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The Reformation in France

Created @March 14, 2022 1:35 PM


Class Heritage




John Calvin
lived a little bit after Luther
Most important systemizer of Reformation theology
scholar/author instead of activist
Luther: reform the soul
Calvin: reform society
major work: Institutes of the Christian Theology

True Church
elected, chosen by God before time, to be saved (predestined to be saved)

“State of Grace” - you are in a place where you can’t escape his grace

God’s grace is Absolute - it’s a one-sided decision, it’s only up to God

God’s grace is Particular - particular to person, not to church

God’s grace is Double - just like he can chose to save, he can choose to not save

The Reformation in France 1

Total Depravity -

rooted in Augustine’s idea of original sin

you can’t choose virtue, you can’t chose God

if you had the choice, you wouldn’t bc you’re inward-pointed because of sin

there is no good in mankind

Unconditional election -

what you may do, what you have done and what you’re doing currently has no
effect on election

you have no say on if you’re elect or not, it is by nothing that you do that can
influence it

Limited Atonement -

only some are saved

not all people will be selected

Irresistible Grace

if chosen, at some point when you face God’s grace, you can’t deny

you can’t fight God’s grace

Perserverance of the Saints -

you can’t lose your salvation

once saved, always saved

if you fall away from your faith, you either are still saved or were never saved to
begin with

The Reformation in France 2

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