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Malpighia emarginata

Malpighia emarginata is a tropical fruit-bearing shrub or small tree in the family Malpighiaceae.

Common names include acerola (Spanish pronunciation: [aseˈɾola]), Barbados cherry, West Indian

cherry[2] and wild crepe myrtle.[3] Acerola is native to South America, southern Mexico, Puerto Rico,
and Central America, but is now also being grown as far north as Texas and in subtropical areas of
Asia, such as India.

It is known for being extremely rich in vitamin C[4], almost as much as camu camu, although it also
contains vitamins A, B1, B2, and B3, as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids, which provide
important nutritive value and have antioxidant uses.


M. emarginata is originally from Yucatán, and can be found in Mexico, Central America,

the Caribbean, South America as far south as Peru, and the southeast region of Brazil, and in the
southernmost parts of the contiguous United States (southern Florida[6] and the Lower Rio Grande
Valley of Texas).[6][7][8] In Florida, it can be grown in protected locations as far north as Cape
Canaveral.[9] It is cultivated in the tropics and subtropics throughout the world, including the Canary
Islands, Ghana, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Zanzibar,Sri Lanka, Taiwan, India, Java, Hawaii,
and Australia.[10]


Acerola can be propagated by seed, cutting, or other methods. It prefers dry, sandy soil and full sun,
and cannot endure temperatures lower than 30 °F/-1 °C. Because of its shallow roots, it has very low
tolerance to winds.


Acerola is an evergreen shrub or small tree with spreading branches on a short trunk. It is usually 2–

3 m (6.6–9.8 ft) tall, but sometimes reaches 6 m (20 ft) in height.[11]
The leaves are simple ovate-lanceolate, 2–8 cm (0.79–3.15 in) long, 1–4 cm (0.39–1.57 in), and are
attached to short petioles. They are opposite, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, and have entire or
undulating margins with small hairs, which can irritate skin.

Flowers are bisexual and 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) in diameter. They have five[11] pale to deep pink or
red[12] fringed petals, 10 stamens, and six to 10 glands on the calyx. The three to five flowers
per inflorescence are sessile or short-peduncled axillary cymes.[11]


Barbados Cherry
Malpighia punicifolia L.

Malpighia glabra Millsp.

The Barbados cherry, a member of the Malpighiaceae, is an interesting example of a

fruit that rose, like Cinderella, from relative obscurity about 40 years ago. It was at
that time the subject of much taxonomic confusion, having been described and
discussed previously under the binomial Malpighia glabra L., which properly belongs
to a wild relative inhabiting the West Indies, tropical America and the lowlands of
Mexico to southern Texas, and having smaller, pointed leaves, smaller flowers in
peduncled umbels, styles nearly equal, and smaller fruits. M. Punicifolia L.
(M. glabra Millsp. NOT Linn.) has been generally approved as the correct botanical
name for the Barbados cherry, which is also called West Indian cherry, native cherry,
garden cherry, French cherry; in Spanish, acerola, cereza, cereza colorada, cereza de
la sabana, or grosella; in French, cerisier, cerise de St. Domingue; in
Portuguese, cerejeira. The name in Venezuela is semeruco, or cemeruco; in the
Netherlands Antilles, shimarucu; in the
Philippines, malpi (an abbreviation of the
generic name).


The Barbados cherry is a large, bushy shrub

or small tree attaining up to 20 ft (6 m) in
height and an equal breadth; with more or
less erect or spreading and drooping,
minutely hairy branches, and a short trunk punicifolia
to 4 in (10 cm) in diameter. Its evergreen
leaves are elliptic, oblong, obovate, or narrowly oblanceolate, somewhat wavy, 3/4 to
2 3/4 in (2-7 cm) long, 3/8 to 1 5/8 in (9.5-40 mm) wide, obtuse or rounded at the
apex, acute or cuneate at the base; bearing white, silky, irritating hairs when very
young; hairless, dark green, and glossy when mature. The flowers, in sessile or short-
peduncled cymes, have 5 pink or lavender, spoon-shaped, fringed petals. The fruits,
borne singly or in 2's or 3's in the leaf axils, are oblate to round, cherry-like but more
or less obviously 3-lobed; 1/2 to 1 in (1.25-2.5 cm) wide; bright-red, with thin, glossy
skin and orange-colored, very juicy, acid to subacid, pulp. The 3 small, rounded seeds
each have 2 large and 1 small fluted wings, thus forming what are generally conceived
to be 3 triangular, yellowish, leathery-coated, corrugated inedible "stones".

Origin and Distribution

The Barbados cherry is native to the Lesser Antilles from St. Croix to Trinidad, also
Curacao and Margarita and neighboring northern South America as far south as
Brazil. It has become naturalized in Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico after cultivation,
and is commonly grown in dooryards in the Bahamas and Bermuda, and to some
extent in Central and South America.

