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Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies

[Constituent of Symbiosis International University]
Range Hills Road, Khadki, Pune - 411020

A Report on
Corporate Social Responsibility
Undertaken at

Organization: BYTA

Submitted by:

PRN: 20020441231 Roll No: D_16
[Batch: 2020-2022]

CSR Period: Nov 2021 to Feb 22

In partial fulfilment for the MBA Degree Course

Submitted to:

Mr. Aditya Dhuri Sir

CSR Mentor @ SIMS, Pune

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Sr Description Page Nos.

a. Preface 3
b. Acknowledgement 4
Table of Contents
1. About CSR and Organisation (Max 1000 Words) 5-6
2. CSR Project work allotted and done across 120 hours 7-15
Includes Pranay work, CSR Guest session, and CSR project
with KMC or other NGO (Max 2000 words)
3. Learning through CSR activity (1500 Words) 16-18
4. Expected Benefits (500 – 700 Words) 19-20
5. Suggestions (500 Words) 21
6. Bibliography 22

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It is critical that those of us who prosper in this society also contribute back to it. With that goal
in mind, I decided to participate in this SIMS-sponsored CSR project.
This report provides a consolidated record of all Pranay, Yoddhas and Services CSR
initiatives (BYTA).

This report details the tasks I completed as part of the above-mentioned CSR efforts, as well
as the lessons I learned from them. We are expected to write a report on the CSR project that
we undertook as part of the MBA curriculum in order to gain knowledge and experience in the
subject of "Corporate Social Responsibility." The CSR project chosen by us is “LACK OF

Under the guidance of Sir Aditya Dhuri, we completed the project on ‘LACK OF PUBLIC
RESTROOMS IN PARK STREET AREA’. Working on this project allowed me to develop
a better understanding of the NGO's operations and the impact they have on society.
The overall CSR experience was instructive and rewarding, and I consider myself fortunate to
have been given this chance.

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Completing this project required a great deal of direction and assistance from many people,
and I am overjoyed to have received that aid in order to complete my project successfully. I'd
want to use this occasion to thank and express my gratitude to everyone who was directly or
indirectly engaged in the project and who has supported, encouraged, and assisted me
throughout my studies. I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who helped me complete my

First, I would like to thank Mr. Aditya Dhuri, for providing us an opportunity to do the project
work and giving us all support and guidance despite his busy schedule. He taught us many
things which I shall remember always.

I would also like to thank my mentor, Dr. Rashmy Moray mam for his constant support and
guidance at every stage of the project.

I cordially thank our CSR team, Team Pranay and Team Yoddha for their guidance and
suggestions during the project work. I would also like to thank Team Pranay for executing such
beautiful events for NGO’s and giving us an opportunity to be part of it.

Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Swati Vispute, faculty in-charge of CSR at SIMS and the
Director, Brigadier Dr. Rajiv Divekar (Retd.), for their continuous help and support without
which, the CSR program would not have progressed so smoothly.

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Corporate Social Responsibility is based on the idea that those of us who have been fortunate
enough should give back to society and community. The act of contributing to the poor and
less fortunate individuals of our society, as well as to the environment, is what Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) is all about. Businesses aim to incorporate environmental and social
concerns into their operations and communications with all of their stakeholders with this in
mind. CSR is commonly defined as the process through which a business achieves a balance
of financial, environmental, and social goals while simultaneously meeting the demands of
investors and partners. Various initiatives are undertaken every year towards these goals of
overall social well-being and upliftment. These contributions are viewed as the basic
responsibility of all citizens who are capable enough to contribute in any way, shape, or form
towards the goal of social well-being.
Responsible entrepreneurship, corporate accountability, corporate responsibility, corporate
citizenship, corporate ethics, and "triple bottom line" are some of the terms used to describe
corporate social responsibility (CSR). As corporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes more
integrated into current business processes, the terms "responsible competitiveness" and
"corporate sustainability" are becoming more popular.

