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Plan of Investigation

The topic of this project is How Society Impacts Sexual Orientation. This topic was

chosen because I want to be more knowledgeable on how society impacts an individual’s sexual

orientation. I have witnessed sexual orientation discrimination. I have seen males wearing make-

up so others think its okay and started to follow and got bashed.

As a student of English A, I hope this research will help me to obtain further knowledge

on this topic. Secondly, I hope this research will further enhance my analytic, vocabulary and

writing skills. As it will help me to separate what is valid from what is delusive. In order to do so

I will be more engaged n conversations and also reading through articles online.

For this research I intend to use an audio and audio visual along with an article from “The”. I will be using YouTube to source my audios. As a student of English, I will

use my problem solving and analytic skills. To further carry out this research I will be selecting

the necessary pieces needed.


Piece 1

My Article linked below:


Piece 2&3

My Audio Visual linked below:

My audio linked below:

Reflection 1

My emotional response to the article ‘If your sexual orientation is accepted by society

you will be happier and more satisfied’ is that everybody is free to love who they want because

they often get hurt. This article helped me to understand that people in the LGBT community are

on average less satisfied with their lives.

A similar theme was evident in the video ‘Why does society hate gay and lesbian so

much’. The video spoke about gay not being accepted in our society. It also said that gays are

disgusting, it showed me that gays re not being accepted in some parts of the country.

The final piece of data I examined was the song ‘Same love’ by Mackle More. The lines

in the song described that because he kept his room clean his family and others said he is gay. It

also quotes that if he is gay hip hop would hate him. The song helped me to understand that in

today’s society gays are disliked.


Reflection 2

The article ‘If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and

more satisfied with your life’ summarizes how sexual orientation affects society and that

everyone is free to love. I felt ashamed because I’ve always judged them in particular to the

things they do and say. This article used tone and rhetorical questions

In the video ‘Why does society hate gay and lesbian so much’ this piece used standard

English, they also used comparison and mood.

My final piece is ‘Same Love’ this song speaks about a boy that is being judged by his

parents and others for being clean. The artist used standard English throughout the whole song,

the artist also used rhythm as the song was memorable. The artist was emotional it was heard in

his voice.

Reflection 3

This SBA has helped me to improve my communication skills and further develop my

writing skills, it also helped me to conduct my words properly. My writing skills has improved

because I pay keen attention to what I say when I am writing. My SBA has helped me to improve

my writing because of this research.


Written Report

This group was formed by five students who decided that they didn’t want to choose a

common theme. None of them knew what Sexual Orientation meant, so we researched on the

theme and found specific topics that we were interested in. After finding our topics each group

members had to do individual researches to find their 3 pieces which helped us better in

understanding our theme and topic. We decided to choose an article, a song and an audio visual

to our questions on:

1. How teens are treated for being gay

2. How teens cope with how they are treated

We use the process of identifying the problem in all three pieces and developed a thesis for

our questions. In analyzing the pieces, we found out that majority of LGBT are emotionally and

physically abused because they like the same sex. The article titled ‘LGBT Youths’ spoke on

how scared youths are to attend school because of how badly they are treated each day. This

article also informed us that we can create a safer environment by accepting them for who they

are. Further research shows that Jamaica is described as the most homophobic country because

of the high levels of crime in LGBT youths.

LGBT cope by isolating themselves or committing suicide. It was stating in the pieces that they

rather committing suicide than to be who they are because society will never accept them for

loving the same sex.

Lastly, this SBA helped us to improve our understanding on how poorly society treats the

youths because of their sexuality.


Plan of Oral Presentation

Topic: How Society Impacts Sexual Orientation

Genre: Speech

Sources: Diamond Williams (Feb 6, 2015)

Language used: Rhythm to make the message more memorable

Main Idea: LGBT community gets discriminated by society



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