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Ashley B.

Oliveros 21st Century Literature

From the Philippines and the
11- ABM

Geographic, Linguistic,Ethnic Dimensions of Philippine Literary History

from Pre-Colonial to the Contemporary

What’s New
Task 1. Literary Timeline
What’s More
Activity 1. Who’s Who?
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B

Assessment 3. Saying a Song

Ang Bayan ko (My Dear Country) is one of the Philippines' most recognizable and historic
patriotic songs. It was written in Spanish by the Revolutionary, this concludes as a
kundiman song.This song gained its popularity when it was sung by the singer Freddie
Aguilar after a Marcos Dictatorship—as a result, Marcos banned this when the protesters
sang it. This was sung during the funeral of Senator Benigno Aquino. After in 1896 people
power revolution, Freddie Aguilar sang it in front of millions of Filipino, signifying the
liberation of Filipinos.
Below is the sample to answer the question:
After listening to the song Ang Bayan Ko and discovering its true story, I was mesmerized
by its role in our history. The emotions and messages were astonishing. From the first
message and tone, this was describing how the freedom to everyone is essential and that
even animals have right to gain its independence, so importantly we, as a human. It is
necessary to understand and put our effort into understanding the most significant event in
our history, even if it is just a small piece, because this small part is the reason why our
history is entirely fascinating.

Assessment 1. Characterize Me!

Spanish Period - The Spanish Colonial is the ancestor of our ranch-style house. Limited
ornamentation. Ornamentation on these informal homes was often limited to arches on
entranceways, principal windows and interior passageways. More elaborate homes might
feature intricate stone or tile work, detailed chimney tops and square towers.
Legends - Legends are a form of prose the common theme of which is about the origin of a
thing, place, location or name. The events are imaginary, devoid of truth and unbelievable.
Folk Songs - The typical folk song is strophic: the tune is repeated several times with
successive stanzas of a poem. Tunes may have from two to eight lines, but most often there
are four. The musical interrelationship among the lines is described as the form.
Folk Tales - The most familiar involve the setting, character, plot, theme and conflict, and
style. Most folktale settings remove the tale from the real world, taking us to a time and
place where animals talk, witches and wizards roam, and magic spells are commonplace.
The Epic Age - The Epic Age- a long narrative poems in which a series of heroic
achievements or events, usually of a hero, are dealt with at length. Folk songs are one of
the oldest forms of Philippine literature that emerged in the pre-Spanish period. These
songs mirrored the early forms of culture.

Assessment 2. Closer Look

1. Faith
2. Awe
3. Worship

Lesson 2: Identifying Representative Texts from the Regions

What’s New
1.) Gabu try to create a beach
2.) He has used words like 'waves,' 'sea,' 'shore,' etc. which show that he referring
to the sea of Ilocos. In the poem 'Gabu,' the poet says that the sea is restless and
the waves can be destructive

What’s More
Activity 1. Graphic Organizer

Title of the topic: GABU

Author:Carlos A. Angeles

Question: what is the text all about?
gabu is a representation of life

Question: what is the setting referred to or described text ?
a coastline in ilocos that is constantly experiencing the battering restlessness of the sea.

Question: who is the target group of readers of the text?
the target group of readers is anyone who reads the text which means that all is the
target group

Question: how would you describe the group in terms of skills values beliefs and
the skills values beliefs and attitudes of this target group of readers are described by the
way they interact with people

Question: why was the text written?
in simple words gabu is a poem about the need to love and protect the nature.It gives
the message that we should take care of mother nature every time and not just when it
totally rages out to destroy us

Question: what does it hope to achieve especially among its client?

it is to rise awareness and encourage people to appreciate and take care the nature

Question: who is the voice behind the text?

Question: what is known about him or her ?

Gabu that is written by a Carlos Palanca Memorial Awardee in poetry in 1964,Carlos A.
Angeles.His collection of poems entitled Sun of Jewels also bagged him the Republic
Cultural Heritage Award in Literature in the same year.