As evidenced by the hugely successful "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan," the Indian government takes
Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously (Clean India Initiative). Various drives and
activities were held across the country as part of this programme, encouraging the general
population to participate in the cleanliness of their surroundings. Many individuals were seen
gladly and happily engaging in these events, as people from various backgrounds and societies
came together to contribute to environmental preservation.

Along with this initiative, the government has passed a strict law which states that it is
mandated that every organisation must contribute at least 2% of their earnings towards
Corporate Social Responsibility. This contribution cannot be only financial. The law dictates
that the organisation must actively participate in Corporate Social Responsibility activities and
events in person, as volunteers. By working towards CSR in person, the employees attain a
deeper appreciation and a greater feeling of content for having contributed selflessly towards a
good cause. Corporates and organisations often partner with a Non-Profit Organisation (NGO)
and contribute solely to that NGO only. This contribution enables the NGO to grow and help
in a larger capacity towards the cause that they work towards. If an organisation is consistently
doing good work in the CSR space, they build an ethical and trust-worthy image in the minds
of its customers and thus increases their value. The companies now must be socially
accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. This scenario is a win-win situation for
all parties involved, as well as the society and environment. India is a growing economy, so
the number of companies will only grow. With this growth, there will also be a growth in the
contributions made towards Corporate Social Responsibility, thus increasing the number of
efforts made towards social and environmental causes.

Along with this law, the government has also started raising widespread awareness about the
importance of Corporate Social Responsibility, even in rural areas. Campaigns and events are
held outlining how every citizen needs to be responsible towards the society and towards the

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environment. Multiple marathons and fund-raisers are held to raise money which goes towards
an important social or environmental cause. As globalisation has increased to a very large level,
environmental and social threats are looked at with a lot of scrutiny. This put added pressure
on the countries to take effective steps towards improving the social and environmental
concerns faced by them. The involvement of celebrities in these campaigns helps reach a wider

At this time, it's necessary to distinguish between CSR, which can be an important corporate
management concept, and noble causes, sponsorships, or charity. Even if the latter can make a
substantial contribution to poverty reduction and improving the organization's goodwill and
image in society, CSR is much more than that. A firm must first be responsible to itself and its
investors before it can be socially conscious. Organizations that implement CSR programmes
usually expand their businesses to the point where they can give back to the community. As a
result, CSR is mostly a strategic decision made by huge corporations. Similarly, the higher the
moral standards a corporation must set for its friends, competitors, and industry, the more
visible and effective it is.
The major CSR issues talked about are environmentally conscious management, eco-
effectiveness, responsible sourcing, labour standards, stakeholder engagement, working
conditions and labour rights and standards, worker and network relations, social value, gender
balance, human rights, corporate governance, and anticorruption measures.
The idea behind executing CSR is to create a positive impact in the minds of the customers
also it provides various competitive advantage, higher access to capital and markets, expanded
transactions and benefits, reduced operating costs, improved profitability and quality are just a
few examples, just a few examples include a more productive human asset base, increased
brand value, increased consumer loyalty, greater risk management, and decision-making skills.

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To cover the 120 hours, we did various activities under Pranay, Yoddha, CSR Guest Session
and CSR project. The detailed explanation are as follows:
Pranay work
The team Pranay did an amazing job in conducting different types activities for us to take up
while being in online mode. Given the online mode the activities were very different from the
past years but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed making all the items, it was like the inner child
is living again.
A. One of the initiatives I really liked was the happiness box, the box not only brought
happiness to the face of the kid but I could feel this joy as well. There is a different kind
of satisfaction when you make something with your own hands and gift someone which
can never be felt by donating money. The happiness box contained items:
 Art from waste.
 Digital puzzles or brin teaser based on different occasion.
 Thank you letters for Indian Army.
 Thank you message for the covid warriors.
 Providing meals
 Flashcards for children learning
 Story Narration

B. Activities like feeding an animal and Planting Trees made me feel so much closer to
nature and gave me a chance to appreciate life.

