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Site Analysis

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© 2018 V18.7

Welcome to SEI’s presentation on Site Analysis.

There is important information that must be collected before a system can be designed and
installed. Customer and site information are critical to create an effective PV system design
– one that works financially for the customer and one that works physically for the site.

Site Analysis

✸ Pre-qualify a customer
✸ Explain how remote site assessment tools
are used
✸ Identify factors limiting system size
✸ Identify data required to size and design a
grid-direct PV system

© 2018 Solar Energy International

Some information can be gathered over the phone or through email discussions. Other
critical information must be obtained directly from the site. This presentation will cover the
information critical to system design that must be gathered.

Students should leave this presentation being able to:

• Pre-qualify a customer
• Explain how remote site assessment tools are used
• Identify factors limiting system size
• Identify data required to size and design a grid-direct PV system

Site Analysis

✸ Phone and/or email conversations

✧ Motivation for going solar
✧ Utility provider, rate structure,
consumption patterns
✧ Financial and budgetary questions

✸ Remote site analysis

✧ Use Google Earth or other software

✧ Preliminary system feasibility and sizing used to
determine preliminary sizing
© 2018 Solar Energy International

Knowing what the customer wants and expects is the first step in the design process.
Having a discussion with the customer regarding their utility, existing rate structure, and
consumption patterns will provide an understanding of their needs and possibilities for the
system. During phone or email conversations budget and financing questions can also be
brought up.

Once the location of the site is known, a remote site analysis can be done using Google
Earth or other software. This can give the designer a quick idea of what is or is not possible
on site. Maybe the building’s roof is covered with vents and skylights; or maybe the back
yard is large enough for a ground mount rack. Often, where an array will be located can
quickly be determined during a remote assessment of the property.

After initial discussions with the client and a virtual check of their site, the preliminary
system can be sized. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) created a free
simple system sizing program called PVWatts that can be used to estimate system
production for a location. Once on site, accurate measurements will be taken to confirm
useable space and verification of system size and layout.

Site Analysis

✸ Free & fee tools

✧ Google Maps / Earth
✧ Sketchup
✧ Helioscope
✧ Bright Harvest
✧ Aurora
✧ Lots more… Source:

✸ May not be as reliable as an in-person visit

✧ Especially for
• Structural
• Electrical © 2018 Solar Energy International

Google Earth and Google Maps are free tools that are excellent for helping to get a clear
initial perspective of proposed sites for PV design. The quality and dates of the imagery
vary depending on location, but even older and less clear images can be a useful start. Be
sure to check the dates of the imagery you are using! From an aerial image, you can
confirm the orientation of a building and identify available roof surfaces. Trees can be
identified as potential shading sources; but keep in mind that trees are dynamic and can
grow, die, drop their leaves seasonally, or be cut down. It is important to verify the current
site conditions in person, before completing a design. It is sometimes possible to see
property lines, fences, and other geographical markers that may be relevant. For ground
mounts, it may be possible to see terrain undulations, rivers, and other land features that
may impact system size and layout.

Google Sketchup is another free tool that allows construction of 3-D models and shading
analysis based on project location. There are also companies such as Aurora and Bright
Harvest who charge a fee for their remote site analysis services. These companies collect
remote data from multiple sources including lidar and satellite images, and compile it into a
shading analysis report with module layout options. Some of these reports are accepted by
utilities and authorities who issue rebates, in lieu of onsite shade analysis readings at the
proposed array location.

While these tools are extremely useful, it is important to understand their limitations and
not make assumptions about existing conditions that may not be clear from a remote
analysis. It is typically necessary to make an in-person site visit to gather data about the
existing electrical system and the roof structure in order to make a complete design and
plan set that can be submitted to building officials for permitting and construction. During
that visit, it is best to confirm any data that was gathered remotely.