What I Have Learned

1. The use of words or figures of speech by a writer or speaker to produce a vivid mental
picture or bodily feeling is known as imagery.
2. Gabu represents an Ilocos shoreline that is continually battered by the sea.
4. It is the text of Marjorie Evasco, a Filipina feminist who is an outspoken supporter of
women's rights

What I Can Do
Activity 1. Verse of the Day
Verse 1.You are all entitled to your experiences that determine how things appear to
you. Each of us might see the same thing differently, but in the end an apple is still an
Verse 2. This is pretty well explains itself. Earth= Somewhere to stay. Water well= We
carry the water. We have to tend a fire. Air song=The wind, and Ether that which our
spirits rise up to heaven upon.
Verse 3. Poets use a combination of new words to gain power to express themselves in
ways they have never done before.
Verse 4.A fire will always sing to you if you listen. A stove under water cannot be lit and
a well filled with earth cannot hold water, they are as dead.
Verse 5. The words we use and how they are spelled, are clearly translatable and easy to
read if one uses the power of ones brain. Ocular =Of or relating to or resembling the
Verse 6. Women from distant lands from all over the world, are far more knowledgeable
than just one. Like a coil of rope which is made up of single strands. As a single strand it
is easily broken, but bind a thousand together and it is far more difficult to break.

Verse 7. Brings the whole poem together. It is a poem about women for women. Though
they may have their differences, once they band together they are invincible. Not only
that, it tells of the strength of any woman, both physically, spiritually and mentally.

1.) C
2.) A
3.) D
4.) A
5.) D
6.) B
7.) B
8.) A
9.) D
10.) C
11.) A
12.) D
13.) C
14.) A
15.) A

Conventional And 21st Century Genres

What’s New
 non fiction
 fiction
 drama
 poetry
POETRY- is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound
and rhythmic language choices to evoke an emotional response. It has been known to
employ meter and rhyme. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode
of expression makes it nearly impossible to define.
DRAMA- is a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story
involving conflict more contrast of character, especially on intended to be acted on a
stage: a play. It may be any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional,
conflicting or striking interest.
FICTION- is literature created from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may
be based on a true story or situation. Types of literature in the fiction include the novel,
short story and novella.
NON-FICTION- is based on facts and the author’s opinion about a subject. The purpose
of non-fiction writing is to inform and sometimes to persuade. Its examples are
biographies, articles from textbooks and magazines and newspapers

Assessment 1
Tristan Café is an example of 21st Century literature which falls under flash fiction. The said
stort depicts extreme brevity where the reader must analyze the story well in order to
understand it's exact message/meaning. The texts and words on the story leads to another
direction/somewhere else. And on the last part, the last sentence gives narrative insight

Assessment 2
1.Genre consists of four elements or parts: character, story, plot and setting. An equation
for remembering the genre is: Story
2.Categorizing movies makes it easier for the viewer to discover what he or she likes and
will want to see. Putting a movie into a particular genre or category does not diminish the
quality of the movie by assuming that if it can be put into a genre, the movie is ordinary and
lacks originality and creativity.
Genre consists of four elements or parts: character, story, plot and setting. An equation for
remembering the genre is: Story (Action) + Plot + Character + Setting = Genre. This becomes
an easy way to remember the elements of a genre. The above elements of story, plot,
setting, and character equal a specific category of movie. These elements are discussed
regarding how their variations create a different category of movie.Some genres may be as
general as comedy but do not have sub-genres like comedy. The sub-genres of comedy
differ from one another based on the fluctuations of the characters and the story. Other
genres are crime, war, Westerns, spy, adventure, science fiction, horror, fantasy, biography,
and mystery. This is why this chapter is longer than the others because of the discussion of
these variations. Drama can be considered a genre, even though some critics do not
consider it a genre because it is too general. If the movie elements are serious and cannot
fit into a more limited genre, then it can be considered a drama. Categorizing a movie
indirectly assists in shaping the characters and the story of the movie. The shaping
determines the plot and best setting to use.

Activity 3
Incorporates handwritten graphics in telling the story.
Uses a comic book format presented in panels read from right to left. They are published
periodically in Japan.
Uses a comic book format presented in panels and read from left to right.
All genres incorporate drawing, illustration, or graphics in telling story.
They’re all basically the same thing. They’re all what non-readers would call “picture
DIFFERENCES in terms of elements:
These 13 mentioned genres have differences and similarities in structure and elements.
Including Illustrated Novel, Digi-Fiction, Graphic Novel, Manga, Doodle Fiction, Text-Talk
Novels, Chick Lit (Chick Literature), Flash Fiction, Six-Word Flash Fiction, Creative Non-
Fiction, Science Fiction, Blog and Hyper Poetry.
What I Can Do


Long, long time ago, the Sun and the Moon were lovers.
Lovers who rarely met and always missed one another.The Sun wanted to make his true
love happy in his absence. He sacrificed his light every night to shine on the Moon He gave
up something he was admired for to let her shine.