C. Education is very important if we want to make our country better and it is every child’s
right to get educated. Taking a step in this direction I narrated them a story with a perfect
moral that people should treat every living being good no matter who they are and
should plant as many as trees possible.

D. Writing thank you letter to the soldiers made me immensely happy, being from defence
background I look up to soldiers and I am always indebted to their service.

E. Rubaru sessions were conducted every week and I was fortunate enough to be part of
it at least once, I took the opportunity to teach the kids about different topics.

Yoddha work

Under Yoddha activities we made various asked to do Yoga Posters which can help people to
prevent different types of cancers. In the article writing section we were asked to write a story
of a person to whom we have witnessed, or any actor, influencer or role model that we admire

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fighting the cancer. In Rangon ki Goonj we wore a caner ribbon and spread awareness related
to that particular cancer by writing about it and circulating it and inspire the cancer patients
with the inspiring story of cancer fighters. Then in the end we were asked to make Christmas
poster for the cancer patients with a beautiful message for them. The feeling that a small effort
of mine could bring some joy into the lives of the cancer patients was very uplifting.

CSR Guest session

Every year SIMS conducts various guest lectures taken by corporate experts belonging
from various fields. This year owing to pandemic and unavailability in real life led to
real-time lessons conducted virtually. The guest lectures scheduled touched upon a myriad of
topics, for example environment degradation, women empowerment, rural upliftment etc.

1. 28th July, 2021: Ms. Megha Verma (Katalyst)- CSR.

2. 31st July, 2021: Mr. Umesh- CSR.

3. 3rd August, 2021: Ms. Pallavi- Vaayu Mitra- CSR.

4. 18th December, 2021: Mr. Abhishek Ranjan (Director, Sustainability Brillio):

explained to us how businesses play an important role in bringing the lower echelon
people to the higher side. How we should aim at developing us a better leader.

5. 29th December, 2021: Lt Col Suresh Patil (Green Thumb)- Environment Global
Warming and Contribution of Green Thumb: In the guest session conducted Col Suresh
Patil he told us about what all we can do to protect our environment and he also told us
about his initiatives on environment global warming. He discussed his attempts to
remove silt from the Khadakwasla Dam, as well as the value of tree planting. The silt
removed from dams can be used in cultivation and road building, as well as allowing
the dam to hold more water, saving more water. Such activities benefit the people of
the surrounding areas as well, as they have a cleaner environment.

6. 30th December, 2021: Ms Poorvi Shah (CEO Katalyst)- Guest session was conducted
on Jan 30, by Poorvi Shah where she spoke on why gender equality at work important
and how equal opportunities is could be created for empowering women. She threw
light upon how women face high gender inequality when it comes to top positions of
the company and explained her journey of reaching the present heights and promoting
gender inequality.

7. 10th January, 2022: Mr Amrut Bang- Why CSR? - Understanding the Spirit to Inform
the Practice: Amrut Sir conducted guest session on 10th Feb on the topic “NIRMAAN-
youth with a pro-social purpose” where he explained us that we youth are the future of
the country and how India as youth face has an average age of youth as 30 whereas
China’s is 49. How we can bring this fact to our advantage and focus on prospering and
become a better nation. It was a great learning experience attending such informative

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and important lessons in our life. I would like to thank the managing committee of CSR
for conducting such great lectures.

8. 11th January, 2022: Dr. Usha Pillai (Director – IDEA Foundation)- Journey of IDEA
with special focus on its CSR partnership: In the guest session conducted Usha ma'am
she taught us about the importance of NGO and how we could start one.

9. 24th January, 2022: Mr Priyadarshan Ture- Challenges in CSR: CSR guest session was
conducted by Dr. Priyadarsh Ture on 24th Jan 2022 on the topic working as a volunteer
specially at times like the lockdown.

