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Tushar Chugh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala-147004, India E-mail:

This research work is about the comparison between the two types of axle housings Salisbury and Banjo type which was done in Maruti Suzuki India Limited during my six months project semester in the Engineering, Research and Development division of the company itself under suspension design group. This comparison is on the basis of their design analysis. Actually the Salisbury model is being currently employed on the project vehicle, so the purpose of this project is to design a new type of axle housing which would be better in terms of strength as compared to the existing model. By keeping the Salisbury housing as reference the Banjo axle housing have to be designed based on the theoretical calculations. Then next step is to perform the stress analysis of both the axle housings to determine analytically that which among them is best. Once I have the final result, then I would compare their weights that which among them is better in terms of mass since the strength is kept as a fixed entity. So to be precise enough, this paper would provide a systematic approach on how to design Banjo axle housing and compare both the models by getting their CAE results and thus evaluating them.

Gross Vehicle weight, CG distribution, CG height, Wheel base, Wheel track, Rolling radius, Distance between the leaf spring hinge point to wheel centerline, Yield strength of material, Standard longitudinal acceleration (or deceleration) and lateral acceleration coefficient values, Vertical Force on tire, Longitudinal load transfer, Lateral load transfer, Bending moment in YZ, XY plane, XZ plane, Bending stress in YZ, XY plane, Torsion

vehicle (SUV), pickup vehicle, large sedan to a multi utility vehicle (MUV) there are as many as rear suspension types. But from the projects point of view this is only concerned with the leaf spring type rear suspension.

stress in XZ plane, Factor of safety, Rolling

radius of tire, Moment of inertia, Polar moment of inertia, Distance between the neutral axis and plane of maximum deflection, Outer dimension of cross section from neutral axis, Yield strength of material Fig.1: Leaf Spring Rear Axle Suspension This type of suspension is used in case when rear wheels are driven by the engine i.e. either rear wheel drive (RWD) or 4 wheel drives (4WD). This project is on a RWD car. The following figure best exemplifies this suspension type. This type of suspension system which comes under the title of rigid axle types has many pros and cons. This is a

There are different rear suspension types available depending upon the type of vehicle you want to manufacture. From a sports utility

type of dependent suspension type and is used in those vehicles which are used for carrying heavy loads like cargo carriers. The advantage of using this suspension type is that the leaf springs have higher load carrying capacity than coil springs and thus preferred. The disadvantage of dependent suspension type is that the wheels are connected to each other and thus whenever there is a bump or rebound at single tire the other tire will also deflect but in the opposite direction thus creating lateral load transfer.

Circumferential Butt Weld Longitudinal Butt Weld

Fig.3: Salisbury Axle Housing Because of this circumferential weld joint only, the braking or driving torque acting on the axle shaft is transferred onto the housing through bearings which produces shear stress on this weld joint. Due to this fact only the Salisbury has a problem of rotating central differential part, as welding is most vulnerable in case of shear stress. So strength of these types of axle housings in case of braking or driving torque is less.

Fig.2: Rigid axle dependent suspension

Axle Housing
The axle housing is a primal part of the leaf spring rear suspension. It not only provides a protective covering to the axle shaft and differential components but also provides a base to leaf spring and shock absorber. The theory related to axle housing is not much extensive but the basic concepts make it quite difficult to understand especially when it comes to the forces. This will be discussed later. Different types are as follows. Salisbury Axle Housing This type of axle housing is circular in cross section throughout its tubular part. There are two main components of which it is composed. The following figure will make you understand better. This type of axle housings is commonly used in vehicles like pickups, SUVs, etc. It has only one big disadvantage that they rotate and break axles under high torque. Salisbury carrier bearings are bolted to the removable centre. When enough tail shaft torque is presented to them the whole Salisbury centre can rotate and cause an axle breakage. The reason to this problem lies in its manufacturing that is the way it is welded which is explained below.

