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Week 1

ENCOURAGE: (in this section each week we will provide a new value of why we do what we do here at the house to encourage you and your team into
a greater encounter with the Lord.)

Weekly Encouragement
(please read and share this value of being in the Prayer Room with your team)
 As the Family of DHOP we are a part of keeping a sanctuary to minister to God, release His Power through
prayer and worship, and encounter His Heart. In prayer, we contend for a breakthrough of power in our own
hearts, in ministry, and in revelation.
o “But the priests…the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel
went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me.” (Ezek. 44:15)

EQUIP: (in this section we will provide opportunities for each team member to grow further in their gifts and talents further equipping your team to minister
to the Lord.)
Focus Exercise
(The focus exercises are to help bring the team into a unity as they flow using the Harp and Bowl model to release a move of the Holy Spirit.)

 To glorify Jesus: providing a place to minister to God as we offer Him the praise of which He is worthy.
 Prayers: focus on positive God-centered prayers. Praying for the impartation of positive virtues helps the
believers in the prayer room to be in unity with one another. Try starting with a prayer from Scripture to God.
Praying God-centered prayers are directed to and focus on God instead of addressing and preaching from Bible
 Music: focus on creating a chorus the whole room can sing inviting those not on the team to participate in
agreement with the scripture and spoken prayer singing together as the Bride.


1. What does that mean to you? 2. How can we achieve it? 3. Why is it important?
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EMPOWER: (in this section we aim to give the confidence to flow in the Holy Spirit by clearly communicating helpful tools by standing on the promise of
the Church being empowered by God’s grace to pray in a powerful way.)

Grow Your Gift – Here at the House we have ample resources and opportunities for you to grow you gift and we encourage you to
use them. Ask anyone on staff to learn more.

Intercessory Worship – in this format, we focus on praying for a breakthrough of God’s justice and revival – for a dramatic
outpouring of the Spirit on the Church, the lost, and on His people who serve in the various spheres of society in our city and in the
nations. Go Boldly into your set!

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