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Predicting Flexible Pavement Structural Response Using Falling

Weight Deflectometer Deflections

A thesis presented to

the faculty of

the Russ College of Engineering and Technology of Ohio University

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree

Master of Science

Jianfeng Qin

June 2010

© 2010 Jianfeng Qin. All Rights Reserved.

This thesis titled

Predicting Flexible Pavement Structural Response Using Falling

Weight Deflectometer Deflections



has been approved for

the Department of Civil Engineering

and the Russ College of Engineering and Technology by

Shad M. Sargand

Russ Professor of Civil Engineering

Dennis Irwin

Dean, Russ College of Engineering and Technology


QIN, JIANFENG, M.S., June 2010, Civil Engineering

Predicting Flexible Pavement Structural Response Using Falling Weight Deflectometer

Deflections (94 pp.)

Director of Thesis: Shad M. Sargand

This thesis presents a model to predict the pavement response using Falling

Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection data for asphalt concrete (AC) pavement.

Evercalc 5.0 and Elmod 6.0 were chosen to conduct the backcalculation of pavement

layer moduli using FWD deflections. Everstress 5.0 was used to do the forward

calculation using backcalculated layer moduli. Predicted pavement responses (tensile

strain at the bottom of the AC layer) were compared to the measured pavement responses

from U.S. Route 30 to check the validity and accuracy of the selected prediction model.

The predicted results show a good agreement with the measured responses. A comparison

between FWD and truck load conditions was also conducted. The results show that FWD

can accurately simulate the magnitude and the duration of a moving single wheel load.

Approved: _____________________________________________________________

Shad M. Sargand

Russ Professor of Civil Engineering


First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for my advice, Dr.

Shad M. Sargand for his support, help and guidance during my graduate study. I would

also give my deep appreciation for my committee members Dr. Sang-Soo Kim, Dr.

Deborah McAvoy, and Dr. Gaurav Sinha for their valuable time, help and suggestions. I

would like to thank Issam Khoury and David Beegle for their help on collecting and

analyzing the pavement response data.

Next, I would like to extend thanks to CE graduate students David Keatley, David

Padilla-Llano, Jose Antonio, Aziz Ahmad Gulistani, Abdalla Alrawashdeh, Farid

Momand and Hanxiao. Thanks for their help and accompany during my master’s study. I

also want to thank all professors and classmates who helped me during my study in


Finally, I would like to thank the friends I made in Athens. Thank you for

accompanying me through the good and bad times. I also want to express my deep

gratitude to my parents who always loved, supported and encouraged me.



Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... 4 

List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 8 

List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 9 

Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 12 

1.1. Background ............................................................................................................ 12 

1.2. Pavement Types and Design .................................................................................. 12 

1.3. Objective of the Study ........................................................................................... 14 

1.4. Outline ................................................................................................................... 15 

Chapter 2: Literature Review ............................................................................................ 17 

2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 17 

2.2. Flexible Pavements Structural Response Models .................................................. 19 

2.2.1. Boussinesq’s equations ................................................................................... 19 

2.2.2. Two-layer Theory ........................................................................................... 22 

2.2.3. Multi-Layer Theory ........................................................................................ 25 

2.2.4. Multi-Layer Computer Programs .................................................................... 27 

2.2.5. Finite Element Method ................................................................................... 28 

2.3. Summary ................................................................................................................ 29 

Chapter 3: Falling Weight Deflectometer Testing and Backcalculation .......................... 30 

3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 30 

3.2. Falling Weight Deflectometer ............................................................................... 30 

3.3. Backcalculation ...................................................................................................... 32 

3.4. Backcalculation Programs ..................................................................................... 34 

3.4.1. Evercalc 5.0..................................................................................................... 34 

3.4.2. Modulus 6.0 .................................................................................................... 35 

3.4.3 Elmod 6.0 ......................................................................................................... 36 

3.5. Summary ................................................................................................................ 37 

Chapter 4: Experimental Site – U.S. Route 30 Demonstration Project ............................ 38 

4.1. Site Description...................................................................................................... 38 

4.2. Introduction of Perpetual Pavement ...................................................................... 40 

4.3. Instrumentation Plan of AC Sections..................................................................... 42 

Chapter 5: Predict Pavement Response Using FWD Deflections .................................... 48 

5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 48 

5.2. FWD Deflection and Pavement Response Data .................................................... 49 

5.3. Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli ......................................................... 50 

5.4. Forward Calculation .............................................................................................. 61 

5.5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 64 

Chapter 6: Comparison Between FWD and Truck Loading Conditions .......................... 65 

6.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 65 

6.2. Controlled Load Vehicle Testing ........................................................................... 65 

6.3. Comparison of FWD and CLV test ....................................................................... 67 

6.3.1. Magnitude of Longitudinal Tensile Strain ...................................................... 67 

6.3.2. Response time of Longitudinal Tensile Strain ................................................ 75 

6.4. Summary ................................................................................................................ 76 

Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................... 78 

7.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 78 

7.2. Recommendations .................................................................................................. 79 

References ......................................................................................................................... 81 

Appendix A: Deflection Data Report .............................................................................. 85 

Appendix B: Strain Responses in FWD Tests and CLV tests ......................................... 88 
Table 2.1 Boussinesq’s equations for a concentrated load (Ullidta, 1998). ..................... 21 

Table 2.2 Multi-layer Computer Programs ....................................................................... 28 

Table 4.1 Perpetual Pavement Built-Up (Liao, 2007) ...................................................... 40 

Table 4.2 Pavement Data Acquisition Instrumentation .................................................... 43 

Table 5.1 Typical ranges of resilient modulus and Poisson’s ratio. ................................. 52 

Table 5.2 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Evercalc 5.0. ................................... 53 

Table 5.3 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 FEM. ............................. 54 

Table 5.4 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 LET. .............................. 55 

Table 5.5 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 MET.............................. 56 

Table 5.6 Predicted and measured strain values at the bottom of asphalt laye. ................ 63 

Table 6.1 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under Single Axle Truck (Rear

Axle) ................................................................................................................. 71 

Table 6.2 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under Tandem Axle Truck (Front

Axle) ................................................................................................................. 71 

Table 6.3 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under FWD loading.................. 72 

Table 6.4 Ratio of the strains at the bottom of FRL layer under FWD loadings to the

maximum strains under controlled load vehicle loadings ................................ 73 

Table 6.5 Strains at the bottom of FRL layer caused by the front axle of single axle truck

(5950lbs)........................................................................................................... 74 

Table 6.6 Strains at the bottom of FRL layer caused by the front axle of tandem axle

truck (8550lbs). ................................................................................................ 74 



Figure 2.1: Critical locations in flexible pavement (Muench, et al., 2003). ..................... 18 

Figure 2.2: Notation for Boussinesq’s equations in polar coordinates (Ullidta, 1987). ... 20 

Figure 2.3: Burmister’s two layer system (Burmister, 1943). .......................................... 23 

Figure 2.4: Boundary and continuity conditions of Burmister’s two layer system

(Burmister, 1943). ......................................................................................... 24 

Figure 2.5: Notation for multi-layer elastic model in cylindrical coordinates (Huang,

2004). ............................................................................................................. 27 

Figure 3.1: Dynatest Model 8000 Falling Weight Deflectometer (Dynatest). ................. 31 

Figure 3.2: Schematic of FWD load and deflection measurement. .................................. 32 

Figure 3.3: Backcalculation Flowchart (Lytton, 1989). .................................................... 34 

Figure 4.1: Plan view of the U.S. Route 30 perpetual pavement project (Source: Google

map). .............................................................................................................. 39 

Figure 4.2: Perpetual pavement design concept (HMA = hot-mix asphalt). (Newcomb,

2001) .............................................................................................................. 41 

Figure 4.3: Instrumentation Plan of AC Section 876A. .................................................... 44 

Figure 4.4: Instrumentation Plan of AC Section 876B. .................................................... 45 

Figure 4.5: Dynatest PAST II – AC strain gauges ............................................................ 46 

Figure 5.1: The process of predicting pavement response based on FWD deflections. ... 49 

Figure 5.2: Typical pavement surface deflection basins for different FWD load levels. . 50 

Figure 5.3: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Surface Layer from different

backcalculation methods. .............................................................................. 57 

Figure 5.4: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Intermediate Layer from different

backcalculation methods. .............................................................................. 58 

Figure 5.5: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Base Layer from different

backcalculation methods. .............................................................................. 59 

Figure 5.6: Comparison of estimated moduli for Aggregate Layer from different

backcalculation methods. .............................................................................. 60 

Figure 5.7: Comparison of estimated moduli for Subgrade from different backcalculation

methods. ........................................................................................................ 61 

Figure 6.1: Tire loads and axle characteristics of Single Axle truck for CLV test. ......... 66 

Figure 6.2: Tire loads and axle characteristics of Tandem Axle truck for CLV test. ....... 66 

Figure 6.3: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer caused by single

axle truck in CLV tests. ................................................................................. 68 

Figure 6.4: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer caused by

tandem axle truck in CLV tests. .................................................................... 69 

Figure 6.5: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer in FWD tests. 69 

Figure 6.6: Comparison of strain responses under FWD loading and truck loading at the

same level of loads. ....................................................................................... 75 

Figure 6.7: Average duration of the impulses under different loading conditions. .......... 76 

Figure B.1: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 5). ................................ 88 

Figure B.2: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 6). ................................ 88 

Figure B.3: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 8). ................................ 89 

Figure B.4: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 9). ................................ 89 

Figure B.5: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 13). .............................. 90 
Figure B.6: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 16). .............................. 90 

Figure B.7: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 5 mph). ............ 91 

Figure B.8: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 25 mph). .......... 91 

Figure B.9: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 45 mph). .......... 92 

Figure B.10: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 55 mph). ........ 92 

Figure B.11: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 5 mph). ....... 93 

Figure B.12: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 25 mph). ..... 93 

Figure B.13: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 45 mph). ..... 94 

Figure B.14: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 55 mph). ..... 94 

1.1. Background

The highway system serves as an important factor to a country’s economic

development and defense. In United States, the national highway system includes

approximately 162,000 miles of roadway, which carry more than seventy-five percent of

heavy truck traffic and ninety percent of tourist traffic (AASHO, 2007). Due to the

tremendous increases of the highway traffic volumes in the last twenty years, highway

pavement failures occurred earlier than expected. Rehabilitation or reconstruction is

important and necessary to maintain a good condition of highway system. Every year, the

state and federal government spend billions of dollars on the construction and

maintenance of highway pavements. During the period of 1995 to 2004, about 900 billion

dollars were spent on the highway construction and maintenance (FHWA, 2004). With

the aging of the highway infrastructure, a large portion of the highway system built

during the 1950s and 1960s need major rehabilitation or reconstruction which will cost

billions of dollars. Efforts continue to be made to improve pavement analysis and design

methods will result in cost-effective improvement in pavement construction and

rehabilitation (Tayabji, et al, 2000).