The plant is thought to have been first brought to Florida from Cuba by Pliny
Reasoner because it appeared in the catalog of the Royal Palm Nursery for 1887-1888.
It was carried abroad rather early for it is known to have borne fruit for the first time
in the Philippines in 1916. In 1917, H.M. Curran brought seeds from Curacao to the
United States Department of Agriculture. (S.P.I. #44458). The plant was casually
grown in southern and central Florida until after World War II when it became more
commonly planted. In Puerto Rico, just prior to that war, the Federal Soil
Conservation Department planted Barbados cherry trees to control erosion on terraces
at the Rio Piedras Experiment Station. During the war, 312 seedlings from the trees
with the largest and most agreeably-flavored fruits were distributed to families to raise
in their Victory Gardens. Later, several thousand trees were provided for planting in
school yards to increase the vitamin intake of children, who are naturally partial to the

An explosion of interest occurred as a result of some food analyses being conducted at

the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, in Rio Piedras in 1945. The
emblic (Emblica officinalis L.) was found to be extremely high in ascorbic acid. This
inspired one of the laboratory assistants to bring in some Barbados cherries which the
local people were accustomed to eating when they had colds. These fruits were found
to contain far more ascorbic acid than the emblic, and, because of their attractiveness
and superior eating quality, interest quickly switched from the emblic to the Barbados
cherry. Much publicity ensued, featuring the fruit under the Puerto Rican name
of acerola. A plantation of 400 trees was established at Rio Piedras in 1947 and, from
1951 to 1953, 238 trees were set out at the Isabela Substation. By 1954, there were
30,000 trees in commercial groves on the island. Several plantings had been made in
Florida and a 2,000-acre (833-ha) plantation in Hawaii. There was a great flurry of
activity. Horticulturists were busy making selections of high-ascorbic-acid clones and
improving methods of vegetative propagation, and agronomists were studying the
effects of cultural practices. Smaller plantings were being developed in Jamaica,
Venezuela, Guatemala, Ghana, India, the Philippines and Queensland, Australia, and
even in Israel. Many so-called "natural food" outlets promoted various "vitamin C"
products from the fruits–powder, tablets, capsules, juice, sirup.

At length, enthusiasm subsided when it was realized that a fruit could not become a
superstar because of its ascorbic acid content alone; that ascorbic acid from a natural
source could not economically compete with the much cheaper synthetic product,
inasmuch as research proved that the ascorbic acid of the Barbados cherry is
metabolized in a manner identical to the assimilation of crystalline ascorbic acid.

The large plantation of the Hawaiian Acerola Company (a subsidiary of Nutrilite

Products Company) was abandoned for this reason, and low fruit yields; and, so it is
said, the low ascorbic acid content because of the high copper levels in the soil. Puerto
Rican production was directed thereafter mainly to the use of the fruit in specialty
baby foods.

Frozen fruits are shipped to the United States for processing.


In 1956, workers at the University of Florida's Agricultural Research and Education

Center in Homestead, after making preliminary evaluations and selections, chose as
superior and named the 'Florida Sweet', a clone that was observed to have an upright
habit of growth, large fruits, thick skin, apple-like, semi-sweet flavor, and high yield.
The first promising selections in Puerto Rico, on the bases of fruit size, yield and
vitamin content, were identified as 'A-l' and 'B-17', but these were later found to be
inferior to 'B-15' in ascorbic acid level and productivity. Yields of 10 clones ('A-l', 'A-
2', 'A-4', 'A-10', 'A-21', 'B-2', 'B-9', 'B-15', 'B-17', and 'K-7') were compared over a 2-
year period (1955-56) in Puerto Rico and 'B-15' far exceeded the others in both years.

A horticultural variety in St. Croix, formerly known as M. thompsonii Britton &

Small, has displayed unusually large leaves and fruits and more abundant flowers than
the common strain of Barbados cherry.


The Barbados cherry can be classed as tropical and subtropical, for mature trees can
survive brief exposure to 28º F (-2.22º C). Young plants are killed by any drop below
30º F (-1.11º C). It is naturally adapted to both medium- and low-rainfall regions; can
tolerate long periods of drought, though it may not fruit until the coming of rain.


The tree does well on limestone, marl and clay, as long as they are well drained. The
pH should be at least 5.5. Elevation to 6.5 significantly improves root development.
Acid soils require the addition of lime to avoid calcium deficiency and increase yield.
The lime should be worked into the soil to a depth of 8 in (20 cm) or more.


