DOMINO Publications Placement Exam - Final

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Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

DCT CAMPUS JOURNALISM with Corporate Affairs Office

(Elementary, Junior High School Senior High School, College)

General Instructions:

1. The DOMINO Publications Placement Examinations is consisting of the following

categories: a) news writing; b) opinion writing; c) feature writing; c) literary
writing; d) science writing; e) sports writing; f) layout design; g) webpage
design; h) photojournalism, and; i) copyediting.

2. Meanwhile, Campus Paper Management is only for those who applied for
editorial board (Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, Managing Editor, and Section

3. Prior to the placement examination schedule, all applicants are given an

assigned code (Applicant Number) in order to avoid bias during the evaluation
and grading.

4. The screening committee will send the placement examination on every

applicant’s provided email addresses on August 13, 2021. The deadline of the
submission is on or before August 21, 2021, 11:59pm.

5. The basis of the sending of respective contents of the examination will be based
on your Top 3 category choices which was determined during their online form
signup. If they are up to the challenge of answering the other categories, they
may do so but the priority will be the Top 3 choices submitted.

6. The applicant will edit their answers by re-sending the document with the

[Applicant Number] _[Department]_[Medium]_[Top 1]_[Top 2]_[Top



For Applicant Number – kindly refer to the posted code in

For Department – C for College, S for Senior High, J for Junior High, G for Grade

For Medium – E for English, F for Filipino

For Categories:

News, Opinion, Feature, Literary, Science, Sports, Layout, Webpage,

Photojournalism, Copyediting

Write “Editorship” if you will apply for Editorship, write nothing if will not apply for


Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

7. Use the document to place your outputs. NOTE: For layout design, webpage
design, cartooning, and photojournalism, additional instructions are placed
in the document.

8. Academic integrity shall be applied here and violators will be subjected to


9. After the examination, the screening committee (consisting of the Corporate

Affairs Office and School Paper Advisers) will deliberate on who will be the
writers, designers, editors, and part of the editorial board.

10. To produce quality members of the school paper, a virtual meeting may
commence which will serve as an interview to assess the potential choices for
the editorial board. Further decisions will be announced.

11. Though the final decision will rest on the screening committee, the
conceptualization of the further development of the publication (i.e. constitution
and by-laws, etc) will share the given responsibility to the chosen members of
the editorial board.

12. Official members of the DOMINO Publications will be informed personally by the
screening committee and/or through the official social media accounts of DCT.

Thank you for being part of the DOMINO Publications. Good luck and God bless!
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. Bearing in mind the ten (10) characteristics of news, answer these “questions”
(while including the 6 Ws and 2 Hs) as comprehensively as you could, following
the inverted pyramid structure and the guidelines on quotation and attribution in
news writing.

1. Remember: while the “inverted pyramid” news structure has four

parts/segments, these do not signify the number of paragraphs in the report;
there has to be more than just four paragraphs. Include the headline.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose news writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose news writing as Top 2, Top 3 or
would like to apply at the last minute.

3. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1: Fact Sheet

● A Dominikano Grade 7 student was shot on July 4, 2021.

● The victim was rushed to the Ospital ng Capas and died later that day.
● Based on initial investigation, the Grade 7 student and the suspect reportedly had a
romantic relationship.
● Jane Doe’s body was finally delivered to his final resting place on July 11, 2021.
● Moreover, DepEd and local social workers conducted debriefing for the affected
student and to operate psychological intervention.
● The suspect was arrested in Capas, Tarlac on July 9, 2021, around 4 am.
● PLTC Juan Dela Cruz, Capas Municipal police chief stated that Valderrama shot the
victim twice.
● Valderrama used caliber 38 to shot the victim at Dominican College of Tarlac
● Furthermore, to protect the students from harm the authorities called for a meeting to
secure the security protocol in every school in the municipality.
● The police found out that the suspect was convicted of theft in 2017 and used
multiple names and addresses.
● Renan Estrope Valderrama alias Renz Ivan Valderama, security guard, was the
suspect in killing the Grade 7 student.
● The 38-year-old suspect is in police custody and will be charge of murder and
possession of fire arms.
● According to some witnesses they saw the suspect around 3:00 am, the suspect
went down from the mountain because he's hungry from hiding for a couple of days
and with the help of the Public Safety Order Office of Calamba the authorities then,
was being alarmed to finally arrest the suspect.
● "Crime of passion" and jealousy and anger could be the reason why he killed the
Grade 7 student.
● Mark Anthony Miranda, 15-year-old, previously filed a complaint of sexual abuse
against the suspect on July 2, 2020.
● The suspect was the victim's registered guardian after her mother was detained for
possession of illegal drugs
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 2:

