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Dr Magedy Hawi Vince Silvestro

Top 10 Street Drugs

Ecstasy Amphetamines Gamma hydroxybutyrate Anabolic steroids Marijuana Heroin Cocaine Tobacco Alcohol Prescription and non prescription drugs

Structure of this presentation

The drug and its pseudonyms Why people use it Hazardous effects Signs of abuse Price and availability Pictures

Also known as: MDMA, 3,4methylene dioxy meth amphetamine XTC E Why people take it: Euphoria (extreme pleasure) Social disinhibition

Hazardous effects: Nausea and sweating Involuntary jaw movements/jaw clenching and teeth grinding Dry mouth, tremors, blurred vision Anxiety,panic, hallucinations, poor concentration, confusion Hyperthermia and hyponatraemia

Signs of abuse: Loss of appetite. Insomnia Depression and irritability Tired and depressed from Monday to Wednesday Cost and availability: $40 a pill, widespread and readily available

Also known as: Amphetamines Meth/methamphetamine Glass Why people take it: Euphoria Hyperactivity/endurance to party Insomnia Anorexia

Hazardous effects: Panic attacks Depression Paranoia/hallucinations Volatility/aggression Signs of abuse: Hyperactivity/insomnia Prolonged periods of sleep/social withdrawal Anorexia/weight loss

Price and availability: $100 per gram! Readily available Swallowed, smoked/ inhaled, snorted, injected

Left: Speed Crystal

Speed: Crystal form

Speed - Powder form

Speed - Powder Form

Pure form of speed (90%) $200 per gram More dangerous owing to potency Psychosis/ paranoia/ hallucinations/ violence

Grievous bodily harm

Also known as: Gamma hydroxy butyrate, GBH/GHB Fantasy, blue nitro, liquid E Why people take it: Potent euphoric Social disinhibition

Hazardous effects: EXTREMELY dangerous Very easy to overdose and die Sweating/twitching/fitting/coma

Signs of abuse: Anxiety Depression Hyperactivity

Price and availability: Cheap: $4 per mL Becoming increasingly common on the dance scene Odourless Tastes foul/salty Is a liquid

Anabolic Steroids
Also known as: Roids Juice Anabolics Pumpers Gym candy Common brands:Andriol, Decadurabolin, Primoteston, Stanazol, Sustanon.

Why people take it: Poor self esteem Vanity Peer pressure Venting of anger Gym culture Availability Strong dealer networks in the Canterbury/ Bankstown area Boredom/unemployment

Hazardous effects: Liver failure Psychosis Relationship breakdowns/anger Reduced fertility Growth stunting Hirsutism Development of breast tissue Elevated cholesterol Elevated blood pressure Fluid retention Heart arrhythmias/heart attacks Permanent voice changes

Signs of abuse: Baldness Acne Roid rage/mood swings Becoming aggressive Rapid weight gain Rapid muscle development Price and availability: $120-160 per 20mL of Stanazon vial Available in most gyms Tablets or injections

Hashish(resin form) Pot Grass Weed Dope Joint Why people take it: Depressant Makes them feel dreamy and relaxed Disinhibition

Hazardous effects: Poor/impaired perception Poor memory Loss of coordination Impaired judgement Disinhibition Motor vehicle accidents Lung cancer Hallucinations Paranoia Loss of initiative and ambition

Signs of abuse: Inattention Poor memory Hindered learning Reduced fertility Glassy, red eyes Sweet, burnt scent Price and availability: $350 per ounce ~ $12.50 per gram



Also known as: Smack Horse Junk Why people take it: Euphoria

Hazardous effects: Overdosing - death from respiratory arrest Limb loss - stroke, heart attack, heart infections Cost of maintaining addiction Blood borne diseases (HIV, Hepatitis) Addiction Nausea, vomiting, constipation

Signs of abuse: Track marks Skin infections/ulcers Constricted pupils Sleeping at unusual times Sweating, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, poor concentration Change in personality Work and relationship problems Crime Lying Irresponsibility, self-destructive behaviour

Price and availability: $30 per cone (0.03 of a gram) Price and availability relate to market forces Injected, smoked, snorted, Burnt on a silver foil and inhaled (chasing the dragon)

Also known as: Coke Crack (the crystal/rock form of cocaine) Why people take it: Feeling of confidence/power Euphoria Energy

Hazardous effects: Fits Strokes/heart attack and death Psychosis/delusions/paranoia Anxiety and depression Traumatic injury owing to violent behaviour Perforated nasal septum Addiction Foetal abnormalities

Signs of abuse Changed personality, especially paranoia Periods of hyperactivity followed by crashing and feeling down/depressed/fatigued Burnt fingers due to holding hot glass pipes Reduced appetite Violence and injury

Price and availability: Very expensive $200 per gram Uncommon in Australia


Also known as: Cigs, ciggies, smokies, fags, coffin nails Argilla, hookah Why people take it: Extremely addictive Pleasurable and relaxing (as it relieves nicotine withdrawal symptoms) To lose weight Peer pressure

Hazardous effects: Cancers: lungs, mouth, tongue, throat, larynx, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, uterus, cervix, kidney, bladder, leukaemia Vascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, limb amputation High blood pressure Lung diseases: emphysema, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis Foetal abnormalities, miscarriages, premature births, birth defects, low birth weight babies Passive smoking, asthma, bronchiolitis, heart disease

Signs of abuse: Nicotine stained fingers and teeth Malodorous clothes Price and availability: ~ $10 a packet

Also known as: Beer, booze, grog, spirits, wine, etc... Why people take it: Social disinhibition Mild euphoria Reduces anxiety

Hazardous effects: Liver failure and death Accidents and violence Hallucinations blackouts fits Permanent brain damage and memory loss high blood pressure Stroke heart failure Pneumonia Ulcers pancreatitis Relationship problems Can suppress the immune system disrupts absorption of nutrients

Signs of abuse: False id cards Intravertion, poor judgement Clumsiness, slurred speech Sleepy, drowsy Price and availability Everywhere: ice cream, confectionary, biscuits

Vodka-flavoured Magnum ice cream

Tia-Maria-flavoured Tim Tams

Prescription medicines
Opiates: Panadeine forte, endone/oxycontin,MS Contin/Morphine, pethidine etc Benzodiazepines: (sleeping/anxiety tablets) valium/ducene, Temazepam,Normison, Mogadon, Rohypnol Amphetamines: Duromine, Dexamphetamines

Non-prescription drugs
Pseudoephidrine Glue Liquid paper Aerosol sprays (spray paint, hair spray) Petrol, thinners Cigarette lighters Nail polish remover Cleaning fluids

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