If seeds are used for planting, they should be selected from desirable clones not
exposed to cross-pollination by inferior types. They should be cleaned, dried, and
dusted with a fungicide. It should also be realized that the seeds in an individual fruit
develop unevenly and only those that are fully developed when the fruit is ripe will
germinate satisfactorily. Germination rates may be only 50% or as low as 5%.
Seedlings should be transferred from flats to containers when 2 to 3 in (5-7.5 cm)

Air-layering (in summer) and side-veneer, cleft, or modified crown grafting are
feasible but not popular because it is so much easier to raise the tree from cuttings.
Cuttings of branches 1/4 to 1/2 in (6-12.5 mm) thick and 8 to 10 in (20-25 cm) long,
with 2 or 3 leaves attached, hormone-treated and set in sand or other suitable media
under constant or intermittent mist, will root in 60 days. They are then transplanted to
nursery rows or containers and held in shade for 6 months or a year before being set
out in the field. Some fruits will be borne a year after planting but a good crop cannot
be expected until the 3rd or 4th year. The tree will continue bearing well for about 15
years. There is a lapse of only 22 days between flowering and complete fruit maturity.

Grafting is generally practiced only when cuttings of a desired clone are scarce or if a
nematode-resistant rootstock is available on which to graft a preferred cultivar; or
when top-working a tree that bears fruits of low quality.


The Barbados cherry tree will grow and fruit fairly well with little care. For best
performance, Puerto Rican agronomists have recommended a fertilizer formula of 8-
8-13 twice annually for the first 4 years at the rate of 1/2 to 1 lb (0.22-0.45 kg). Older
trees should have 3 to 5 lbs (1.35-2.25 kg) per tree. In addition, organic material
should be worked into the planting hole and also supplied in amounts of 10 to 20 lbs
(4.5-9 kg) per tree. Under Florida conditions, a 10-10-10 formula is given in February,
1 lb (0.22 kg) for each year of growth. In May, July and September, a 4-7-5-3 formula
is recommended, 1 lb (0.22 kg) for each year of age up to the 10th year. Thereafter, a
6-4-6-3 mixture is given–5 lbs (2.25 kg) per tree in late winter and 10 lbs (4.5 kg) per
tree for each of the summer feedings. On limestone soils, sprays of minor elements–
copper, zinc, and sometimes manganese–will enhance growth and productivity.
Young trees need regular irrigation until well established; older trees require watering
only during droughts. Mature plants will bear better if thinned out by judicious
pruning after the late crop and then fertilized once more.

Pollination and Fruit Set

In Florida, bees visit Barbados cherry flowers in great numbers and are the principal
pollinators. Maintenance of hives near Barbados cherry trees substantially improves
fruit set. In Hawaii, there was found to be very little transport of pollen by wind, and
insect pollination is inadequate. Consequently, fruits are often seedless. Investigations
have shown that growth regulators (IBA at 100 ppm; PCA at 50 ppm) induce much
higher fruit set but these chemicals may be too costly to buy and apply.


In Florida, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Hawaii the fruiting season varies with the
weather. There may be a spring crop ripening in May and then successive small crops
off and on until December, but sometimes, if spring rains are lacking, there may be no
fruits at all until December and then a heavy crop. In Zanzibar, the bearing season is
said to be just the months of December and January.

For home use, as dessert, the fruits are picked when fully ripe. For processing or
preserving, they can be harvested when slightly immature, when they are turning from
yellow to red. As there is continuous fruiting over long periods, picking is done every
day, every other day, or every 3 days to avoid loss by falling.

The fruits are usually picked manually in the cool of the early morning, and must be
handled with care. For immediate processing, some growers shake the tree and allow
the ripe fruits to fall onto sheets spread on the ground. Harvested fruits should be kept
in the shade until transferred from the field, which ought to be done within 3 hours,
and collecting lugs are best covered with heavy canvas to retard loss of ascorbic acid.


There is great variation in productivity. Individual trees may yield 30 to 62 lbs (13.5-
28 kg) in Puerto Rico. In Jamaica, maximum yield in the 6th year is about 80 lbs (36
kg) per tree; 24,000 lbs/acre (24,000 kg/ha). Venezuelan growers have reported 10 to
15 tons/ha; the average in Puerto Rico is 25 tons/ha/yr. 'Florida Sweet' in Florida has
yielded 65 tons/ha. A plot of 300 trees of 'Florida Sweet' has borne crops of 6,300 to
51,300 lbs (2,858-23,270 kg) of fruit from March to November, in Homestead,

In Puerto Rico, a planting of 200 trees may be expected to produce 3,600 to 5,400 lbs
(1,636-2,455 kg) of juice. From the juice there can be extracted at least 120 lbs (54.5
kg) of vitamin C expressed as dehydroascorbic and ascorbic acid, providing the
content is determined to be 2%. In Puerto Rico, it is calculated that 10 tons of fruit
should yield 435 lbs (197 kg) ascorbic acid. In a commercial operation using ion-
exchange resins, the yield of ascorbic acid from Barbados cherry juice is expected to
be about 88%.

Keeping Quality

Ripe Barbados cherries bruise easily and are highly perishable. Processors store them
for no more than 3 days at 45º F (7.22º C). Half-ripe fruits can be maintained for a few
more days. If longer storage is necessary, the fruits must be frozen and kept at 10º F (-
12.22º C) and later thawed for use. At one time it was believed that the fruits could be
transported to processing plants in water tanks (as is done with true cherries) but it
was discovered that they lose their color and ascorbic acid content in water.

