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Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer from the
choices provided. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet.
1. The number of students who have registered for the outreach program ________
quite impressive.
a. is b. are c. will be no d. won’t be never
2. The committee will meet for ______ next project next week.
a. its b. they’re c. there d. it’s
3. Crime is ________ in metropolitan areas than in small towns.
a. prevalenter b. most prevalent c. more prevalent d. as prevalent as
4. Having assisted him with his project, now I’m expected to assist _______ as well.
a. hers b. she c. her d. herself
5. __________ they question their parents’ authority.
a. Do ever b. Never c. Not ever d. Never do
6. Mariel will never respond to such rude comments, ____________?
a. will she b. doesn’t she c. won’t she d. will Mariel
7. Last night, they ______________ working on the project.
a. sitted up b. sit up c. sat up d. up set
8. He’ll need _________ money to buy a new electric fan than to repair the old one.
a. few b. little c. fewer d. less
9. How should the committee ___________ the money?
a. a lot b. alot c. allot d. allots
10. A speck of dust can ___________ an inflamed eye.
a. annoy b. aggravate c. cure d. calm
11. They tried to _____________ a philosophy of nonviolence.
a. convince b. adopt c. adapt d. collect
12. Economists feel ________________ about the rising prices of basic commodities.
a. eager b. anxious c. enthusiastic d. energized
13. The reason I listen to classical music is _________ it soothes me.
a. for b. since c. because d. that
14. Please ___________ your pencils with you to the guidance office.
a. bring b. hand c. take d. leave
15. A new computer _____________ do more than the old one.
a. probably b. can c. absolutely d. may
16. We _________________ her generosity.
a. can’t help but admire c. can help but admire
b. can’t help admiring d. can help admire
17. Many people _________________ war-torn countries.
a. revolve from b. immigrate to c. emigrate from d. migrate as
18. You will not be excused, ________________ of your reason.
a. regardless b. irregardless c. regarding d. with regards
19. I hope I don’t _______________ my summer job.
a. lost b. lose c. loose d. desert
20. _____________ the best dance troupe in the Philippines.
a. There b. They’re c. Their d. Theirs
21. “Have you not notice how one’s whole face lights up when one smiles?” Which
words or phrases are incorrectly used?
a. have you b. notice how c. lights up d. one smiles
22. “When will people realized the destruction they are doing to the environment?”
Which words or phrases are incorrectly used?
a. will people b realized c. destruction d. doing
23. “Plagiarism carries severe penalties.” What is meant by the underlined word?
a. academic fraud c. paraphrasing
b. academic freedom d. photocopying
24. “Deciphering his notes has always been tiring due to his poor penmanship.” What is
meant by the underlined word?
a. decoding b. taking c. using d. filing
25. “Scholars enjoy waived tuition fees.” What is meant by the word waived?
a. increased b. decreased c. cancelled d. returned
26. “His obnoxious behavior at the party made everyone dislike him.” What is meant by
the word obnoxious?
a. gentlemanly b. irresponsible c. charming d. offensive
27. “All information in your records are kept confidential.” What is meant by the
underlined word?
a. hidden b. private c. assured d. essential
28. What is the meaning of the underlined word in this sentence?
“The applicants are notified about the examination venues.”
a. aware b. assured c. informed d. promised
29. “As early as 1890, well over half a million American had a telephone. Not even the
radio, the automobile, or the television set was to be assimilated by the public at such a
speed.” The word assimilated means ______________.
a. rejected b adapted c. modified d. accepted
For items 30-34, please refer to the passage below:
One area of linguistics, that is, the scientific study of language, is morphology,
which— among other things — deals with word-coinage rules These rules are language
specific and are always obeyed when new words enter a language. In English, the results
of such process are termed compounds, acronyms, blends, and clippings or
abbreviations. Compounds are formed by stringing words together. For example, from
the word “boy” and “friend,” through compounding, the word “boyfriend” is derived.
Acronyms are word formed from the initial sounds of each word in a phrase. For example,
from the phrase “North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” the acronym NATO is derived. Or,
to use a more recent and rather popular acronym, TGIF simply means “Thank God, It’s
Friday!” Blends are words formed from parts of other words. “Motel”, for example, is
formed from a combination of the words “motor” and “hotel;” “brunch,” from “breakfast”
and “lunch,” etc. Finally, clippings stem from regular words that have been abbreviated.
“Math,” “phone,” “ad,” and “bike” — to mention just a few — are now widely accepted and
have almost totally replaced (orally, at least) their longer versions of “mathematics,”
“cellphone,” “advertisement,” and “bicycle.”
30. What is the scientific study of language?
a. morphology b. linguistics c. linguists d. word-coinage
31. Pocketbook is an example of what word- coinage process?
a. compounding b. acronym c. blending d. clipping
32. What morphological process results in the formation of a new word by abbreviating
regular words?
a. compounding b. acronym c. blending d. clipping
33. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Morphology results in having dead languages.
b. Word coinage is experienced in English language alone.
c. Certain processes result in formation of new words.
d. All languages are constantly evolving in the same manner.
34. The acronym ETA stands for __________________________.
a. Early Transport Area
b. Elderly Traveler’s Association
c. Estimated Time of Arrival
d. Edited Time of Arrival
35. They distributed the relief goods ________________ the Pinatubo victims.
a. between b. from c. according d. among
36. The ____________ is well thought out.
a. set-up b. setup c. set-ups d. setups
37. Please __________ the table for lunch.
a. set up b. setups c. setup d. set-up
38. The bank employees are ___________________.
a. taken care for c. taken cared of
b. taken care of d. taken cared for
39. Your taste in perfume __________________ mine.
a. is different for c. was different to
b. is different from d. was different than
40. _________________ shall I give this invitation?
a. To who b. For whom c. To whom d. For who
41. Which of the following words is misspelled?
a. frontier b. deception c. melancholie d. quarrel
42. Which of the following word is correctly spelled?
a. plege b. mileage c. facinate d heirlum
43. What is the antonym of the word ambiguous in the phrase “ambiguous perceptions”?
a. unseen b. clear c. unclear d. seen
44. Impede in the phrase “to impede one’s success” means ________________.
a. force b. continue c. surpass d. hinder
45. Exterminate in the phrase “to exterminate immoral acts” means ________________.
a. promote b. remove c. encourage d. practice
For items 46- 50, refer to the passage below:
Each of us had been a victim of mosquito bites. Have you ever wondered why
mosquitoes bite you? Some people who wear pajamas, house dress or night gown to
protect themselves from mosquitoes are always the victims. However, those who wear
short pants and sleeveless undershirts never show the marks of mosquito bites. Experts
have studied them and say that mosquitoes go for dark-skinned, warm-skinned, and
healthy people in dark clothing. Clearly then, to avoid bites, we should bathe frequently,
dress in light-colored clothing, and avoid the use of perfume.

46. Who attracts mosquitoes the most?

a. One who wears light clothing
b. One with dark skin
c. One with fair complexion
d. One who is hygienic
47. Who among the following people would attract mosquitoes?
a. People who are quiet
b. People who perspire a lot
c. People who sleep late
d. People who bathe often
48. Which of the following attracts mosquitoes?
a. light clothing
b. scent of perfume
c. bright corners
d. clean surroundings
49. Who are always the victims of mosquitoes?
a. Those who wear dark-colored pajamas
b. Those who wear sleeveless undershirts
c. Those who wear light-colored shirts
d. Those who wear short pants
50. How can we avoid mosquito bites?
a. use perfume regularly
b. wear dark-colored shirts
c. bathe frequently
d. don’t wear sleeveless and undershirt


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