10. On 14th February, 2022, Dr Asha Deshpande spoke about “CSR Placement Kamayani
Prashikshan and Sanshodhan Society”. This organization works toward the physically
and mentally disabled individuals.

11. On 19th February, 2022, Mr. Madhish Parikh, Founder and President of ELIXIR
Foundation held a session on how one can get into CSR.

12. On 25th February, 2022, Col. D. B. Tingre, Head – udChalo spoke to us about the
initiatives the organization his organization has taken to help out veterans of the armed

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Problem of Lack of public restrooms in the Park Street area

The lack of a public restroom in area is very bad sign of state of cleanliness in that particular
area and areas adjacent to that. Now a day’s people are much more aware and are not ready to
accept this kind of negligence in the society. With the added consequence of having a pandemic
people are also aware of the things that can happen if there is this type of negligence in society.
One of such places is the park street area in Kolkata which is a very good area but suffers from
this negligence of not having any public restroom in this area. This causes many problems for
the people in this area. The hawkers and small shop owners might suffer from health issue
either because of no able to relieve themselves for longer durations or even if they do that will
be not hygienic and they might catch some diseases. This also affects the big shop or restaurant
owners who might have restrooms at their places, but people by seeing the condition of that
whole area might decide to not visit there anymore until things get better. This may also effect
on the economy of the place.
Food contamination is described as foods that have rotted or been tainted as a result of the
presence of microorganisms such as bacteria or parasites, or toxic compounds that render them
unfit for human consumption. According to scientific study, food contamination is a big
problem in India, as unrestricted microbiological activity and the use of pesticides and
antibiotics pose substantial threats to food safety, while junk food and other chemically-laced
meals worsen the problem. As we see in the cause effect chart it happens due to two reasons
which are improper solid waste management in the area and lack of funding towards sanitation
control in the area. It is a very bad situation if people get ill just by visiting such places and a
little more by having the street food that is there is the area. It will be a problem for the vendors
of the area as well because of this situation they will have a bad reputation and not many people
will come back to the area which might then result in bad image of the overall place in the city.
It is seen that there have been some cases of food poisoning and spread of contagious diseases
which had led to many people not going there only for very important work. It gives a place
very bad reputation and also a bad economic value.


People living in nearly 40,000 houses here have to go without a proper toilet. As Kolkata is
attempting to shed its colonial history and come to terms being in 21st century city, a large
portion of the population does not hesitate to urinate in public. The absence of a sufficient
quantity of public restrooms in a city is spread over 185 sq km has merely contributed to the
causes for causing public annoyance. On World Toilet Day Over 1.5 lakh people lacked access
to restrooms. In case of women, the amount of restrooms that are accessible is significantly
fewer. There are still 39, 826 houses in the city without toilets, despite the fact that the majority
of people (74.67 percent) utilise what are usually referred to as "water closets,". In addition to
this there are a lot of people living on the streets, and the city has some serious problem. In Park
Street Kolkata, service toilets are still used by 5.89 percent of the population, while pit toilets are

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used by 15.11 percent of the population. Long stretches in the city, such as Park street areas are
without public toilets and nearby undeveloped lands can be put to excellent use. Some roads,
such as Bidhan Sarani, the poorly maintained public bathrooms are inconvenient for both
hawkers and passers-by. As a matter of fact, Subrata Mukherjee, former mayor had screamed at
a man when he saw him urinating near Maidan.
The frequent outbreaks of diarrhoea and cholera, according to environmentalist Ravi Menon, are
due to this practise. " In Kolkata, this is still the most serious health threat. Nothing has changed
despite countless campaigns. The threat has increased as the number of people living on the
streets in the city has also increased. The situation will not improve unless the encroachments
are eliminated.," according to Menon.
Several projects to enhance the number of toilets are now underway. Our main objective is to
promote these projects so that people get more aware of public toilets for proper utilization.