Fig.4: Table 1 From the above table its clearly understood that why Salisbury axle housings break under high torque. It is because of tractive force that produces shear stress on this weld joint and thus welding fails. Banjo Axle Housing This type of axle housing is rectangular in cross section throughout its structure. Because of its resemblance with banjo musical instrument it was named banjo axle housing. There is only one main component of which it is composed. The following figure will make you understand better. This type of axle

housings is generally being employed in vehicles like pickups.

Longitudinal Butt Weld

Fig.5: Banjo Axle Housing The way the welding is done in this, makes it better over others. In this the longitudinal butt weld is done throughout the axle housing. This weld joint will always produce normal stress at the joint and thus less vulnerable as compared to the Salisbury one. This manufacturing advantage plays a major role in determining the strength of banjo and thus makes it better. Now, from the following table it is easy to figure it out that this axle housing type is pretty much safer than Salisbury because bending stress is produced under traction at the weld joint.

comes to the banjo model, there is no data what so ever regarding that. There is no base to start with. So the job is to model the whole banjo axle housing fulfilling each and every constraint of Salisbury model and then to analyze it by CAE. The comparison for both the axle housings is being done using stress analysis in Altair Hypermesh. The first part of project is to start with the inputs collection phase where collection of various inputs is required for theoretical calculations. The company standards have to decide the various CAE cases for which the comparison would be done. Then the job is to identify the various parameters that can affect the calculations. Once this is over, the next target is to do the theoretical calculations so that CAD of the Banjo axle housing can be prepared. These calculations would provide the dimensions of different parameters so that various required iterations can be done. Once CAD model is prepared, the next step is to do stress analysis of both the axle housings to determine that which among them is best. The comparison is done by keeping the Salisbury model as the base model and then iterating the banjo models so that to get the best suited result. Once the results of banjo are obtained then comparison for various iterations is done with Salisbury model (as reference) to check whether the strength remains same or not. Evaluating the final result, comparison for their weights is done that which among them is better in terms of mass since the strength was kept as a fixed entity. So what exactly this research would do is that the analysis of Banjo axle housing design.


For this research work it is necessary to have various CAE cases for both of them based on which the comparison of strength needs to be done. These cases are decided on the basis of different parameters and situations for the axle housing. These parameters belong to the banjo axle housing whose background is unknown. For modelling the Banjo axle housing it is required to have a base structure of Salisbury one so that packaging is done on its basis. The dimensions of the Banjo axle housing are unknown as far as this project is

Fig.6: Table 2

This paper covers the design comparison of both the models theoretically and analytically. Since the Salisbury model is being employed currently, so each and every data is available in the company database itself. But when it

concerned. Eliminate every parameter step by step so as to have minimum number of iterations for the CAD model of this. There can be hundreds and thousands of cases possible overall for carrying out the stress analysis of axle housing ranging from acceleration to cornering to braking to bump and combination of them. On further classification, these situations for low value of gs to high value of gs can be done. So in all, there can be as many as cases possible. But for the projects point of view it has to be very specific not only because of time constraint but also from the students point of view. So important cases are taken and Factor of Safety (FOS) is calculated. These cases are taken for the extreme (or high) value of gs. After studying different practical situations, what inference was made that there could be 10 most important cases (including rest situation as reference) for which strength can be calculated. Now these cases would provide the basis of comparison for both axle housings when it comes to strength and weight. The values of acceleration (or deceleration) are also being provided which are used at the time of calculating the forces on the tires. These are taken as standard (or reference) values and hence they were used with the same values for different iterations (or for different models). Actually these values are used in the company by themselves for the testing of a vehicle and so did in this project for the study vehicle. In a nutshell, the same acceleration or deceleration values were taken for the CAE and the testing of vehicle at design level for any part. They remain as standards set by the company itself for the passenger cars. These values are the extreme conditions that a vehicle can sustain.