Write a news report on the 75 th Foundation Anniversary Kick-off Celebration of the

Dominican College of Tarlac last February 2021. You may add facts and “fictionalize”
direct quotes from the following:

Sr. Marisor J. Fabros, OP (Executive Vice President)

Dr. August R. Dela Cruz (Vice President for Academic Affairs)
Mr. Edwin S. De Leon (Head, Office of Student Affairs)
Mr. Leo A. Sagun (Senior High School Principal)
Mrs. Criselda V. Ragel (K-10 Principal)

Details can be accessed through

Exercise No. 3

Write a news report on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Municipality of Capas.
You may add facts and “fictionalize” direct quotes from Mayor Reynaldo L. Catacutan
and/or Municipal Health Officer Dr. Franchette Reyes.
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. The following should be answered within 350 - 500 words. Include title.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose opinion writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose opinion writing as Top 2, Top 3
or would like to apply at the last minute.

4. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1.

Do student organizations and extra-curricular activities still matter in this new normal
setup of education? How can these be maximized in an online setup?

Exercise No. 2.

Write an article expressing your stand about the use of social media platforms
(facebook and messenger to be exact) as online classrooms wherein majority of the
students have access to it.

Exercise No. 3.

Write an editorial about the government’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can specify a topic if needed to.
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. The following should be answered within 300 - 500 words. Include the title.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose feature writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose feature writing as Top 2, Top 3
or would like to apply at the last minute.

5. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1

Define what “Passion for Truth” and “Compassion for Humanity” in the midst of COVID-
19 Pandemic and how to incorporate this motto in your work as part of the digital
student publication.

Exercise No. 2

Write a futuristic story about yourself ten (10) years from today.

Exercise No. 3

Write a first-person testimony of a person affected by COVID-19 pandemic, either the


a) a COVID-19 survivor narrative experience during the quarantine;

b) a health worker catering COVID-19 patient;
c) a front liner working during Community Quarantines;
d) a person who were not allowed to go out during the Quarantine;
e) a student’s experience of having blended learning;

Relive those experiences using your imagination.

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. Produce literary article/s with the theme focus either on the following:
a. COVID-19
b. Quarantine
c. Online Class

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose literary writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose literary writing as Top 2, Top 3
or would like to apply at the last minute.

3. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1

Literary Prose (Fiction or nonfiction)

Exercise No. 2

Literary Poetry (Fiction or nonfiction)

Exercise No. 3

Literary Critique:

Correlate the film and the lyrics on the soundtrack used

(Maong Gi-Fingers by Kantin Dudg).
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. The following should be answered within 300 - 500 words. Include the
appropriate headline or title.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose science writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose science writing as Top 2, Top 3
or would like to apply at the last minute.

3. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1

Write an article that compares and contrasts the different Community Quarantine
statuses set by the COVID-19 Inter-agency Task Force for the Management of
Emerging Infectious Diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exercise No. 2.

Write an article about the COVID-19. You may dwell with the following:
● COVID-19: Incubation, Signs and Symptoms, Recovery
● COVID-19: Different Variants
● COVID-19: Vaccines

You may specific a topic if needed.

Exercise No. 3.

Precautionary Measures and Alternatives to COVID-19 (Tu-ob, Linghua, Ivermectin,

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. The following should be answered within 300 - 500 words. Include the
appropriate headline or title. Craft quotes (if applicable) for relevant personalities.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose sports writing as Top 1
b. At least one exercise for those who chose sports writing as Top 2, Top
3 or would like to apply at the last minute.

3. Place your output inside this document.

Exercise No. 1.

Write a profile feature about your favorite sports personality (an athlete, a
sportswriter/sports caster, or somebody who has a huge influence on you).

Exercise No. 2.

Write a sports feature about this topic: “The Philippines road to the First Olympic Medal
(and why other gold medals were not counted)”.

Exercise No. 3

Write a post-event article about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Men’s Flyweight Semi-finals
fight of Carlo Paalam (PH) and Ryomei Tanaka (JPN), wherein Paalam secured his
silver medal slot.

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. This is the only exercise to be accomplished for layout design.