1.2. Pavement Types and Design

Basically, pavements can be divided into three types: flexible pavements, rigid

pavements and composite pavements. A flexible pavement typically consists of a hot-mix

asphalt (HMA) wearing course, an intermediate asphalt course and one or more base and
subbase courses. It is called “flexible pavement” because the structure of pavement will

flex under the load (Yoder et al., 1975). A rigid pavement, also known as Portland

Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement is composed of a PCC slab surface, a base course

directly under the PCC layer and a subbase course below the base layer. Since the PCC

material has a high elastic modulus, this type of pavement is much stiffer than the flexible

pavement. A composite pavement is basically a rigid pavement overlain with an asphalt

concrete layer. Because of the high construction cost, composite pavements are rarely

constructed initially (Huang, 2004). Most of composite pavements are rehabilitated

pavements with asphalt overlays on PCC pavement (Huang, 2004). In United States,

about 82.2 percent of paved roads are flexible pavements, 11.3 percent are composite

pavements and only 6.5 percent of the paved roads are rigid pavements (Muench, et al.,

2003). Since most of the paved roads are flexible pavements, this research will mainly

focus on flexible pavements.

The purpose of pavement design is to select a series of material layers to comprise

a pavement structure which can carry an estimated volume of traffic for a specified

design life. There are two principal pavement design methods: Empirical methods and

mechanistic methods. The empirical methods are used in many pavement structural

design procedures. They are developed based on empirical studies of pavement materials

and structures. The 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures used an

empirical approach and it is still widely used by most of the states. The mechanistic

methods are based on physical principles. Pavement response models are the backbone of

the mechanistic approach. By using pavement response models, the stresses, strains, and

deflections in the pavement structure can be calculated.

The Mechanistic-Empirical design procedure is the most advanced pavement

design method. It combines the advantages of both mechanistic approach and empirical

approach. After calculate the stresses, strains and deflections using the mechanistic

approach, engineers use empirical elements to determine what value of calculated stresses

and strains can cause pavement failure. In 2004, the National Cooperative Highway

Research Program (NVHRP) released a new pavement design guide, the Mechanistic-

Empirical Design Guide (MEPDG) for New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures. By

using this guide, more reliable pavement structures can be designed by pavement


1.3. Objective of the Study

In flexible pavements, fatigue cracking is one of the major distresses caused by

repeated traffic loading. Extensive researches have been conducted on fatigue cracking

and many models have been developed using empirical and mechanistic-empirical

approaches to predict the fatigue failure for asphalt concrete. In most of these models,

fatigue failure is correlated to the critical tensile strain at the bottom of HMA layer and

the elastic modulus of the asphalt concrete layer. So engineers can predict fatigue failure

in asphalt concrete layer using the horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of HMA layer.

The value of the horizontal tensile strain can be determined using the pavement response


The major objective of this study is following:

1. Conduct a review of available pavement structural response models and

pavement analysis softwares.

2. Select suitable structural analysis softwares to predict the pavement response

(horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer) based on the

deflection data from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Tests. Compare the

predicted results with available measured data and check the validity and

accuracy of the selected structural analysis programs

3. Compared the loading condition between the FWD loading and truck loading

based on the test results from Controlled Load Vehicle (CLV) tests and FWD


1.4. Outline

The report is structured in the following format to effectively present information

and data clearly.

In Chapter 2, a briefly review of the major theoretical structural response models

and structural analysis programs for flexible pavements is presented. The most commonly

used structural response model is multi-layer elastic model.

Chapter 3 presents a briefly introduction about the perpetual pavement and the U.S.

30 perpetual pavement project along with its design and instrumentation plans for asphalt

concrete sections. Falling Weight Deflectometer deflection data and pavement response

data collected from AC section of U.S 30 perpetual pavement were used in this research.

Chapter 4 introduces Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and the

backcalculation method to calculate the elastic moduli of pavement layers using

pavement surface deflections. Several commonly used backcalculation programs are also

described in this chapter.

In Chapter 5, the process to predict the pavement response (tensile strain at the

bottom of HMA layer) based on FWD deflections is introduced. Comparisons between

the predicted and measured values of pavement response are also presented in this


Chapter 6 compares the loading condition between FWD test and controlled load

vehicle (CLV) test. The FWD tests and CLV tests were conducted at the same location

on the same day. So the environment effects can be ignored.

Finally, the conclusion and recommendations are presented in Chapter 7.



2.1. Introduction

In flexible pavement analysis, there are three elements should be considered:

• Theoretical structural response model,

• Material properties,

• External conditions (traffic loading, environment condition).

Theoretical structural response models are developed to examine the response

(deflection, strain, stress) of the pavement under the traffic loads based on a continuum

mechanics approach. Responses at some critical locations are often used in pavement

analysis. For instance, the horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer can

be used to predict the fatigue failure in the asphalt. The compression strain at the top of

intermediate layer is used to predict rutting failure (Muench, et al., 2003). The critical

locations in a pavement structure are shown in figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1: Critical locations in flexible pavement (Muench, et al., 2003).

Material properties include three aspects: the strain and stress relationship of the

material, the degree to recover strain after stress removal, and the time and temperature

dependency of strain. Based on these three aspects, materials can be categorized into

linear or nonlinear, elastic or plastic, viscous or nonviscous.

External conditions include pavement traffic loading and environmental conditions.

They are two main distress mechanisms which affect the performance of pavement. In

pavement structural analysis, temperature and moisture content are the most important

environmental parameters. For example, thermal cracking is a result of temperature effect

on pavement. It usually occurs at extremely low temperatures during the winter. Stripping

is a result of the moisture damage. It is caused by the interaction between the moisture

and asphalt binder-aggregate adhesion (Muench, et al., 2003).

In this study, author will focus on the theoretical structural response models for

pavement analysis. The environmental conditions will not be considered and the

properties of the materials are assumed to be linear elastic. In the following sections,

literature is reviewed on the available structural response models for flexible pavement.

2.2. Flexible Pavements Structural Response Models

2.2.1. Boussinesq’s equations

The first pavement response model was developed by J. Boussinesq (1885). He

examined the pavement’s response to a load and proposed a series of equations called

Boussinesq’s equations. These equations can be used to calculate stresses, strains, and

deflections subjected to a concentrated load. In this model, Boussinesq assumed the

pavement layer is a homogeneous, isotropic, linear elastic half space. Figure 2.2 presents

the notation in polar coordinates for Boussinesq’s equations. z is the depth and r is the

horizontal distance between the load P and the point where the responses are desired.

Table 2.1 lists some of the Boussinesq’s equations for a point load P.

Figure 2.2: Notation for Boussinesq’s equations in polar coordinates (Ullidta, 1987).
Table 2.1 Boussinesq’s equations for a concentrated load (Ullidta, 1998).
Normal Stresses

1 2·
3· ·  
2· · 1
1 2 1
2· · 1

2· ·
Normal Strains
1 1 2·
 3 · 3 2· ·
2 1
1 1 2·
2 1
 3 · 2· ·
Shear Stress

· ·
2· ·
Shear Strain

· ·
1 1 2· ·
2 1
 2 · 1

Boussinesq’s signal layer model is probably the simplest model of a pavement

structure. It is developed originally for a static concentrated load. Later, equations for a

uniformly distributed load were derived by integration. Although the assumptions in this

model seem to be hypothetical and unrealistic, many researches have shown that there is
a good correlation between computed deflections by Boussinesq’s equations and the

measured deflections (Yang, 1972). The biggest advantage of this model is its simplicity

and it provides the basis for several pavement structural models which are currently being


2.2.2. Two-layer Theory

A Typical flexible pavement is usually composed of several layers. Therefore,

Boussineq’s signal layer model cannot accurately simulate the flexible pavement

structure, a better model is need for flexible pavement analysis. In 1943, Burmister (1943)

developed solutions for a two layer flexible pavement. In his model, certain essential

assumptions were made in order to compute the stresses, strains, and deflection.

The hypotheses made by Burmister in two layer elastic theory include (Burmister


• The material in each layer is homogeneous, isotropic, and linear elastic with

an elastic modulus E and Poisson’s ratio .

• The lateral direction of the surface layer is infinite in extent while the vertical

direction has a finite depth. Both the horizontal and vertical directions of the

bottom layer are infinite in extent.

• All layers have a uniform thickness. The material at each layer is weightless.

• The layers are in continuous contact. Stresses and strains are continuous

across boundaries.

• Shearing forces are not present in the surface. Loads applied on the pavement

are represented by the uniformly distributed pressure.

• The dynamic and thermal effects are not considered.

Figure 2.3: Burmister’s two layer system (Burmister, 1943).


Figure 2.4: Boundary and continuity conditions of Burmister’s two layer system

(Burmister, 1943).
In Burmister’s theory, stresses and deflections depend on the modular ratio (E1/E2),

where E1 is the modular of the surface layer and E2 is the modular of the subgrade layer.