The expense of hospitalisation in Bengal, particularly in the areas around park street, is greater
than the other districts’ average, as suggested by the National Sample Survey Organization's
newest findings.
Even when overall medical expenditures are separated into two major categories - medical
expenses and non-medical expenses - it is still greater. Allied expenditures such as personal
medical equipment, physiotherapy, attendant fees, blood, oxygen and plasters are among the
additional expenses.
This may explain why individuals in Bengal, particularly those living along park street, prefer to
be admitted to a public hospital rather than a private healthcare institution, which is in stark
contrast to the trend in other major states. In Bengal, 526 out of 1,000 patients pick a public
hospital, whereas the national average is just 320. The private hospitals got 474 out of 1,000
hospitalised patients, which is much lower than the national average of 680..
One of the explanations for the high average cost might be because the great majority of patients
in Bengal are uninsured. Other states have a larger number of insured people. The absence of
packages is the reason for the additional charges. Hospitals have been steadily shifting away
from bundles and toward a more fragmented and individualised billing structure, which is
driving up prices.

 Sensitize people regarding the importance of public cleanliness of the place, hygiene of
the place and basic cleanliness for their own good health.
 Conduct drives to encourage people to adopt hygiene habits and use public restrooms.
 Approach the Governments in order to get public portable restrooms setup in that area.
 To run a campaign to reduce the hospitalization expense at least for 3 months as it has
been seen that majority of the public hospitals have patients who are suffering from
cholera. So, after complete awareness of the public rest rooms, we can assume that the
rate of hospitalization might come down.

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 It should be made aware to the people of that area that the problem of not having public
restrooms might be seen as a bad image of the place and they may not get enough
customers that want to come to that place.
 We also need to make aware of people that it might be also work as a positive addition
to the features of the place which will eventually help the whole place grow.
 With social media allowing us to harness all the information in the world on our
fingertips, it acts to our advantage. We can circulate information about these campaigns,
and encourage people of these changes by the city so they can see it as a place to visit
how they earlier used to.
 Making posters on paper and sticking them around the city may be counter-intuitive to
our objective, so we can upload attractive posters online, and circulate them stating the
importance of public restrooms in different areas where it is not available.

For this to improve the city have to do a better job at overall educating people and make them
understand in simple words how this may impact their lives as well so it would be a little easier
for them also to implement some behavioural changes in the food vendors and hence improving
the overall image of the place and it can also act as a promotion strategy for the local market
so the people can visit there. The main solution according to me is to do a better of working
out the waste management system of the area and the to increase a little more funding towards
sanitation control for the area which may include making new and improved facilities,
educating the people of the market about how having basic sanitation in the area will also help
them in a long run, taking help of the children population of the vendors to make a point as
they are more curious and might be easy to work with at starting new things in the area,
appointing few volunteers who will monitor these things from time to time for a better and
improved system in the area etc.

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Cause and Effect Chart














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In this cause-and-effect chart we have placed all the effects that can be caused by not having
at least a basic access to public restroom area. We have already explained all the causes and
effects in the section above and all of these problems can be reduced heavily just by keeping
the area clean and providing a few public restrooms in the area. As we may think that not
having the area clean around work and not having access to basic public restrooms only affects
up to basic things like contamination of food products or more hospitalization among these
people but there are many things connected to these things like not being able to afford medical
needs, because of which they may loose out on work for few days which is very important for
them and children may not have a better cognitive development due to diseases occurring at a
young age etc. All of this and many more things can happen if basic sanitation and public
restrooms are not provided to these people on the streets.

 Estimated Budget Plan I – Placement of portable restrooms

We have made our budget and plan on the basis of our solution provided that is
placement of a few portable restrooms in the area which are available at around five
thousand per piece and so we have planned for a total of three portable restrooms that
can be placed at identified places like Asiatic society, Park Street cemetery and Allen
Park. All these three identified places can cover the whole area and provide a better
coverage to the whole area. We have also planned for people that will be available for
maintenance for the time of our project that will also cost us some money.

