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The Physical Self: The self as by gonads that are distributed by the blood

stream throughout the body

impacted by the body - Estrogen (girls) – increase in height,
Physical Self – the concrete dimensions of widening of hips, and increase in fatty
the body which can be directly observed tissues in the breast
and examined - Androgen and testosterone (boys) –
Physical Characteristics – The defining traits growth of facial and body hair, muscles and
or feature of the person’s body changes in voice
- Secondary sexual changes – physical
Erik Erikson changes that distinguish boys from girls
- The physical as well as intellectual skills - Primary sexual changes – changes in the
will somehow serve as a basis of person’s reproductive organs that prepare both boys
competency and girls from procreation
- You are lampa kasi di mo naranasan nung
bata at protective parents mo Body image
- refers to the way one sees their self or the
William James way they imagine how they look
- Considered the body as the initial source - Adolescents with most positive body
of sensation and necessary for the origin image is engaged in health enhancing
and maintenance of personality behavior
- What our physical environment affect our - Generally, girls are less happy with their
personality body image than boys.
According to healthy - A healthy body image is made up of
adolescence is divided into 3 periods positive thoughts, feelings and acceptance
1. Early adolescence (11-14 years old) of one’s overall physical appearance.
2. Middle adolescence (15-17 years old) - Imaginary audience – an egocentric state
3. Late adolescence (18-21 years old) where the individual imagines that many
people are watching them
WHO – Adolescence are people who age - Spotlight effect – the belief that others are
ranges from 10-19 years old paying more attention to person’s
Youth in Nation 0 Building Act (1994) – appearance and behavior than they really
Youth are people between 15 – 30 years old are
Puberty: A period of rapid physical changes Factors that affect the perception of
physical self
- Brain-neuroendocrine process
- Pituitary Glan – master endocrine gland Personal Factors
that controls growth and regulates all - Introspection and self-reflection – the
endocrine glands, including gonads. process by which one observes and
- Gonads – Ovaries for girls and testes for examines internal state after behaving in a
boys certain way (evaluating/reflecting self
- Hormones – chemical substance secreted objectively)
- Self-Perception Theory (Bern,1972) – - Upward social comparison – individual
people can infer their inner states by compares himself to others who are better
observing their own behavior, as if they are than him
an outside observer (detach and evaluate - Downward Social Comparison – individual
objectively as the other person) compares himself to other who are in worse
- Self-concept – the sum total of all belief situation especially done when feeling low
that people have about themselves - Social identity theory (collective identity)
- Physical self-concept – perception of their - provides a framework about how people
physical self understand themselves by being a member
- Personal identity – the concept a person or a group.
has about himself that develops over the - People have a need for positive social
years (includes family info, nationality, identity
gender, job. - Assumes that as a member of the group
they will not be discriminated by an out-
Social Factors
- Attachment process and social appraisal
-- according to Bowlby, we value ourselves Self vs. Identity
based on how our parents responded to our
needs when we were children Self
-Positive self-concept: Nurtured - An individual level analysis which includes
-Negative self-concept: Neglected self-esteem, self-states, self-efficacy, and
- Maintaining, regulating and expanding the like.
the self in interpersonal relationships - The total characteristics of a person both
-- self is continuously shaped through social known and unknown to others but known
interactions to oneself
- they act as “private audiences” with whom Identity
people carry an internal dialogue - Based on societal or cultural level of
- Looking glass self-theory analysis, such as cultural make up that
-- self grows out of society’s interpersonal affected the person.
interactions and perception of others - Who a person believes he/she is:
- (we imagine how they look to us) integration of self-understanding
- Reflected appraisal – inferences about - Not stable markers but dynamically
others appraisal of a person created in the moments
- gained by observing how people react
towards the individual The impact of culture on body image
- (We react based on the body language and and self-esteem: The importance of
what a person say) beauty
- Social Comparison
-- Process of comparing oneself with others Culture
in order to evaluate own abilities and - Significant aspect of culture that strongly
opinions influences adolescents with their physical
selves is how their culture conceptualizes
- Beauty – the quality of being physically The Sexual Self
attractive or the qualities in a person or a Historical
thing that give pleasure to the senses of the
mind. Ancient Greece
- In every culture and in every individual, - Male assumes the dominant role
the standards of beauty vary a lot - Penis – viewed as a symbol of fertility
- Wives – considered as objects to be
The Filipino Concept of Beauty possessed
- Eurocentrism – “a tendency to interpret - Women – had no legal and political rights;
the world in terms of European or Anglo- not allowed to read and write
American values experiences” - Gyne – Greek word for woman; it means
- Colorism – “the prejudicial or preferential bearer of child
treatment of same race people based solely
on the color of their skin Middle Ages
- Strongly influence of the church,
Self-esteem and the ideal Body image particularly on the matters of sexuality
- Self-esteem – the overall evaluation that a - The church decreed that all sexual acts
person has of himself which can be positive that do not lead to procreation were
or negative, high or low. considered evil.
-- measure of self-worth based on some - Women are labeled either as temptress
personal social standard (like evil) or a woman of virtue (like mary)
-- is how valuable to himself and others the
person perceives himself to be Protestant reformation of the 16th century
- Adolescent’s body image includes the - Protestantism believed that sexuality is a
following: natural part of life and that priests should
-- Perception of their physical self when be able to marry and have families
they loo in the mirror - Martin Luther and John Calvin – sexual
-- Feelings of like or dislike about the intimacy is not only for procreation but also
physical self that they see helps to strengthen physical and emotional
-- Their thoughts and how they relate to bond
their physical self 17th and 18th Century
-- Perception of how people view them - Puritans – disconnected with the church
physically of England; rallied for religious, moral, and
societal reformation
-- Had positive views on marital sex and did
not condone sex outside of marriage
- Premarital Sex – Considered immoral
Victoria Era
- Homosexuality and prostitution were
- Psychoanalytic theory of freud become
- People were not comfortable in discussing
breast or buttocks
- Sex for women was just a marital duty
- Women were told that they should not
enjoy having sex
- Ejaculating more than once a month
would weaken a man
- Masturbation leads to blindness, insanity
and death.
20th Century

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