At room temperature–85º F (29.44º C) in Puerto Rico–canned Barbados cherries and

also the juice lose color and fresh flavor and 53% to 80% of their ascorbic acid
content in one month, and metal cans swell because of the development of CO 2.
Refrigeration at 44.6º F (7º C) considerably reduces such deterioration. Juice in the home
refrigerator will lose 20% of its ascorbic acid in 18 days. Therefore, the juice and the puree
should be kept no longer than one week.

Pests and Diseases

One of the major obstacles to successful cultivation of the Barbados cherry is the tree's
susceptibility to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita var. acrita, especially in sandy
acid soils. Soil fumigation, mulching and regular irrigation will help to keep this problem under
control. The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, is also a cause of decline in otherwise
healthy trees.

In Florida, the foliage is attacked by wax scale, Florida mango scale, and other scale insects,
whiteflies, a leaf roller, and aphids. In Guatemala, the aphid, Aphis spiraecola, attacks the leaves
and young, tender branches. This pest and the Hesperid caterpillar, Ephyriades arcas, require
chemical control. In Puerto Rico, the tree is often damaged by the blue chrysomelid of
acerola, Leucocera laevicollis. Some fruits may be malformed but not otherwise affected by the
sting of stinkbugs. None of these predators is of any great importance.

The major pest in Florida is the Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa, which seems to attack
all but very sour fruits and the larvae are commonly found inside. In Guatemala, a fruit
worm, Anthonomus florus, deposits its eggs in the floral ovary and also in the fruits; the larvae
feed in the fruits causing deformity and total ruin. Drastic control measures have been employed
against this predator, including the incineration of all fallen, infested fruits and the elimination of
all related species that serve as hosts.

Few diseases have been reported. However, in Florida, there are cases of anthracnose caused
by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and leafspotting by the fungus, Cercospora bunchosiae, is a
serious malady in Florida, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Green scurf, identified with the
alga, Cephaleuros virescens, occurs in Puerto Rico.

Food Uses

Barbados cherries are eaten out-of-hand, mainly by children. For dessert use, they are delicious
merely stewed with whatever amount of sugar is desired to modify the acidity of the particular
type available. The seeds must be separated from the pulp in the mouth and returned by spoon to
the dish. Many may feel that the nuisance is compensated for by the pleasure of enjoying the
flavorful pulp and juice. Other-wise, the cooked fruits must be strained to remove the seeds and
the resulting sauce or puree can be utilized as a topping on cake, pudding, ice cream or sliced
bananas, or used in other culinary products. Commercially prepared puree may be dried or frozen
for future use. The fresh juice will prevent darkening of bananas sliced for fruit cups or salads. It
can be used for gelatin desserts, punch or sherbet, and has been added as an ascorbic acid
supplement to other fruit juices. The juice was dried and powdered commercially in Puerto Rico
for a decade until the cost of production caused the factory to be closed down.

The fruits may be made into sirup or, with added pectin, excellent jelly, jam, and other preserves.
Cooking causes the bright-red color to change to brownish-red. The pasteurization process in the
canning of the juice changes the color to orange-red or yellow, and packing in tin cans brings on
further color deterioration. Enamel-lined cans preserve the color better.

Wine made from Barbados cherries in Hawaii was found to retain 60% of the ascorbic acid.

Food Value Per 100 g of Edible Portion*

Calories 59
Moisture 81.9-91.10 g
Protein 0.68-1.8 g
Ether Extract 0.19-0.09 g
Fiber 0.60-1.2 g
Fat 0.18-0.1 g
Carbohydrates 6.98-14.0 g
Ash 0.77-0.82 g
Calcium 8.2-34.6 mg
Phosphorus 16.2-37.5 mg
Iron 0.17-1.11 mg
Carotene 0.003-0.408 mg
(Vitamin A) 408-1000 I.U.
Thiamine 0.024-0.040 mg
Riboflavin 0.038-0.079 mg
Niacin 0.34-0.526 mg
Ascorbic Acid**

*According to analyses made in Hawaii, Guatemala, and elsewhere.

**According to analyses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of fruits grown

in Barbados: 4,500 mg (green), 3,300 mg (medium-ripe), 2,000 mg (very ripe). The
ascorbic acid level of unripe fruits can range up to 4,676 mg and such ratings are
exceeded only by the fruits (rose hips) of Rosa rugosa Thunb., which may have as
much as 6,977 mg/100 g. This constituent varies as much as 25% with the clone, the
locale, cultural methods and degree of exposure to sunlight during developmental
stages and after harvesting. At INCAP (Instituto de Nutricion de Central America and
Panama), in Guatemala assays in 1950-1955 showed distressingly low levels–an
average of 17 mg/100 g, whereas fruits sent to INCAP by air and in dry ice from
Florida were analyzed and contained 1,420 mg/100 g. In field experiments, treatment
of young fruits on the tree with 200 ppm gibberellic acid has brought about a marked
increase in the ascorbic acid content of the mature fruits.
The ascorbic acid is not totally destroyed by heat, for the jelly may contain 499-1,900
mg/100 g. Of the total ascorbic acid in Barbados cherry juice, 0.18% is in the bound
form. Other constituents include dextrose, levulose, and a little sucrose.