 Estimated Budget plan II – Education of People

We have also planned for some trainers who can effectively deliver some sessions to
the people of the area about basic sanitation, cleanliness and how it will help them in
overall better their lives. As it is a very difficult task to teach something new to the
people this will be a crucial part of the project and will have to be monitored closely.

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Estimated Budget Plan – Placement of portable restrooms

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The college gave us ample opportunities to contribute in CSR activities. The social help club
called ‘Pranay’ and the cancer awareness club called ‘Yoddhas’ gave us numerous tasks that
help in the betterment of the society. These small tasks made us feel satisfied as individuals
with a contentment that we contributed in bringing smiles on the faces of the underprivileged.
Along with these activities, the CSR guest sessions were an indispensable part of the course
where in we got to know the various aspects of CSR, its importance, contribution to the society,
the various trends. It also gave us an insight how companies look at CSR, how they implement
it, what are the motives behind it etc. These sessions came from individuals who have been
part of the industry since long. The CSR project was even more enhanced with the BYTA
simulation project that helped us pick up one social problem and analyse it, by studying the
cause, effects, problems, analysis, solution. The learning from each of these activities have
been mentioned below.

Pranay Activities -

 15 Digital Flash Cards- We had to make flashcards for children. In that we could take
any topic for their understanding. It was a good activity as it showed us how simple
things can be taught to children with attractive visuals.

 Yoga with Yoddhas- We had to take our picture in a yoga pose that is beneficial in the
prevention of cancer. This was helpful as we had to search which yoga asana helps in
which cancer prevention. We did the pose and learnt about its benefits and most
importantly could impart this knowledge to the needy via this activity.

 Video Message for Covid Warriors- This activity required us to record video
messages in Hindi and English for the covid warriors. It helped us convey our
heartfelt gratitude to the covid warriors because of whom we are able to live safely
inside our homes.

 Inspirational Story of Cancer Survivor-In this activity we had to write an inspirational

story of a cancer survivor. It was inspirational to read and write the story as we got to
know about the survivor’s struggles and the triumphant journey.

 Feeding Stay Animals- This activity was unique as we had to feed the stray animals.
This helped develop compassion towards the animals and also made us mindful about
the food we feed them.

 Planting Saplings-This activity was directed towards the environmental responsibility.

We had to plant saplings. This helped us in playing our part well towards the concern
and care for nature.

 Rangon ki Goonj- This activity helped us in getting to know the different colour of
ribbons for different cancers. This was really new to us and helped us know why
certain colours are associated with certain cancers.

 Brain Teasers for Kids- We had to design brain teasers for kids in an NGO. This was
an interesting task and also helped us know new things.

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 Food for Poor- This activity required us to give food for the poor. It was a kind
gesture that we could feed someone with food.

 Greeting Card for Cancer Patients- We made Christmas cards for the cancer patients.
It was really fulfilling as cancer patients would certainly be happy when they receive
a card from a stranger wishing them the best of health. It taught us that it’s the simple
gestures that can make a person happy.

 Best Out of Waste- This activity enabled us to think out of the box and come up with
a creative item made out of waste material. It helped us know that things can be
reused and turned into beautiful items rather than being discarded.

 Letters to Soldiers- We wrote letters to soldiers thanking them for their selfless
service. This activity helped us show gratitude to the soldiers who serve the nation
with all their heart.

 Freewill CSR- This activity helped us think differently and perform any CSR activity.
It gave us freedom to decide how we would like to contribute towards the society.

BYTA Learnings –

I appreciated working on the BYTA project "Gender Inequality in Education" since it gave
me the opportunity to collaborate with others as a team to achieve a common goal: to
eliminate the inequality among education in girls in rural area.
This initiative has not only assisted me in raising awareness among rural residents, but it has
also provided me with a wealth of information on Inequality I education among girls. While
working on this initiative, I took on the obligation of educating people through various
seminars/events as an individual. Gender Inequality in education is still stigmatized in many
places and thus this project is something which should be implemented.

