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Home country
Which part of your country do you want to live in?
Although I was born and raised in Hanoi, if I had to choose, I would go for/opt for
…. as my living destination.
I would like to live in the heart of the city where I could enjoy/ relish better
opportunities, be it employment, education or healthcare services, you name it.
In fact, the economy in megacities is relatively thriving, meaning that there are
much more job opportunities/vacancies for employees. Also, since most public
schools are subsidized by the governments, children could access to cutting-edge
teaching equipment and qualified teachers. Lastly, I believe that it is easier to
seek medical treatment in urban centers as there is a growing number of
hospitals and clinics introduced there, which provide effective and timely

What makes you feel proud of your country?

My city/ country boasts rich culture (cultural and historical sites)/
the cuisine (scrumptious/ superb/ phenomenal) – street food/ food stall/ street
the people (symbols of diligence/ persistence/ devotion)

Do you know the history of your country well?

The question really puts me on the spot as I don’t know the first thing about
domestic/ national history. To tell the truth, I have to confess that I don’t have a
knack for learning history and I find all of the lessons are really mundane and
However, if my memory serves me right, I could name some of the historical
heritage … you name it which I believe they are of paramount importance to the
national history. They are the cultural and historical landmarks that indicate the
sacrifice of our forefathers to gain the independence and the sovereignty over
other enemies.
Will you stay in Vietnam in the future?
Actually, I am still a high school student so I have not thought about it before. /
Regarding the topic, I have never ever give it a thought and there are many
considerations that I make me find it hard to make up my mind. On the one hand,
I think that living overseas is fascinating as it allows me to have chances to be
exposed to exotic cultures, the people from different nationalities, and better job
opportunities. (Eg: America offers high living standards accompanied with career
prospects). By contrast, relocating/migrating to/ settling down in another country
could also result in many problems, be it culture shock or language barriers, and a
sense of loneliness.

The area you live in

Do you like the area that you live in?
Paraphrase LIKE
I find some rewarding aspects when living in my area.
+ entertainment facilities/ complexes: shopping malls (offers a variety of brand
names, from the lowbrow to high-end ones) + dining options (restaurants where
they serve lavish meals while pavement stores provide street food with more
affordable prices) + the cinema (equipped with flat screens and cutting-edge
technology which makes blockbusters more realistic and authentic)
+ There are some aspects that are not desirable: traffic congestion is ubiquitous.
The inhabitants are usually suffer/face massive/serious traffic jam, especially in
the rush hours. Besides, air pollution is another issue that many citizens have to
encounter. This is because there are several factories located in urban areas,
which are releasing clouds of exhaust fumes into the atmosphere on a regular

What are some changes in the area recently?

Without a doubt, there have been considerable changes that have taken place in
my neighborhood.
Over 20 years ago, I noticed that there were not many people living in the area
and the traffic was not rarely an issue. However, due to the population explosion
and the rural-urban migration, gridlock and lengthy delays are becoming more
serious than ever before.
Do you know any famous people in your area?
Actually, because I am a student so I am always up to my ears in exercise and
exams which leave me little time to care much about the neighbors.
If my memory serves me correctly, I have seen a celebrity/ have not seen any
celebrity in the vicinity.
I have seen a celebrity, he/she is a prominent ….(singer/ author). He/ she has
acquired a reputation for … (ability structure)
I have not seen any superstars nearby my house because this is a quite secluded
area so I think that it is not so appealing to famous people.

Where do you like to go in that area?

Recreational facilities
• First of all/ Firstly/ For one thing/ I would like to kick off by saying that/
The first thing that springs to my mind is that
• Secondly/ On top of that/ Moreover/ Besides
• You name it = so on.  I am a fan of outdoor activities, from football to
volleyball, you name it.
• simply because ...
• It helps me to + V
• It is a great way for me to + V
• It allows/ enables me to +V
I am passionate about going swimming simply because it is a great way for me to
keep fit and stay away from a sedentary lifestyle.

• A great/ majority/ minority + number/ amount + sth
• A sheer number/ amount of sth
• An abundance of sth
• A variety of sth
• A wide range of sth/ a wide selection of sth
• Loads of sth
• A wealth of information/ experience/ knowledge
• To be knowledgeable about
• To have expertise in  In this day and age, I believe that those who have
expertise in technology could have more chances to land a good job.
• To have a knack for  I don’t have a knack for playing musical instruments.
But, if I had a chance, I want to have a crack at learning the piano/ I want to
give playing piano a shot/try.
• To be cut out for something  I think that I am cut out for singing/
drawing. I can pass the exams with ease.
• Something is my strong suit  Learning English is my strong suit. I have an
innate talent for learning vocabulary since I was a child.
• Something is/has been in sb’s blood  Although I don’t have a knack for
studying maths, my brother, on the other hand, I reckon studying maths
has been in his blood.

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