Juicing For Healing

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Freshly squeezed natural juices are one of the best things you can do for your

With juices you can prevent diseases, so you should drink them when you are still

When you get sick, the juices are a miraculous natural cure. They cleanse the blood
and all body tissues, neutralize metabolic waste, and help to build new tissue.

We can call them internal bathing for health and youth.

They contain vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and other substances. They are free of
ballast materials and therefore easily digestible.

You can prepare them at your home and drink them everywhere.

Every person can drink juices; both healthy and sick.

What Juices Contain?

These drinks are a purified liquid that doesn’t contain inorganic substances that
load on the walls of the veins, into the brain, to the joints, etc.

In short, they don’t lead to various places, into soft parts, where we absolutely
don’t need them and cause us damage, pain, and deformations.

Fresh juices contain living substances called enzymes that stimulate life processes,

thereby giving us immunity, and protecting us against diseases.

These drinks preserve and restore health.

Minerals and vitamins have a similar role in such raw and fresh juices.

Let’s look at which juices and what kinds of blends are best to treat individual
diseases and the proportions of each juice.

Numbers next to juice are parts, units – how many parts, units (spoons, large
spoons, glasses) of some juice are placed in a combination of the mixture.

Of course, you choose the criterion by yourself.

Once you make a mixture a few times and you get a feeling, you’ll no longer need
the criteria.

It is not wrong if you add a few drops of particular juice more or less, but it’s better
to stick with the ratio for better effect.

You can also prepare your own mixture, if it benefits you, why shouldn’t you?

This is an example of how you will prepare healthy juices with my help:

 Carrot 7

 Apple 6

 Red beet 3

Mix 7 scoops (spoons) of carrot juice, 6 spoons of apple juice, and 3 spoons of red
beet juice.

Note: it’s very important what kind of juicer do you use. Some types better extract
nutrients from vegetables than others.

1. Acidity- Grapes, orange, sweet lime, carrot and spinach

2. Acne- Pear, plum, grapes, tomato, cucumber

3. Allergies- Apricot, grapes, beet, spinach and carrots

4. Anaemia- Prune, red grape, beetroot, celery, strawberry, carrot and

5. Arteriosclerosis- Grapefruit, pineapple, celery, lettuce and spinach

6. Arthritis- Pineapple, sour apple, sour cherry, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber,

beetroot, spinach, grapefruit

7. Asthma– Apricot, lemon, peach, carrot, radish and celery

8. Bladder ailments- Apple, watercress, parsley, celery, lemon, cucumber,


9. Bronchitis- Onion, carrot, peach, tomato, pineapple, lemon

10. Cellulite- Carrot, apple, ginger, beet

11. Constipation- Carrot, Apple, spinach, cabbage

12. Colds- Spinach, celery, carrot, onion, grapefruit, pineapple

13. Diabetes- Citrus fruits, celery , lettuce, spinach and carrots

14. Depression- Carrot, Apple, Beetroot, Spinach

15. Diarrhoea- Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery

16. Eczema- Cucumber, beetroot, red grapes, spinach

17. Epilepsy- Figs, red grapes, carrot, celery, spinach

18. Eye disorders– Carrot, tomato, parsley, spinach, celery

19. Fatigue- Carrot, lemon, oranges, spinach

20. Gout- Red sour cherries, tomato, cucumber, spinach, carrot, celery

21. Halitosis- Apple, tomato, grapefruit, celery, carrot, spinach

22. Hangover- Pineapple, honey

23. Headache- Grapes, lemon, carrot, lettuce, spinach

24. Heart diseases– Beet, spinach, red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot,

25. High blood pressure- Grapes, orange, carrot, beetroot

26. Indigestion- Carrot, cabbage, beetroot

27. Influenza- Apricot, onion, carrot, orange, pineapple, grapefruit

28. Insomnia- Apple, grapes, lemon, carrot, celery

29. Jaundice- Pear, grapes, carrot, celery, spinach, cucumber, lemon

30. Kidney ailments– Apple, orange, lemon, cucumber, celery, parsley,


31. Liver ailments– Papaya, grapes, carrot, tomato, beet and cucumber

32. Memory loss- Peach, banana, lime

33. Menstrual disorders– Turnips, beetroot, prunes, cherry, spinach, grapes

34. Nervousness- Carrot, celery

35. Obesity– Lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beetroot,

cabbage, lettuce, spinach, carrot

36. PMS- Pineapple, banana, soy milk

37. Psoriasis– Grapes, carrots, beet, cucumber

38. Stress- Strawberry, banana, pear

39. Tonsillitis- Apricot, lemon, orange, pineapple, spinach, radish, carrot

40. Ulcers- Carrot, cabbage, pineapple, papaya

41. Varicose veins– Watercress, plum, tomato, beetroot, carrot, grapes

Juice Cure List Recipes for Treating a Variety of Diseases

Below you will find juices that treat a specific disease. Follow the tip for juice
preparation that we gave you in the previous paragraph.