Burmister (1958) developed a chart for computer surface deflections in a two-layer

system. The equations to computer the deflections are following (Burmister, 1958):

Deflection under a flexible plate: ∆  1.5   F


Deflection under a rigid plate:  ∆  1.18   F


Where p is the united load on circular plate,

a is the radius of plate,

E2 is the elastic modulus of lower layer,

F2 is the deflection factor depend on the values of E1/E2 and a/h1, h1 is the

thickness of the surface layer.

2.2.3. Multi-Layer Theory

In order to build a better model for flexible pavements, Burmister (1945) extended

his two layer theory to a three layer system. Later in 1951, Acum and Fox developed the

exact solutions of normal and radial stresses in a three layer system based on Burmister’s

theory. The hypotheses in Burmister’s theory were also used in their models. Later,

Acum and Fox’s solutions were extended by Jones (1962) and Peattie (1962) to a much

wider range of solution parameters. Jones (1962) developed solutions for horizontal

stresses in three-layer systems. Peattie (1962) presented graphical solutions for vertical

stresses. A poisson’s ratio of 0.5 was used for all layers in these researches.

In the same year, Schiffman presented a solution of stresses and displacements in a

multi-layer elastic system. This was considered to be a significant breakthrough in

flexible pavement analysis. In previous researches, the load types are limited to a point

load or a uniformly distributed load, the responses due to the Non-uniform loads and

tangential loads were not considered. Using Schiffman’s theory, the stresses and

displacement under different kinds of load such as non-uniform loads, tangential loads,

rigid loads were able to be computed. Figure 2.5 shows the notation for Multi-layer

elastic model in cylindrical coordinates. Each layer has its elastic modular (E), Poisson’s

ratio ( ) and thickness.


Figure 2.5: Notation for multi-layer elastic model in cylindrical coordinates (Huang,


2.2.4. Multi-Layer Computer Programs

With the development of computer technology, many computer programs were

developed for pavement analysis based on the multi-layer elastic theory. The available

computer programs which can be used in pavement analysis and design include: BISAR,

CHEVRON, KENLAYER, ELSYM5, Everstress and WESLEA. Typically these

softwares are able to compute the stresses, strains, and deflections under a circular
surface loads. The inputs of these softwares include: material properties (modulus and

poisson’s ratio), layer thickness, and load conditions (magnitude of load, radius, or

contact pressure). The outputs include stresses, strains, and deflections.

Table 2.2 Multi-layer Computer Programs 

Programs Developer Description
Developed based on linear elastic theory. BISAR 3.0 can be
used to calculate comprehensive stress and strain profiles,
BISAR Shell Oil Co.
deflections, and slip between the pavement layers via a shear
spring compliance at the interface.

Chevron research Developed based on linear elastic theory. The program can
company accept more than 10 layers and up to 10 wheel loads.

Developed based on Burmister’s elastic layered theory. It can

KENLAYER Yang H. Huang be used to compute the responses for maximum of 19 layers
with an output of 190 points.
Developed based on linear elastic theory. The program can
ELSYM5 FHWA analyze a pavement structure containing up to five layers, 20
multiple wheel loads.
The program can be used to determine the stresses, strains, and
University of deflections in a layered elastic system (semi-infinite) under
Washington circular surface loads. The program is able to analyze up to five
layers, 20 loads and 50 evaluation points.

U.S. Army Corps The current version can analyze more than 10 layers with more
of Engineers than 10 loads.

2.2.5. Finite Element Method

The finite element method is a numerical method which can be used for analysis

of stress, strain and displacement in a pavement structure. ILLI-PAVE, developed by

Raad and Fifueroa (1980), is a 2-D finite element program commonly used for analysis of
flexible pavements. The advantage of this 2-D finite element program is that it allows the

use nonlinear constitutive relationships which can describe nonlinear elastic, visco-elastic,

or plastic behavior. Another finite element program called 3D-Move was developed by

Siddharthan et al. (1998) based on continuum mechanics. The advantage of finite element

method is that it can evaluate the dynamic response of flexible pavements. Many other

finite element programs (such as CAPA-3D, CESAR-LCPC, Mich-PAVE, and FeBack)

were developed for analysis of flexible pavement. Due to the complicated nature of finite

element method, the finite element programs are only suited for forward analysis of

pavement structures. The backcalculation of elastic modulus based on surface deflections

is unable to accomplish by using these programs.

2.3. Summary

Currently, the multi-layer elastic theory is the most commonly used pavement

structural model in pavement design and analysis. In this research, the multi-layer elastic

theory was used both in the moduli backcalculation process and the forward calculation

process. Detailed information about backcalculation and forward calculation will be

introduced in Chapter 3.



3.1. Introduction

Pavement surface deflection measurement plays an indispensable role in

evaluating a flexible pavement structure. It can be used to monitor the pavement

performance, calculate the pavement layer moduli and the subgrade resilient modulus,

and identify potential problem areas in the pavement. Many nondestructive deflection

testing equipments are available for pavement engineers. These equipments can be

divided into three categories: static deflections (Benkelman Beam), steady state

deflections (Dynaflect and Road Rater), impact load deflections (Falling Weight


This chapter will introduce the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and the

backcalculation method to calculate the elastic moduli of pavement layers based on

surface deflections.

3.2. Falling Weight Deflectometer

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is a nondestructive test device widely used

in pavement engineering. It plays an important role in evaluating the physical properties

and performance of a pavement. The main components of a FWD system include: control

system, hydraulic system, loading weight and plate, load cell and deflection sensors.

Figure 3.1: Dynatest Model 8000 Falling Weight Deflectometer (Dynatest).

During the test, the FWD applies a load to the pavement surface by dropping a

large weight onto a load plate positioned on the pavement surface. This load simulates

the magnitude and duration of a moving wheel load. The pavement response (surface

deflection) due to the load is then measured by a series of deflection sensors mounted at

various distances from the loading point (one sensor is located directly over the loading

point). Usually, the deflections are measured at 0 inch, 8 inches, 12 inches, 18 inches, 24

inches, 36 inches and 60 inches away from the center of the loading plate. The measured

deflections at each sensor called deflection basin. Figure 3.2 shows a schematic of FWD

load and deflection measurement.


Figure 3.2: Schematic of FWD load and deflection measurement.

The advantages of FWD test include: it is accurately simulated the traffic load, it

is quicker (can test up to 60 points in an hour) and can be operated by one person. The

loading range of a FWD varies from 1,500 to 27,000 lbf (Dynatest, 2009).

3.3. Backcalculation

Backcalculation is the process of computing pavement layer moduli and the

subgrade resilient modulus based on pavement deflection basins generated by Falling

Weight Deflectometer (Muench, et al., 2003). In order to conduct a backcalculation, the

initial moduli of pavement layers should be first assumed, the values are usually

estimated base on engineer’s experience or equations. After assuming the initial layer

moduli, pavement surface deflections can be calculated using pavement response models.

The calculated deflections are then compared to the measured values. By adjusting the

pavement layer moduli, a good match (within some tolerable error) between the

measured and theoretical deflections can be reached. The process of backcalculation is

usually iterative. Many programs were developed for backcalculation such as Modulus

6.0, Elmod 6.0, and Evercalc 5.0.

Figure 3.3 presents a basic flowchart of backcalculation program. The main

components in a backcalculation process include (Lytton, 1989):

Layer thicknesses and loads: Thickness of each pavement layer and load levels

applied on the pavement surface.

Measured deflections: Surface deflections measured during FWD tests.

Seed moduli: Initial modulus used to compute theoretical surface deflections.

Deflection calculation: Use pavement response models to calculate theoretical

surface deflections.

Error check: Compare the calculated and measured deflections.

Search for new moduli: Iteratively search for the new modui of pavement layers

until the calculated and measured deflection are matched (within acceptable error).

Controls on the range of moduli: The backcalculation programs usually can define

a range of modulus for each pavement layer to prevent unreasonable pavement

layer moduli.

Figure 3.3: Backcalculation Flowchart (Lytton, 1989).

3.4. Backcalculation Programs

Evercalc 5.0, Elmod 6.0, and Modulus 6.0 are three most commonly used

backcalculation programs. In this research, these three backcalculation programs were

used to estimate the pavement layer moduli. A comparison of the results from Evercalc

5.0, Elmod 6.0, and Modulus 6.0 were conducted by author. Strains at the bottom of the

AC layer can then be calculated based on the results of backcalculation. Software

Everstress 5.0 was used to compute the strains based on the backcalculated layer moduli.

3.4.1. Evercalc 5.0

Evercalc 5.0 is a pavement analysis program developed by the University of

Washington. It can be used to estimate the elastic moduli of pavement layers, and

determine the stresses and strains at various locations. Evercalc 5.0 uses WESLEA
program (a multi-layer computer program developed by the U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers) as a subroutine to calculate the theoretical deflections. It also uses an inverse

solution technique to determine the set of layers moduli from FWD deflection data

(Everseries User’s Guide, 2005). Before running the program, the user can define the

deflection tolerance, moduli tolerance and the maximum number of iterations. When one

of the conditions is satisfied, the program will terminate.

In Evercalc 5.0, deflection tolerance is given by:

RMS (%) = ∑ 100%

Where, Root Mean Square (RMS) is the primary measure of convergence used for

error check. n is the number of deflection sensors used in FWD test, dci is the calculated

pavement deflection at sensor i, and dmi is the measured pavement deflection at sensor i.

Generally a RMS of 1to 2 percent would be acceptable.

Moduli Tolerance is expressed by the following equation:

E E 100
Where, E and E are respectively the i-th layer moduli at the (K+1)-th and

K-th iteration (Everseries User’s Guide, 2005).