Site Analysis

✸ Available space

✸ Budget $$$
✸ Annual electrical
consumption (kWh/year)

✸ Imposed limits
✧ By utility or AHJ
✧ Electrical service constraints

The three primary considerations to determining a PV system size are the available space
for the system, the customer’s budget, and their annual consumption. A building’s roof
space can easily be the limiting factor when designing a system, since the amount of roof
space is fixed. A customer may have the desire and money to install a large system, but if
there is limited roof space, that may dictate the actual size of the system that can be
installed. Likewise, the customer’s budget or annual electrical consumption may be the
limiting factor when determining a final system size.

Other factors that may impose initial limitations on system size include maximum
interconnection limits from the local utility, and/or rebate and tax credit caps. Tax credit
limits can encourage system sizing that takes full advantage of, but does not exceed, the
maximum credits available. The existing electrical service may also impose constraints on
the system size allowed due to the main AC service panel and/or main AC breaker being
too small for the desired PV system size.

Site Analysis

✸ Unobstructed space 3’
✸ Setback requirements
3’ Usable roof area 3’
✸ Adequate solar window
✸ Structural limitations

General guideline* for crystalline PV modules:

≈10 W/ft2 (or ≈110 W/m2)
1 kW PV ≈ 100 ft2
1 kW PV ≈ 9.3 m²
*Accounts for spacing between
modules, and for access and setbacks © 2018 Solar Energy International

For a grid-direct system, one of the three major limitations for system sizing is the
availability of appropriately oriented, shade-free, unobstructed space for locating the array.
The array may be on a rooftop or on the ground; regardless, the project will nearly always
have a size limitation in terms of available area (square feet or square meters) to install the
PV array.

As a general rule, a conservative estimate for crystalline silicon PV modules is around 10

watts per square foot. Therefore, 1 kilowatt (1,000 W) of crystalline PV modules will take up
about 100 square feet. More efficient modules are closer to 20 watts per square foot, so
that same 1 kW array would only cover 50 square feet.

Current thin-film technology covers from 100 to 200 square feet per kilowatt (depending on
the module), or 5 to 10 watts per square foot.

These rough estimates include spacing between modules as a result of racking. There are
other considerations that can reduce the amount of useable space that include
setback/access issues, inter-row shading spacing, structural limitiation, and other design
concepts to be covered later.

Site Analysis

✸ Pricing
✧ Residential system retail cost (before rebates or tax credits)
• ≈ $2 – $5 per DC watt
• Based on system size and complexity

If installed cost is $3/watt: a 4 kW system costs $12,000

✸ Financing options
✧ Cash
✧ Loan
✧ Lease / PPA

© 2018 Solar Energy International

A customer’s budget is also going to be a primary consideration that may limit a PV

system’s size. There’s no point in designing a system beyond the financial means of a
potential client.

The typical range for the installed cost of a residential PV system is between $2 - $5 per
watt; depending on the system size, location, and complexity. Dollars per watt are a metric
that you will hear a lot in the solar industry, when refereeing to system cost. This means if
a company can install a system for $3/watt, then a 4 kW system could cost $12,000 ($3/W
x 4,000 W = $12,000).

Larger systems are typically less expensive per watt, due to economies of scale. A certain
amount of baseline work is required for any size system, and once that cost is covered, it
may not require much additional cost to increase the system size. In areas with a mature
market (like California), prices are likely to be lower than areas with few installations. More
installers = more competition = cheaper installations.

Note that these are retail prices, meaning cost of a system installed for an end user, before
any tax credits or rebates are applied. There are a variety of ways to pay for a system, such
as cash, a loan (home equity or other financing mechanisms), power purchase agreements
(PPA), or by leasing a system- making PV systems accessible to more people.

Site Analysis

✸ Determine
✧ Historical consumption data and rate plan options
✧ What percentage of consumption can be offset by solar
• Typically cannot exceed 100%

Add up monthly
consumption to
determine annual

© 2018 Solar Energy International

While space and budget constraints are often the limiting design factors, the production
output of a proposed system should also be compared to the customer’s annual electricity
consumption. In some cases, the design may be driven by the annual load, or annual
electricity consumption. Also, utilities may not allow a system to exceed 100% of a
customer’s historical usage.

In addition, rate plan options available from the local utility could affect system size. Many
utilities offer ‘time-of-use’ rates, which can be beneficial to the client if properly understood.
Be sure to become familiar with the local net-metering and interconnection rules, as this
also could become a factor when determining allowable system size.