2. Create a six-page publication dummy sheet covering all the six sections of the
digital publication.

3. Using a double 17”x26” size as a spread, include the following elements:

a. Fonts: Montesserat, Gotham

b. Colors: #fa97fa and #949194

You may incorporate other visual elements but see to it that the required elements are

4. Place sample photos if needed. Meanwhile, use the “Lorem Ipsum” to fill in the
space for texts.

5. Save the finished output as .PDF, upload it to Google Drive and submit your
output by placing the link in this document. Furthermore, make sure that the link
is set as public.
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. This is the only exercise to be accomplished for webpage design.

2. Create a one webpage covering all the six sections of the digital publication (as
tabs). You may use any webpage designing tools such as WordPress, Wix, etc.

3. The webpage must include the following elements:

a. Fonts: Montesserat, Gotham

b. Colors: #fa97fa and #949194

You may incorporate other visual elements but see to it that the required elements are

4. Place sample photos if needed. Meanwhile, use the “Lorem Ipsum” to fill in the
space for texts. You could also place appropriate web animation.

5. Place the website URL here in this document.

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. Using an 8.5” x 11” canvas, produce your output in a grayscale.

2. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

a. All three exercises for those who chose cartooning as Top 1

b. At least one exercise for those who chose cartooning as Top 2, Top 3 or
would like to apply at the last minute.

3. Save the finished output as .PDF, upload it to Google Drive and submit your
output by placing the link in this document. Furthermore, make sure that the link
is set as public.

(Refer to Part II. Opinion for the Exercises)

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. Using a 30” x 40” canvas, create a photo essay using 3-6 photos. Include short
captions to provide story or content. The group may present the photo essay
either through: a) narrative approach, or; b) thematic approach.

2. Focus on the topic either of the following:

a. COVID-19
b. Quarantine
c. Online Class

3. Save the finished output as .PDF, upload it to Google Drive and submit your
output by placing the link in this document. Furthermore, make sure that the link
is set as public.
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



1. Applicants must require to accomplish the following:

c. All three exercises for those who chose copyediting as Top 1

d. At least one exercise for those who chose copyediting as Top 2, Top 3 or
would like to apply at the last minute.

2. Print the exercise in a paper, then answer them manually. Afterwards, capture
the answered exercises then upload it through Google Drive then place the link
here in the document. Make sure that the link is in public.

Exercise No. 1. (for English)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and write the appropriate headline.


Do obstacles get you down when trying to get something doone? Consider the following

After Fred Astaires first screen test, a 1933 memo from the mgm testing director said: Can’t act.

Slightly bald. Can dance a little.” Astaire kept that memo over the fire place in his Beverly Hills home

An expert said of famous football coach VinceLombardi: “He possesses minimal football

knowledge. Lacks motivashun.”

Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women, was advised by her family to find work as a Servant

or seamstress.

Beethoven handled the voilin awkwardly and prefered playing his own personal compositions

instead of improving his technique.

His teacher called him utterly hopeless as a composer. The teacher of famous opera singer

Enrico Caruso said Caruso had no voice at all and could not sing?

Walt Disney was fired by a news paper for lacking ideas. He also goed backrupt several

times before he build Disneyland.

Eighteen publishers turned down Richard Bach’s 10000 word story about a soaring seagull before

Macmillan finally published it in 1970. By 1975, Jonathan Livingston Seagull had sold more than 7 million

copies in the U.S. alone.

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 2. (for English)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and write the appropriate headline.


while walking to school this moningmorning, an 11-year-old girl noticed a gunman robbuing two

clerkS in a convenence store on Colonial Drive

The girl, Kathryn Kunze of94 Jamestown Drive, raran to a nearby telepone, dialed 911, then

returned to the store and noticed an empty car par ked naearby withits motor running. she reachedd

inside, shut off the cars motor and took the keys.

“Imagine what the rober thought when he ran out of the storee, jumped into HIS car and realized the

keys weregone,” said Sgt. Tammy Dow. “she was one smart girl, and Brave, too.”

The Gunman went bavck into the stoer and asked the clerks there for the keys to there cars.

Bothclerks, however, said that they had walked to work and did not own a car.

The gunman then walked to a near,by park, and the police Aarrested him there five minutse later.

William j. Chuey, 27, of 57l0 michigan Ave was charrged with armed robbery.