Harmful Effects

Physicians in Curacao report that children often require treatment for intestinal
inflammation and obstruction caused by eating quantities of the entire fruits, including
seeds, from the wild Barbados cherries which abound on the island.

People who pick Barbados cherries without gloves and long sleeves may suffer skin
irritation from contact with the minute stinging hairs on the leaves and petioles.

Other Uses

Bark: The bark of the tree contains 20-25% tannin and has been utilized in the leather

Wood: The wood is surprisingly hard and heavy. Trials have demonstrated that it
refuses to ignite even when treated with flammable fluid unless perfectly dry.

Medicinal Uses: The fruits are considered beneficial to patients with liver ailments,
diarrhea and dysentery, as well as those with coughs or colds. The juice may be
gargled to relieve sore throat.

Family: Malpighiaceae
Genus: Malpighia 
Species: glabra 
Synonyms: Malpighia biflora, M. fallax, M. lucida, M. neumanniana, M. nitida,
M. peruviana, M. punicifolia, M. semeruco, M. undulata, M. uniflora 
Common names: Acerola, Antilles cherry, Barbados cherry, cereso, cerezo,
escobillo, health tree, huesito, Puerto Rican cherry, West Indian cherry 
Part Used: Fruit, leaves
Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage
 is nutritious  kills fungi Fruit
 fights free radicals  dries secretions Fresh Juice: 1 cup 2-3 times daily
 increases urination Tablets: 1-2 g twice daily

Acerola (Malphighia glabra) is a small tree or shrub that grows up to 5 m high

in the dry, deciduous forest. It produces an abundance of bright red fruit 1-2
cm in diameter, with several small seeds that look similar to the European
cherry. For this reason, acerola is also known as the Antilles, Barbados,
Puerto Rican, or West Indian cherry tree. The mature fruits are juicy and soft
with a pleasant, tart flavor. Acerola can be found growing wild and under
cultivation on the sandy soils throughout northeastern Brazil. It is native to
northern South America, Central America, and Jamaica. Its cousin, M.
punicifolia, is present as far north as Florida and Texas.


Acerola juice is as common and popular in Brazil as orange juice is in North

America. As a natural remedy in Brazil, a handful of fresh fruit is eaten for
fever and dysentery. It is also used there as an anti-inflammatory, astringent,
stimulant for the liver and renal systems, diuretic, and to support heart
function as well as to heal wounds. It is employed as a nutritive aid for
anemia, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, liver problems, rheumatism,
tuberculosis, and during convalescence.

In North America, the use of acerola is mostly based on its high content of
vitamin C, which has long been thought in conventional and alternative health
practices as a powerful antioxidant.


Until the plant camu-camu appeared on the scene, acerola was considered
the richest known source of natural vitamin C. Oranges provide 500 to 4,000
parts per million (ppm) of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, whereas acerola has
been found in tests to provide ascorbic acid in a range of 16,000 to 172,000
ppm1,2 Acerola can contain up to 4.5% vitamin C, compared to 0.05% in a
peeled orange. The vitamin C content of acerola varies depending on
ripeness, season, climate, and locality.3 As the fruit begins to ripen, it loses a
great deal of its vitamin content; for this reason, most commercially-produced
acerola is harvested while still green.

Acerola also provides twice as much magnesium, pantothenic acid, and

potassium as oranges. It also contains vitamin A (4,300 to 12,500 IU/100 g,
compared to approximately 11,000 IU for raw carrots) and thiamine, riboflavin,
and niacin in concentrations comparable to those in other fruits.

Thus far, 150 other constituents have been identified in acerola.4 In addition
to ascorbic acid and the other vitamins mentioned above, acerola contains 3-
methyl-3-butenol, dehydroascorbic acid, calcium, dextrose, diketogulonic acid,
fructose, furfural, hexadecanoic acid, iron, limonene, l-malic acid, phosphorus,
protein, and sucrose.


Acerola has not been the subject of much clinical research since it is mainly
consumed as a food, rather than used as an herbal remedy. In one in
vitro study, the leaves, bark, and fruit of acerola were reported to have
antifungal properties. New findings show that acerola may potentiate the
benefits and actions of other supplements (the cholesterol-lowering actions of
soy and alfalfa, in one study).