3.4.2. Modulus 6.0

Modulus 6.0 was developed by Texas Transportation Institute. It is the newest

version of the Modulus program and can be used to process Falling Weight

Deflectometer data and flexible pavement design. Modulus 6.0 is based on the multi-

layer linear elastic theory. It uses WESLEA (developed by the U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers) as a subroutine for forward calculation (William, 1999). With assumed seed
layer moduli, the program uses WESLEA to calculate a deflection basin. The calculated

basin is then compared with the measured basin. After several iterations, a set of layer

moduli that produce an acceptable error between the calculated and measured basins can

be determined. The Modulus 6.0 program is able to analyze up to four unknown layers, 7

deflection sensors. It also has a database which can assign the modulus range and

Poisson’s ratio by selecting the material type (William, 1999).

3.4.3 Elmod 6.0

Elmod 6.0 was developed by Dynatest International A/S. It is used to evaluate the

pavement layer moduli and overlay design based on FWD deflection data. There are three

backcalculation options available in this program: Linear Elastic Theory (LET), Finite

Element Method (FEM), and Method of Equivalent Thickness (MET). Basically,

different forward analysis methods are used in these three options. The LET method uses

WESLEA for forward analysis, the FEM uses an axial symmetric finite element program

to calculate the theoretical deflections, while the MET makes use of method of equivalent

thickness with improved adjustment factors. The Elmod 6.0 program can directly read the

Dynatesr-FWD files. By selecting the analysis option, the program is able to automatic fit

the calculated and measured deflection basins either for all points or point by point in the

FWD files (Elmod 6 Quick Start Manual, 2009).

For Elmod FEM option, the program treats all pavement layers as non-linear

elastic. This may take a longer processing time. For Elmod MET option, the program

treats subgrade as non-linear. (Elmod 6 Quick Start Manual, 2009).

3.5. Summary

The pavement surface deflections from the FWD tests are used to predict the

pavement response (tensile strain at the bottom of the HMA layer). By using the

backcalculation method, the pavement layer moduli can be calculated base on FWD

deflections, further, the pavement response can be calculation using the backcalculated

pavement moduli.



4.1. Site Description

In 2002, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Flexible Pavement

of Ohio decided to build a demonstration project for perpetual pavements. They chose the

section of U.S Route 30 in Wayne County, the Wooster Bypass. The project is a four-lane

divided rural freeway, begins on the west by State Route 83, and extends on the east by

Kansas Road near State Route 57. The asphalt perpetual pavement was constructed in the

westbound lanes and the long lasting Portland cement pavement was built in the

eastbound. The total length of this perpetual pavement is approximately 8 miles. The road

was open to traffic in December, 2005. Figure 4.1 displays the plan view of the U.S.

Route 30 perpetual pavement project from Google map.


Figure 4.1: Plan view of the U.S. Route 30 perpetual pavement project (Source: Google


The design of this perpetual pavement was based on the mechanistic analyses

conducted by a research team led by Dr. Sang-Soo Kim (Ohio Asphalt, 2004). These

analyses were performed using a larger design load (1.2 times of the legal load), with

limiting the strain less than 70 microstrains at the bottom of the HMA layer. Due to these

limits, the thickness of the HMA layer was determined using the layer elastic analysis

and a HMA thickness of 16.25 inches was used in this project. The HMA layer is

composed of four courses: 1.5 inches wearing course, 1.75 inches intermediate course, 9

inches asphalt base and 4 inches fatigue resistance course. The dimensions and materials

for each layer are listed below in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Perpetual Pavement Built-Up (Liao, 2007)
Thickness ODOT
Course Description
(inches) Item No.
ODOT 12.5 mm stone mastic asphalt with
Surface 1.5 856 a PG 76-22M polymer modified binder.
93% - 97% target density.
ODOT 19 mm Superpave, Type A, with a
Intermediate 1.75 442 PG 76-22M polymer modified binder.
93% - 97% target density.

Asphalt ODOT’s large stone mix, PG 64-22

9 302
Base asphalt binder. 93% - 96% target density.

Fatigue ODOT’s large stone mix, PG 64-22

resistant 4 asphalt binder with 3% air void, 94% -
layer 97% target density

Aggregate Highly crushed densely graded granular

6 304
Base base with under drain

4.2. Introduction of Perpetual Pavement

A perpetual pavement, or long-lasting asphalt pavement, is defined by the Asphalt

Pavement Alliance (APA) as a hot mix asphalt pavement designed and constructed to last

longer than 50 years without requiring major structural rehabilitation or reconstruction. It

only needs periodic surface renewal in response to distresses confined to the top of the

pavement (APA, 2002). The concept of perpetual pavement is not new. Actually, the

design and construction of long-lasting hot-mix asphalt pavement has been in progress

since the 1960s (APA, 2002).

A perpetual pavement usually consists of three layers of asphalt with different mix

formats and a strong foundation to produce a safe, smooth, and long-lasting road. Figure

3.1 shows a design concept of a perpetual pavement. The design begins with a strong and

stable foundation at the bottom of the pavement to preclude distresses (APA, 2002). The

hot-mix asphalt base layer (bottom layer) is designed to resist fatigue cracking. The

strong intermediate layer is designed to carry most of the traffic load, and the wearing

surface is the top layer designed specifically to resist top-down cracking and rutting

(TRB, 2001). The surface layer is intended to be periodically overlaid with more hot-mix

asphalt to restore condition. Ideally, with scheduled surface restoration, perpetual

pavements can be maintained and cost-effectively without removing the road structure

for reconstruction (Kuennen, 2004).

Figure 4.2: Perpetual pavement design concept (HMA = hot-mix asphalt). (Newcomb,


4.3. Instrumentation Plan of AC Sections

Ohio University was granted three associated research projects to evaluate the

performance of the perpetual pavement. The comprehensive instrumentation plans were

developed by Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE).

Three test sections were constructed with instrumentation. One test section constructed at

Station 664+00 was named as Section 664, the other two test sections constructed at

Station 876+60 were named as Section 876A and Section 876B. Falling Weight

Deflectometer (FWD) Testing and Controlled Load Vehicle (CLV) Testing was

performed periodically by research teams from Ohio University and ODOT.

Data acquisition instruments such as strain gauges, pressure cells, linear variable

differential transformers (LVDTs) and thermocouples were installed in different

pavement layers in section 664, section 876A and 876B during the construction. Table

3.2 shows the pavement data acquisition instruments used in this project. These

instruments are used to measure pavement loads, strains, deflections, monitor the

environmental parameters include temperature, moisture, frost depth, and ground water

table levels. A self weather station was also built to monitor air temperature, wind speed

and direction, relative humidity and solar radiation.

In this research, the author only used the pavement response data collected at

section 876A and section 876B. The detailed instrumentation plans for these two sections

are shown in Figure 4.3 and 4.4.

Table 4.2 Pavement Data Acquisition Instrumentation

Measurement Sensor Manufacturer

GDP 121-500 LVDT

Displacement Lucas Schaevita Inc.
GDP 121-250 LVDT

Strain Dynatest PAST II - AC SG Dynatest Consulting Inc.

Pressure Geokon 3500 PC Geokon Inc.

Measurement Research
Temperature MRC Thermistor

Moisture FHWA TDR Probe Cambell Scientific Inc.

Cold Regions Research &

Frost Depth CRREL Resistivity Probe
Engineering Laboratory

Piezometers -----

Figure 4.3: Instrumentation Plan of AC Section 876A.


Figure 4.4: Instrumentation Plan of AC Section 876B.

As shown in Figure 4.3 and 4.4, strain gauges were placed at the bottom of the top

layer, AC base layer and FRL layer. Dynatest PAST II – AC strain gauges were used in

this project. This type of strain gauge is designed for the measurement of strains in

asphalt concrete pavements. It is an “H” shaped precision transducer and can measure

either longitudinal or transverse strains in asphalt pavements (Dynatest, 2009). Strain

gauges in the bottom FRL layer are used to monitor fatigue resistance (Muench, et al.,

2003). Only longitudinal strain was measured at the bottom of the FRL layer. Strain

gauges are very delicate and vulnerable. Some strain gauges failed during compaction of

an HMA layer.

Figure 4.5: Dynatest PAST II – AC strain gauges

Two pressure cells were installed per test section on the top of the subgrade.

These pressure cells measure the vertical stress under the dynamic loading which are can

be utilized to evaluate the potential of rutting (Muench, et al., 2003). Linear variable

differential transformers (LVDTs) are used to measure the displacement of the pavement.

Four LVDTs were installed in each test section. As shown in Figure 4.3 and 4.4, two

shallow referenced LVDTs measure the displacement above the subgrade while the other

two deep referenced LVDTs measure the total displacement of the pavement.
Controlled Load Vehicle (CLV) Testing and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)

Testing are performed periodically by research teams from Ohio University and ODOT.

The CLV testing is used to record the structural response of the pavement under

controlled truck loading. The FWD testing is designed to apply a dynamic loading to the

pavement surface that simulates the load of a signal moving wheel load. Based on the

data from these tests, engineers can calculate the layer stiffness of the pavement and

evaluate the physical properties of the pavement.




5.1. Introduction

As introduced in Chapter 4, the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is a

nondestructive test device which has been widely used to evaluate the physical properties

and performance of a pavement. In U.S. 30 perpetual pavement project, the FWD tests

were conducted during construction in order to detect weak areas and to evaluate

construction quality (Liao, 2007). After construction, the FWD tests were also performed

by Ohio University and ODOT periodically to assess the performance of the pavement

(Sargand, 2008).

This chapter is dedicated to predict pavement response based on the FWD

deflection data. The process of predicting pavement response is shown in Figure 5.1.

Backcalculation process was used in this research in order to calculate the pavement layer

moduli. Thus, the pavement response can be predicted using backcalculated pavement

layer moduli based on the pavement structural response models. The predicted strain

values were compared to the measured values from U.S. Route 30 to check the validity

and accuracy of this model.