overcome them different iterations are employed onto our work. Iterations are used to determine whether the results match with the required ones or not. The whole data calculation was being done using the Microsoft Excel sheet. Actually the purpose of doing calculations in the excel sheet was to develop the formulas within the sheet so as to iterate them easily. Because of these iterations only, the calculation work and CAD always work together. Whenever there is a change in the calculation, the CAD needs to be changed or whenever there is a packaging constraint a change in CAD model is followed by the change in calculation (dimensional change). These two are interdependent on each other as the theoretical data needs to comply with the practical model. The procedure that is followed for calculations is as follows. 1. Figuring out and Fixing the input parameters 2. Forces Calculation Vertical Force Lateral Force Tractive Force 3. Bending and Torsional Moments on housing 4. Resultant Stresses and other output parameters 5. Factor of Safety The approach is to calculate the FOS values for the Salisbury model as various inputs that are required for carrying out calculations are known. Once the FOS values for the Salisbury model are known, then Banjo model becomes next job. By having proper understanding of the packaging constraint outer dimensions of the Banjo model are to be decided. The next thing is the thickness value for this housing. Since this research work is on the design comparison of both the housings, so iterating the thickness value in order to achieve the same values of FOS as in case of Salisbury one. Finally the thickness that was coming out as a result of theoretical calculations for Banjo model is 2.2 mm. Now, this Banjo model needs to be verified through CAE of axle housing model. The calculation part and the modelling part of the project go hand in hand with each other.


This is one of the most interesting and time consuming part of the project. It involves theoretical calculation of forces and subsequently the factor of safety (FOS) values for each and every CAE case being decided for both the models. The calculative work, especially at this level is an iterative measure. Iterative in the sense that there would be many difficulties at different levels, so as to

Similarly in this also, as the iterations are done for calculations, the CAD model is changed or updated according to that or vice versa. Modelling of the existing axle housing i.e. Salisbury one for which the constraints are known, various critical factors have to be kept in mind before reconstructing it.

The foremost thing here is that, iterating the thickness value of Banjo axle housing whenever theres a change in design value, so as to meet the same strength of Salisbury axle housing.

Once CAD of housings is prepared, the next step is to perform CAE of both the models. Now the approach here is that to perform stress analysis of Salisbury axle housing by applying the forces being calculated theoretically (as told earlier). Since this is the existing model, so the results become base (or reference) for us to compare with the results of Banjo axle housing. Just to make it understand much better, CAE result for Salisbury model has been taken for two different cases.

Fig.7: Salisbury Model The next part is one of the toughest phases of project where modelling of Banjo axle housing is done for which I have nothing to start with. But slowly and steadily, modelling of the Banjo axle housing is done by keeping various parameters intact as similar to that of Salisbury model. The point here to be jot down is that it has to construct the model in such a manner that it perfectly fits into suspension of existing vehicle without any packaging constraint. Also at the same time keep the various suspension parameters same as in case of Salisbury model. The point here is that the hard points of suspension, bearing covers, etc cannot be altered. So CAD model is constructed in such a manner such that the bearing covers remain same, the leaf spring base plate inclination remains as such and also the central part of housing has to be exactly similar so that the differential components are arranged similarly and do not coincide with the housing.

Fig.9: Static Bump (Both Tires)

Fig.10: Bump, Cornering and Braking Next is to perform the stress analysis for the Banjo axle housing. Now the model has been prepared based on theoretical calculations in which the thickness is 2.2 mm. The CAE is performed and the results are taken. On comparison it was clearly visible that the model is very much inferior to the Salisbury one. So the next thing was to increase the thickness in such a manner so as to achieve the same strength of Salisbury axle housing. Finally, the Banjo model is iterated and the thickness value is fixed to be 3.0 mm. Based on our iterations, CAE for the 3.0 mm thick Banjo model was performed and results were

Fig.8: Banjo Model

obtained. The main highlight of this part is the iteration which is being done to approximate the thickness of Banjo model. The CAE result for Banjo model for the same above cases are as follows. Fig.13: Cross Sectional changes 2. Similar Central housing part: In both the models, the central differential part is almost same because of the design constraints. In case of Salisbury and Banjo axle housing, the thickness of the central dome structure is 4.0 mm and 3.0 mm respectively. Because of this the strength of Salisbury at the centre of housing increases. In most of the CAE cases it was clearly observable that the maximum stress is appearing at the central differential part only.

