CHP - 4. Chem

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This chapter presents the different results obtain with the interpretation
and discussion of the gathered data and information.

Based on the observation conducted by the researcher, all of the

aforementioned determinants are manifested and that observable on the
chosen group of children or out-of-school youths as participants of the study.
The basis of the observation process was through the conduction of an
assessment, which is an intervention that critically evaluates the behavior of
the chosen participants, its interaction with each other and unto the
environment as a whole. From the data and information gathered, the internal
determinants are said to be that more associated to the chosen respondents of
the study, than the external determinants. Since, the researcher had observed
and found out that the method or approach in teaching really matters, in order
to effectively deliver the information towards the learners, like the use of visual
interactive media on the process of teaching and also the utilization of various
learning materials and interactive science related media like those books,
magazines, encyclopedia, presentation of science outputs and the conduction
of an actual experiments also contributes to an efficient learning process.
However, even if it has been found out that the external determinants, like the
extent of accessibility and the involvement of the LGU and those different
agencies shown a less association to the behavior exhibited by the respondents
still it has also made an impact in the realization of a good quality learning.

Meanwhile, based on the results obtain from the conduction of the

interview process which was composed of a series of close-ended questions
answerable by Yes or No. The researcher had found out that the teaching style
or approach as an Internal determinant had exhibited a strong positive
association as a desirable factor that influences the level of learning of the
participants with a percentage of 90%. Since, out of 15 total number of
population 14 respondents had answered Yes, that they do believe that the way
or approach of a teacher in terms of teaching matters the most in the
achievement of an efficient learning process. Likewise, the utilization of
different interactive science related media and materials contributes to the
realization of an effective learning. On the other hand, the extent of
accessibility of the said program as an External determinant had exhibited a
mere positive relation with a percentage of 60%. Since, a total number of 9
respondents had favored Yes, for they believe that the accessibility affects the
efficiency and effectivity of Mobile Learning while the remaining percentage of
40% had answered No, simply because they perceive that accessibility is just a
normal factor and it is an inevitable situation especially to those people living
in remote areas. Then the involvement of the LGU, Brgy. Officials and other
agencies as an External factor had also shown a positive association with a
percentage of 73%. Because according to the respondents, the presence of the
active participation of the LGU and other related agencies in making the
proposed program to come-up into realization also contributes to an effective
and efficient learning process. Whereas, the remaining percentage of 27%
which was composed of 4 participants had responded No, since they reason out
that it is just part of the duty and responsibility of the LGU to help in the
lessening of the number of cases of those uneducated people or those OSCYs
that is rampant in the present society.

Hence, based from the data interpretation and discussion it could be

inferred that it is the Internal determinants which had exhibited a strong
positive relation that influences the level of learning of an out-of-school youth
compared to the External determinants. It is because external determinants
were just a subordinating factor, or it only affects the outside environment a
participant, unlike the Internal determinants which greatly affects the behavior
of a participant, for instance the way or approach in teaching. Since, the
researcher firmly believe that learning does not matter on the extent of
conduciveness of a certain place for learning but rather on the strategies and
techniques that it is being employed by a teacher unto his/her students for an
effective learning to happen.


My proposed project is entitled Improvised Mobile Kariton: Natural

Laboratory. This project has a core aim which is to lessen the number of cases
of out-of-school youths that it is rampant in the society through the means of
voluntarily extending education for it to be really that accessible at anytime
and anywhere. This improvised project is generally that handy and is manually
operated. Its structural framework is basically composed of metal bars
especially on the construction of the cart. In order for the cart to be mobilized,
a bicycle wheel composed of three was built exactly onto the cart at equal
distant to each other to provide balance and firm foundation to the Mobile
Cart. Meanwhile, the roof section which is connected to the cart was built to
prevent the Natural laboratory from being exposed to direct sunlight and rain,
which will cause certain damages to the different improvised laboratory
apparatuses, interactive science related media and materials present on
laboratory. The roof structure was constructed from metal bars and lumber
that serve as the framework and the galvanized iron (G.I) sheets that serves as
the cover of the roof. On the other hand, the inside part of the Mobile Kariton:
Natural laboratory, is where the cabinets are can be seen and where all the
different natural laboratory related media and materials will be placed
respectively. These cabinets are designed according to the set of interactive
science related media and materials that will be placed like for those
improvised laboratory apparatuses, encyclopedias, books magazines and etc.
The cabinets are built from “hardy flakes” type of plywood, to provide a firm
foundation and would serve as a division in order to sort out properly those
aforementioned media and materials. Then a mini black board will be placed
on the top portion of the cabinet, which was constructed mainly from plywood
and lumber. Finally, a long piece of lumber or wood in pair will be built slightly
inclined unto the cart and would serve as the handler, in order to navigate and
control the motion of the Mobile Cart or Kariton. Indeed, this section of the
research study primarily highlights the importance of entailing the different
specifications attributed to the ideal design of the Mobile Kariton: Natural
laboratory in order to provide a clearer overview about the undertaken project.

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