FWD Deflection Data

Backcalculation Process

Pavement Layer Moduli

Forward Calculation

Pavement Response

Figure 5.1: The process of predicting pavement response based on FWD deflections.

5.2. FWD Deflection and Pavement Response Data

The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) tests were conducted at section 876A

and 876B on July 18, 2006. Three levels of load were used during the FWD tests. They

are 6000lb, 9000lb, and 12000lb. The pavement surface deflection data were collected by

FWD. Typical surface deflections under different levels of FWD load are displayed in

Figure 5.2. The detailed FWD load and deflection data are listed in Appendix A.

Figure 5.2: Typical pavement surface deflection basins for different FWD load levels.

Pavement responses (strains and deflections in the pavement layer) corresponding

to different levels of load (6000lb, 9000lb, and 12000lb) during the FWD test were

recorded by strain gages and LVDTs. Pressure cells were installed on the top of the

subgrade to measure the vertical stress, however, these pressure cells were not working

during the FWD tests and controlled load vehicle (CLV) tests.

5.3. Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Moduli

In this research, Evercalc 5.0 and Elmod 6.0 were selected for backcalculation

process. As introduced in Chapter 4, Evercalc 5.0 and Elmod 6.0 are two commonly used

backcalculation programs which can analyze up to five unknown layers. Evercalc 5.0

program is based on multi-layer elastic forward calculation subroutines, while Elmod 6.0
has three backcalculation options based on three different structural response models.

These three options include: Linear Elastic Theory (LET), Finite Element Method (FEM),

and Method of Equivalent Thickness (MET). So a total of four methods were used in the

backcalculation process. These four methods are designated as Evercalc, Elmod LET,

Elmod FEM and Elmod MET.

Since Evercalc 5.0 and Elmod 6.0 can only analyze up to five unknown layers, a

five-layer pavement model was used in backcalculation process. This five-layer

backcalculation model was composed of 1.5 inches surface layer, 1.75 inches

intermediate layer, 13 inches asphalt base layer, 6 inches aggregate base layer and

subgrade layer. The detailed information of each layer including layer material type,

poisson’s ratio and modulus range are shown in Table 5.1. Poisson’s ratio and modulus

range for different pavement layers were selected based on previous researches and past

testing of similar materials. Initial modulus for each layer was estimated according to the

material properties and the layer temperature during the FWD test.
Table 5.1 Typical ranges of resilient modulus and Poisson’s ratio.
Thickness Poisson’s Modulus Range
Layer Type Material Type
(inches) Ratio (ksi)
Surface 1.5 0.35 200 – 2500
Intermediate 1.75 0.35 200 – 2500
Asphalt Base 13 0.35 200 – 2500

Sub-Base Aggregate 6 0.35 10 - 100

Subgrade Soil - 0.4 3 - 30

A total of 24 locations were tested for section 876A and 876B. Resilient moduli

of pavement layers for each test location in section 876A and 876B were backcalculated

using Evercalc 5.0, Elmod FEM, Elmod LET and Elmod MET. The estimated moduli for

each location were averaged and summarized in Table 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
Table 5.2 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Evercalc 5.0.
Estimated Resilient Modulus (ksi) RMS
AC AC Asphalt Error
Number Aggregate Subgrade
Surface Intermediate Base (%)
1 1153.4 269.4 544.8 3 86.7 1.13
2 622.9 316.1 673.3 3 84.8 0.8
3 270.2 382.7 1005.7 3 86.8 0.47
4 262.6 408.7 837.6 3.6 73.9 0.46
5 270.5 486.4 662.6 4.2 68.7 0.47
6 260.2 407.6 982.2 3.3 81.7 0.53
7 303.1 379.2 942.3 3.2 87.5 0.34
8 276.1 445.2 639.6 4.5 69.8 0.47
9 268.5 427.9 939.4 3.8 74.4 0.66
10 332.6 450.3 998.9 3.1 88.3 0.46
11 281.9 431.5 1098.2 3.2 86.3 0.58
12 240.6 500.3 905.4 3.4 86.1 0.34
13 412.3 392.6 888.9 3.5 84.8 0.38
14 388.3 456.2 1095.5 3 88.6 0.54
15 381.3 417.5 840.4 3.7 70 0.54
16 329.7 467.7 797.6 3.6 73.6 0.31
17 276.9 454.8 871.2 4 70 0.59
18 562.8 354.5 1006.2 3.1 75.9 0.23
19 246.3 386.5 1100 4.8 58.4 0.6
20 305.6 383.7 1099.3 5.1 52 0.35
21 224.1 559 897 4.4 48.8 0.66
22 230.2 723.9 685.9 3 56.3 0.9
23 210.9 582.3 789.6 3 61 0.64
24 314.8 429.7 903.1 3 64.9 0.58
Table 5.3 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 FEM.

Estimated Resilient Modulus (ksi)

Number AC
AC Surface Asphalt Base Aggregate Subgrade
1 658.7 336.2 466.2 4 51.1

2 513.5 347.4 565.3 4.5 46.2

3 234.5 479.8 675.4 4 50.1

4 246.9 420.4 786.8 4.3 48

5 326.5 382.2 880.4 3.9 51.9

6 234.5 431.9 805 4.1 50.1

7 293.8 365.6 846.9 4.6 46.2

8 305.8 348.4 858.3 4.7 46.3

9 239.9 444.8 844.5 4.1 50.7

10 271.2 527.4 788.3 4.2 50.7

11 310.2 386.8 1003.1 4.4 47.8

12 263.7 444.8 929 3.7 57.6

13 475.5 359.2 863.3 4.1 55.5

14 389.9 436.2 1064.6 3.8 54.5

15 336.9 469.4 743.4 3.7 50.6

16 309.3 459.9 747.4 4.5 48.7

17 278.3 404.1 1035 3.9 54.2

18 442.3 404.4 826.2 3.9 49.2

19 265.3 344.9 1159.5 4.8 43.8

20 366.2 339.2 1226.7 4 46.8

21 221 506.5 1089.5 3.6 40.7

22 239.9 538.2 852.9 3 41.9

23 254.1 492.7 814.9 3.4 42.2

24 227.9 513.8 786.8 3.5 43.5

Table 5.4 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 LET. 

Estimated Resilient Modulus (ksi)

Number AC Asphalt
AC Intermediate Aggregate Subgrade
Surface Base
1 719.5 327.5 407.9 4.1 65.8

2 442.3 360.3 554.1 4.5 61.2

3 238 504.6 615.8 4.4 61.6

4 267.7 392.2 810.3 4.4 60.2

5 327.7 413.3 718.6 4.2 64.2

6 263.1 434.8 702.1 4.1 67.4

7 283 396.3 718.3 4.8 61.2

8 283 396.3 718.3 4.8 61.2

9 314.5 391.3 829.5 4.1 67.1

10 253.2 570 714.2 4.2 67.4

11 289.7 421.3 929 4.4 64.4

12 276.5 421.3 931.4 5 61.4

13 447.4 382.9 773.3 4.4 66.3

14 303.2 508.5 917.2 3.9 69.2

15 340.4 508.5 649.9 3.9 64.7

16 292.6 476.2 737.8 4.4 63

17 264.6 435.9 894.3 4.2 63.7

18 359.1 478.2 741.2 4.2 62.2

19 225.3 405.7 1175.4 4.2 57.9

20 320.1 365.6 1039.9 5.6 49

21 251.9 452.3 1335.7 3.2 54.2

22 247.6 587.3 792.3 3.3 51.7

23 219.9 548.6 784.4 3.5 52.3

24 239.2 459.9 955.9 3.4 56.5

Table 5.5 Summary of backcalculated moduli from Elmod 6.0 MET.

Estimated Resilient Modulus (ksi)

Number AC
AC Surface Asphalt Base Aggregate Subgrade
1 739.7 750.5 341.8 29.9 33.9
2 531.0 580.0 338.0 25.7 34.3
3 404.7 431.1 320.4 16.5 32.7
4 367.2 382.4 332.4 16.9 33.5
5 421.9 427.5 355.7 20.9 34.0
6 342.6 350.3 343.2 17.7 33.8
7 408.9 392.4 326.5 17.8 33.8
8 407.4 397.2 319.8 17.5 34.3
9 384.2 377.0 344.7 17.5 34.3
10 452.9 446.3 382.5 19.5 34.1
11 358.7 448.2 353.6 17.8 34.3
12 407.2 410.1 344.7 17.1 35.1
13 526.3 553.5 367.9 25.5 37.5
14 455.4 521.5 393.4 17.8 37.0
15 446.7 489.9 409.6 24.1 32.7
16 414.8 497.2 367.4 19.8 33.9
17 391.8 411.9 345.5 17.7 37.2
18 598.1 560.6 376.1 21.9 33.7
19 285.6 330.8 335.6 12.8 35.1
20 394.0 432.7 351.6 17.6 36.0
21 299.7 306.5 399.7 13.5 30.9
22 324.0 364.8 384.4 14.6 28.4
23 380.8 391.5 366.4 15.3 29.5
24 343.8 391.2 359.7 15.2 29.9
As indicated from the results, the calculated deflection basin from all these four

backcalculation methods matched the measured deflection basin very well. For Evercalc

5.0, the Root Mean Squares (RMS) between calculated and measured deflections were

less than 1% except location No. 1. For all three options of Elmod, the differences

between calculated and measured deflections were ± 1%. Although all these programs fit

the deflection basin very well, the backcalculated moduli were not exactly the same.

Backcalculated moduli for all pavement layers from different methods were also

compared. Figure 5.3 to 5.7 display the comparisons of estimated moduli for each layer

between four different backcalculated methods.


