Student's Name: Maria Jose Santana Lara Grade (Group) : 7-D

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English – 2020

A1.2 Unit 1

Student’s name: Maria Jose Santana Lara Grade (group): 7-D

Time to reflect on how emotions impact our decisions (positively or negatively)!

Activity 1. Identify what messages, commercials, advertisements and objects influence or affect
our feelings and emotions, and then our daily life.
Include photos or specific phrases (in English or Spanish) and then reflect about it:

 The use of “perfect” bodies on television makes that some people feel unhappy with their physical

 The increase in outdoor gyms makes people think of better and healthy life styles.

*Include as many reflections as possible.

 lately commercials and everything around us sell us the idea of perfection, in bodies,
faces, hair, ways of behaving and even what to eat.
 I think the topic of gyms creates awareness and helps people feel interested in changing
their bad habits
 They should trade images of perfection for healthy changes in diet and exercise, eating
proper portion sizes and drinking enough water.

: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio

English – 2020
A1.2 Unit
Activity 2. Interview or analyze some family members’ routines and determine to what extent (percentage) they follow
daily healthy habits. Then propose some strategies to improve their life styles.

Daily % Proposal
habit s
 Drink more than two glasses of water a day 50% (this means,  Drink a glass of water after meals
only some family
members drink
lots of water every
 Drink more than two glasses of water a day 100%  Drink a glass of water after meals

 Read interesting books a year 100% • -look for topics and books of interest,
start with 1 diagonal page until it
becomes a habit and thus read more
 Practice a sport weekly 100%  we will start with daily 30-minute
walks and make use of the
complex's gym
 Eat healthy meals every day 50%  Based on a nutritional diet we will
begin to eat the right foods and the
necessary portions, we will reduce the
consumption of sugars, fats and flours.
 Avoid negative feelings 0%  in no way will we avoid our feelings,
we will speak with love, patience and
tolerance exposing everything that
makes us happy or affects us
 Talk about positive situations 80%  we will meet at least once a week to
tell each other what happened to us in
the week and how we feel about it
 Sleep well 80%  we agreed to have dinner at 7:30
pm, which is the approximate
time that we are all at home, in
case of any inconvenience the
other members of the family will
continue with what was agreed so
as not to lose the routine
 Watch tv programs about personal growth 70%  doing the activity let us know that
the programs we watch do not
educate or contribute to us, so we
decided to make a list among all of
possible t.v programs that we can
 Eat at the same time every day 50%  The percentage of my family that
has poor sleep habits commits to
sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a
day, organizing time appropriately
Activity 3. Design a poster in which you convince the reader about the importance of managing
emotions to avoid negative consequences and improve daily habits in terms of health.
Include audio-visual aids (drawings, photos, text and your voice)

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