Adding up the monthly kWh values from the bill on this slide, we get an annual kWh usage
of 10,082 kWhs.

Site Analysis

Seattle, WA

Portland, ME

Omaha, NE Philadelphia, PA
Sacramento, CA
1,352 1,260
Grand Junction, CO
Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ
1,544 1,585

Austin, TX

Germany Miami, FL
872 1,443

*Estimated kWh/year/kW ofSolar

© 2018 PVEnergy

This slide shows estimates how much electricity generation (AC kWh/year) a 1 kW PV
system will produce for several cities across the U.S. These numbers, from the PVWatts
calculator, are valuable references, and make it easy to quickly determine a rough
production estimate depending on system size.

Obviously, PV energy production varies from location to location. As is shown on the map,
the value ranges from 1,030 kWh per year per kW in Seattle to 1,585 in Phoenix. Those
parts of the country with more peak sun hours will produce more energy from the same
kilowatt of PV installed. This chart assumes a 30°tilt angle, a true south orientation, and
10% loss due to shading. Of course these conditions – the orientation, tilt angle, and any
shading – will vary from site to site.

Notice that the figure for Seattle, which has the lowest value shown on this map of the
United States, exceeds that of Frankfurt, Germany, which is one of the leading countries in
the world in terms of installed solar capacity. Clearly, there is enough solar resource
available throughout the United States and in fact throughout the world!

Site Analysis

Example: Philadelphia, PA
30º tilt, 10% shading loss: 1 kW PV generates ≈ 1,260 kWh/year*
Customer historical annual usage = 11,388 kWh/year

Customer Load ÷ [kWh/year per kW of PV] = DC PV system size

11,388 kWh/year ÷ [1,260 kWh/year per kW of PV] = 9.04 kW of PV

A 9.04 kW PV system would offset 100% of electric load

*Estimated kWh/year from PVWatts © 2018 Solar Energy International

For an example of limits to system size based on annual electric consumption, assume a
customer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania uses 11,388 kilowatt-hours per year. Using the
PVWatts online calculator, it is determined that a 1 kW (STC DC watts) PV system will
produce approximately 1,260 kilowatt-hours per year in the Philadelphia area. Dividing the
total annual consumption by the energy generated per kilowatt of PV results in a system
size of 9.04 kW in order to produce 100% of the annual use. Most likely, this would be the
largest system size to consider, assuming there are not limitations from roof space, budget,
or other constraints.

Site Analysis

✸ Utility interconnection
✧ Net-metering regulations
✧ Mandated maximum system
✧ Limitations due to size of
existing electrical service
✸ Rebate / tax credit caps
✧ State and local rebates
✧ Federal tax credit
✧ Utility incentives
© 2018 Solar Energy International

Finally, there may be other factor limiting a systems size. Many utilities do not credit
customers for net annual overproduction of electricity. In most locations with net-metering,
credit for production that exceeds consumption may be carried forward month to month,
though in others it will not and is lost at the end of the billing cycle. Even if credit rolls over
month to month, customers may lose any credits at the end of a calendar or billing year, or
production will be credited at a much lower rate than the retail cost of electricity.

Other factors that may impose initial limitations on system size include maximum
interconnection limits from the local utility, and/or rebate and tax credit caps. Some utilities
have a maximum PV system size that they will allow connected to the grid – without further
review or perhaps costly upgrades to the existing utility equipment. Be sure to get familiar
with the interconnection and net-metering rules of the local utility.

Another limit may exist with the customer’s existing electrical service – there are National
Electrical Code requirements that may limit the amount of solar that can be connected to
the existing equipment. Sometimes the existing equipment can be upgraded to allow for a
larger system to be installed, but it is worth checking the financial cost vs. additional
system size benefits before proceeding with service upgrades.

Tax credit limitations encourage system sizing that takes advantage of, but does not
exceed, the maximum credits available. Once the maximum credit has been exceeded, then
each additional watt of system size that is added comes at a greater cost, which can reduce
the financial benefits in terms of rate of return on the investment.

