Techtronics Round - 1

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Name: Branch: Sec: SIC:

Duration: 60 Minutes Total Mark: 80


All questions carry 2 marks each.

There is no Negative Marking
Question No 8,11,12,18, 21,33,36,40,38 are tie breaking Questions

1. A crystal diode has ………

1. one pn junction
2. two pn junctions
3. three pn junctions
4. none of the above
2. A crystal diode has forward resistance of the order of ……………
1. kΩ
2. Ω
3. MΩ
4. none of the above
3. If the arrow of crystal diode symbol is positive w.r.t. bar, then diode is …………..
1. forward
2. reverse
3. either forward or reverse
4. none of the above
4. The reverse current in a diode is of the order of ……………….
1. kA
2. mA
3. μA
4. A
5. The forward voltage drop across a silicon diode is about …………………
1. 2.5 V
2. 3 V
3. 10 V
4. 0.7 V
6. The number of depletion layers in a transistor is …………
1. four
2. three
3. one
4. two
7. The base of a transistor is ………….. doped
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above
8. The element that has the biggest size in a transistor is ………………..
1. collector
2. base
3. emitter
4. collector-base-junction
9. In a pnp transistor, the current carriers are ………….
1. acceptor ions
2. donor ions
3. free electrons
4. holes
10. The collector of a transistor is …………. doped
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above

11. The maximum load current that can be drawn is

a) 1.4 mA
b) 2.3 mA
c) 1.8 mA
d) 2.5 mA

12. For the circuit shown diode cutting voltage is Vin = 0. The ripple voltage is to be
no more than vrip = 4 V. The minimum load resistance, that can be connected to
the output is (in kilo ohm)

a) 6.25
b) 12.5
c) 25
d) 30

13. The circuit inside the box in fig. P3.1.31. contains only resistor and diodes. The
terminal voltage vo is connected to some point in the circuit inside the box. The
largest and smallest possible value of vo most nearly to is respectively
a) 15 V, 6 V
b) 24 V, 0 V
c) 24 V, 6 V
d) 15 V, 9V

14. The Q-point of the zener diode in the circuit shown below is

a) (0.34 mA, 4 V)
b) (0.34 mA, 4.93 V)
c) (0.94 mA, 4 V)
d) (0.94 mA, 4.93 V)
15. The pinch-off voltage in a JFET is analogous to ………. voltage in a vacuum
1. anode
2. cathode
3. grid cut off
4.none of the above

16. Which of the following elements of electrical engineering cannot be analyzed

using Ohm’s law?
a) Capacitors
b) Inductors
c) Transistors
d) Resistance

17. What is constant for a charged spherical shell according to basic electrical
a) Electrical potential outside the spherical shell
b) Electrical potential inside the spherical shell
c) Electrical field outside the spherical shell
d) Electrical field inside the spherical shell

18. Where does electro-static shielding occur in a charged spherical shell?

a) When electrical potential outside spherical shell is zero
b) When electrical potential inside the spherical shell is zero
c) When electrical field outside the spherical shell
d) Electrical field inside the spherical shell

19. According to the fundamentals of electrical engineering, which of these is a

correct representation of peak value in an AC Circuit?
a) RMS value/Peak factor
b) RMS value*Form factor
c) RMS value/Form factor
d) RMS value*Peak factor

20. Which of these according to fundaments of electrical energy is correct about

alternating current?
a) Frequency is zero
b) Magnitude changes with time
c) Can be transported to larger distances with less loss in power
d) Flows in both directions

21. How many cycles will an AC signal make in 2 seconds if its frequency is 100
a) 50
b) 100
c) 150
d) 200

22. What will be the direction of the drift velocity of electrons change with respect
to the electric field?
a) same as that of electric field
b) opposite to that of electric field
c) perpendicular to that of the electric field in positive direction
d) perpendicular to that of the electric field in negative direction

23. What will be the current density of metal if a current of 30A is passed through
a cross-sectional area of 0.5m2?
a) 7.5 A/m2
b) 15 A/m2
c) 60 A/m2
d) 120 A/m2

24. Which of the following is correct about the power consumed by R1 and
R2 connected in series if the value of R1 is greater than R2?
a) R1 will consume more power
b) R2 will consume more power
c) R1 and R2 will consume the same power
d) The relationship between the power consumed cannot be established

25. According to electrical engineering, what is zero for a charged spherical shell?
a) Electrical potential outside the spherical shell
b) Electrical potential inside the spherical shell
c) Electrical field outside the spherical shell
d) Electrical field inside the spherical shell

26. It is preferable to connect bulbs in series or in parallel?

a) Series
b) Parallel
c) Both series and parallel
d) Neither series nor parallel

27. Calculate the total resistance between the points A and B.

a) 7 ohm
b) 0 ohm
c) 7.67 ohm
d) 0.48 ohm

28. Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B.

a) 60 ohm
b) 15 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 48 ohm
29. Calculate the resistance between A and B.

a) 3.56 ohm
b) 7 ohm
c) 14.26 ohm
d) 29.69 ohm

30. Batteries are generally connected in______

a) Series
b) Parallel
c) Either series or parallel
d) Neither series nor parallel

31.In a semiconductor, the forbidden energy gap between the valence band and the
conduction band is of the order of:
(a) 1 Mev
(b) 1 ev
(c) 0.1 Mev
(d) 5ev

32.If the conductivity of a semiconductor is only due to break of the covalent band
due to the thermal excitation, then the semiconductor is called:
(a) intrinsic
(b) extrinsic
(c) Acceptor
(d) none of these

33.In a good conductor, the energy levels in a valence band:

(a) are partially filled only.
(b) overlap with conduction band only.
(c) both (a) and (b) are correct.
(d) none of these

34.A hole in a p-type semiconductor is-

(a) an excess electron
(b) A missing atom
(c) A missing electron
(d) A donor level.

35.The mobility of conduction electrons is greater than that of holes since electrons
is greater than that of holes since electrons.
(a) are negatively charged.
(b) are lighter
(c) require smaller energy for moving through the crystal lattice.
(d) Undergo smaller number of collisions.

36. Which of the following is false about the IoT components?

a) A light sensor (photoresistor) is an analog sensor
b) A microphone is a digital sensor
c) A push button is a digital sensor
d) A keyboard is a digital sensor

37. Which of the following is used to capture data from the physical world in IoT
a) Sensors
b) Actuators
c) Microprocessors
d) Microcontrollers

38. Which of the following command is used to trigger the Amazon echo IOT device?
a) Hello
b) Suri
c) Alexa
d) Hey

39. Which of the following is false about the MANET IoT network?
a) It is a self-configuring network
b) It has a low data rate
c) It doesn’t have any encryption
d) Power is readily available for complex security

40. Which of the following is not a sensor in IoT?

a) BMP280
b) DHT11
c) Photoresistor
d) LED

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