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Start with two from below. When you pay attention, ask: When you use trick, trail and When you declare that a At the start of each session,
geography to move quickly feature or resource exists in you may bring an object
While you’re within your » What here is useful to me?
through the landscape, roll. the nearby wilderness, roll. found, foraged or cultivated
home terrain, you: » What is changing here? On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9, On a 10+, it’s there as you from the natural world,
□ know the common name » What leaf, stone or brook is pick 2. described it. On a 7-9, it’s adding it to your pack.
of every plant or animal out of place? there but different, changed
» Your tracks are hidden When you introduce an
□ know the folk name of » What’s the best path or dangerous to get to.
» You appear elsewhere object from your pack, tell
every supernatural creature forward? On a miss, it’s irrevocably everyone what it is and how
» You escape a pursuer
□ can always ask “What is » What is being overlooked? altered, or getting there it might be useful. You may
this animal’s instinct?” » You alter the environment exposes you to great danger, use it as gear when you use
» ____________________
to your benefit the Fates say which. gear. The item is used up in
□ can always ask “What are » ____________________
the properties of this plant?” On a miss, the environment addition to any other costs.
» ____________________ shifts beneath you. The
□ know the provenance of
species of flora or fauna Fates say what obstacle or
When you calm an over-
GUIDANCE danger you missed in your
□ will never go hungry excited, panicking or out of
control animal, roll. On a
□ will never become lost When someone comes to you
success, you calm it down or
□ know when the weather is for guidance on the direction ALWAYS PREPARED
fend it off. On a 7-9, doing so
about to change they should take and you give
When you spend a moment of is stressful, fraught or scary;
it, they hold equal to stitches
□ say how much everyone
in your bond (minimum 1). peace consulting maps or stitch an emotion.
holds during a moment of preparing your pack, you
While they follow your On a miss, pick 1: you grab
peace may save your hold, 1-for-1,
advice, they may spend their the reigns or fend off the
hold, 1-for-1, to gain: for the journey ahead. animal, but you take wear in
HOME TERRAIN advantage on a roll, or any of While you’re following your the process or the animal
your chosen effects from route, spend 1 hold to say runs amok.
You truly know the terrain guide.
around you. Pick or create how you prepared for a
two for your home terrain: Each time they act counter complication, obstacle or
to your advice, they return 1 change of weather. You, or a
a _____________________________
hold and you pick 1: weaken person travelling with you,
a _____________________________
your bond with them, stitch gain advantage while
a _____________________________ your bond’s emotion, or dealing with it.
a _____________________________ have the Fates make a move
against them.

When you enter an Requires GUIDANCE When you spend time Requires FORAGER Requires a bond with a home
unfamiliar landscape, say identifying and removing terrain or its Remnant
When you begin to gather When you spend a moment of
how you scout the terrain, encroaching growth, roll. On
your knowledge about a peace in your home terrain, When you call on the land to
then roll. On a 10+, ask 3. On a success, you find it. On a
home terrain together, say spend your hold to move give you aid, spend stitches
a 7-9, ask 1. 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.
how you record it and start between locations or secure from your bond, 1-for-1, to:
» How far does this land a project clock. » You find its roots a resource available within
» Provide a cornucopia of
extend? » You slow its growth the terrain.
When you spend time food that rots after a day
» Where can we shelter here? studying and writing about a » You know what’s causing it HIGH ROADS » Summon an envoy to your
» How can I best prepare for feature, quirk, or the flora or side in return for a heavy
On a miss, it’s much worse
this landscape? fauna of the landscape, add When you arrive in a debt
than you thought, the
1 work. familiar settlement, say
» Who amongst us is at risk growth resists your » Dry a riverbed, it will
from this place’s influence? When the project is attempts to remove it, or it where people here gather, return with a later flood
» Who amongst us is least completed, anyone who has already spread. The then roll. On a 10+, pick 3. On
» Bring forth a flurry of
suited to this environment? uses the record gains the Fates make a move, as hard a 7-9, pick 2.
animals, under control for
benefits of your guide move as they like. » Someone offers you a place
» What guises are the only a scene
while within that terrain. to rest
Remnant’s envoys likely to » Have plants grow wild and
wear? HIGH ROADS TRAILBLAZER » You find useful information fierce, forever shifting the
On a miss ask 1, then the about the trail ahead balance of this ecosystem
When you forge a new path
When someone follows a » You may trade a resource
Fates choose: you run into between two places, say how » Glimpse earthen
reckless, dangerous or for two of any other
trouble while scouting or a you mark it. Whenever you knowledge and bear truth
ruinous path, and you
peril from the landscape or someone you give » You run into an old friend heavy as stone
attempt to sway them from it,
makes itself felt. guidance to follows that » Bring sudden,
roll. On a 10+ you dissuade » No-one has been waiting
path, gain advantage. far too long for your return unseasonable weather, and
them, they tell you what it
costs. On a 7-9, either follow its consequences
On a miss, pick 1: the mood
the path in their place or has changed here or you
start a 4-step project to meet someone unexpected
change their mind. or there’s some kind of a
On a miss, they will not commotion. The Fates will
listen to you. The Fates will tell you why this isn’t a good
tell you what disaster this thing.
brings down, and when it
will happen.

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