CSR Guest Session Learnings -

These corporate social responsibility guest workshops were both informative and effective.
These talks discussed a variety of topics related to CSR, such as its relevance, problems, and
trends. We received information about CSR and the significance of it. Corporate social
activities, in fact, may affect a student's perspective through the different events that they do.
These sessions majorly helped me to understand the importance of CSR as followed –
 People apply to a number of companies for a variety of reasons, one of which is their
commitment to corporate social responsibility. A CSR plan, in my opinion, illustrates
that a company cares for its employees and treats them with respect. And a business
that is committed to making the world a better place is more likely to attract excellent
talent. This exemplifies the importance of employees taking on social duty.
Employees gain from CSR initiatives by being more productive and happier at work.
It motivates employees to volunteer and make significant contributions.
 Employee Retention and Engagement - Employees prefer to work for companies with
a positive public image. CSR programmes that foster qualities like empathy and
loyalty are examples of CSR initiatives. As a consequence, employees benefit from

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enhanced cooperation and camaraderie. Employees who are pleased have reduced
turnover rates, which is conventional information.
 CSR is a practise that ensures corporations exercise social responsibility, not merely a
business strategy. Businesses that have effectively adopted CSR strategies are those
that are aware of the impact their activities have on society as a whole. The ultimate
purpose of these methods is to promote societal well-being through activities that
enhance the environment, economic, and social concerns.

These workshops provided insights into the importance of CSR and assisted me in
understanding the different initiatives undertaken by the organisations. Also, in order to
accomplish our strategy, we need to understand the hurdles, therefore some of the guess
sessions were heavily focused on CSR problems. These guest sessions were, on the whole,

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Expected Benefits
To SIMS -CSR as a concept is transformational in itself. When we give back to the society,
the feeling of contentment and happiness is paramount. This is in complete sync with the motto
of our esteemed institution ‘Make a difference’. Hence, by the various CSR activities, the
institution stands proud of having students who live up to the values. CSR helps to build
community engagement, it fosters new relationships between the mentors, mentees. It helps
have a great impact on the community from the institution as a whole. It attracts resources and
individuals to good and meaningful programs.

To students-Social initiatives when linked with management ideas along with the cooperation
of the institutions such as civil groups, administration, forces etc. can give rise to
transformational concepts that have the power to make this world a better place to live in.
Having the opportunity to use the management skills and acumen of the past 2 years in an area
that needs immense work and development made us not only capable managers but also
responsible human beings. It enabled us to be active participants in promoting social, economic
and environmental sustainability. It helped us to use the leadership strategies, and knowledge
for investing in the society that benefits underprivileged as a whole. It has enabled us to think
from the societal perspective as well as use business ideas and management dynamics to create
successful plans for mitigating the problem.

To BYTA-The organisation BYTA has been doing really good work over the years. It has been
instrumental in making us ponder over the issues that we think are important for the society to
solve. Through our ideas, it gets a launchpad and diverse set of opinions and an effective
modus-operandi as a way forward.

