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Lesson Plan 5

Lesson Context
Date: 11/17/2020
Content Area/Discipline: Grade/age group: Kindergarten
Lesson Title: Five Finger Retell Number of Students:
Estimated Duration: 20 Structure of grouping for the lesson: Check any that apply
Where in the Lesson Segment does this Whole Class __X__
learning experience occur? Small Group _____
(Check One) _Beginning _X_Middle __End One-to-one _____
Individual _____
Other (specify) ____________

Central Focus
Retelling a story shows reading comprehension. Reading fluency is the student’s ability to read the words on
the page. Reading comprehension is showing they understand what they are reading. The five finger retell is
one of the ways to show reading comprehension.

Measurable Behavioral Objectives

After listening to the story, each child shows with their thumbs if they agree or disagree with the characters
and setting of the story, showing understanding 6 out 6 story elements.

After discussion, the students will each show their understanding of the story by pretending to be the
gingerbread man and following the plot of the story, getting 3 out of 3 elements.

During independent worktime, each student will complete the picture-sorting activity retelling the 3 story
parts (beginning, middle, end) with 100% accuracy.

Curriculum Standards
Common Core State Standards

With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.

Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the
topics and texts under discussion).

Language Demands
 Listening: The student will listen to each other during discussions. The students will listen to the
story read to them.
 Reading: N/A
 Speaking: The students will fill out the five finger graphic organizer, separated in multiple slides.
 Writing: N/A
 Viewing: The students will view the story.
 Visual Representation: The students are provided many visuals from the story.
Academic vocabulary

Instructional Procedures (Anticipatory Set, Modeling, Guided Practice, Collaborative Practice,

Independent Practice, Closure)
Anticipatory Set
1. Start the lesson with stating the learning and behavior target. Then have the students repeat the
learning target.
2. Introducing the Five Finger retell concept.
3. Showing the visual of a five finger retell and putting up your hand.
4. Pointing to each finger and saying the concept like pointing to your thumb and saying characters.
Next finger the setting, then the begging, middle, and end.
5. Then introduce the book by telling the student to look for these things in the story of the
gingerbread man.
6. Play the video of the gingerbread man.
7. Review the five finger components
Guided Practice
8. Next slide showing the characters.
9. Ask students for characters from the story.
10. The next slide is the setting
11. Ask the students about the setting of the story.
12. The next slide is about the beginning, middle, end.
13. There are 3 visuals to show beginning, middle and end.
14. Describe the visuals, the old lady baked the gingerbread man, the gingerbread man ran fast, and
the fox ate the gingerbread man.
15. Ask the students what happened in the begging, middle and end. (separately)
16. After the chart is complete have the students repeat.
- In the beginning: The old lady made the gingerbread man. In the Middle: the gingerbread
man ran from fast. In the end: the fox ate the gingerbread man.
17. Now the students will retell the story in motion.
18. Have the students stand up and pretended to be the gingerbread man.
19. You will narrate the story by saying the beginning, middle, and end. While doing the motions.
20. Visuals also show the different parts of the story.
21. Bring the students back to their seats.
22. Show the learning targets again and ask the students if they achieved their target.

Differentiation for Individual Needs

Special Needs
Visual representation of the story will help provided a connection for children that need it.
The students will repeat vocabulary and phrases.

English Lanuage Learners

The information provided will be in chunks and simplest form.

Learning Styles
Visual learners- Students are seeing many parts of the story throughout the lesson.
Auditory learners- For auditory learners they will hear the main vocabulary in contexts.
Verbal learners- For students who learn through discussion and repetition connecting the story with the five
finger retell.

Advanced Students

Advanced students will who know the beginning, middle, and end of the story without the visuals.


5 Finger Retell Rubric

Proficient Emerging Beginning
Thumbs The student The student The student
response response response
up/down correctly to correctly to incorrectly to all of
all of the half of the the questions.
questions. questions.
Independently The student The student The student
correctly correctly correctly sorts 1-0
Retelling Sort sorts 3 parts sorts 2 parts parts of the story.
of the story. of the story.



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