Recent research in cosmetology indicates that vitamin C is a powerful

antioxidant and free radical scavenger for the skin, and acerola extracts are
now appearing in skin care products that fight cellular aging. In addition to its
vitamin content, acerola contains mineral salts that have shown to aid in the
remineralization of tired and stressed skin, and its mucilage and proteins have
skin-hydrating properties and promote capillary conditioning.


In North America, acerola is used for its high content of vitamin C. Dried
acerola fruit extracts can now be found in tablet form and as an ingredient in
many over-the-counter multivitamin products in the United States as a natural
form of vitamin C.


Main Preparation Method: juice

Main Actions (in order): antioxidant, nutritive, astringent, antifungal

Main Uses:

1. for its natural high vitamin C content

2. for colds/flu (for its vitamin C content)
3. for skin care/anti-aging (for its antioxidant and vitamin content)
4. as an overall health tonic (tones, balances, strengthens)
5. as a heart tonic (tones, balances, strengthens)

Properties/Actions Documented by Research: antioxidant, antifungal

Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:

anti-inflammatory, astringent, cardiotonic

Cautions: High dosages of vitamin C may cause diarrhea.

Traditional Preparation: In South America, acerola juice is freely consumed

like most other fruit juices. Consumers in the United States should take
acerola supplements based on the vitamin C content provided in the products
available in the marketplace. The adult recommended dietary allowance
(RDA) for vitamin C is 60-75 mg daily. Therapeutic dosages of vitamin C for
colds and flu, general illnesses, and debility are 1-5 g daily.

Contraindications: A study published in 2002 reported that acerola caused

allergic reactivity similar to that of the well-known allergen latex. Those who
may be allergic to latex may also be allergic to acerola in supplement form or
to its addition in various fruit juices.
Large dosages of vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

Drug Interactions: None reported.


Brazil for anemia, diabetes, dysentery, fever, heart function, high cholesterol
levels, inflammation, liver problems, rheumatism, tuberculosis, water
retention, wounds, and as a drying/astringent agent

Guatemala for diarrhea

Mexico for fever and as an astringent

Venezuela for bowel inflammation, breast disorders, dysentery

Elsewhere for diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis, liver disorders, and as an astringent

The above text has been reprinted from The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor,
copyrighted © 2005 
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system, including websites, without written permission.

* The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The information contained in this plant database file is intended for education, entertainment and
information purposes only. This information is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe or
replace proper medical care. The plant described herein is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose,
mitigate or prevent any disease. Please refer to our Conditions of Use for using this plant
database file and web site.

Malpighia glabra
Malpighia glabra L.
Barbados Cherry, Wild Crapemyrtle, Acerola, Manzanita
Malpighiaceae (Barbados-Cherry Family)
USDA Symbol: MAGL6
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), VI (N?)

Barbados Cherry develops into a thick, rounded canopy of fairly delicate foliage . Small pink flowers
appear periodically from April to October and are followed about one month later by bright red, tart-
tasting, 1-inch fruits which are high in vitamin C.

Malpighia glabra Barbados Cherry1

Edward F. Gilman2
Barbados cherry develops into a thick, rounded canopy of fairly delicate foliage (Fig. 1). Small pink flowers appear
periodically from April to October and are followed about one month later by bright red, tart-tasting, 1-inch fruits which
are extremely high in vitamin C. It is commonly available in nurseries throughout south Florida.

Figure 1.  

Barbados cherry

[Click thumbnail to enlarge.]

General Information
Scientific name: Malpighia glabra

Pronunciation: mal-PIG-ee-uh GLAY-bruh

Common name(s): Barbados cherry

Family: Malpighiaceae

Plant type: tree

USDA hardiness zones: 9B through 11 (Fig. 2)

Planting month for zone 9: year round

Planting month for zone 10 and 11: year round

Origin: not native to North America

Uses: specimen; container or above-ground planter; border; hedge; near a deck or patio; screen

Availability: somewhat available, may have to go out of the region to find the plant
Figure 2.  

Shaded area represents potential planting range.

[Click thumbnail to enlarge.]

Height: 10 to 12 feet

Spread: 10 to 15 feet

Plant habit: round

Plant density: moderate

Growth rate: slow

Texture: medium

Leaf arrangement: opposite/subopposite

Leaf type: simple

Leaf margin: entire

Leaf shape: lanceolate

Leaf venation: pinnate

Leaf type and persistence: evergreen

Leaf blade length: 2 to 4 inches

Leaf color: green

Fall color: no fall color change

Fall characteristic: not showy

Flower color: pink

Flower characteristic: summer flowering

Fruit shape: round

Fruit length: .5 to 1 inch

Fruit cover: fleshy

Fruit color: red

Fruit characteristic: suited for human consumption; persists on the plant; attracts birds

Figure 3.  

Fruit of Barbados cherry

[Click thumbnail to enlarge.]