In 2019, nearly 350 million tonnes of plastic trash were created by humans worldwide, with
roughly half of it ending up in landfills. This is unquestionably a plastic generation, and it's a
pity that the majority of plastic isn't recycled. Despite the fact that human plastic usage has
grown out of hand, plastic was created for a reason. Its goal, without a question, is to make life
easier. We might go to the shop and get a water bottle in a sturdy container. We can carry your
groceries in plastic shopping bags. We may buy food that has been carefully packaged. Plastic's
complexity allows it to be used practically anyplace, this is where the problem starts. micro
plastics have found their way into our meals and at the highest peaks and deepest depths,
they've been discovered. When plastic is everywhere, it's difficult to limit the amount of
garbage created. However, there are various advantages to decreasing plastic waste. Above all,
it benefits the environment.
If plastics have an impact on animal health, they will certainly have an impact on human health
as well. As mentioned earlier, the food we eat is almost certainly contaminated with plastic.
Every year, roughly 120,000 microplastic particles are consumed by people through ingestion
or inhalation. Ingesting microplastics raises the danger of chemical exposure and serious health
complications. Toxins emitted by plastics have the potential to cause cancer, auto-immune
diseases, a higher risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, as well as a slew of other ailments.
Also, pregnant women may be able to convey plastic particles to their unborn children. Plastics
are harmful to the human body, and the manufacturing of plastics is harmful as well. As the
required elements for making plastic are taken from fossil fuels, the discharge of pollutants into
the atmosphere, creating a health risk to humans. Plastics were intended to benefit humans

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rather than damage them, though research indicates that it is causing more harm than good.
Reduction of plastic waste would lead to better health for humans.
Maintaining the reputation of business by enforcing excellent hygiene procedures in public
toilets. Every feature of a structure or property communicates how we feel about our image,
visitors, customers, or clients. If we do not ensure that everything is clean, appealing, and
hygienic, including public restrooms, then our entire reputation will be tarnished. Blocked
drains, open-lid toilet flushing, inadequate handwashing or hand drying, poor or infrequent
surface cleaning, and leaving trash bins out in the open can lead to extensive bacterial and virus
contamination in restrooms. However, a few incidences of infectious illnesses, primarily
involving fecal-oral transfer from restaurant washrooms, have been documented. Although
toilet flushing and the usage of hand drying equipment pose a danger of microbial
aerosolization, we discovered no indication of enteric or respiratory infections, including
COVID-19, being transmitted through the air in public restrooms. Hand hygiene, surface
washing and disinfection, and washroom upkeep and ventilation are all likely to reduce the
spread of infectious diseases.
Since sanitising and cleaning public restrooms removes germs and other organisms from the
environment, we'll cut down on the spread of several really nasty illnesses. Influenza is a good
example of a disease that can spread from person to person because the infected person touches
washroom surfaces. The humidity in public restrooms is exactly right for viruses, bacteria, and
other pathogens to develop and thrive on the sinks, toilets, and other fixtures.

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There are many suggestions that can be given to all the people based on this problem that we
have faced in our city and have tried to change and rectify it.
 The people of particular area need to be made aware about the effects of no public
restrooms in the area in various ways such as (less footfall of people, hence less
economic activity for them, health problems for the locals in terms of communicable
disease from bad environment around, bad image of the place means no new thing
would come there, and hence it will overall impact their income from these activities.)
 The people need to be made aware that whether they are owners of big shops,
restaurants or small hawkers on the streets, they can have a talk with their local political
leader or the city’s municipal office to have a solution for this problem.
 One of the major things that we need to educate people which will not only reduce their
smaller problem of cleanliness in the area but also the bigger problem of plastic usage
is to educate people to reduce the usage of single use plastic such as Straws, to-go cups,
disposable razors, and plastic grocery bags are some basic examples of single-use
products in our economy. Finding a reusable option for these items we use once and
toss is a simple way to make a big difference. Doing these practices might have a
positive impact on the environmentally aware people of today and they may love to
visit them just because of this new proposition of reduction of single use plastic in the
 While replacing all single use products with reusable products is best, it can be too
quick for the people to get used to at first. To get started, we have to teach them some
basic stuffs and also may teach the shop owners to give and option like consider whether
the product will be used for more than an hour. If, like a plastic grocery bag, the
product’s useful life is less than an hour, try replacing it with a more sustainable
alternative. One of the best ways to avoid these products is to refuse them before they
enter your life or if it is very necessary then reuse it almost to the end of the product’s
life. We also need to have subtle hints in the area for messages like, bring your own
bag, order a drink with no straw, and decline unnecessary receipts.

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