Resilient Modulus of AC surface (ksi)







0 5 10 15 20 25
Location Number

Figure 5.3: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Surface Layer from different

backcalculation methods.
As shown in Figure 5.3, all backcalculation programs (Evercalc, Elmod FEM,

LET, MET have a good consistency in backcalculated AC surface moduli. The average

estimated moduli from Evercalc 5.0 was 351 ksi, while estimated moduli from Elmod

FEM, LET, and MET were 329 ksi, 311ksi and 420 ksi, respectively.


Resilient Modulus of Intermedia layer (ksi)








0 5 10 15 20 25
Location Number

Figure 5.4: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Intermediate Layer from different

backcalculation methods.

Figure 5.4 compares the backcalculated moduli from different programs for AC

intermediate layer. As shown in the figure, the layer moduli backcalculated from different

programs were close. The average estimated moduli from Evercalc 5.0 for AC

intermediate layer was 438 ksi, while the average moduli from Elmod FEM, LET, and

MET were 424 ksi, 443 ksi and 444 ksi, respectively.



Resilient Modulus of Asphalt base (ksi)







0 5 10 15 20 25
Location Number

Figure 5.5: Comparison of estimated moduli for AC Base Layer from different

backcalculation methods.

Figure 5.5 shows the backcalculated moduli from different programs for AC base

layer. From the figure, we can find that the outputs from Elmod FEM, Elmod LET,

Evercalc have a good consistency in backcalculated moduli. Outputs from Elmod MET

were smaller than those from Elmod FEM, Elmod LET, Evercalc. The average modulus

for AC base from Elmod MET was 357 ksi. The average moduli from Elmod FEM,

Elmod LET, and Evercalc were 861 ksi, 810 ksi and 884 ksi, respectively.


Resilient Modulus of Aggregate layer (ksi) 35






0 5 10 15 20 25
Location Number

Figure 5.6: Comparison of estimated moduli for Aggregate Layer from different

backcalculation methods.

From figure 5.6, we can find that the backcalculated moduli for aggregate layer

from Evercalc, Elmod FEM and Elmod LET vary from 2 to 5 ksi, while moduli

backcalculated from Elmod MET vary from 13 to 30 ksi. According to the previous test

of the same type of aggregate base, ODOT 304, the moduli range of aggregate base is 10

to 20 ksi (Masada, 2001). So Evercalc, Elmod FEM and Elmod LET underestimated the

moduli for aggregate base layer.




Resilient Modulus of Subgrade (ksi)









0 5 10 15 20 25
Location Number

Figure 5.7: Comparison of estimated moduli for Subgrade from different backcalculation


From Figure 5.7, we can find that the estimated moduli from four different

backcalculation programs were different. Moduli backcalculated from Evercalc have the

largest value. The average estimated subgrade modulus from Evercalc was 74 ksi. The

average estimated modulus from Elmod FEM and Elmod LET were 49 ksi and 61 ksi

respectively. The average moduli estimated from Elmod MET was smallest, it was about

34 ksi.

5.4. Forward Calculation

Forward calculation is the process to calculate the pavement responses using the

pavement layer moduli based on appropriate structural response theory. After

backcalculation process, pavement responses can be predicted using the backcalculated

layer moduli. Multi-layer elastic theory was used in this research. Everstress 5.0 was used

as forward calculation program to predict pavement responses. As introduced before,

Everstress 5.0 was developed by University of Washington and can be used to calculate

the stress, strain, and deflection under circular surface loads.

Strains at the bottom of the Fatigue Resistant Layer (FRL) during the FWD tests

were calculated using layer moduli from those four backcalculation programs. The

predicted strain values were compared to the measured values. A comparison of predicted

(calculated using different backcalculated layer moduli) and measured strains at the

bottom of FRL layer is shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Predicted and measured strain values at the bottom of asphalt layer.


strain (ue) Value Diff. Value Diff. Value Diff. Value Diff.

(ue) % (ue) %. (ue) % (ue) %

27.7 26.52 -4 30.02 8 29.9 8 37.97 37

40.4 41.42 3 44.27 10 44.08 9 55.97 39

58.3 57.18 -2 61.09 5 60.83 4 77.3 33

28.5 26.61 -7 29.52 4 30.18 6 37.6 32

41.2 39.85 -3 44.06 7 45.05 9 52.1 26

60.6 54.9 -9 60.22 -1 61.58 2 77.4 28

26.4 31.09 18 30.14 14 31.7 20 41.05 55

39.3 42.69 9 45.1 15 47.44 21 58.4 49

53.8 58.23 8 62.01 15 65.23 21 84.5 57

22.5 26.71 19 25.73 14 25.77 15 43.64 94

35.8 38.79 8 37.75 5 37.81 6 62.5 75

50.2 54.14 8 52.25 4 52.34 4 88.6 76

25.5 26.16 3 26.3 3 23.73 -7 40.18 58

37.9 41.27 9 39.04 3 35.23 -7 59.46 57

55.2 52.47 -5 53.81 -3 48.56 -12 82.2 49

26 27.96 8 29.89 15 29.71 14 38.46 48

39.8 44.75 12 44.32 11 44.04 11 55.9 40

54.7 58.74 7 60.55 11 60.17 10 77.9 42

RMS 9.09% 9.55% 11.77% 53%

The differences between predicted and measured strains were calculated by Root

Mean Square (RMS). It can be determined by the following equation:

RMS (%) = ∑ 100%

Where n is the number of measured strains, Spi is the predicted strain value, Smi is the

measured strain value.

According to RMS value, strains predicted from Elmod MET have the largest

RMS, which means it has the biggest difference between the predicted and measured

strain values. The predicted strain values are around 53% larger than the measured values.

Strains predicted from Elmod FEM, Evercalc, Elmod LET were close to the measured

strains. RMS for Evercalc, Elmod FEM and Elmod LET were 9.09%, 9.55% and 11.77%


5.5. Conclusion

This chapter checked the validity and accuracy of the selected pavement analysis

programs. Based on the results from backcalculation programs, both Evercalc and Elmod

can be used to predict the pavement response using FWD deflections. Evercalc, Elmod

FEM and Elmod LET have a good consistency in backcalculated moduli. The predicted

pavement responses using Elmod FEM, Elmod LET and Evercalc backcalculated

pavement layer moduli were close to the measured pavement responses. Elmod MET was

not suggested to be used to predict the pavement response since the predicted values had

a big difference from the measured values. In the backcalculation process, Evercalc,

Elmod FEM and Elmod LET sometimes underestimate the moduli of aggregate layer and

overestimated the subgrade moduli.




6.1. Introduction

The Controlled Load Vehicle (CLV) test is used to monitor the pavement

response under a controlled truck load. During the CLV testing, the tire pressures and

weights are controlled to desired values, the vehicles were driven at different levels of

speed (usually driven at four speeds: 5mph, 25mph, 45mph and 55mph). The pavement

response in term of strain, stress, and deflection are collected by the different sensors

(strain gauges and LVDTs) installed in the pavement. The information about the test

vehicles such as truck dimensions, tire pressures and tire weight were also measured and

recorded during CLV testing.

In this chapter, author compares the pavement response in CLV tests to the

pavement response in FWD tests. The load condition of FWD and CLV is also compared

in this chapter.

6.2. Controlled Load Vehicle Testing

The Controlled Load Vehicle (CLV) Tests were conducted for Section867, Way 30

in the morning of July 18, 2006, right after the FWD tests. Both single axle truck and

tandem axle truck were used in CLV test. The test vehicles were driven at four different

levels of speed which were 5 mph, 25 mph, 45 mph and 55 mph. Figure 6.1 and 6.2 show

the dimensions, tire pressures and weight of the test trucks used in July 18, 2006’s CLV


Figure 6.1: Tire loads and axle characteristics of Single Axle truck for CLV test.

Figure 6.2: Tire loads and axle characteristics of Tandem Axle truck for CLV test.

For the single axle truck, the spacing of the front tires is 74.5 inches, and the

spacing of rear tires is 51 inches. The front and rear axles have a spacing of 177.4 inches.
The clearance between dual tires (rear axle) is 4.88inches. The width of front tread is 9.88

inches, and the width of rear tread is 8.38 inches. The front tire pressures are both 110 psi

and the rear tire pressures are 105 psi.

For the tandem axle truck, the front tires have a spacing of 74.5 inches, and the rear

tires have a spacing of 51 inches. The spacing of front and rear axles is about 181 inches.

The clearance between dual tires (rear axle) is 4.88inches. The width of front tread is 13.5

inches, and the width of rear tread is 8.31 inches. The pressures of front tires are 110 psi,

the tire pressures of front rear axle and rear axle are 100 and 105 psi respectively.

6.3. Comparison of FWD and CLV test

In the morning of July 18, 2006, the FWD test and CLV test were conducted for

section 867, Way 30. Pavement responses under the FWD and CLV loads were recorded

by strain gauges and LVDTs. The locations of strain gauges and LVSTs were previous

introduced in chapter 3. The responses in term of longitudinal tensile strains in CLV tests

were compared to those in FWD tests.

6.3.1. Magnitude of Longitudinal Tensile Strain

The longitudinal tensile strains at the bottom of FRL layer were measured by

strain gauge 5, 6, 8, 9, 13 and 16. The typical longitudinal tensile strain responses at the

bottom of the FRL layer under moving trucks are shown in Figure 6.3 and 6.4. Typical

strain response at the bottom of the FRL layer under FWD loading (FWD loads: 6000lbs,

9000lbs and 12000 lbs) is shown in Figure 6.5.


5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph

Strain (ue)

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance between the front axle and the strain gauge (ft)

Figure 6.3: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer caused by

single axle truck in CLV tests.


5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph

Strain (ue)

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance between the front axle and the strain gage (ft)

Figure 6.4: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer caused by

tandem axle truck in CLV tests.