Trunk and Branches

Trunk/bark/branches: not particularly showy; typically multi-trunked or clumping stems

Current year stem/twig color: brown

Current year stem/twig thickness: thin

Light requirement: plant grows in part shade/part sun

Soil tolerances: slightly alkaline; clay; sand; acidic; loam

Drought tolerance: high

Soil salt tolerances: unknown

Plant spacing: 36 to 60 inches

Roots: usually not a problem

Winter interest: no special winter interest

Outstanding plant: plant has outstanding ornamental features and could be planted more

Invasive potential: not known to be invasive

Pest resistance: long-term health usually not affected by pests

Use and Management

This open, upright, evergreen shrub grows at a slow pace to 12 feet tall and wide, making it well-suited as a
foundation planting for larger buildings or used in the rear of the shrubbery border. Trained to numerous multitrunks, it
can be used as a small accent tree just as Japanese ligustrum is used. The multitrunks rise sinuously up through the
crown creating a sculptured specimen well-suited for placing near a patio, deck or entry way to attract attention. It
looks great lighted at night from below the tree.

Growing in full sun or partial shade, Barbados cherry needs fertile, nematode-free soil and is not salt-tolerant.

Plant 5 to 6 feet apart for a mass planting or to develop a tall, thick screen.

Propagation is by layering or cuttings.

Pests and Diseases

Pests include nematodes, whiteflies, scale, and plant bugs, which will attack and deform the fruit.

Acerola (Malpighia glabra, Malpighia punicifolia)


 Acerola (Malphighia glabra), also known as Barbados cherry, is the fruit of

a small tree known as Malphighia glabra L. in the Antilles and north of
South America. In 1945, the School of Medicine at the University of Puerto
Rico found that the Barbados cherry was a very rich source of vitamin C.
 Folk healers have used acerola to treat liver ailments, diarrhea, dysentery,
coughs, colds and sore throat. As one of the richest sources of vitamin C,
acerola may be used as an immune stimulator and modulator.
 Acerola has been used as a supplement for both adults and infants. The
Barbados cherry extract, the fruit of Malpighia emarginata DC, has been
reported to prevent age-related diseases. The Barbados cherry has been
shown to exhibit cytotoxic effects and may be useful in the treatment of
cancer. It has high antibacterial activity and shows multi-drug resistance
reversal activity.
 Currently, there is a lack of available scientific evidence and additional
study is needed to evaluate acerola's safety, effectiveness and dosing.

Evidence Table

These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness
have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious,
and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.
* Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use

B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use (it likley does not work)

Tradition / Theory
The below uses are based on tradition, scientific theories, or limited research.
They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and
effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are
potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.
There may be other proposed uses that are not listed below.

 Aging, antibacterial, antioxidant, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),

blood clot prevention, cancer, colds, coughs, depression, diabetes, diarrhea,
dysentery (severe diarrhea), exercise performance, fungal infections, gum
disease, hay fever, heart disease, hemorrhage (retinal),
hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), immunostimulation, liver
disorders, pressure ulcers, scurvy, skin conditions, sore throat, tooth
disease, vitamin C deficiency.


Adults (18 years and older)

 Safety, efficacy, and dosing have not been systematically studied in adults.

Children (younger than 18 years)

 Safety, efficacy, and dosing have not been systematically studied in


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and
supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and
effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical
condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with
a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare
provider immediately if you experience side effects.


 Individuals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to acerola or species in

the Malpighiaceae family should not use acerola.

Side Effects and Warnings

 In general, acerola appears to be generally well tolerated in recommended

amounts in otherwise healthy individuals. High doses may cause diarrhea,
nausea, abdominal cramps, insomnia, fatigue or sleeplessness due to the
vitamin C content.
 Patients with gout should not take acerola because the vitamin C in acerola
might increase uric acid levels.
 Patients with a history of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) should also not
take acerola as large doses of vitamin C in acerola may cause the
production of urate, cystine or oxalate stones.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

 Acerola is not recommended in pregnant or breastfeeding women due to a

lack of available scientific evidence.


Interactions with Drugs

 The vitamin C in acerola may interact with acidic or basic drugs, acidify
urine and affect excretion. Patients taking medications should consult with
a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist.
 Vitamin C appears to interfere with the "blood thinning" effects of warfarin
by lowering prothrombin time. In theory, acerola may reduce the
effectiveness of anticoagulant or anti-platelet agents. Examples include
heparin (Hepalean®), lepirudin (Refludan®), warfarin (Coumadin®),
abciximab (ReoPro®) and clopidogel (Plavix®).
 Use of acerola with medications containing estrogen or birth control pills
may increase the absorption and therapeutic effects due to the vitamin C
content. Caution is advised.
 Use of fluphenazine (Prolixin®) with acerola may decrease blood levels
due to vitamin C content. Patients taking fluphenazine should consult with
a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist.

