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Colegio Pnrtlcutar Mhcto "Sogrodo Connón'" Cotcdn\tltol Mr Lqu1111lo C.J , llllo

Cátedra: He,1dlng and convcrsatlon Sección: Únlc..i
Grodo: Cu.irto Prlmarlil fecho: M.i,ch, 8th 2022
Jornada: Matutina
Laboratorio 1 -
Prlmpr 81mestro

Nombre: e, q rq G \ i Se, bdh 4 ¼~-t 1 f1Q..c1a110:

lnstructlons: sc1uc E oÑocRAc16N NOlA 00TI:N10A POR scnie 1
Read the lnstruc;tlons and follow thcm. Good luckl
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f TOTA.!, 15 J>b ~ - 11/15 --

Serle I Valor 15 pts.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read lhe story ond answor tho quostlons.

Read the text.

Helio! My namc is Elisabcth. 1 ::nn 12 ycars old. 1 havc a blg

My father's name is Tom. l lc is 40 ycars old. My mothcr's
name is Suzan. Shc is 43 years old. 1h~1ve two brothers, Óob
and Timmy. Bob is 16 years old. ! le llkes to play the guitar.
Timmy is 8 years old. 1-le likes to play basketball ali the lime.
1also have a little sister. Her name is Debby and she is 4
years old. She likes lo dance a nd toread books.
1 have an uncle. His name is Jake. He is my father's br(?ther.
Uncle Jake has a blg house outside the city. He has cows and
horses. And I have and aunt, Lizzy. She is my mothcr's
True or False? Read and write T for true or F for false

1. Elisabeth is twenty years old. L

2. She has a big family . .I__
3. Tom is Elisabeth's father. __!__
4. Elisabeth has two sisters. _.F.___
S. Elisabeth's mother is forty -three years old ..I__
6. Bob is Timmy's brother .I,_
7. Debby is fourteen years otdL
8. Bob likes music )'.__._ _

9. Elisabeth has no unclesL

10. Jake is Tom's brothcr. L
11. Lizzy is Debbie's aunt L
12. Elizabeth is Suzan's moth er T

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