Polic e officers later questioned the girl at school. “I saw this man with a gun, just like on telivision”

she said. “Then I saw thecar. It was running, and I just figured it was the robbers, so I took his keys and

ran here.”

Kathryn’s mother, said she was p””proud—and frightened—by her daughters actions. “I’Mm proud

she thought so quickly,” Mrs. Lauren Kunze said. “But I don’t wnat her to trfy anything like that ever

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 3. (for English)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and write the appropriate headline.


the countys Girl Scout Council no loonger will acept any checks during its annual cookie sale-a-


During its last sale-a-thon, the council lost $4,284 due to worthlesschecks.

“That may not sound like a lot, but its a serious loss for us,” said Linda Goree, the Girl Scoust county

executive. “It cuts into our profits, but al so wastes too many hours of our timme.”

Next year, Goree said, thecountys Girl Scouts will accept only cash

Two factors agravated the prov problem during the scouts last sale-a-thon, Goree continued. first,

more pepople paid by check. Second, a larger percentage of the checks teh Girl Scouts received


“Some people pay by check beause they don’t have the cash, ” Goree said. “Or, they want to place

a large order. We have people who place orders for $100 or more, and thosse poeple are especially

likely to pay by check. we also receive checks for a little as one or two dollars.”

Scout leaders call people who signed the checks that bounce and, in most cases,ask them to mail neW

checks to the cty. office. The scout leadesr are unable to reach everyone, however. Smoe People have

moved. Other s do not have telephones—or do not seem to answer their tele phones.

“usually its an honest mistake, ad andpeople are embarrassed when we call them,” Goree said.

“THey want to take care of the problem right away. Other people say they want to pay but dont have the

money, and we can usually work something out with them. Unfortunately, there are other people who get

mad at us, like its our fault or something, and refuse to pay. Or, they write new checks that also bounce.

It puts our leadess in a terrible situaton. A Girl Scout leadershouldn’t have to deal with problems like that.

Also, its not a good situation or example for our girls, and that’s the reason for our ne w policy, why we’ll

no longer accept any checks.”

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 1. (for Filipino)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and write the appropriate headline.


Kasalukuyang natapos na ng Department of Public Work and Highway (DWPH) ang

kanilang preconstruction and procurement activities para sa rehabilitation projects ng mga
imprastrakturang nasira nang bagyo at iba pa na kalamidad sa Albay na nagkahalaga ng P373 milyon.
Ayon sa panayam kay DPWH V regional director Danilo Dequito, ang pondo ay galing sa Calamity Fund
para sa fiscal year 2010 sa ilalim ng General Appropriation Act o RA 9970 na inilabas sa ilalim ng Special
Allotment Release Order or SARO.

With the very tight timeline, Negotiated Procurement was resorted to as authorize by DPWH Secretary
Rogelio L. Singson in his Memorandum dated Nov. 16, 2011, giving authority to Regional Directors and
District Engineers to use Alternative Method of Procurement to facilitate the implementation of various
DPWH infrastructure facility damage by typhoons and other calamities such as flash floods and heavy
rains, kasagutan ng direktor ng tanungin sa posebilidad ng lapse funding dahil sa late na pagbigay ng
kaukulang budget.

Ang naibigay na halaga ay based sa damaged report ng bagyong Bebeng sa iba’t ibang distrito ng Albay.
Para sa Albay 1 District Engineering Office (DEO), P3 million ang naiulat na halaga ng mga nasirang
apron and soil foundation ng 3 barrel box culvert at isasaayos na anim na bloke ng concrete pavement sa
may Daang Maharlika (DM) Jct.-Legazpi-Sto. Domingo-Tabaco-Camarines Sur Boundary Road.

Umabot naman sa P21.55 milyon ang kina kailangang ng Albay 2nd DEO upang maisaayos ang
nasirang flood control projects sa Buyuan at Mabinit at heavily silted river course sa Padang at Tagaytay
Umabot naman sa P320.97 milyon ang naiulat para sa Albay 3rd DEO para sa mga nasirang national
roads, bridges and flood control projects. Karagdagang P28.88 milyon ang naibigay sa pagsasaayos ng
nasirang spillways sa Libon Albay na dulot ng bagyo.

