an energizer in a
sitting position so just sit comfortably, remove the headset, open your camera, mute the mic and let’s
do the move together.

Thank you very much, dear participants. I hope everyone are already energized and ready for our next
session. This is Ma’am Elvie A. Llamas from Division of Himamaylan City. Once again, good morning! I
will now give the virtual floor to our Mastery of Ceremony Sir Jayson F. Oso. Sir Jayson please do the

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