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How did Rizal spend his time in the following places he visited and how beneficial
are they to his country?

BELGIUM Rizal was busy writing El Filibusterismo was

his second novel. He published and it is
wrote articles for La relevance to his country
Solidaridad and letters by giving off that the
for his family and citizens should be the
friends. He spent part leaders of its governing
of his time in medical body and not the other
clinic. He had way around. That
gymnastics at the strength lies in the
gymnasium and target numbers of people who
practice and fencing at want to change
the armory. something inappropriate
or give voices to those
Published El who suffer injustices.
Filibusterismo in Ghent,

ENGLAND Rizal went to London to Establishment of La

continue his search for Solidaridad urged
knowledge and ways to reforms in both religion
help the outrageous and government in the
conditions of the Philippines, and it served
Filipino people. He as the voice of what
spent his time in British became known as the
Museum reading Propaganda Movement.
history books about the

La Solidaridad was
founded, and Rizal
contributed to the
FRANCE He went on to visit Rizal pursue his dream to
places and observe be an ophthalmologist for
their way of life. He the reason that he wants
visited opera houses, to cure his mother’s
boulevards, parks, growing eye ailment and
churches, hospitals, also, he wants to serve
and other significant to his country, to cure
places, and spent most those who have an eye
of his time at the problem just like his
museums, libraries, mother. Also, he has his
and galleries. secret mission – to
observe the customs and
lifestyles of the

In 1885, he went back so that someday he will

to gain more render service to his
knowledge in fatherland.
ophthalmology and
practiced in the clinic of
Dr. Louis de Weckert. In
his pastimes, he spent
his time in Juan Luna’s
art studio to improve
his painting techniques
and served as model
together with their
other compatriots in
Luna’s paintings.

HONG KONG During his stay, he He drafted La Liga

studied the lifestyle, Filipina aiming to unite
language, and customs the whole archipelago
of the Chinese. Rizal into one society with
made a living by equality for Filipinos and
running an eye clinic Spaniards in the
on the Hong Kong Philippines.
Island. He also drafted
the constitution of the
La Liga Filipina (The
Philippine League in
English), inspiring the
revolutionary group
that would later
spearhead the country’s
bid for independence
against Spain.

SPAIN He went on to observe Rizal lived a simple life in

the customs of the Madrid and knew that he
people and spent most came to Spain to study
of his time in the and prepare himself for
library. the service of his
He went back to Madrid
in 1890 to seek help
for his family in the

USA He stayed in San Rizal had good and bad

Francisco and later he impressions of the United
took a trip across the States. The good were
American continent. He the material progress of
traversed Nevada, the country, the drive
Utah, Colorado, and energy of the
Nebraska, Chicago, American people, the
and New York. He natural beauty of the
recorded in his diaries land, the high standard
the scenic and historic of living and the
places of the different opportunities for better
American states life offered to poor
including the Statue of immigrates. On bad
Liberty. impression was the lack
of racial equality. There
existed racial prejudice
which was inconsistent

the principles of
democracy and freedom
of which Americans talk
so much but do not
JAPAN His life in Japan was as Rizal has the mission to
ordinary as in the other emancipate his
countries he visited. He oppressed fellowmen
observed the lifestyle of from Spanish tyranny
the people, studied the and to provide and
language the Japanese achieve human rights for
arts, and enjoyed the his own country.
villages and other
historical places.

GERMANY Rizal stayed in Berlin, The Noli me Tangere was

capital of Germany, to solely dedicated to the
gain further knowledge Philippines. Rizal
of ophthalmology, to described the Philippines
attend some lectures as a patient with cancer
and its local university, that even with the most
to further his studies of careful touch; it awakens
sciences and in it the sharpest pains. I
languages, to get was considered to be
familiar with the scenic one of the instruments
Germany, to be part of that initiated Filipino
the scientific nationalism leading to the
community and to 1896 Philippine
finish his Novel, “Noli revolution. The novel did
Me Tangere”. not only awaken
sleeping Filipino
awareness, but also
established the grounds
for aspiring to

II. Given the chance to visit one of the many places Rizal has stayed, what would be
the best for you? Justify your answer.

I have always desired to go to Japan ever since I was a child. This dream came
about because of the beautiful things I used to see about Japan on television. These
features that made me really long to visit where the breathtaking geography and the
food which looked so fascinating. I even dreamt of learning the Japanese languages
so that I would fit in when my dream materialized. My friends knew about my
obsession with Japan and I always reminded myself that if I finished my study and
got a job, I am going to save for me to have trip in Japan with my family someday.

I love to experience the very distinct and unique culture of Japan. Ranging from
the multitude of traditional culture like the festivals, tradition and event, to the modern
culture like the Otaku culture (the anime and manga culture) and entertainment. I
want to visit many beautiful and attractive places in Japan. I want to go there when it
is spring there to see the very beautiful sakura or cherry blossoms, witnessing them
to bloom. I also want to experience their delicacies because Japan is filled with
many special foods that originates from it such as ramen, sushi, okonomiyaki, onigiri
takoyaki. I want to experience many buffet or eat all you can restaurants where I
cook the foods provided myself.

For these reasons, I badly love and like to visit Japan. Japan is clearly one of the
place I should visit in my life.

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