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VU/EIILM/MBA/2nd SEM/20-21/C-204


2ndSemester Examination, 2021

NGO Management

Paper: MBA C 204

Full Marks: 50 Time: 2 Hours

Answer any four questions from the following: 4x10=40

1. (a) Explain the developmenal contributions of NGO in social context and

briefly describe the difference between an NGO and a Governmental
Sector in operation.

(b)"NGO & CSR are Complimentary to each other"~

Establish this fact in the way of how NGOs and CSR approach can fulfill
each other's obligations: -

2. (a) How NGOs can overcome the challenges of Funding issues?

(b) Briefly discuss the sources of funding.

(c) Mention the need for Management and Professionalism in NGO.

(d) Highlights the characteristics of a Professionally managed NGO.

3. Explain the importance of Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of

Project implementation in NGO Management:

4. Write short note on:

a. RBM
b. Formation of NGO as Trust
c. NGO and Indian culture
d. Structure of an NGO

5. What are the challenges in managing NGOs?

6. Describe the steps for establishment of NGOs.

7. As a Manager of a NGO identify various sources of finance for smooth

functioning of your NGO.
8. Define project. Describe the prime elements of budgeting a project.

[Internal Assessment: 10 Marks]

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