1.) C
2.) A
3.) B
4.) D
5.) D
6.) B
7.) C
8.) D
9.) C
10.) A
11.) B
12.) B
13.) C
14.) B
15.) D

Context and Text’s Meaning

What’s In
Genre Similarities Differences
1.) Manga D E
2.) Graphic Novel D F
3.) Blog A B
4.) Doodle Fiction D G
5.) Hyper poetry A C
6.) Text-talk novel A H

What’s New
1.Who are the characters in the poem? Write a piece of short information about each
The 2 characters, namely: Padre Faura and Jose Rizal. Padre Faura acted as the narrator-
kind-of-character in the poem who poetically showed Rizal's execution on a December
morning. He seemed to be a confidant of Rizal as how the poem mentioned their meeting
in the observatory before Rizal's execution. While, Jose Rizal was the character Padre Faura
depicted as the star and is a Filipino nationalist and polymath during the tail end of the
Spanish colonial period of the Philippines.
2.Who speaks in the poem? Extract a sentence from the poem to prove your answer.
I believe it is Padre Faura. It was proved clearly in the line "Instead, he asked me about
purgatory"—which shows the role of Padre Faura to his student, Jose Rizal.
3.Discuss the form/structure of the poem.
A poem is a complete and self-contained work of verse that is written in a fixed number of
lines and employs rhythm, imagery, and often rhyme to achieve its effect. However, the
poem clearly used 3 techniques. 1) Flashback—which is proved in the line "months
ago"and"with the years beginning to turn". 2) Figurative language; and 3) First Person's
Point of View—where the author created the poem's storyline in the eyes of Padre Faura.
4.What was the situation when Padre Faura stood in the balcony of Ateneo de Manila?
Since the text is about Rizal's execution in the point of view of Padre Faura, Padre Faura
witnesses the execution while shivering on the observatory and seeing Pepe between the
soldiers with their mausers raised. And Padre Faura also recalls how he had a meeting with
Rizal on the observatory. Wherein Rizal asked him about purgatory, which he understood
that Rizal is ready for his impending death.
5.What was the situation of our country based on the poem? Prove your answer by
extracting a line from the poem.
The situation shows the fact that the Philippines had not yet achieved independence at that
time. Between the soldiers With their Mausers raised. Filipinos felt oppressed by foreigners,
which is why they decided to fight for freedom. And on this day With the years beginning to
6.To whom the poem is addressed? Explain your answer.
Since the author narrates the execution of Rizal through the eyes of Padre Faura, the poem
is directly addressed to Jose Rizal. It is proved in the line "And the early morning's Star: Still
shimmering Even if millions of miles away, The star itself Is already dead". The author
depicted Jose Rizal as the "miles away yet still shimmering"star.
7.How do you feel while reading the poem, that Padre Faura witnessed the execution of his
former student?
The poem successfully conveyed the raw emotion and view of Padre Faura, how he even
pronounced the state of Rizal before the execution. he asked me about purgatoryHis
cheeks still ruddy. The situation made me shiver also at the thought of witnessing
someone's execution, not to mention this someone is an essential contributor of our
nation's freedom and addressor of the state of the nation.
8.What was the feeling displayed by the author in the poem?
At the first lines of the poem, the feeling displayed by the author was gloomy. Given how
Padre Faura recalls his last moments with Jose Rizal. How he thought they were about to
talk about the stars considering they're in an observatory, but Rizal raised a question about
purgatory. Rizal was ready to be executed, knowing he was fighting for the right thing. But
at the end of the poem, I see that the author sparked hope and strength in the lines "And
on this day With the years beginning to turn"and "And the early morning's Star: Still
shimmering Even if millions of miles away".
9.What was the message that Danton Remoto wanted to convey in this poem?
I suggest that every Filipino read the text in order to learn more about our past and the
great works of Filipino writers. The poem greatly addressed the struggle of our nation for
freedom, as depicted by our national hero's upshot. The poem also tackles its unique form
by conveying a message through the representation of the observatory and stars.