Site Analysis

✸ On-site visit recommended

✧ Structural and electrical data
✧ Verify system size, equipment, layout, shading

Information used for

permitting documents

© 2018 Solar Energy International

After initial discussions with the client and a virtual remote check of their site, the
preliminary system can be sized. For preliminary system sizing and production estimates,
remote analysis is sufficient, but in order to create construction plans and permitting
documents, a site visit will most likely be required. Once on site, accurate measurements
can be taken to confirm the data that was gathered during the initial remote analysis; field
verification of useable space, system size, and layout will ensure accurate plans can be
created. Photos and measurements of existing roof structures and the existing electrical
system components will be gathered and used to determine how the system will be
connected physically to the roof as well as to the existing electrical system. After all this
information is collected, it will be used to create plans that will be submitted to Authorities
Having Jurisdiction (AHJs)/utilities and will be used by installers to build the system.

Site Analysis

✸ Determine usable area

✧ Measure dimensions of all
possible roof planes
✧ Locate all obstructions
• Vents, skylights, chimneys, etc.

✧ Sketch proposed layout Vent

✸ Shading analysis Skylight

✸ Roof access requirements

✸ Property boundary setbacks
✸ Take pictures!
© 2018 Solar Energy International

Often times, the roof is the best option for a residential or commercial grid-direct PV system. While a
preliminary site evaluation may have been done (virtually, on the internet) and a preliminary system size
proposed (or even sold!), specific information from the site is necessary to create a set of drawings for the
installation crew and to get a permit from the building department or AHJ.

Sometimes the actual system size will change, due to these site considerations. Buildings may have multiple
roof planes along with hips, ridges, valleys, vents, skylights, chimneys, and various other obstructions. The
dimensions and locations of all of these items must be recorded while on site. The more accurate the
measurements from the site evaluation; the better the drawings, the less scrutiny at the building department,
the easier the installation. Good information collected = a good installation!

For example, in the image on the slide there is a vent and a skylight, with arrows showing the measurements
that are necessary in order to accurately lay out the array around these obstructions. In addition, heights of
any vents, chimneys or other obstructions are required, so the array can be designed to minimize or eliminate
any shading. In the image, measurements of the gable roof are not required, since the area is too small and
there will be no PV there. The site evaluator should draw a clearly labelled, detailed sketch of all roof planes,
obstructions, and associated measurements.

Shading analysis reports should be created for all roof planes that may have an array. These will help the
designers stay away from potential shaded areas and allow the designer to more accurately estimate system
production over specific time periods.

Roof access information can also quickly be gathered: What size ladder will be needed to access the roof? Are
there staging areas for equipment? Will some sort of material lift be required to get equipment on the roof?
What type of fall protection or positioning gear will be required to be able to work safely on the roof?

Property boundaries and setbacks may also be required. The local AHJ or building department typically needs
to know the distance from the array(s) to the property boundaries, especially for ground/pole mounts.
Sometimes this information can be acquired from the internet.

Lastly, the site evaluation is a great time to take photos of all the information above! Take photos of all roof
planes, obstructions, and possible access zones. These photos can be invaluable when the crew prepares for
the installation.

Site Analysis

✸ Rafter size and spacing

✧ Example
• 2” x 6” at 24” on center
✧ Critical for racking design
✸ Rafter spans
✧ Length (ridge to drip edge)
✸ Pitch and azimuth of roof
✸ Roof type and condition
✧ Asphalt shingle, tile, metal, tar,
✸ Take pictures! © 2018 Solar Energy International