Strain (ue)




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Time (seconds)

Figure 6.5: Typical longitudinal tensile strain at the bottom of FRL layer in FWD tests.
By comparing the strain response during FWD tests and CLV tests, we can find

that both FWD and moving vehicle apply approximately a haversine shaped impulse on

the pavement. For strains caused by moving vehicles, as shown in figure 6.3 and 6.4, the

maximum strain value occurred when the truck driven at a speed of 5 mph. The strain

values decrease along with the increase of the vehicle speed. The strains caused by a

vehicle moving at 55 mph is about 50% to 60% of the strain caused by a vehicle moving

at 5 mph.

The single axle truck used in CLV tests had a total weight of 31950 lbs, while the

rear axle weight was 20350 lbs. The load of right side of rear axle was 10850 lbs. As

shown in Figure 6.3, the maximum strain occurred when the rear tires passing the strain

gauge. The total weight of tandem axle truck used in CLV tests was 50550 lbs, with a

rear axle weight of 34550 lbs. The load of right side of front tire was about 8550 lbs. As

can be seen in Figure 6.4, the strain caused by the front axle tires was larger than that

caused by rear axle tires. The maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer during the

CLV tests and FWD tests were shown in Table 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. The data was collected

by strain gauge 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, and 16.

Table 6.1 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under Single Axle Truck (Rear

Strains caused by Single Axle Truck (ue)
Gauge No.
5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph
5 69.9 64.8 49.5 44.3
6 70.1 61.5 52.6 45.3
8 68.2 54.9 48.5 36.4
9 82.1 60.5 46.8 42.3
13 77.9 60.4 52.9 46.4
16 82.1 56.9 48.5 36.4
Average 75.05 59.83 49.80 41.85

Table 6.2 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under Tandem Axle Truck (Front

Strains caused by Tandem Axle Truck (ue)
Gauge No.
5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph
5 60.6 50.3 40.5 32.8
6 65.6 50.3 43.6 34
8 62.7 37.2 35.9 30.3
9 70.9 45.2 39.1 39.6
13 75.4 57.3 42.5 39.1
16 74.1 44.8 41.4 44
Average 68.22 47.52 40.50 36.63
Table 6.3 Maximum strains at the bottom of FRL layer under FWD loading
Strains caused by different FWD loads (ue)
Gauge No.
6000 lbs 9000 lbs 12000 lbs
5 25.4 39.3 52.9
6 27.7 40.4 58.3
8 28.5 41.2 60.6
9 22.5 35.8 50.2
13 25.5 37.9 55.2
16 26 39.8 54.7
Average 25.93 39.07 55.32

A comparison of the maximum longitudinal strains in CLV tests (maximum CLV

strains) and the longitudinal strains under FWD loadings (FWD strains) was conducted.

As stated before, for a single axle truck, the maximum CLV strain occurs when the rear

axle passing the strain gage, while for a tandem axle truck, the maximum CLV strain

occurs when the front axle passing the strain gage. In this CLV test, the right side rear

axle weight of the single axle truck is around 10850lbs, and the right side front axle

weight of the tandem axle truck is 8550 lbs.

The ratio of the longitudinal strains at the bottom of FRL layer in FWD tests

under different load levels (FWD strains) to the maximum longitudinal strains at the

bottom of FRL layer in CLV tests by different driving speeds (maximum CLV strains)

were calculated. The calculated ratio results are presented in table 6.4.
Table 6.4 Ratio of the strains at the bottom of FRL layer under FWD loadings to the

maximum strains under controlled load vehicle loadings

FWD Single Axle Truck (Rear Axle, 10850lbs) Tandem Axle Truck (Front Axle, 8550lbs)
(lbs) 55 mph 45 mph 25 mph 5 mph 55 mph 45 mph 25 mph 5 mph

6000 0.59 0.52 0.43 0.35 0.71 0.64 0.56 0.39

9000 0.89 0.79 0.65 0.53 1.07 0.96 0.85 0.58

12000 1.26 1.12 0.93 0.76 1.51 1.36 1.20 0.82

Another comparison between the longitudinal strains at the bottom of FRL layer

caused by the front axle of trucks (CLV strains) to the longitudinal strains at the bottom

of FRL layer caused by FWD loadings was conducted. By comparing these values, we

can find the relationship between a FWD load and a single wheel load. As shown in

Figure 6.1 and 6.2, the load of right front tire of a single axle truck is 5950 lbs and the

load of right front tire of a tandem axle tire is 8550 lbs. 6000 lbs, 9000 lbs and 12000lbs

loads were used in FWD tests. Strains can be normalized into microstrain/1000lbs, which

mean strains caused by a 1000 lbs load. Then the strain response under the FWD loading

and truck loading at the same level of loads can be compared. The strain values caused by

front axles of single axle truck and tandem axle truck at different driving speed in CLV

tests are presented in Table 6.5 and Table 6.6.

Table 6.5 Strains at the bottom of FRL layer caused by the front axle of single axle truck

Strains caused by Single Axle Truck (ue)
Gauge No.
5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph
5 45.68 35.8 27.8 21.6
6 49.51 34.5 30.3 22.6
8 44.97 33.2 27 21.6
9 53.34 42 24.2 25.3
13 52.64 39.1 27.4 26.7
16 53.34 36.2 24.9 29.1

Table 6.6 Strains at the bottom of FRL layer caused by the front axle of tandem axle truck

Strains caused by Tandem Axle Truck (ue)
Gauge No.
5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph
5 60.6 50.3 40.5 32.8
6 65.6 50.3 43.6 34
8 62.7 37.2 35.9 30.3
9 70.9 45.2 39.1 39.6
13 75.4 57.3 42.5 39.1
16 74.1 44.8 41.4 44

Based on the strain data, we can find the relationship between the FWD and CLV

strain responses. For the same level of loading (single wheel), strains under FWD loading

is close to the strain caused by a truck driving at 55 mph and it is about 95% of the strain

caused by trucks driving at 45 mph, 75% of the strain caused by a truck driving at 25

mph and 54% of the strain caused by truck driving at 5 mph. The results are shown below

in Figure 6.6.

1.00 0.95
Ratio (FWD strain/CLV strain

0.80 0.75




5mph 25mph 45mph 55mph

Figure 6.6: Comparison of strain responses under FWD loading and truck loading at the

same level of loads.

6.3.2. Response time of Longitudinal Tensile Strain

In CLV tests, the strain response time varies with the speed of the vehicle. The

higher speed leads to the shorter duration of impulse. In FWD tests, the durations of

impulse under different levels of FWD load are almost the same. The durations of

impulse caused by a moving vehicle were much longer than the impulse caused by the

FWD loading. Based on the results from FWD tests and CLV tests, the average impulse

duration of FWD is 37 msec and the average impulse duration for a vehicle driven at 5

mph, 25 mph, 45 mph and 55 mph are 641, 162, 98, 77 msec respectively. Figure 6.7
illustrates the durations of impulse under different loading conditions (FWD, 5 mph,

25mph, 45 mph and 55mph). The impulse durations caused by moving vehicles are about

two to seventeen times longer than the impulse duration caused by the FWD. For a truck

driven at a speed of 45-55 mph, the impulse duration of the truck is about two to three

times longer than the FWD loading.

FWD 37

55 mph 77

45 mph 98

25 mph 162

5 mph 641

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Duration of the Impulse (msec)

Figure 6.7: Average duration of the impulses under different loading conditions.

6.4. Summary

By comparing the FWD loading condition to the CLV loading conditions, we can

find that the FWD accurately simulates the real traffic loads. By applying a transient

impulse load to the pavement surface, the FWD can simulate the duration and scale of a

single moving wheel load. For a single axle truck (rear axle weight was 10850 lbs), we

found that the strain produced by a 12000 lbs FWD load is about 1.26 times of the

maximum strain produced by that single axle truck driving at 5 mph, and about 93

percent of the maximum strain of truck driving at 25 mph. Strain caused by a 9000 lbs
FWD load is close to 89 percent of the maximum strain caused by a single axle truck

driving at a speed of 55 mph, and about 53 percent of the maximum strain caused by a

truck driving at 5 mph. Strain caused by a 6000 lbs FWD load is about 59 percent of the

maximum strain caused by a moving vehicle driving at 55 mph. For a tandem truck

driving at 55 mph (front axle was 8550 lbs), the strain by a 12000 lbs FWD load is 1.51

times of the maximum strain caused by that truck, the strain by a 9000 lbs FWD load is

about 107 percent of the maximum strain by the tandem truck, and the strain by a 6000

lbs FWD load is 71 percent of the maximum strain by that tandem truck.

For the same level of loading (single wheel), strains under FWD loading is close

to the strain caused by a truck driving at 55 mph and it is about 95% of the strain caused

by trucks driving at 45 mph, 75% of the strain caused by a truck driving at 25 mph and 54%

of the strain caused by truck driving at 5 mph.

The strain impulse durations caused by the moving vehicles travelling at a speed

of 55 mph are about two to five times longer than those caused by the FWD loadings.

The results also show that a higher speed leads to a lower strain and deflection response.

The pavement responses measured under a vehicle driven at 5 mph are significant larger

than those measured under a vehicle driven at 55 mph.



7.1. Conclusions

A backcalculation and forward calculation model was used in this research to

predict the pavement response using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection

data for asphalt concrete pavement. Evercalc 5.0 and Elmod 6.0 were chosen to conduct

the backcalculation of pavement layer moduli using FWD deflections. Everstress 5.0 was

used to do the forward calculation using backcalculated pavement layer moduli. Predicted

pavement responses (tensile strain at the bottom of the AC layer) were compared to the

measured pavement responses from U.S. Route 30 to check the validity and accuracy of

the selected predict model.

According to the results, pavement strain responses calculated by Evercalc 5.0 and

Elmod 6.0 backcalculated moduli show good agreements with the measured strain

responses. Evercalc, Elmod FEM and Elmod LET can be used in the backcalculation

process and the predicted pavement responses based on the backcalculated pavement

moduli by these three programs good matched the measured pavement responses. The

predicted values from Elmod MET backcalculated moduli showed a bad fit, so Emod

MET should not be used for predicting pavement responses. The backcalculation process

is very sensitive. A small change of modulus range will make the results change. The

process is highly dependent on user’s experience. The more information you provide the

more accurate results you will get.

