College of Education SUSON, Jessa Mae O. 3A1

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College of Education

SUSON, Jessa Mae O. 3A1


SPECIFIC LESSON Simple Paragraph
LEARNING OUTCOME/S OR Recognizing Parts of a Simple Paragraph

LEARNING TARGETS At the end of the lesson, students shall;

A. Identify the parts of a simple paragraph
B. Use the parts of simple paragraph
C. Write a simple paragraph.
ASSESSMENT TASK/ACTIVITY Traditional Assessment (Subjective)
Write a simple paragraph on a certain topic and label
each part of a paragraph.
WHY USE THIS ASSESSMENT This is the assessment I have chosen so that I can know
TASK/ACTIVITY? what the child has learned based on their understanding
of the lesson we have discussed. I also decided that
they can label each part of a simple paragraph to for me
to know further on how they understand and absorb the
HOW DOES THIS ASSESSMENT This assessment task or assessment will help me to
TASK/ACTIVITY HELP YOU improve my instruction through its features where I can
IMPROVE YOUR read all of the works of the students and know whether
INSTRUCTION? they can or can’t write a paragraph and know each part
of it.
HOW DOES THIS ASSESSMENT The learning outcome aims to recognize the parts of the
TASK/ACTIVITY HELP YOUR simple paragraph, which in this assessment students
LEARNERS ACHIEVE THE will write their own paragraph. This activity will help
INTENDED LEARNING my students because this assessment aims to determine
OUTCOMES? their ability to write a paragraph and identify its
different parts.

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