Along with measurements mentioned in the prior slide, detailed structural information is
also required. Specifically:
1. Rafter size (dimensions of the material), wood species (example: douglas fir, yellow
pine), and spacing
2. Rafter span
3. Tilt angle (pitch) of roof plane
4. Azimuth angle of roof plane
5. Roof type and condition
Rafter size and spacing is typically recorded as 2” x 6” at 24” on center, for example. Be
careful, as there can be multiple rafter sizes and spacing on any home or building. Rafter
span is the horizontal distance between any supports of a particular rafter (from the ridge
to the roof edge typically). These three items (rafter size, spacing, and span) are critical
when designing and engineering a racking system and will be scrutinized by the local AHJ.
The tilt and azimuth angle for each specific roof plane is required to create accurate
estimations of system production. In addition, racking systems may have minimum and
maximum slope upon which they can be installed. In general roofs with a tilt less than 14º
(3:12) are considered low slope roofs, and greater than 14º are steep slope roofs. Roof
types will be discussed in greater detail in the next lesson on mounting systems.
Information regarding the type and condition of the existing roof is also needed. Roof type
will dictate which type of mount is required. Flashings and mounts made for asphalt
composition shingles may not be appropriate for concrete tile roofs, and vice versa.
Remember, in order to maintain the existing roof warranty, it’s always best to consult or
work with a roofing contractor, or at least have them inspect the installation. Keep in mind,
some roof types are easier and cheaper to install PV on than others. For example, asphalt
composition shingle is typically easier to work on than concrete tile or wood shake shingles;
a tile roof installation may cost more in materials and require more time than the same
system installed on a composition shingle roof.
Again, don’t forget to take photos of the structure and roof materials! Valuable information
can be gleaned from photos from inside the attic (if accessible) and from the roof top, and
they can assist the crew in preparing for the installation.
Site Analysis

✸ Ground racks or pole mounts

✸ Determine useable area
✧ Distance and height of

✧ Site slope
✧ Soil type
✧ Sketch proposed layout
✸ Shading analysis
✸ Property boundary setbacks
✸ Take pictures! Source:

© 2018 Solar Energy International

In many urban areas, arrays mounted on the ground are not viable, due to lack of space
and proximity to other homes and buildings. In areas away from urban or suburban sprawl,
there may be plenty of land for a ground rack or pole-mounted system. There is also critical
information that must be gathered for the appropriate design of these systems.

Just like on the roof, useable space is required. How much land does the client have? Are
there trees or other obstructions that would shade or limit the size or the array? Accurate
measurements of the useable or desired space, including heights of obstructions, are
required for the designer to create the actual system.

In addition, site slope and soil type are necessary for the engineering of the specific racking
type. Ground racks and pole mounts typically require concrete piers or driven foundations
(pilings), which require additional engineering (and inspections). If the slope is too steep, it
may be difficult or impossible to dig holes for concrete piers or pound in foundations. Soil
type is required for all sites where any type of digging and concrete work will be done.

The site evaluator should draw a detailed sketch of all proposed locations, obstructions and
associated measurements, and property boundary setbacks from the proposed array. For
larger ground-mounted systems, a professional property survey of the proposed array
location will be necessary to provide accurate property lines, topographic lines,
underground utility info, and other setback and easement information. Also, remember to
take shading measurements for the proposed array site, as these will help the designers
stay away from potential shaded areas and allow the designer to estimate system
production over specific time periods. The sketch should also include electrical equipment
and any proposed trench locations. Ground or pole mounted systems typically require a
trench to be dug from the array to the inverter or BOS location. Obviously, trenching adds
cost and time to a project, as compared to a roof mounted system.

Some of the site photos that are valuable for a ground mount include proposed array
location, trees, buildings, equipment locations, trench locations, etc.

Site Analysis

✸ Utility meter location and number

✸ Utility service information
✧ Location
✧ Panel manufacturer
✧ Panel rating (amps)
✧ AC voltage and type
Testing inside an
• Ex. Split-phase 240 VAC electrical panel must
✧ Service disconnect size (amps) only be performed by
✧ Conductor size qualified personnel!
✸ Other subpanels
✧ Location
✧ Panel rating (amps)
✧ Conductor size
✧ Voltage
✸ Existing generator / transfer switch © 2018 Solar Energy International

Critical electrical information is also required when performing a site evaluation; the
following slides are only an introduction. Remember, removing the dead-front cover or
testing inside a service panel must only be performed by qualified personnel.

The utility meter number may be required by the utility when you are submitting paperwork
for interconnection.