Interactions with Herbs and Dietary Supplements

 Acerola cherry extract may increase the antioxidant effects of alfalfa or soy.
Caution is advised.
 Vitamin C appears to interfere with the "blood thinning" effects of warfarin
(Coumadin®) by lowering prothrombin time. In theory, acerola may reduce
the effectiveness of herbs and supplements that are used for their "blood
thinning" effects, such as willow bark.
 When taken together, the vitamin C in acerola may increase the absorption
of iron in the gastrointestinal tract. Caution is advised.
 Due to acerola's high vitamin C content, taking vitamin C supplements in
addition to acerola may increase the total amount of vitamin C in the body
and lead to adverse effects. Caution is advised.


Malpighia emarginata (Malpighiaceae)

Malpighia punicifolia 
Malpighia glabra

Common Names:
Barbados Cherry 
West Indian Cherry
Native Cherry
Garden Cherry
French Cherry


Malpighia emarginata Sessé & Moc. ex DC.

Kingdom: Plantae-Plants 
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta-Vascular plants 
Superdivision: Spermatophyta-Seed plants 
Division: Magnoliophyta-Flowering plants 
Class: Magnoliopsida-Dicotyledons 
Subclass: Rosidae 
Order: Polygalales 
Family: Malpighiaceae - Barbados Cherry family 
Genus: Malpighia L. - Malpighia 
Species: Malpighia emarginata Sessé & Moc. ex DC. - Barbados Cherry 
(National Plant Database. 2010.)


The Barbados Cherry is a large, bushy shrub or small tree attaining up to 20 ft (6 m) in height and an equal breadth
with more or less erect or spreading and drooping, minutely hairy branches, and a short trunk to 4 in (10 cm) in
Its evergreen leaves are elliptic, oblong, obovate, or narrowly oblanceolate, somewhat wavy, 3/4 to 2 3/4 in (2-7 cm)
long, 3/8 to 1 5/8 in (9.5-40 mm) wide, obtuse or rounded at the apex, acute or cuneate at the base, bearing white,
silky, irritating hairs when very young and hairless, dark green, and glossy when mature. The flowers, in sessile or
short-peduncled cymes, have 5 pink or lavender, spoon-shaped, fringed petals. The fruits, borne singly or in 2's or
3's in the leaf axils, are oblate to round, cherry-like but more or less obviously 3-lobed, 1/2 to 1 in (1.25-2.5 cm)
wide, bright-red, with thin, glossy skin and orange-colored, very juicy with acid to subacid pulp. The 3 small, rounded
seeds each have 2 large and 1 small fluted wings, thus forming what are generally conceived to be 3 triangular,
yellowish, leathery-coated, corrugated inedible "stones".
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)

Geographic Distribution:

The Barbados Cherry is native to the Lesser Antilles from St. Croix to Trinidad, also Curacao and Margarita and
neighboring northern South America as far south as Brazil.
It has become naturalized in Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico after cultivation, and is commonly grown in dooryards
in the Bahamas and Bermuda, and to some extent in Central and South America.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)

Food Uses:

Barbados Cherries are eaten out-of-hand, mainly by children. For dessert use, they are delicious merely stewed with
whatever amount of sugar is desired to modify the acidity of the particular type available.
The seeds must be separated from the pulp in the mouth and returned by spoon to the dish. Many may feel that the
nuisance is compensated for by the pleasure of enjoying the flavorful pulp and juice. Otherwise, the cooked fruits
must be strained to remove the seeds and the resulting sauce or puree can be utilized as a topping on cake,
pudding, ice cream or sliced bananas, or used in other culinary products. Commercially prepared puree may be
dried or frozen for future use. The fresh juice will prevent darkening of bananas sliced for fruit cups or salads. It can
be used for gelatin desserts, punch or sherbet, and has been added as an ascorbic acid supplement to other fruit
juices. The juice was dried and powdered commercially in Puerto Rico for a decade until the cost of production
caused the factory to be closed down.
The fruits may be made into syrup or, with added pectin, excellent jelly, jam, and other preserves. Wine made from
Barbados cherries in Hawaii was found to retain 60% of the ascorbic acid.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)


Physicians in Curacao report that children often require treatment for intestinal inflammation and obstruction caused
by eating quantities of the entire fruits, including seeds, from the wild Barbados Cherry which abound on the island.
People who pick Barbados cherries without gloves and long sleeves may suffer skin irritation from contact with the
minute stinging hairs on the leaves and petioles.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)

Medicinal Uses:**

The fruits are considered beneficial to patients with liver ailments, diarrhea and dysentery, as well as those with
coughs or colds. The juice may be gargled to relieve sore throat.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)

** The information provided above is not intended to be used as a guide for treatment of medical conditions using

Indigenous Practices:

The bark of the tree contains 20-25% tannin and has been utilized in the leather industry. 
The wood is surprisingly hard and heavy.
Trials have demonstrated that it refuses to ignite even when treated with flammable fluid unless perfectly dry.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.)

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