A sore throat occurs due to an excess of toxins from the food.

Consummation of excessive amounts of milk and milk products, bread, and other
dishes from flour and sugar can cause the same effect.

If you or your loved one has it; try to cure it with these juices:

 Carrot

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3


Arthritis occurs in sediments of inorganic calcium on the joint cartilage that results
from excessive consumption of concentrated carbohydrates.

If you don’t change your nutrition, you won’t get rid of it.

 Grapefruit

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Celery 7, green lettuce 5, spinach 4

 Carrot 8, red beet 3, celery 5

 Carrot 8, lettuce 5, spinach 5

The cause of asthma is the presence of mucus.

If you continue to enjoy large amounts of cow’s milk and dairy products, and eat
white bread, pasta, cakes, and sweets, juices won’t be of much use to you.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 9, celery 7

 Carrot 11, radishes 5

 Carrot 8, celery 5, radishes 3

 Horseradish


Obesity is a modern disease – too much fat accumulates due to incompatible food
combinations, and excessive quantities of starch and sugars consumed.

Sometimes obesity is the result of interference of internal secretion glands


 Carrot

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 10, cucumber 3, red beet 3

 Carrot 11, cabbage 5

 Spinach


Diabetes is a pancreatic inability to produce enough insulin.

These juices are one of the juice cure list recipes that should be most effective:

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 6, green lettuce 4, green beans 3, brussels sprouts 3

 Carrots 7, celery 5, endive 2, parsley 2

 Carrot 9, celery 5, radishes 3

 Carrot 6, Brussels sprouts 5, green beans 5

 Carrot 8, asparagus 4, lettuce 4


It is the form of skin inflammation resulting from excessive acidification of the

lymph glands.

It may also be due to the excretion of toxins that would otherwise have to be
excreted by the kidney and intestine, or through the skin.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

 Spinach

Vein Inflammation – Phlebitis

It is an inflammation caused by excessive amounts of starch and pathological

substances in the body.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

Inflammation of the Stomach – Gastritis

Gastritis occurs due to excessive gas formation in incorrect combinations of food


It can be caused by all products made from flour, cereals, and sugar.

Alcohol is first on the list when talking about gastritis causes.

All kinds of spices can be responsible for such inconveniences as hot pepper,
mustard, vinegar, tobacco, etc.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Spinach

A Headache

A headache is your body warning you to thoroughly cleanse it, thus restoring the
balance in the blood, and removing its excessive pressure on the head.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

 Carrot 8, lettuce 5, spinach 3

 Spinach


It is caused by excessive retention of body waste, and a waste of food in the body,
which gives excellent opportunities for growth and feeding of pathogenic

The respiratory tract is primarily affected.

The disease is also marked by accompanying fever and depletion of the nervous
system which cause a lot of weakness.

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

 Carrot 8, celery 5, radishes 3

 Carrot 8, lettuce 5, spinach 3

 horseradish


It is caused by clotting of the fibrin blood protein called fibrin in the ends of the
veins in the lower part of the rectum.

We have it when we eat too much bread and other starchy and cereal foods.

We have to remove the toxins in the blood and change the nutrition.

Don’t forget to be active!

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 7, celery 4, parsley 2, spinach 3

 Carrot 8, spinach 4, turnip 2, watercress 2


It is a man’s inability to have intercourse.

Help yourself with the next options of juices:

 Carrot
 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

 Carrot 7, apple 6, red beet 3

 Carrot 9, celery 5, parsley 2

 Carrot 9, red beet 3, lettuce 4

 Carrot 12, parsley 4

 Spinach


Sciatica is an inflammation of the thoracic nerve or muscles surrounding it. It

occurs when you have too much uric acid in the body caused by the consumption of
meat, milk food, and eggs – too much protein content of animal origin.

 Carrot 10, red beet 3, cucumber 3

 Carrot 10, spinach 6

 Carrot 9, celery 5, parsley 2

 Carrot 8, red beet 3, celery 5

 Carrot 12, parsley 4

A Juice A Day Keeps The Disease Away

I introduced you to some juice cure list recipe examples that can help you to reduce
or eliminate your health issues.

Diseases are a sign that our body has problems because we didn’t take care of it.

These vegetable juices can make a big difference in your life, so start juicing today.

Take care of your health and make a habit of drinking juices every day. This is a
small but important step that you will be thankful for.

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