Electrical panel ratings (such as “200 amps”) can typically be found inside the panel, along
with the manufacturer’s name. The rating of the service disconnect or overcurrent
protection device (OCPD) supplying a service panel can be read from the circuit breaker or
fuse (such as “100 amps”). These two numbers are always used by the designer when
determining the method of interconnection for the PV system. More on disconnects and
overcurrent protection later in the course.

Identifying the electrical configuration of the AC service and voltage at a site is an

important step that occurs early in the design process. The majority of U.S. residential
services are 120/240 V split-phase, though this should still be verified, as three-phase
residential services do exist. Commercial sites require more careful consideration. Working
inside any electrical panel, to confirm the system voltage or size of conductors, must
only be done by qualified personnel. Be safe!

Site Analysis

✸ Inverter and balance of system

(BOS) equipment location
✧ Equipment clearances
✧ Accessibility
✧ Structure
✧ Conduit runs
✧ Aesthetics
✸ Trenching requirements
✧ Typical for ground mounted arrays
✸ Don’t forget…photos!
© 2018 Solar Energy International

Additional information may include locations for the inverter and balance of system (BOS)
equipment. Is there adequate space next to the AC service panel or meter? Where will
conduit be run? Evaluate any structure that the inverter or BOS equipment may be
installed upon – can it hold the extra weight of the equipment? Is there a gas meter nearby
the intended equipment location? Gas utilities have their own setback requirements for
electrical equipment installed near their gas meters. Check with the local gas utility about
required gas meter clearances.

As mentioned earlier, there are often trenches required when installing a ground- or pole-
mounted array. Measure the distance of any proposed trench from the array to the inverter
location and to the point of interconnection (POI). Consider that trenching will likely add
time and cost to the project.

Also remember that aesthetics matter – and are more important to some clients than

And as always, take plenty of photos!

Site Analysis

✸ Work within your knowledge,

limits, and local jurisdiction’s
✸ Only qualified personnel are
allowed to test inside an
electrical service panel
✸ Use proper personal protective
equipment (PPE)
✸ Use properly rated tools &
✸ Avoid working alone
✸ Note any existing NEC® or other
Code violations
© 2018 Solar Energy International

There is a high level of risk involved in working with any electrical service, regardless of the
voltage and configuration. Electrocution, severe electrical burns, and blindness as a result
of arc flashes are all very real hazards.

A qualified, licensed electrician is required to work in or test voltages in service panels.

Gloves rated to the proper voltage, arc flash protection, rubber mats, and other personal
protective equipment (PPE) may be required, as well as properly rated tools and meters.
Never work alone, and only qualified personnel should test inside a service panel.

Additionally, fall hazards and other dangers may be present – be aware, identify any
potential hazards, and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment.

Site Analysis

✸ What is the first step in the design process, and

what are the initial pieces of information that
should be gathered?
✸ What information can be obtained using remote
site analysis?
✸ Discuss the four main factors that determine
system size
✸ At a site evaluation, what electrical and structural
information should be collected?

© 2018 Solar Energy International

What is the first step in the design process, and what are the initial pieces of
information that should be gathered?
Customer prequalification is the first step in the design and installation process. During customer
prequalification, one should determine:
• Customer needs and whether a PV system makes sense for them
• Electrical usage
• Budget

What information can be obtained using remote site analysis?

Remote site analysis can be used to:
• Determine building / array orientation
• Identify usable roof planes
• Get an initial view of nearby trees and possible shading issues
• Look for property lines, fences, and other geographical markers
• Observe terrain undulations, rivers, and other land features

Discuss the four main factors that determine system size

The four main factors that determine system size are:
• Space – roof or ground area
• Customer’s budget
• Annual consumption
• Imposed limits by AHJ, utility, or current electrical service

At a site evaluation, what electrical and structural information should be collected?

An in-person site visit is used to collect and/or verify:
• Usable roof or ground area
• Shade info
• Roof structure and covering type
• Existing electrical service info – service panel ratings, system voltage, meter and equipment
• Potential PV equipment locations
• Potential roof access or special equipment needs for the installation
• Take photos!


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