DTM 8000674

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Ingliz tili(8000674) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!



1. Choose the correct answer. 9. Choose the correct answer.

She is busy with her homework, you’d By the time the ancient Egyptian civilization
better . . . her alone. began to flourish more than 5,000 years ago,
A) punish B) invite C) advise D) leave the onion . . . the main food throughout the
Middle East for many years.
2. Choose the correct answer. A) was already B) had already been
If I listened to music loudly, . . . you? C) would have been D) has already been
A) has it bothered B) will it bother 10. Choose the correct answer.
C) would it bother D) does it bother . . . of students from schools spent Thursday
cleaning yards.
3. Choose the correct answer. A) The hundredth B) Hundreds
I introduced Sobir . . . Jamila, two years before C) Hundred D) The hundred
they were married.
11. Choose the correct answer.
A) by B) with C) at D) to What . . . you do if you were in my position?
A) will B) would C) do D) did
4. Choose the correct answer.
Jane . . . her house painted at the moment. 12. Choose the correct answer.
That was the . . . performance I’ve ever seen.
A) has B) is having C) has had
D) will have A) bad B) worst C) worse D) worser
13. Choose the correct answer.
5. Choose the correct answer. That is the girl . . . brother came to see . . . .
− Sorry mum! I’ve broken a plate. A) whom/its B) what/us C) that/we
− You . . . be more careful. D) whose/us
A) need B) may C) can D) should 14. Choose the correct answer.
− Is your brother . . . ?
6. Choose the correct answer. − No, he isn’t. He is fat.
“Do you want balloons?” he said to the child. A) thinnest B) the thin C) thinner
D) thin
A) He asked the child if he would want balloons.
15. Choose the correct answer.
B) He asked the child if he wanted balloons. I missed the concert because . . . told me about
C) He asked the child did he want balloons. it.
D) He asked the child whether he had wanted A) anybody B) everybody C) nobody
balloons. D) somebody
16. Choose the correct answer.
7. Choose the correct answer. You are . . . student.
The neighbours apologized . . . me . . . playing
A) the B) a C) an D) −
loud music at 3 a.m.
17. Choose the correct answer.
A) to/for B) by/for C) for/in D) −/on
There aren’t many guests here yet, . . . ?
A) aren’t they B) aren’t there C) are there
8. Choose the correct answer. D) are they
If I don’t succeed . . . my exams, my mother 18. Choose the correct answer.
won’t let me . . . to a disco. − My brother used to work as a waiter.
A) taking/go B) in taking/go − ... .
C) to taking/to go D) to take/go A) So did my uncle B) So does Ben
C) So was Mike D) Neither had John

T-102 Ingliz tili(8000674) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Dear Malika!
I have just got your letter with the picture of you riding a bike. From the smile on your face, I can
tell how much fun you’re having. I still remember when you could hardly ride a tricycle. Now here’s some
advice. I’m sure you’re a good rider. But you may often fall off the bike. So please get yourself a helmet.
A helmet is a hard cap which is worn to protect your head from a head injury. Wear a helmet when you
ride a bike. Wear it every time you ride. I just don’t want a bad fall to wipe that smile off your face.
When you come to visit me this summer, bring your bike. I’m planning to have a ride along the seaside
with you.
Your friend, Aisha.
19. According to the passage, what is Malika doing in 21. According to the passage, what is Aisha planning
the picture included in the letter to Aisha? to do during the summer?

A) She is riding a bicycle. A) She is going to learn how to drive a tricycle.

B) She is not having fun. B) She is going to visit her friend during the
C) She is going to fall off her bike. summer.

D) She is riding a tricycle. C) She is going to take the picture of her

smiling friend.
D) She is going to have a ride with her friend.
22. All of the following statements are TRUE,
20. According to the passage, Aisha’s advice shows EXCEPT . . . .
that . . . .
A) Aisha was worried about Malika’s riding a
A) she wants her to drive a car instead of a bike. bike.
B) she doesn’t want Malika to smile a lot. B) Aisha wanted Malika to fall off her bike
C) she doesn’t like Malika to ride her bike. badly.
D) she cares a lot about Malika’s safety. C) Aisha gave Malika some advice about riding
D) Malika sent a letter with her picture to her

Ingliz tili(8000674) - Sotish taqiqlanadi! T-102

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A poor potato harvest in Europe this summer means that French fries will be up to three centimeters
shorter than usual. The poor harvest is because of very hot summer Europe had. The heat caused a
lack of rain, which meant farmers produced a lot fewer potatoes than they normally do. Pierre Lebrun,
a spokesman from a potato growers’ association in Belgium, said that the farmers grew 25 per cent fewer
potatoes than normal. The effect of this is that potato prices are up and the average size of potatoes
is smaller. Fries are the national dish in Belgium. Belgians love their fries so much that they rename
them “Belgian fries” instead of “French fries” because they say the fries were invented in their country.
Mr Lebrun explained why fries would be shorter. He said, “Generally, to have long fries, we work with
potatoes with a diameter of more than 50 mm. Then you get fries of 8 to 9 cm. This time, as the potatoes
are smaller, the fries will be shorter.”
23. According to the passage, why was there a poor 25. According to the passage, where do Belgians
potato harvest in Europe? believe French fries were invented?
A) due to heavy rain B) due to bad weather A) in Denmark B) in France
C) due to renamed fries C) in Belgium D) in Germany
D) due to lazy farmers 26. All of the following statements are TRUE,
EXCEPT . . .
24. According to the passage, why will the fries be
shorter than usual? A) French fries will be shorter because of poor
potato harvest.
A) There are light potatoes. B) Potato prices are up because potatoes aren’t
B) There are many potatoes. sufficient enough.
C) There is poor harvest. C) Farmers in Belgium produced 25% fewer
potatoes than usual.
D) There is enough harvest.
D) People in Belgium prefer the name “French

T-102 Ingliz tili(8000674) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Today I finally climbed Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. The top of the mountain was
amazing. It felt like we were close to the sky. The snow was so thick that my boots sank. I looked at the
beauty around me. Maybe my story would be a legend one day. I wanted people to remember this forever.
I was the senior explorer in my group. I took many pictures with my camera. I would put them in a frame
and hang them. On the mountain, the air was very cold. I looked over the side of the mountaintop. From
that angle, I saw the border of the clouds touching the rocks below. It looked pure. There was no sign of
modern life. After fifteen minutes, I knew it was time to go down from the mountain. I was glad. The
team congratulated us. My chief praised us. I sent messages to my relatives to tell them that I was safe.
But it was hard to leave the mountain so quickly. I wanted to enjoy the incredible sight longer.
27. According to the passage, what is this story 29. According to the passage, the author was happy
about? to do all of the following, EXCEPT . . . .

A) Modern life on the mountains. A) getting praise from his chief

B) How to use a camera on the mountain. B) leaving the mountain quickly
C) The author’s incredible experience. C) hearing his team congratulate him
D) The conditions of terrible weather. D) sending messages to his relatives
28. According to the passage, what did the author see
from the angle over the side of the mountaintop?

A) His picture in a frame.

B) The sun in the east.
30. According to the passage, the air at the top of
C) The border of the clouds.
the mountain was . . . .
D) His boots in the snow.
A) cold B) warm C) hot D) thick

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