In this thesis, the author also conducted a research on comparison of the FWD and

Truck loading conditions. By comparing the strain responses during FWD tests and
controlled load vehicle (CLV) tests, we found that FWD can simulate the duration and

scale of a single moving wheel load. Both FWD and moving truck apply approximately a

haversine shaped impulse on the pavement. For the same load level, response under a

FWD load is close to the response by a truck driving at 55 mph, and is about 95% of the

response by a truck driving at 45 mph. The impulse duration of a vehicle moving at 55

mph is about 2 to 4 times longer than the duration of FWD. The study also found that the

higher speed vehicle leads to a lower strain and deflection response.

7.2. Recommendations

In this research, the available FWD deflection and pavement response data were

limited. Although FWD tests were conducted by OU and ODOT periodically, the

pavement response data were not recorded during most of FWD tests. More FWD

deflection and pavement response data should be collected for future research. FWD data

collected from different types of pavement or during the different seasons can be used to

check the validity and accuracy of the predict model under different situations.

Resilience modulus for each pavement layer of test site could be tested in the

laboratory, so that a comparison between the backcalculated pavement layer moduli and

tested layer moduli can be conducted to check the accuracy of the selected

backcalculation programs.

The dynamic backcalculation method could be studied in future research. The full

deflection time history data should be recorded for that study. The software DBSID

(Dynamic Backcalculation with System Identification Method) is a dynamic

backcalculation program. It can determine the time history of the FWD displacements for
each sensor. The calculated time history displacements are tried to best match the

measured time-history displacements which could improve the accuracy of



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Test Date: 07/18/2009

Geophone distances (in.): 0.0 8.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 60.0
Location Drop Load D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
No. lbf mills mills mills mills mills mills mills
1.000 1 6114 3.50 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.10 0.50
1.000 2 8957 5.20 4.10 3.40 2.90 2.50 1.70 0.90
1.000 3 12271 7.40 5.80 4.80 4.20 3.60 2.50 1.20
2.000 1 6059 3.50 2.60 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.10 0.60
2.000 2 8946 5.30 4.00 3.40 2.90 2.50 1.80 0.90
2.000 3 12249 7.50 5.60 4.80 4.10 3.60 2.60 1.20
3.000 1 6048 3.60 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.10 0.50
3.000 2 8891 5.50 3.80 3.40 2.90 2.50 1.80 0.80
3.000 3 12282 7.60 5.40 4.80 4.20 3.60 2.60 1.30
4.000 1 6048 3.70 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.10 0.50
4.000 2 8881 5.40 3.80 3.40 2.90 2.50 1.80 0.90
4.000 3 12260 7.70 5.40 4.80 4.10 3.60 2.60 1.30
5.000 1 6070 3.60 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.20 0.50
5.000 2 8837 5.20 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.90
5.000 3 12227 7.40 5.30 4.70 4.10 3.50 2.50 1.30
6.000 1 5982 3.60 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.10 0.50
6.000 2 8891 5.40 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
6.000 3 12183 7.50 5.30 4.70 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.20
7.000 1 5906 3.60 2.50 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.10 0.50
7.000 2 8837 5.30 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
7.000 3 12151 7.50 5.30 4.60 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.20
8.000 1 5950 3.60 2.50 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
8.000 2 8826 5.30 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
Geophone distances (in.): 0.0 8.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 60.0
Location Drop Load D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
No. lbf mills mills mills mills mills mills mills

8.000 3 12162 7.50 5.30 4.60 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.20

9.000 1 5971 3.60 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
9.000 2 8804 5.20 3.60 3.20 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
9.000 3 12151 7.30 5.20 4.60 3.90 3.40 2.50 1.20
10.000 1 5971 3.30 2.30 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
10.000 2 8913 5.00 3.60 3.20 2.70 2.40 1.70 0.80
10.000 3 12183 7.00 5.00 4.50 3.90 3.40 2.50 1.20
11.000 1 6037 3.50 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
11.000 2 8924 5.10 3.60 3.20 2.70 2.40 1.70 0.80
11.000 3 12238 7.20 5.10 4.50 3.90 3.40 2.50 1.20
12.000 1 6048 3.50 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
12.000 2 8902 5.10 3.60 3.20 2.80 2.30 1.70 0.80
12.000 3 12238 7.20 5.00 4.40 3.90 3.40 2.40 1.20
13.000 1 6070 3.40 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.60
13.000 2 8859 4.90 3.60 3.10 2.70 2.30 1.60 0.80
13.000 3 12183 6.90 5.10 4.40 3.80 3.30 2.40 1.20
14.000 1 6015 3.10 2.30 2.00 1.70 1.50 1.10 0.60
14.000 2 8870 4.80 3.50 3.10 2.70 2.30 1.70 0.90
14.000 3 12183 6.80 4.90 4.40 3.80 3.30 2.50 1.20
15.000 1 5971 3.30 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.10 0.50
15.000 2 8859 5.10 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.50 1.80 0.90
15.000 3 12194 7.10 5.30 4.70 4.10 3.60 2.60 1.30
16.000 1 6015 3.40 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.10 0.50
16.000 2 8881 5.10 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.50 1.80 0.90
16.000 3 12227 7.20 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.30
17.000 1 6026 3.50 2.40 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.10 0.60
17.000 2 8902 5.20 3.70 3.20 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.90
17.000 3 12194 7.40 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.50 2.50 1.30
18.000 1 6037 3.40 2.50 2.20 1.80 1.60 1.20 0.60
18.000 2 8891 5.00 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.80 0.90
Geophone distances (in.): 0.0 8.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 60.0
Location Drop Load D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
No. lbf mills mills mills mills mills mills mills

18.000 3 12205 7.00 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.50 2.60 1.30

19.000 1 6015 3.70 2.50 2.10 1.80 1.60 1.20 0.60
19.000 2 8826 5.40 3.70 3.30 2.80 2.40 1.80 0.90
19.000 3 12216 7.70 5.30 4.70 4.10 3.60 2.70 1.40
20.000 1 6004 3.60 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.20 0.70
20.000 2 8891 5.30 3.80 3.40 2.90 2.50 1.90 1.00
20.000 3 12205 7.50 5.30 4.80 4.10 3.60 2.70 1.50
21.000 1 5960 3.60 2.50 2.30 2.00 1.80 1.30 0.70
21.000 2 8848 5.50 3.90 3.50 3.10 2.80 2.10 1.10
21.000 3 12194 7.70 5.50 5.00 4.40 3.90 3.00 1.60
22.000 1 5982 4.00 2.70 2.40 2.10 1.90 1.40 0.70
22.000 2 8870 5.50 4.10 3.70 3.30 2.90 2.20 1.10
22.000 3 12118 7.70 5.70 5.20 4.60 4.10 3.10 1.60
23.000 1 6026 3.80 2.80 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.40 0.70
23.000 2 8924 5.70 4.10 3.70 3.30 2.90 2.10 1.10
23.000 3 12162 7.90 5.70 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.00 1.60
24.000 1 6026 3.70 2.60 2.30 2.00 1.80 1.30 0.60
24.000 2 8859 5.50 4.00 3.60 3.10 2.70 2.00 1.00
24.000 3 12172 7.80 5.60 5.00 4.40 3.90 2.90 1.50
25.000 1 6004 3.60 2.40 2.20 1.90 1.60 1.20 0.60
25.000 2 8826 5.20 3.60 3.30 2.90 2.50 1.80 0.90
25.000 3 12162 7.50 5.50 4.70 4.10 3.50 2.60 1.30
26.000 1 6015 3.60 2.40 2.10 1.90 1.60 1.10 0.50
26.000 2 8749 5.20 3.70 3.20 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
26.000 3 12063 7.40 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.40 2.50 1.20
27.000 1 5895 3.50 2.30 2.10 1.80 1.50 1.10 0.50
27.000 2 8771 5.20 3.60 3.20 2.80 2.40 1.70 0.80
27.000 3 12041 7.30 5.20 4.60 4.00 3.40 2.50 1.20




Strain (ue)


30 DYN‐005 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (sec)

Figure B.1: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 5).




Strain (ue)


30 DYN‐006 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (sec)

Figure B.2: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 6).



Strain (ue)

DYN‐008 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (sec)

Figure B.3: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 8).





Strain (ue)

DYN‐009 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)

Figure B.4: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 9).




Strain (ue)

DYN‐013 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (sec)

Figure B.5: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 13).




Strain (ue)

DYN‐016 ue



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (sec)

Figure B.6: Strain responses under FWD loading (Strain gauge 16).


Strain (ue)


20 DYN‐008
0 DYN‐013

4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (sec)

Figure B.7: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 5 mph).




Strain (ue)

20 DYN-008

10 DYN-009

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Time (sec)

Figure B.8: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 25 mph).



30 DYN-005
Strain (ue)

20 DYN-006
10 DYN-009

0 DYN-013

2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4
Time (sec)

Figure B.9: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 45 mph).




30 DYN-005
Strain (ue)

20 DYN-006
0 DYN-013

10.7 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.5 11.7 11.9
Time (s)

Figure B.10: Strain responses under Single-Axle truck loading (speed at 55 mph).


Strain (ue)

40 DYN-005


2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (sec)

Figure B.11: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 5 mph).




Strain (ue)

20 DYN-008
10 DYN-009

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (sec)

Figure B.12: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 25 mph).



Strain (ue)

10 DYN-008
0 DYN-013

2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8
Time (sec)

Figure B.13: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 45 mph).



Strain (ue)

10 DYN-008
-10 DYN-016

2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6
Time (s)

Figure B.14: Strain responses under Tandem-Axle truck loading (speed at 55 mph).

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