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Student Name :Sejal Hiwarkar
Head-Coordinator Name :
Organization : Cureya

Hours Worked : Monday 1 hour, Tuesday

Wednesday 1hour , Thursday 1hour , Friday
Saturday Going on .
Summarize your thoughts regarding your internship this week. Include
duties you have performed, facts, and procedures you have learned,
skills you have mastered, and observations you have made.

on day 1
I learn about the Difference between AI, ML, DS i.e AI means we
make machine to think like a human brain and ML is the subset ofAI
.ML is basically means that we used to predict the data and analysis
data through sklearn library i.e using Python and DS means to train
the machine learning algorithm ,test the data through train- test

on 2 day I learn the Python library i.e used for ML and in DS like
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, sklearn to use the different
algorithm. Also to use github.
on 3 day I apply the learning on the jupyter Notebook and Implement
what I learn through this Python Library and execute the program. I
explore the software by trying various programs.

on 4 day I learn the what is the Supervised learning algorithm i.e

Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree etc and what
is unsupervised learning algorithm in Machine learning i.e Clustering
the data

on 5 day I learn about some Linear regression i.e Cost

function,Straight line fit line,How to reduce a cost function and basics
about statisctics and implement the algorithm.

Student Signature Date :02/07/2021

Head- coordinator Signature __ _Date :

Instructions: After the completed report has been signed by both the
student and Head-coordinator, the head-coordinator shall scan the form to a
pdf format and email it to the Director-1 ( of the
company. Specific problems, concerns or suggestions from either the student/
head-coordinator should be emailed separately to the C.E.O.( of
the company.

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