Fig.11: Static Bump (Both Tires)

Fig.12: Bump, Cornering and Braking The results for Banjo model are minutely different from that of Salisbury one, which infers that the factor of safety (FOS) for the Salisbury is better than the Banjo. But, there are some critical points that are discussed in the next section which basically explains that why Banjo is still better than Salisbury based on our CAE results and what all problems incur during our analytical procedure.

Fig.14: Central Differential Part 3. Cross sectional variation: Circular cross section always have negligible stress concentration at the boundaries. Whereas, rectangular cross section always have higher stress concentration at the boundaries. For Bump (both tires),


The biggest problem that aroused is the superiority of Salisbury model over Banjo model contradicting the theoretical calculations completely. However on further increasing the thickness will make the Banjo model over designed (mass will increase). After having a long thought some crucial points were figured out that made the difference in the results column. Those points of comparison are as follows. 1. Cross sectional change: There are two cross sectional changes in the Banjo model which are quite abrupt as compared to the single cross sectional change of Salisbury model which is gradual enough.

Fig.15: Cross Sectional Variation So the pith of the discussion is that the Banjo axle housing can be further improved by

rectifying these crucial points. Once the different iterations are done, choose the most appropriate one which could provide most fruitful and substantial results. So finally the 3.0 mm thick Banjo model looked to be most beneficial over others and thus the comparison was done with the Salisbury one. Certain improvements and modifications were also done so as to have more precise results. These include increasing the fillet radii, gradual cross sectional change, etc.

mm thick). With certain modifications, this proposed design of axle housing can be beneficial in terms of materials saving. Thus, the sole purpose of the project which was to analytically prove that banjo axle housing is better than the Salisbury axle housing has been fully served both theoretically and analytically.

The author would like to thank the Industrial Coordinator Mr. Abhishek Atal, Manager, Suspension Design Group, for all his help and encouragement during the project. He has been grateful to him for his continuous moral support and belief. His mentorship had been very kind and patient while suggesting the author about the outlines of this project and elucidating his doubts. The author is thankful to him for his overall supports and cordial behaviour towards him. The author also would like to thank the numerous people who were associated with this project and was great help during this research work.

Now when this has been proved that the Banjo axle housing is better than the Salisbury axle housing, the next thing that comes to mind is the mass of axle housing. If the Banjo model overweighs the Salisbury model then there is no need to switch over, but if vice versa is true then it results in cost benefit. Finally the 3.0 mm thick Banjo axle housing proved to be better than others and thus has an upper hand over Salisbury axle housing. A total of 1.47 kg can be saved, if this axle housing is implemented with certain minute improvements. Its a hell lot of weight that can be saved directly.

1. Dr. Gillespie, Thomas D. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE International (1992) 2. Milliken, W.F. and Milliken, D.L. Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, SAE International (1995) 3. Smith, Carroll. Tune to Win. Fallbrock, CA: Aero Publishers (1978) 4. MSIL Standards 5. David E. Woods and Badih A. Jawad. Numerical Design of Race car Suspension Parameters, Washington, D.C.: SAE International, 1999. 6. Badih A. Jawad and Brian D. Polega, Design of Formula SAE Suspension Components, Motorsports Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana: SAE International, 2002.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. (MSIL) is one of the best automobile manufacturing firms in India. It has got the best products when it comes to small segment cars as compared to its competitors. This research work being done in the R&D provided them fruitful results as the design comparison of axle housings was done for the first time. So, what it has been done would provide some kind of base to them so that they could take this to next level by doing some extensive analysis of both the axle housings. The conclusion of this project is very straightforward that banjo axle housing is much better than the Salisbury axle housing, not only in terms of design and analysis but also in terms of manufacturability as discussed earlier. By implementing this axle housing a lot of weight can be saved. There are some scopes of improvement possible in the proposed design of Banjo axle housing (3.0

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