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Katie Lamparella
Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ________Alphabet Game_______ Grade: ___ Kindergarten ____

Learning Target: The student will be able to identify and recognize upper- and lower-case

letters. The student will be able to count their score.

Grade Level Guide: Content Standards:

Content Curriculum Focal Points Common Core State Interdisciplinary Connections

(ie: NCTM, IRA,…) Standards

RF.K.1 Math K.CC.3

Recognize and name all of Write numerals from 0 to 20.

the upper and lowercase Represent a number of objects with

letters of the alphabet. a written numeral 0-20 (with 0

representing a count of no objects)

Academic Language: letter, sound, uppercase, lowercase, number.

Students’ Needs: What experiences, prior knowledge and/or knowledge gaps do students have

that relate to the lesson goals? What prior knowledge do students need in order to be successful

in reaching the goals of the lesson? How will you connect previous background knowledge to

the new skill being taught? Consider how you will meet the needs of diverse learners through use

of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Make sure to focus on and be specific about that

student you worked with and are targeting for this lesson.

Student Name Additional Support With: What the Teacher Will Do:

Sam Letter recognition and The teacher will provide the student with

extra supports in the implantation of a

Katie Lamparella
letter formation game for letter recognition and having the

student practice forming the letters and the

sounds that they make.

Materials: Pocket chart, alphabet cards, paper to keep score, pencil, computer, internet,


Language Function:

I will model for my students the way that the game is played.

I will model for the students the counting of points

I will place colored tape in the top right corner of all letter pieces, so the students know the right

was to put the letters in.

Lesson Plan

Before: To begin this lesson, I will play the alphabet song that I have attached bellow to

engage the student and get him motivated. Then I will have the student repeat the song and see

how many letters they can get on their own. Then I will have all the student sit down and I will

introduce the alphabet monkey game. I will go over how the game is played and I will

demonstrate on the board a sample of the game.

During: I will have student play the alphabet monkey game with me. This will help the

student to identify his letters and also practice his counting skills at the same time. We will

play several rounds of the game and use the letter/ word guide bellow as the words that we will

use when saying each letter and the sound that the letter makes.

After: I will have students tell one another which letter they still need help identifying. I will

also ask all of the students if they felt that the game was a helpful way for them to learn their
Katie Lamparella
letters. This will allow me as the teacher to see if there are any changes that I can make to the

lesson in the future that will assist those students struggling most with recognizing and

identifying different letters.


Type of Description of Modifications or Evaluation Criteria- How good is good

assessment assessment accommodations to enough to meet standards? Include the

(formal or What will students do the assessment. List criteria they must meet and the number

informal; to show what they the student’s name and of times you want to be demonstrated.

formative or have learned? the specific Refer to your learning target and the

summative) modification you will language function statements to ensure

give. you assess required areas.

Informal Listen to the students Have the students If they miss more than 4 letters, then

signing and see if work on just selected they need review.

there are any letters letters form the

that they often miss. alphabet that the

teacher knows they

can pronounce.

Plan for Classroom Management: How will the classroom be managed during the lesson?

What considerations will be given to ensure active learning? What classroom management

strategies will be incorporated (e.g., positive/negative reinforcement, token economy, pre-

correction, considerations for grouping students, etc.)?

Katie Lamparella
Paraeducator Support: Describe how a paraeducator can be utilized during this lesson.


Alphabet song:

Infomercial of game:

List of common sight words for students:

Letter Word N Nut

A Apple O Octopus

B Bee P Penguin

C Cat Q Queen

D Duck R Rabbit

E Elephant S Sun

F Fish T Top

G Guitar U Umbrella

H Heart V Violin

I Igloo W Watermelon

J Jam X Xray

K Kite Y Yarn

L Lamp Z Zebra

M Monkey

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