“We do assure the Albayanons, that we adhere to the Tuwid na Daan advocasy of this present
administration. We are here to served and give our best for public service,” ayon pa sa Director.
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 2. (for Filipino)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and write the appropriate headline


Sa City Pasay kinilala ang nasawi na si GerAld bituaran, at isang alyas Jessie Basehan sa
reporta, naganap o kaya ay nangyari ang insidente alas6:00 ng gabi sa ilalim ng Cut-Cut Bridge, naia
Road, panulukan ng Verbena Street, Brgy. 199 ng naturing Lunsod habang nagsasagawa ng Oplan
Tokhang’ ang mga pulis at natyempuhang sa lugar ang 2 suspects Ayon sa record ng Pasay City police
nasa watch list ng mga drug personalities ang napatay nang mga suspect 6 na naman na kalalalakihang
na sinabing awit sa drugs ang nasawi, namatay at pumanaw sa magkahiwalay na insedente sa pasay
Taguig City Makati City Ng malamman ng mga suspect na arestohin sila ng mga pulis, inunahan na nilang
puputukan ang mga to, subalit hindi tinamaan ang naturang mga alagad ng batas. Siguro ay hindi pa
talaga sila marunong bumaril kaya sila sumablay sa pagpapaputok. Sana ay may nagturo sa kanila kung
paano gumamit ng baril sa kalaban. kung kayat gumanti ng putok ang pulis mga na nagresulta sa
agarang agarang pagpanaw ng mga ito May himala ang Taguiguig City Police na posibleng biktima siguro
ng salvage ang nataggpuang bangkay ng mga gentlemen at iniimbestigahan na rin kung ang mga ito ay
sangkot sa legal ta droga Alas12:05 kahapon ng madaling arawnangmatagpaun ang bangkay ng 2 hindi
kilalang kalalakihan, malapit sa Tinga Gym, kahabaan ng C-six Road, Brgy Hagonoy, Taguiguig City
Unang naganap ang pamamaril kay Santos dakong alas 3:25 ng madaling araw sa Jacinto at South Sea
Sts Brgy Rizal ng biglang dumAting ang riding in tandem na suspect at walang sabi sabi itong
pinaputukan ng baril Sa makati city naman ipinagbabaril at napatay ng tandem na suspects sina prince
San tos, dalampu’t tatlo, at isa pang hindi nakikilalang lalaki nasa edad na twenty hanggang 25 anyos
Ala-1:30 naman ng hapon nang pagbabarilin din ang hiNdi pa nakilalang lalaki habang lulan sakay sa
isang pampasaherong na jeep
Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519

Exercise No. 3. (for Filipino)

Copyread the article using copyreading symbols and with appropriate headline.


Ang pahayag ni Palma ay bunsod na din sa planong malacanang na dadag-dagan nleang P1,200
ang subsidy na ibibigay sa mga pambublikong driver sa bansa.

Paliwanag pa ni Palma mas magiging epektibo dveeang sistema ng pamahalaan kung hahasain ang
kakayahan ng mgA Filipino upangmales mapaunlad kanilang mga sarili at pmumuhayat hindi gawing
tamad pa

Ayon kay Archbishop Palma, kailanagang isaalan ng mgaOpiyal ng gobyerno ang pangmatagalng
solusyon para higt na matulunagan at maihango ang kabuhayn ng mga mahirap tulad ng
pagbieebigayan trabaho , ivelihood program at iba pang kapakipakinabang na na program.

Masama at walang maidulot na mabuti ang programang ito.

Mc Arthur Hiway, Poblacion (Sto. Rosario), Capas, Tarlac, Philippines
Tel. No. (045)491-7579/ Telefax (045)925-0519



Answer the questions substantially.

1. What is your understanding about the following editorial board positions?

a. Editor-in-Chief
b. Associate Editor
c. Managing Editor
d. Section Editor (News, Feature, Literary, Science, Sports, Design)

2. This publication plans to circulate online, approximately every month. However,

there will be a possibility that certain articles, especially when it is deemed as
significant towards prominence, will be published through the use of social media
and online platforms – more frequent than monthly.

As a future member of the editorial board, how would you decide whether a news
article / story still deserves to be published given the time lapse between the event
and the publication?

3. As a future member of the editorial board, how can you motivate the writers/staffers
to uphold a consistent work ethic that meets the demands of a quality campus

4. What is the kind of branding that you would want your digital institutional student
publication to be known for?

5. What will be the advantage of the digital institutional student publication even though
it will be operating in a distanced setup? As a future member of the editorial board,
how will you be able to maximize this opportunity?

6. How would you ensure that the digital institutional student publication would be
released on its specific schedule? What are some factors that prevent its prompt

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