What’s More
Activity 1. Understanding the Text
1.) A
2.) D
3.) D
4.) C
5.) D

Activity 3. Knowing Author’s Context

1. Discuss the environment that surrounds the author while writing the
poem. Prove your answer.
- For me, the author's environment while composing the poem, whether she is
in the province or on a farm, is purely surrounded by plants, flowers, and
trees, with the sound of birds singing and a calming breeze. When she wrote
this poem, the author describes all she sees in her environment and
appreciates viewing the peaceful spot where she is during that time.
2. Discuss the occurring event in the society during that time that influence
the author in writing the poem.
- The occurring event in our society during that time is that our country is
under Community Quarantine. Where people are in their respective homes
only due to the pandemic (COVID-19). And since we can't get out, people are
looking for their own pastime to ward off boredom. So at that time, Dr. Lydia
Villanueva was prompted to write various poems, one of which is titled
"Earnest Wish."
3. Discuss the message of the author in the poem.
- Because we merely stayed in our house, I believe the author's message is
that we may have a lot of fun and learn new things about ourselves and the
environment around us. Secondly, the love of our natural surroundings, which
God has entrusted us with the duty of appreciating and protecting. Also, this
poem wants to convey to us the appreciation of front-liners who are willing to
help those in need. The hard work they do every day is only for the sake and
safety of each other. And everyone only wishes is that one day everything will
be back to normal, just trust and believe, and many good things will come to
What I Have Learned
I recal that Dr. Jose Rizal was shot in Bagumbayan. (place)
During this time, the Philippines was under the Spanish government.
The purpose of the poem was to remember Pepe's sacrifices for our country.
The author wrote the poem for the Filipinos.
The poem was based on the historical perpective. Recalling our past as Filipinos, what was
the most trying moment of Jose Rizal during those time? when Jose Rizal was handed the
death sentence.
With that challenging situation, Dr. Jose Rizal was able to write two novels Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibustirismo.

What I Can Do
A rainy night that spoil my moods..
A chirp of the cricket that steal my ears..
A cool breezy wind that makes me chills..
A feelings that makes me a loner..

What does another day offer after tonight..

Wish a glamorous smiles of a sunrise..
Wish a dry and dazzling green everywhere..
Wonderful day it is when the sun change the weather...

1.) C
2.) A
3.) C
4.) A
5.) B
6.) C
7.) C
8.) B
9.) A

Elements of a Short Story

Lesson 1: Basic Elements of a Short Story

What’s New
1. Where did the story happen? In Liza's home
2. Who are the characters in the story? Liza, Liza's mom and dad, Sylvia, Led, Tita loleng
3. What do you think led to the emotional separation of Liza from her
father? Her father having a mistress and an illegitimate son
4. What was the most interesting part of the story? When Sylvia appeared infront of Liza
to confess and ask for forgiveness
5. What was the story about? It was about the gradual emotional separation of Liza and
her father
6. Who narrated the story? Liza

What’s More
Setting - House
Characters - Liza,Her dad and mom ,Tita loleng,Sylvia ,Lem and Meg
Plot- the story narrated how the main character liza, deals with her family issue specifically
with the affair of his father with sylvia.
Conflict - It is how Liza deal with his father issue with his another woman
Theme- Family Issue
Point of View- Liza


A 1. “Did you meet…her?” Tita Loleng asked.

A 2. The woman looked to me like she was in her forties—the same age as my
B 3. The woman, upon seeing my curious stare, had explained, “I am
D 4. I finally turned to him. There was only one question I needed to ask.
C 5. I wanted to scream at her to let go but I did not move away.
C 6. All my muscles tensed upon hearing her name. It took all my self-control to
outwardly remain calm and simply raise an eyebrow
C 7. When my Dad had come out of the room, I remembered sensing it
immediately— the same way an animal instinctively perceives when it is in
D 8. When her weeping had subsided, she raised her head and looked at me.
“Everyone makes mistakes, Liza.” Her eyes begged for understanding.
A 9. I continued to pick out tomatoes for the sinigang we were to have for dinner. I
wasn’t usually the one who assisted my aunt with the cooking.
E 10. “I’m sorry,” he had told me

What I Have Learned

1.What significant lesson have you learned from the story? How will you apply it
in your own life? The significant lesson is that the love of family is quite a strong bond.
Although people make mistakes like the father did, but one should understand other
situation. Also at times people do forgive their loved ones despite of big crimes.
2. Why do you think some married men commit extramarital affair? Married men enter
into extramarital affair either due to dis satisfaction from current partner, due to their
own weak character, or to help someone else in need
3. React on this: It is ordinary in our Filipino culture for husbands to commit
adultery and look for another woman who can satisfy their desires simply
because they are men and not saints. It is not so ordinary and when a man does this, then
his family especially children do dislike them

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C

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